
Self-approval Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"You don't need other people's approval or permission to be happy."
"The only approval that matters is to approve of yourself."
"All the happiness, all the approval, and all the growth is within; the outer world is a reflection of the inner world."
"You don't depend on anyone or any external factor to give you love, to give you approval."
"Stop thinking of everybody else, stop seeking everyone else's approval, and seek your own approval."
"Stop seeking everyone else's approval and seek your own."
"If you trust that the universe has your best interest at heart and is going to deliver you to your highest good, then you can give yourself a gold star."
"You can live your whole life trying to get approval from a world that is so fickle."
"Living my life for the approval of other people is a ridiculous waste."
"Don't let other people's approval or you messing up on something be too much of a catalyst on whether you're going to be happy."
"Don't give people too much power over you. It's okay to admire others, but remember, you don't need their approval."
"Always got to like your own videos. My mama always used to tell me, 'You better like your own stuff; if you don't, then who will?'"
"You're gonna come out on top, you're gonna like it."
"Acceptance means finding approval...taking responsibility for your life."
"When you make progress even a little bit you think, 'Hey, that's all right.'"
"The only person's approval that you need is your own."
"I have nothing to prove and only one to please."
"We think we need someone's approval to live our own lives and make our own choices, but it's a lie."
"The only person's approval that you need when it comes to doing things for your life that impact you is your approval."
"The day that you're not approving of yourself is the day you've rustled up about someone else's approval."
"When you get what you want in your struggle for self and the world makes you King for a Day, just go to the mirror and look at yourself and see what that man has to say."
"He's the fellow to please never mind all the rest for he's with you clear up to the end and you pass your most dangerous difficult test if the man in the glass is your friend."
"The only person that has to give you permission is you."
"It was never important to me to have that approval or tolerance or endorsement or celebration."
"Only when you require no approval from outside yourself can you truly own yourself."
"No one can really approve or disapprove of you. They project, they speculate, they have an image of you. And that's also freeing. So in the end, the only opinion that matters is your own."
"Don't wait on nothing, don't wait on nobody's approval."
"The only person you need approval from is yourself."
"Don't be looking for man's applause when God has already approved you in private."
"There's only one person who needs to approve of you, and if he's good, screw everyone else."
"I'm sorry but like I have full on Kris Jenner vibes right now and I think she would be very proud."
"Many of us don't act because we want other people's approval. Who wants to be upset with yourself?"
"When you know somebody more important approves of you, it makes the opinions of people a whole lot less significant."
"Approval: choose to approve of yourself and others will too."
"Just focus on your own life and make sure that you approve of yourself."
"You've paid your dues. You don't need my permission or approval. You've earned it."
"Your future self advises not to seek anyone's approval; focus on your own path."
"Seek validation within; the key to unfettered tranquility lies in self-approval."
"Don't ask for nobody's approval and don't look for anybody's approval either."
"I have to create and become a person who I'm proud of."
"My own approval of myself is more important."
"Real happiness and peace don't come from other people's approval, but from knowing we've been true to ourselves."
"Seeking self-approval rather than constantly depending on external validation is one of the cornerstones of stoicism."
"If I'm doing it to please each and every person, I'll dilute who I am."
"You gotta approve of yourself. You gotta prove yourself."
"Free yourself from the incessant search for approval and value your own inner voice above the external noise."
"You, the narcissist, will never approve of me but you see I approve of me and in my world that's where I draw the line."
"Satisfaction: Let the energy of love guide you to self-approval."
"Let the energy of love guide you to self-approval so that others no longer define who you are."
"You have to go from external status to internal status which is that you approve yourself."
"The only approval you need in life is that of yourself."
"I want to do all the stuff that when I look in the mirror, I can like go to sleep and like look myself."
"I'm not living to prove or disprove anyone else because the only approval that matters is my own."
"My name is Nina boy Nina brown and I approve this message."
"I should have just going through my list and going don't pick your top one that you kind of like pick the one that although you think everyone else can like pick the one that is a little bit more unique and special that you're gonna love maybe."
"It's my sculpture, and the number one person that has to like it is me."
"The one who approves you is the only approval you really need."
"I am very surprised and pleased with myself."
"I'm not actually seeking your approval on anything, that's the part they don't like."
"It's important to strike a balance to realize that while social acceptance can be gratifying it's our own self-approval that truly holds the key to Lasting self-confidence and contentment."
"The only person that has to like it is you and if you like it the chance of other people liking it because you play with sincerity is pretty high."
"The only person that has to be happy with that way is you."
"We can never please everyone okay and the one person that's the most important for us to please is ourselves."
"You don't need other people's approval to be happy."
"We don't look to the media for approval."
"By freeing ourselves from the need for external approval, we open the doors to a more authentic and rewarding path."
"Who are you looking for approval or you feel like someone's gonna say something? You're a grown woman and you can make decisions. If this is what you want to do and it makes you happy, do what makes you happy."
"We continue to take personal inventory and to love and approve of ourselves."
"I just needed approval from myself."
"You don't need approval from others; you're supposed to feel good about what you're doing."
"Turn your sense of approval inward."
"I don't live my life solely to get your approval. I've got my own life to worry about."
"You don't need people's approval, and that's really respectable."
"I'm real enough to admit that I'm not searching for approval."
"Looking pretty good if I do say so myself."
"Live your life to its fullest potential and let go of the need for approval from others."
"I am free of the need for the approval of others."
"Your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me, but I do, I finally do."
"That is a cool looking dragon right there if I do say so myself, and I do say so."
"We want to let go of all the need for approval from anyone outside of ourselves."
"Our approval of ourselves matters more than another's."
"You only need one person's approval, and that's your own."
"Queens go and get the money for themselves and then they approve of men that come with a money philosophy that is consistent with her own."
"You don't need anybody else's approval to be happy."
"That's not bad, I'm so happy with myself."
"You're not trying to get their endorsement; heaven approved you before they ever rejected you."
"Develop a deeper and more satisfying feeling of self-approval."
"You've spent so much time thinking you needed other people's approval, not realizing that you already are good enough."
"Approving yourself to do the things that you like to do and going after the dreams that you like to go after."
"What if you continue your journey without the approval of others?"
"We're doing it for ourselves; we're not doing it for other people's approval."
"The only approval that you're really gonna want and get is your own."
"At the end of the day, what's important is not whether people praise us and approve of us, but whether we feel at peace with our own actions."
"That's who you need to impress at the end of the day, is yourself."
"The only person whose approval I need is myself."
"I'm very happy with how they came out, they look good in my opinion."
"At the end of the day, I do it for me. It's kind of like, 'Alright, I thought this was cool, I'll put it out there. Do with it what you will.'"
"You don't need anybody else's approval to do what you want."
"Don't live your life waiting for someone to approve of it; approve of your own."
"The only approval that you need is your own as a man and to stand on your own two feet and make your own decisions."
"It's a different mentality now; it's no longer a search for approval."
"You're not living for your parents, you're not living for nobody else. You don't need nobody's approval but God's."
"Happy is the man whose heart condemneth him not in the things that he alloweth."
"I look in the mirror and I'm like, no, this is sick."
"Loving yourself is a freedom that cannot be matched by anyone else's approval."
"The only permission you need is yourself."
"This is pretty freaking good if I do say so myself."
"That is a good iced coffee I've made there if I do say so myself."
"I'm gonna give myself a big ol' thumbs up, I hope that you too will give me a big ol' thumbs up."
"Living for the approval of other people is exhausting."
"Nice, if I do say so myself, that looks pretty good."
"Be proud of yourself, remember, work hard enough so you're proud of yourself at the end."
"I don't live my life seeking the approval of anyone else."
"They prioritize personal growth over social approval."
"That's a mighty fine margarita, if I do say so myself."
"You have to live your life in a way that you like the person that you are."
"Happy is the man that his conscience doesn't condemn him in the things which he allows."
"You don't need my approval for that... if you want to do something, if you think it would look cool or it's a thing you've got in mind, nobody needs to vet your ideas for it."
"Stop wasting your time trying to get a bunch of people to approve of the dream that you have for yourself."
"Pretty nice if I do say so myself."
"Nothing like a productive day out if I do say so myself."
"You're not going to seek anyone's approval; you're not going to let anyone speak for you anymore."
"Excellent choice if I do dare say myself."
"We spend so much time seeking approval from other people, and really and truly, like why?"
"Once you stop looking for their approval, you're truly free."
"If I do say so myself, this is really good."
"Doing things to gain other people's approval... when you grow up and stop giving a duck about other people's opinions, life is so much better."
"Really, really good if I do say so myself."
"You don't need anyone's approval but your own."
"This was a great purchase, pat on the back."
"You're not living for the approval of man."
"I don't need the approval of others to feel good."
"It doesn't matter what your parents think... your approval is nice to have but not necessary."
"I don't need anyone else's approval or validation in order to do something that I want to do."
"Stop looking for the approval from other people."
"I am quite pleased so far myself, yes."
"I would love to have me as a neighbor."
"I won't put it out unless I'm happy with it completely."
"I was talking to my mom and she said that she was proud, but I know that I won't feel it till I'm proud of myself."
"At the end of the day, you gotta have that resignation within like, job well done, you set out what you wanted to do, you accomplished it."
"I don't need your approval, but this is somebody who is now ready to stand in their own power."
"I love and approve of myself just the way I am."
"Quit looking for everybody else to approve me or look out for me. How do I feel about myself? That's what's most important."
"I'm not going to wait on approval for myself, it's just holding me back."
"First of all, you need approval and love from yourself."
"Don't look for approval and recognition in those places because they've already made up their mind and you don't need them."
"You don't need to look for people's approval; sources already approved somebody."
"You don't need to look for approval from other human beings."
"Only you give yourself a pat on the back or a sticker."
"You're not looking for people's approval anymore, Source has already approved you."
"No matter what we're getting from other people, if we don't have a solid sense of approval to self, we're never going to feel full."
"I don't need anyone else's approval to be proud of myself."
"If you don't like it, I like it and that's what matters."
"Love yourself and give yourself the approval that you used to need from others."
"I'm really happy with them, and that should be all that matters."
"Smile, breathe, and be proud of yourself; you're doing a really good job."
"Do you like it? Ooh, I like it, and that's all that really matters."
"It's coming together quite nicely, if I do say so myself."
"A man cannot be comfortable without his or her own approval."