
Social Etiquette Quotes

There are 494 quotes

"You're a good king; we're inviting you; you're accepting; it's all very well and good."
"In order to be treated like a king or a queen, you have to treat people like kings and queens."
"Laugh at ourselves first and foremost and others, provided you shouldn't make fun of people actively."
"One of my biggest pet peeves is when people don't say please and thank you."
"Treat every single person that you meet... with the kind of respect that you would want to be treated."
"It's good to be fashionably late, but there is a point where you miss the party altogether."
"If you're in a bad mood, don't be going out in public ruining everybody else's day just for the sake of it."
"Don't be a dick. You can have one, just don't be one."
"You shouldn't have talked about politics at a party."
"Have really good manners, say please and thank you."
"Good manners is the best treasure that you can have that people can appreciate."
"Your table manners speak volumes about your refinement and are often interpreted as a sign of character."
"It's not about being snobby or showing off but rather to show respect; your host and your dining partners will greatly appreciate your manners."
"Small talk is a huge part of etiquette, course it is one of the most important aspects when it comes to socializing, making friends, making business contacts, and really being there out and about and meeting people."
"All I'm trying to say is, why don't you just be considerate of the people around you?"
"It's respectful to not invite somebody to something that they don't want to do."
"Be nice to everyone, say please and thank you all the time."
"Don't be a jerk to cast members; treat them with respect."
"Don't be a dick to people, even if they have what you know."
"This is why you guys should mind your own business because if you're too nosy in other people's business you will go into the creepy crawl space for the monster."
"Masks and handwashing and being polite... is that simple."
"Firm handshakes, ladies and gentlemen, firm handshakes."
"Please be a bro and not spoil others' experiences."
"If you don't show your appreciation for people this month you failed."
"Putting down your phone and paying attention to those talking to you, there's an app for that, it's called respect."
"Showing up on time means you respect other people's time."
"Let's normalize respecting people's boundaries."
"You wouldn't appreciate being bombarded with insults, so let's not do it to others."
"Know Thy situation, understand the dress code."
"If you're gonna come to the house with food, why not bring food for everyone?"
"Don't go talk about somebody's personal business."
"Do not harass this person, blah blah. That will help with your actual audience, your community, the people you actually like, uh, enjoy."
"You don't want anyone filming you being a jerk, okay? Yeah, you just want to yell at this, like, you know, barista for messing up your drink."
"Never tell your significant other to shut up in front of people. Just don't."
"There's literally no need... say something nice or keep your mouth shut."
"If you see me washing the car anywhere, don't ask me when I can do yours because it's not funny."
"To respect everybody's opinion at least and let them express respect this opinion."
"Stop and don't bother to interrupt them, respect their privacy."
"You have to realize that your ex's friends or family may keep in touch with you with the blessings of your ex."
"Your cup of coffee. If I'm talking to you, why the heck are you on your phone? Yeah, that is the most disrespectful thing, you know what?"
"Encourage gentlemen by being grateful for their gallantry."
"Everybody needs to keep their hands to themselves, don't go putting your hands on people."
"Guys, we need to keep it down, my parents are trying to sleep upstairs."
"The etiquette here is 'do you know who I am?'"
"Really the moral of today's story is Mind ya business, Stop being so quick to judge, Keep ya damn hands to yourself, Stop touchin' black women's hair period."
"Those kids are right. They're not saving the seat. It belongs to someone who went to the concession stand."
"It's like going to the bathroom and not closing the door."
"I think being polite, especially to others... shows how you were brought up."
"Reacting poorly to something you disagree with is not acceptable."
"Everybody try to make it seem like is this big thing, it's just simple, that's just respect each other."
"Charles excuses him from the garden party due to Megan's behavior being unacceptable."
"It's okay to have an opinion, just don't be a jerk about it."
"You don't have to like somebody to respect them."
"In 1994, after multiple rewrites and changes, the final product was released and it was a smash hit."
"It's like, you know, people just need to be more respectful about the fact that you're talking about somebody's health."
"Let's give them the respect and space they deserve."
"When someone tells me ahead of time 'we're not talking about that,' you don't talk. Period. We move on. And that's the fact."
"Stop any invasive questions about people's bodies."
"It's more awkward and painful to misgender someone."
"If you act like a spoiled tourist, locals will not like you."
"People need to mind their business, this is y'all's business."
"Never crack a joke about your husband's honor or capabilities in public."
"Stop putting your filthy hands on other people's mouth holes. It's never okay."
"It's just disrespectful and it leads to hurt feelings and arguments."
"It's like a fart that lasts 25 minutes. That's an aggressive food to bring into a car."
"Shout out to all the real ones who let you know when there's boogers in your nose."
"As long as your baby's not crying you can stay in the movie."
"Manners are a huge thing in the south, whether you're a little kid or you're an old man. You need to have your manners when you're here."
"Don't take my parking spot. I just feel like it's pretty obvious if like there's a shoveled spot and the rest of them aren't shoveled that you probably shouldn't take it because someone's coming back, you know?"
"There is a way to talk amongst your friends and there is a way to talk amongst a professional environment."
"I was like uh I don't know what to say like everything I could think of saying right now seems kind of disrespectful"
"To avoid any trouble during the practice, Abigail suggests the princess dance with her father."
"Am I the jerk for ruining my friend's dinner party because I didn't like the food?"
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it."
"Never forget to bathe. Always use deodorant. Try not to be a musky husky, alright?"
"Yo, chill bro, chill. You talking too loud."
"I was finishing up a pretzel I didn't want to be chewing in your face or in your ears when I switched over hello hey."
"It was still creepy because you shouldn't be going up to someone massaging their shoulders from behind that you've never talked to or interacted with or even met in your life."
"The worst thing you can do is come over to somebody's house and tell them how to cook."
"Did you say please? Did you use your nice words?"
"Where is your class? Where is your decorum? Who raised y'all?"
"You go to live music to have fun, and if your version of fun isn't obnoxious and disruptive of the other people around you then do whatever the hell you want."
"Yes, I put the cart back. Yes, if you don't put the cart back you're part of the problem."
"Is it airborne? Is it safe to go back to school? Do you have to pay for a gift at a zoom wedding?"
"Thank you, have a nice day." - A polite way to end any interaction.
"I hope you said thank you." - A reminder to express gratitude.
"Don't mess with people's day, family, food, or money."
"You don't [expletive] at somebody else's house, it's disrespectful, that is psychopath."
"It's always nice to have good manners when you're playing Hearthstone."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you goes a long way."
"You just gotta be polite that's all you've got at the very least be polite and if they say no then well there's always next time."
"You don't mess with someone's children, you just don't."
"Thanks very much for coming, really appreciate it."
"It's a testament to the sheer politeness of the Japanese language that you're either apologizing or saying thank you to someone in advance of something that may or may not even happen in the near future."
"If you don't return your cart when you're done you're a lazy slug."
"That's really how these things should go but I don't want to see anyone's life get ruined over this whole incident."
"I was so focused on that line I literally forgot to wish this."
"The person who has loud phone conversations in public."
"You brought another woman to a party which your girlfriend was gonna be at."
"Cordial is not somebody who only speaks to you when you speak to them first that's not cordial."
"Hey dude, you're being a little loud, could you just chill out?"
"Guests always they overstay their welcome they become unwelcome."
"I kind of want to say something to Dom but I don't want to be like a weird fan and Dom came up to us and then was super nice too."
"It's just too much, isn't it? Don't mess around with other people's food."
"It's not about being able to take a joke though, it's about common courtesy, respecting others."
"If you are not abducted, raptured, dead, or Batman, return your damned cart, you scoundrels and rapscallions!"
"If you get nothing to say, nothing nice to say, just don't say it."
"Keep the comments nice, like my mother used to say, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything."
"I researched this with Miss Manners to argue with my mother when I was a teen about why I didn't have to send thank you notes."
"You walk in and go, 'Hey, I left my card here.' And she's going to go, 'Oh yeah, I saved it for you.' And you're just going to get it. Great, that's it."
"Would you be upset if one of your guests livestreams your like wedding without your permission?"
"You certainly don't have to like them, it's okay to be annoyed by them, but there's no reason to be mean to them."
"It's cool to be a real one, yes, but don't be a real *sshole."
"It's rude when you cancel it with no reason. That's rude, that's in poor taste, it is bad business."
"I think he gets donkey of the day and the reason I'm going to say that is number one when you're sitting on a plane and somebody's right next to you I never had my phone with somebody could be my text messages especially if I'm talking about you."
"Imagine how you would feel if I came along and dumped my luggage by your seats."
"No, you don't have to wear that, I'm just trying to be courteous of other people."
"No one's like, only a table of extremely unhelpful antisocial people would hold it against you as a new player getting a rule wrong."
"I don't invite myself nowhere. You gotta invite me. I don't invite myself places, bro. Like if I'm welcome in this space, I'll know that, you know what I'm saying?"
"When you see Dave outside, don't ask him for a photo, black."
"Show a little respect, show a little class for the people who got hurt or lost their lives. I mean, that's pretty sickening."
"Leave people alone, bro. Treat people with the respect you want to be treated with."
"Civilize yourself and accept the rules of being part of civilized society."
"Yes ma'am, no ma'am, excuse me, thank you, please, appreciate it, respect goes a long way."
"Leave people who don't want to be contacted alone. If they want our influence, they know where to find us."
"As a man, you're supposed to know what to do with that. Just say, 'Well, you know I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work out, but you know what I'd really love to see you. We should get together and have dinner sometime. When are you free?'"
"Communication is not saying everything that comes through your mind."
"Are you within your rights yes should the guy have moved on yes are you an a-hole for collapsing a tent on a toddler yes."
"Not the a-hole you asked him to leave and gave him a time frame he didn't respect that and instead laughed about the situation as if it were a joke."
"Interrupting a compliment is the worst thing that can happen on planet Earth."
"The biggest lie ever told is any voicemail greeting that says sorry I missed your call."
"What if someone thinks that is polite but you find extremely uncomfortable?"
"Respect people's time. It doesn't matter if you have less items to buy than the other person."
"Make sure you look like you're going to brunch or to Easter not like you're going to a frat party or strip club."
"People are allowed to say no to you in your advances, and you have to respect that. It's not hard."
"If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all."
"So with all that being said, what exactly are manners and which ones does a modern man need to know? Find out, gents, in today's video."
"Interrupting others? In general, you don't want to do this. But if you need to, make sure to use the word 'excuse me.'"
"Do not pull out your phone, don't even put it on the table."
"Don't be a jerk, don't ghost, and don't consider the people you have sex with any less worthy of your time and energy than people you interact with in public."
"Let's not be braggadocio's about money, especially to family or who you think is your family."
"It's okay to not like things, but don't be a dick about it."
"If you don't have anything nice to say, just don't say it at all."
"When somebody wants to do something for you, say thank you."
"Please just, if you are doing this, be respectful of employees. Be respectful to the people around you."
"I hate when people start doing spoilers in the chat."
"If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."
"Plane rides are communal experiences and a time to maybe just try harder not to be [ __ ] to each other."
"Respectfully asking for a tip is acceptable but abusing or harassing someone is never acceptable."
"I just hate how aggressively douchey they get about taking photos of the bill with the signature and everything that's what bothers me."
"In bird culture, this is considered a dick move."
"Just try to respect people's pronouns. No one will give a [__] about an occasional slip up if your heart's in the right place."
"Am I the jerk for ordering an expensive meal with friends who always insist on splitting the bill?"
"Probably the main thing I got out of that, was, pardon my French, fuck being polite!"
"Opinions are like [bleep], everybody has one. That doesn't mean they necessarily need to go around showing it to people."
"The invasion of privacy was just like what is wrong with you."
"What they needed to do was walk out of this event smile wave stand pose."
"We shouldn't be shaming anyone. We shouldn't be having arguments about it. Just educate, make the decision."
"Please, please, we're in the middle of a Chipotle. Please, Tony, I'm begging you..."
"You are a gigantic [__]. You don't get to decide for someone how they eat their food. You're splitting the bill, she gets to eat some bread."
"For us to not accept the invitation or for us to not dress for the occasion of the invitation is a slap in the face to the Lord Jesus Christ."
"If a woman is alone on the streets or in public, don't ask her out. Most women would rather be left alone. If she's in a group of friends, maybe in a bar or something, you could go over and try and make conversation and see if she's interested."
"Why do you have to be a destroyer of joy? It just... it's frustrating again especially as people who are in a position where we get lucky we get to go to see these things early..."
"Respect women. There is no step number two, you just gotta respect them."
"Step number one: respect women. Step number two: there is no step number two."
"There's a special place in hell for people who don't put their shopping carts back... is it so hard to walk and put it where it's meant to go?"
"Punctuality... always being late... that's a bad sign... they are either flakes, insensitive, or just think your time is not important."
"But if I don't find a funny way to tell you to sit on the blanket and take your shoes off and don't turn that this way and what does it mean when you're squinting and all these whatever things I I had to make a joke out of it."
"Don't ask women if they're pregnant, they tell you when they're pregnant."
"Don't just sneak photos, say hi." - Steve Lacy
"It's fine, the track comes to an end, we come to a definite conclusion, I say thank you very much with a smile and I can walk off and I haven't been rude."
"People who make a pattern of being rude to the waitstaff, it's very uncomfortable."
"There's movie etiquette: During the previews, have your phone out, go ham, have fun, talk to your friends. When the movie starts, turn your phone all the way off."
"It is never funny when another black woman or any woman talks about somebody's mother or calls another woman out her name that's not okay, period."
"If you don't like someone and you don't want them to be somewhere, don't invite them."
"Just because you know where I live doesn't mean you're invited."
"Don't give a gift if you expect anything in return."
"It's called privacy and you should respect that."
"At the end of the day, disrespect is disrespect."
"There's nothing worse than someone that is rude to like bartenders oh I hate people like that it's just have some respect they're better than them"
"It's common courtesy you make a great point somebody once told me the greatest form of disrespect is not argumentation it's actually ignoring the other person that's the greatest form of disrespect."
"Save time on your phone for moments when you are alone or no one is trying to interact with you."
"Speak respectfully to one another with no name-calling."
"People who play loud music in public should be subjected to music they dislike for an equivalent amount of time."
"You step up, give her a bow... It's a secret."
"Everybody has a right to be wrong, but keep that [expletive] to yourself."
"Your hygiene matters, especially when it comes to business, social events, and relationships."
"It's disrespectful, especially when they can hold it back. Man, not just me."
"Make sure you're doing it in a respectful and mannered way."
"Please be kind, be sensible, be patient, and be respectful."
"Enjoy the show... don't ruin someone's night for no reason."
"Know when it's okay to send a friend request, and always introduce yourself if needed."
"Using words such as please, thank you, and you're welcome is the first way that you show others kindness and respect."
"Airports and libraries are the two places where it's just rude to take a phone call and start screaming into your phone."
"Expressed in the positive, the second rule is respect people's boundaries."
"And I was like, okay, Zach, I think you should give her your number."
"It just feels like the goal of the game was to maximize the fun and the immersion and the narrative and just bring out the best."
"Good morning to them as you pass them on the street. Common decency and manners is going out the window."
"And please be brief when you say hello uh don't milk it uh we're happy to see you too but we just we're just two friends having a nice time."
"Be nice to people... being rude doesn't get anywhere."