
Internal Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"Place your happiness within you, not on anything outside of you."
"That growth doesn't need to be visibly signified outward to other people. That growth is internal."
"I found this sense of inspiration that came totally from within."
"That's where we now go to our internal politics."
"How you feel about yourself internally is who you attract externally."
"Intrinsic motivation comes from one's inside - curiosity, purpose, and mastery."
"True contentment comes from within, not from external circumstances or possessions."
"Your external world is merely a reflection of your internal world."
"An out-of-control environment makes you feel out of control on the inside."
"You are your savior; no one else outside of you is."
"This person's Enlightenment comes from within, managing their own system internally"
"The origins of your emotions are inside of you, not outside of you."
"High value is not your bank account, it is not how tall you are, it is not all of the superficial things on the exterior. It is the things on the internal."
"We have to take responsibility for our experience internally, impacting the quality of our experience."
"Peace is an internal anchor of stability in the midst of unhindered instability."
"The real richness and the real happiness is inside here, nowhere around us."
"You can learn to touch from the inside."
"Happiness comes naturally from the inside."
"Nothing can change externally, but everything can change internally."
"True transformation doesn't come from outside."
"Happiness is your job. It's not a person or a place or a destination or a goal or anything like that. It's you, it's internal."
"Happiness is an inside job. It's not readymade, and you won't be able to find your happiness someplace else."
"Real happiness comes from inside. Nobody can give it to you."
"It's what's inside that makes it special."
"It's an in-house problem that we should address."
"How to create instant internal conflict without any rewriting."
"It's a state of being where your happiness is not dependent on external circumstances but arises as a natural and constant flow from within."
"He starts on the inside. He wants to do something deep in you."
"It's all internal. You can't mask it with bodybuilding, you can't mask it with material things."
"Healing is yours. You don't have to ask for healing. You don't have to beg for it."
"It's right inside my head, it's burning."
"Happiness is internal, not reliant on circumstances."
"There's a reason why they call it internal because there is an external net specifically for the kunio cerebellar tract."
"Recovery doesn't begin by doing stuff on the outside. It begins by something happening on the inside."
"Self-confidence is an internal game."
"When we have internal shame attacks or self-alienation, these are things that I can control, not them."
"Faith paints a picture on the inside."
"No one cares what your zits. It's all internal. We're all just making this up inside ourselves."
"The way you change things is from within. You can never dictate or force or push because then the people's feelings get mangled."
"You are not in love with that person; love is in you."
"Yoga is not the poses, not the movements, it's an internal practice."
"True independence is internal; it's the freedom that comes from mastering your desires, from being in control of your emotions, and from the deep understanding that your happiness and peace of mind come from within."
"The meditation is the thing that reminds us... of our fulfillment internally."
"You can't fix an internal problem with an external solution."
"Happiness is an internal individual choice we all make for ourselves."
"What I perceive I need on the external, I only need on the internal."
"Nothing is outside of you: happiness, fulfillment, love, joy, the feeling of abundance, the feeling of peace, security, stability, knowing, belief—all of those things are internally."
"Love comes from the inside, baby."
"Your ability to surrender has nothing to do with the person in front of you, who you're married to, your nationality, your culture. None of that. It is something that you just do internally through a decision that you make."
"The source of happiness is within us. Happiness often seems to be the result of external factors, but actually, the real source of happiness comes from within you."
"You'll be changed from the inside out."
"Prosperity is a deep sense of fulfillment that comes from the inside; it's generated without anything external needing to change."
"In LA, it's like just a different, so we look younger on the outside but on the inside we're rotting."
"Truly happiness comes from internal. If you ain't happy in here, you ain't happy up here. Nothing out there is going to make you happy at all."
"The truth is that happiness is an internal experience."
"Happiness comes from the inside. It doesn't come from outside stuff."
"Happiness is something that happens in here first and if you can't find it here, it can't happen outside you."
"We cannot fix an internal issue with an external solution, it just doesn't work like that."
"Unconditional love starts within."
"Happiness is external, joy is internal."
"That's what I mean by repair from within, whereas repair from without is a much simpler strategy."
"Everything is sourced from within."
"The beauty of this is you can be a total mess on the inside."
"Life has become so judgmental on the external that a lot of people forget the internal."
"Healthy self-esteem comes from the inside out."
"You control your mindset. The locus is inside of you all the time."
"...but it's like, no, it's inside. It's internal. It's the way that you respond to things. It's the way that you approach things. It's the way your consciousness has expanded."
"Non-binary identity is not defined by the clothes that you wear, your aesthetic, your haircut, any of that. It's an identity, it's inside."
"Separation from the world is not just a matter of what you don't do but it's a matter of what is living in you."
"Understanding that this is a journey whereby it's not necessarily about shutting out the externalities completely. It's about what weight and what value do you attach to the internal versus the external in motivating you."
"Change only comes from the inside out."
"Healing takes place from the inside out."
"We need to look more at the internal in people than the external."
"...the guiding principle that ties all these letters together is the stoic focus on internal over external."
"The best results are often not visible. They happen on the inside, and those, of course, lead to the visible results."
"Your glow up starts with internal beauty and that will bleed into external beauty."
"Resistance is invisible, internal, and insidious. It's a repelling force, negative, and its aim is to shove us away, distract us, prevent us from doing our work."
"Your happiness is something that is internal. It's not something that you get through these milestones."
"Adults learn by internal motivation rather than external motivators."
"Don't allow the external to affect the internal."
"Every external is a reflection of everything internal."
"The primary harm will be from within, not from without."
"How do I balance what I feel on the inside with the pressures and the responsibilities I feel on the outside?"
"Your joy is not based on external things, it's based on an internal knowing."
"It's the internal. If you focus on that, the external doesn't matter."
"Change comes from the inside of you. It doesn’t come from the outside in, it comes from the inside out."
"You don't need to wait for external events to create peace."
"Change from within is the key, not just changing the outside."
"It's really is true, 2024 folks be trying to change from the outside, you gotta change from the inside."
"You got to change from the inside first, pretty much like change from within."
"It's not what is external but it is what is internal that counts."
"Joy is something that you experience in here and then you express out there."
"Our joy is less contingent on what happens out there and it's more contingent on who's ruling in here."
"The emphasis shouldn't be on external beauty, but on internal beauty."
"True happiness is within me. It comes from personal growth, not external pleasures."
"Freedom requires internal control more than external control."
"There's usually an internal turmoil inside of them. You can see it in Princess Diana, you can see it in Vincent Van Gogh, you can see it in Stephen Hawking."
"Leadership happens from the inside out."
"Let your motivation be internal rather than driven by external validation."
"I realized, money's interesting; you can have all of it, but the happiness comes from inside."
"Communication is important both internally and externally."
"Real transformation can't come from inside, and it can't really come from outside, at least from all that this world offers."
"True wealth is an internal condition."
"You don't solve an internal problem with external action."
"You can never solve an internal problem with external action."
"Leadership comes from within an individual."
"It's a level of Happiness which does not depend on external circumstances."
"Intrinsic motivation comes from within the individual."
"He explains that his injuries aren't external."
"Learning to develop a healthy sense of self and a healthy sense of self cannot ever be identified or derived from the outside in."
"Utility does not simply come from the outside in. Use is an inside job."
"You can't make that decision based on, you know, outside circumstances. It has to be an internal decision."
"Your validation for your self worth cannot come from the outside world."
"Strength doesn't come from size, it comes from up here. Internal strength comes from those places, but external strength really comes from the muscles."
"There's something to be said about how confidence is both internal and external."
"Excellence is not just external behaviors, but also in the innermost place of our hearts."
"Happiness is internal and has very little to do with external circumstances."
"Success is internal, it's not an external thing."
"The possibilities are twofold: one is external auspicious situations, events, and the second is internal."
"Feminine and masculine energies, yin and yang, they exist within you."
"Within the crucible of solitude, individuals undergo a radical internal revolution."
"Our eroticism is an internal space first and foremost. We are not able to access it when all of our energy is continually externalized."
"All change comes from within; it's never external."
"Joy is distinct from happiness; it's something internal that can't be taken away from us."
"Tai Chi is actually an internal martial art."
"Your bliss state, your absolute peaceful beautiful bliss state, is internal."
"What's going on inside is very much going to impact how you deal with the things on the outside."
"Happiness is inside, pleasure is very much dependent on the things that are outside."
"Confidence is coming from an internal place, not the external validation you're going to get."
"Everyone has their own personal internal struggles."
"Change starts from the inside out."
"Our joy and happiness originate internally, not elsewhere."
"The key word in Nei Gong is the first part 'Nei', which refers to internal, so it's really dealing with things that are deeper inside the body."
"It was as if something had hit them from within."
"What you do internally will affect externally."
"The true happiness actually relies on the internal."
"The only type of motivation that has been really shown to last is internal motivation."
"This makes you feel so good on the inside."
"Corruption can only be fought from the inside with help from the outside."
"The real threat to American democracy... is coming from within."
"The New Covenant is an internal Covenant; it's made inside you in your heart."
"We're so used to basing how we feel and our state of happiness on external conditions and situations."
"Nothing external can take you down or build you up; that only happens internally."
"There was no dopamine outside of yourself; you have to find your happiness within."
"Social doesn't mean only externally; social means internally too."
"I want to take care of myself internally as well as externally."
"The memories inside us can never be lost."
"Change yourself from within little by little; what drives success are small changes inside someone."
"The essential nature of the kingdom of God builds from the inside out."
"Happiness is gonna come within, and there's nothing out there that can replace that."
"Change the game internally, y'all know we gotta do that."
"There's almost like an internal war going on inside of you."
"What really allows for such dramatic changes are the things that occur on the inside of a person and are completely invisible."
"That internal audience is their self-esteem mechanism."
"The internal flame of love glows forever within me."