
System Design Quotes

There are 544 quotes

"There's a lot of rules that you have to put into a system to be able to trust it."
"If you follow these rules, you can create a loop that functions well, performs well, and also looks amazing."
"I think it's generally good to have some kind of separation of powers where you're architecting the governance."
"Design a system that's thoughtful and intelligent."
"A good anti-fragile system is a system in which all mistakes are good mistakes."
"If you understand the incentives of human nature, you can build a successful system."
"Well-designed systems and good cultures might be able to mitigate some of these problems, but it's very hard to eliminate this incentive mismatch entirely."
"The system is built around freedom, not around oppression."
"Ultimately, it is still a game worth playing, just to see what kind of experience a single great system can give a player."
"Screw up your incentives and you can break things pretty quickly."
"If you're going to create systems, let's recognize human frailty, not build systems that celebrate greed, encourage censorship, and a lack of transparency and accountability."
"You need a system that modifies corruption toward benefiting the system."
"Meaningful work creates meaningful relationships if the systems are tuned to push people in that direction."
"Limitations and consequences are crucial for a well-crafted magic system."
"Front end is what humans interact with. Back end is doing important stuff behind the scenes." - Chris Peach
"If you have a problem, you demonstrate. That's the design of the system."
"The financial system should be built to work for everyone, not just a select few."
"If you're building a machine that's designed to be resonant to all of those systems, you're designing a structure that in turn could manipulate those systems."
"We're really talking about people... to easily access the system... give clear guidance."
"The system that Twitch has designed here is so coercive it is bad for streamers it is bad for viewers and it's good for Twitch only in the short term."
"Let's design a system that is more relevant, reactive and that the metrics of which are the life that these children could aspirationally lead, not a resume that they are or a boilerplate that they're filling out to just get through."
"The closed system ensures a consistent consumer experience every time."
"Linux is this giant system where you pick and choose what you want."
"One of the first things that is pretty important when you're developing large complicated software systems is to be able to break them down into separate subsystems."
"Design the system to adapt; ideally it should automatically shrink the capacity at night when traffic is low and then grow it back during the day when it's high."
"Polymorphic systems tend to be easier to maintain, understand, and extend. Those are all properties of things that we really like and we look for."
"It's no good to have a cool algorithm without the wiring that says, okay, instantiate this, instantiate that, and then hook it all together."
"When you can change the behavior of the application simply by the way you wire it together differently, you have a lot of possibilities."
"Customize the system to your own personality and needs."
"I think that's a really unique and interesting system."
"Everything is going to run off our batteries so that's where we start."
"There's a lot of interesting things you can do there."
"This game's confusing, it's long, and it's a mess of a ton of different systems so don't feel too bad."
"As developers, we need to be asking ourselves, 'Is this move going to introduce more complexity into a system?'"
"Dialogue options, gender options, a gear system, loot system."
"All of these gameplay systems are meant to immerse you in the world."
"We need to embed our values in the systems themselves."
"The thought of shutting down the system of fighting with my own developed system is quite intriguing to me."
"Could it be studio interference that kind of murdered his original vision for the movie?"
"It's easier to understand, easier to use, easier to balance."
"What we really want is to create systems that work with us so that we can make better decisions."
"You have to have good systems and good combat. If you do those two things, you succeed as an MMO."
"Even if I'm just playing without your Artie Lange."
"The enemy of a good game system is having to have it kind of linked to this sort of system where we're trying not to break the balance of the game."
"Normal horizontal scaling is totally awesome and valid and acceptable."
"Padlock is the first system designed to help you build good habits and break bad ones."
"We're gonna say it equals DI.Get(). DI will take care of constructing it and dealing with the construction of it."
"You can have energy systems that are totally 100 solar wind and batteries. Not only can you have that system, that system is the cheapest possible energy generation system on the planet."
"It's a pretty intuitive system, it's pretty simple, it's relevant, and it's complex enough to not be mindless overall."
"Universal healthcare with private insurance makes sense."
"Simple and immersive systems like this truly elevate the gaming experience."
"If a system is just increasing passive stats one percent at a time, then you've pretty much lost me. But if each point I allocate drastically changes the way I experience the game, then I'm sold."
"Build systems with limitations and restrictions, because left to our own devices, our brains will take the path of least resistance." - Thomas Frank
"Dice has the makings of a progression system here."
"It's hard to find fault with a system that allows players to have on hand exactly what they want at any given time."
"Sometimes developing a deep and rewarding system and then dropping the player into an area to run wild is a formula for success."
"The dream is to create a system that you can love and they can love you back."
"Microservices enable loose coupling, allowing for easier and quicker changes without breaking other components."
"What if we can... create these new systems for ourselves, create new mediums for ourselves...?"
"It's world-building on an epic scale that completely works from beginning to end."
"The game itself has some really good systems in place."
"Being obsessed with how much your teammates suck isn't a bug of this system, it's a feature."
"Think of what our problems are, focus on that, get the kind of system right."
"The best incentive is no incentive, a distributed system with no incentive breeds natural alignment among stakeholders to maintain forward progress."
"Skyblock needs a progression system that's not class-based but something that like there's a lot of puzzle pieces that fit together but certain ones make an image."
"Every system should have its goals and objectives explicitly defined at the outset."
"As you can see, we were able to put together a pretty good order entry system in just about an hour."
"The spell creation system blew me away I was so impressed with how awesome that whole process worked out to be and I'm pretty excited to play around with it in the future."
"Once we understand crossovers and where we should have them in our system, we're going to get better performance and our system is going to be more reliable."
"I'll start adding some tasks. This is a super simple tracking system."
"Problems are an inherent part of life; they're baked into the system."
"If you design a system that works and you build a team that works in a system then you're gonna miss out on a lot of good players."
"What distinguishes UNIX system from any other system is the degree to which those building blocks can be glued together."
"What's important about the UNIX system is not so much what Ricci and Thompson put into it as what they were able to leave out of it."
"And the whole kit is designed to make this system feel really cool."
"The kit is designed around the training and the three different weapons."
"The system itself looks amazing. Anything you decide to do contributes to the actual progression of your artifact weapon."
"A new system that can create many variables sounds delicious."
"If the system is made right, it's unbiased and genuinely shows you what is best for you based on the data."
"I think there needs to be a more fluid and a live contract system in the game."
"People should be creating systems that make them independent from the system."
"The goal is a decentralized, extensible system."
"Failure was an intrinsic part of the system."
"I'm a fan of this, the camo system is similar to last year but that was one of the few things I was okay with in Modern Warfare."
"Any step in the right direction is great, even if that just means you talking about it."
"This whole system actually came together really well."
"Yu Yu Hakusho is such a simple system but it's beautiful in its simplicity."
"Above all else, we must be honest and open and free and recognize our joint fallibility and our collective ability to create new systems together."
"It's pretty insane that we control all of this just by pressing buttons. Working by design, maybe. Maybe not. We'll see."
"How do you create a system that has the ability to evolve without centralized leadership?"
"Conceptually simple changes like letting us pre-plan our Paragon and all kinds of different preset systems will make respecting not only less costly but also less cumbersome, annoying, more enjoyable, and rewarding."
"The characters are probably the best part of this game, especially when you factor in the upgrade system."
"Wow at its worst feels like a lifeless collection of systems and content. Like all of those things is the cure to that problem hopefully they nail it."
"The key to this whole thing is for the organizing system to be adaptable."
"Small mechanics can combine to create larger complexities."
"It's actually the easiest way and the most effective way to decouple applications."
"Can we engineer a system that's more resilient?... I think the answer is yes."
"It's the fulfillment, it's just the way that it's set up."
"No delays, no mix-ups... Delays is what the system is built for." - Cut 118
"If your system doesn't account for people being people then your system's not going to work."
"AlphaFold II made the system fully end to end."
"I kind of own that system just as a cool little 'haha look what I did.' Obviously, that system design is far better than mine."
"So easy, so simple, so decoupled and so much cleaner."
"I'm interested in shifting away where we can, shifting away from fancier type system integration and towards more like this Rosalind approach."
"A system that promotes nimble, comfortable travel."
"It's kind of like um they say if you keep using old tools to build the modern system you're just going to end up with an old system because you're using old tools so you use this we're building the tools that we will use to build the future."
"When you build a system, you're building it for a certain user experience right to solve a certain problem."
"Let's talk about the game... the game suffers from a number of different problems... the actual progression system itself."
"This is a complete system. You could have just this alone and it would work fine."
"A build template system would add a whole ton more meaning behind the rewards we go for in this game."
"If an error is made, the bell blossom can call put sheets back to where they started. Perfect!"
"This is heating efficiency. That's why we teach system design, not how heat pumps work."
"That should fuel directly down into it, and that will complete the system."
"Bitcoin took human sort of greed at face value and said if it's on chain and it can't be manipulated then somebody can't get greedy."
"Parents should design the educational system."
"Naming the values that the system should pursue is not so difficult. Most people would agree that we want a system that is safe, sustainable, fair, and that effectively liberates people to choose how to live. Those would be desirable things."
"I wanted a system that would honor the legacy of everything that I've bought."
"It’s all about designing the system for the specific use case."
"The more decentralized the harder it is to put god mode inside the system and that makes it then not compatible with what cbdc social credit people want to do."
"Even just like a base Achievement System would be cool."
"The advantage of a system like this is that it's automatic."
"The system which is fail-safe or fail-proof."
"If you design a system with certain features to do certain things don't be surprised if it does it"
"Everybody will have equal access, and all the systems are open."
"It's a completely transparent and inclusive system."
"You should always limit the key value size to 1 megabyte."
"We need to imagine new, better systems and actively work to build them."
"All these pieces... are all going to combine to create our future systems."
"We have the ability to design a system. We're not here to give handouts to the XRP community. You have an opportunity and you have products that are built for you."
"Magic has the game system that is good enough to hold up and support the examination of other worlds and how they would function mechanically within magic."
"Stateflow is another add-on but it's a great way to build up logic for a system like this."
"A system that is secure is difficult to surveil and a system that is designed to be surveilled is a target waiting to be attacked."
"It's about coordinating a bunch of widgets together in a very specific way."
"The real thesis of Cosmos is allowing for sovereignty, independence, and customizability."
"Fundamental rights of the holders and users of the system are well understood and preserved."
"The mutability of the system is enhanced by the immutability of its components."
"Although it seems like a mess, it's actually a more efficient way of doing things and allows much more sharing of common resources between packages."
"Reliability, I have to understand what is my requirement."
"It helps in creating loosely coupled, flexible systems by defining workflows that connect various services."
"Everything is a trade-off in the world of system design."
"Let's build the core critical pieces of the system. Let's make design decisions today that set us up not just for the system we want to see immediately, but really provide a firm foundation on which we can build and extend towards the future."
"You wouldn't want political interference or political aspirations to infect system design, no."
"The system's flexibility in design further enhances its appeal, offering contractors freedom to achieve various aesthetic outcomes."
"There's no engineer in their right mind that would design a system that way on purpose."
"At each level, you're moving up to another abstraction level as you assemble your system, right? You don't keep building a system out of millions and millions of small primitives all interconnected. You build some abstraction points."
"We're doing a projection, this is cqrs yay and we're using Pub sub right so there's events so it's a cqrs and event sourcing and and services services domains domains we're doing dddcqrs event sourcing this is a good system design."
"Introducing redundancy will ensure your systems are highly available."
"Let's make a system that's got 9999 reliability. Well, that's easy."
"I just wanted to draw attention to that as considering the architecture of this system."
"So why wouldn't we do this? Well, there is no reason. This is the way to create a simplified system that does not leave anything out."
"Recognizing the fact, saying if this is going to happen, if this is the nature of the domain, then embrace it, model it, integrate it into your system."
"If it is possible to change the behavior of something without modifying it, that means the next time you are asked to add a new feature to an existing system you should be able to do that without modifying any part of the existing system."
"A good system of names tells you not just about the function you're working on, but about the entire context of the system."
"Did we design a highly available system? Yes."
"The hardest areas in low latency systems are things you need to consider right from the beginning."
"The ability of users to make their own form paths is one example of the user tailorability built into the system."
"The last thing that you want is for your solar to be going into your batteries with nowhere for that energy to go."
"That's the problem okay and I want to figure out ways that we can organize systems so that the consequences of decisions we make are not expensive to change."
"Including those things, are we designing the high-level system to include everything from subscriptions, users, search, and videos, or would you like me to focus only on a particular part?"
"What I feel is that when an interviewer is asking you about a system design for video streaming app so these three are the primary functional requirement which we should cover."
"We don't know how to build a system that understands harm in the full breadth of its meaning. So, what we do right now is gather examples and we say, 'Is this like the examples that we have labeled before?' But that's not broad enough."
"A poorly designed system due to competitive dynamics can have this like cascading effect where everyone ends up in this this annoying situation where they'd rather not be."
"A good system design interview starts with functional requirement followed by non-functional requirement, capacity estimation, database design, API design, and then comes the high level system design."
"Simplification usually leads to a more robust framework system, so definitely think about that as you're doing that."
"Can we build systems that can work with sparse data?"
"There's nothing to worry about; the system is designed just to help the player."
"UML stands for Unified Modeling Language. It is a standard that the industry uses for documenting, constructing, and visualizing various components of a system."
"Database sharding is a fundamental principle for building very large-scale systems."
"The problems in distributed systems are very much analogous to what's going on in physics."
"That is how you create a system where you can leave a review, save all the data, but then have it reflected back in the UI in a very reactive way."
"We must design systems to mitigate errors, not just blame individuals for mistakes."
"...lots of resiliency and redundancy built into this system..."
"So, in order to reduce latency, I'm going to talk to you about a few techniques we've discovered that allow us to really rein in the long tail of latency without increasing the performance cost of the system too much."
"Designing systems that are easy to change is always the job of the software architect."
"Reliability and scalability are built into the design. You cannot add these later."
"The system becomes so beautiful, it works so beautifully."
"The first skill is not even related to any language or framework, but to the ability to solve their problems and design their systems."
"It's a really simple and solid system."
"We like to have multiple representations for the system so that we're always able to choose the one that lets us work the most simply."
"I wanted the systems to be out of this world."
"It's all the little things that make the difference between a system that's just okay and has problems or a system that works fantastic."
"The system is designed to regulate and maintain accuracy."
"It is brilliant. I don't know why more Parks don't have the system."
"If I was to set up a public school system... they would talk about all the things I believe in."
"You can combine them to come up with the perfect system that's perfect for you."
"We just saw that a complete end-to-end radar system can be easily modeled and simulated."
"Is a skimmer worth it? That's a system design question: what is the problem that I'm trying to address with the skimmer and is it the best tool for the job?"
"System safety is extremely important to us."
"This is not going to be simple; we are basically going to build this system right here."
"The system is designed by purpose; the middle class uses their ideas to generate money."
"That's the beauty of queue separation."
"The design should be scalable, highly available, and secure."
"E is the language that demonstrates the object capability model, which turns out to be the savior of secure systems going forward."
"First goal was around consistency, right?"
"That's the point of micro service architecture, you want you have a really really contextual delimited micro service architecture."
"All system design interviews have to talk about scalability."
"It's very important to understand the nature of your back-end and whether it's CPU-bound or IO-bound."
"Resiliency is a feature, my friend."
"You want to optimize for time to remediation, how quickly can I recover, and can I be graceful when things are down."
"It separates the minimal functional core from extended functionality and customer-specific parts."