
Self-creation Quotes

There are 551 quotes

"Your purpose is to create the fucking you that you're so fucking proud of in every way and give that person to everybody you come across."
"You can still create a dream life for yourself, no matter what you've been through."
"You generate energy; you don't have happiness, you create it."
"Life isn't about finding yourself; it's about creating yourself."
"You are the creator of yourself, and you are in the process of recreating yourself in this new year."
"It is up to you and you alone to start creating the moments for yourself when you are doing what you like doing most."
"You are the creator of your own life. What are you going to create for your future?"
"The Buddha talks about mind, body, self, and the self is something you have to create. It doesn't come easily; it comes from a lifetime of karmic work."
"You are already creating your experience; you are already Divine."
"Heaven or hell is based upon how you create it, so the thoughts, words, and deeds that you create here, that's energy."
"You don't find yourself; you create yourself."
"Be the creator of your life and not be stuck in the program."
"This is your soul's purpose: to recognize your power to create for yourself the life that you want, to surrender to your own magic."
"Every coincidence, every opportunity informs them that they are the creator of their life, and now the game starts to change."
"Self isn't something you find; self is something you create."
"Much like God, we have to start by creating ourselves."
"You create who you are; you don't discover it."
"They themselves are makers of themselves by virtue of the thoughts, which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance."
"I possess the power and the free will to create my own happiness."
"You're responsible for your own happiness, so you go create yours, and they can go create their own."
"Life is what we make it; we can make it like heaven itself, full to the brim with all that is good and beautiful."
"The act of defiance is Promethean... It makes you responsible for your own creation."
"You have so much power to create your own reality."
"Meaning in life is something that you create, you manufacture for yourself and for others."
"I can create the life I desire; my past and present circumstances do not define me."
"You have all the power in this lifetime to create the life that you want."
"Seize this moment and start to be a real creator of your own life."
"Purpose in life isn't derived from birth; you create your purpose in life."
"You are the creator of your world, and you're choosing to not create anything."
"Eventually the lesson that's going to be learned through all this is how you are the creator of your reality."
"You are the product of your own mind, you are the product of the ideas that you wanna put into this world."
"Let's fight for our values, what we believe in, and create our own destination."
"I want to show people that you can quite literally create anything you want for yourself in this current day and time."
"Your destiny isn't something you're given; it's what you create."
"We are the creators of our life. Our consciousness is the source of the great potential of creating heaven on Earth."
"We created something on our own, and we're practicing it culturally, and it empowers us as a group."
"Creating joy for myself... we are the creators of joy of our own... happiness."
"You are the creator of your reality, whether or not you believe this."
"There's enormous freedom from letting people create themselves."
"Our purpose is to be here to create our own reality."
"Every single day when you wake up, the clock resets, the past expires, and the future it is yours to create."
"I spent so long searching for [purpose] without ever coming close to it... it's not something you find, it's something that you create."
"We are creators. We are the ones that create our genetic bases. Our thoughts and our beliefs can alter every gene in our body to create over 3,000 variations of every gene that we have in our body."
"Strike up a rebellion through creating yourself."
"The damage to the environment is happening far faster and more powerfully actually than anyone predicted 20 years ago."
"We all have the individual power to create our own worlds."
"Life is not what happens to us, but what we make of it."
"Every thought, word, and deed is building our future self."
"I now believe that we actually can create ourselves. We can create our future by beginning to make new choices now."
"Stop waiting for an outsider to show you who you are, create it yourself."
"We are divine beings. We do have the power to create our own situations."
"You can become free from your environment and actually be the conscious creator of your life."
"Iron Man is often cited as creating his own worst enemies, causing trouble down the line."
"Happiness is not something you find, it's something you create."
"When that dream was taken away from me, I created my own dream."
"You create your own reality through the beliefs that you have."
"You have the power to create the path in front of you."
"The best way to predict the future is to try and create it."
"Life has and will always be what you make it."
"You have to create your own story of success."
"I had to invent this person, David Goggins, to get outside of my comfort zone."
"I am hope. I create my luck and my fortune, and it's all around me."
"You are the creator of the reality in which you live."
"Everything that exists around you is a byproduct of your own creation."
"You're the one that's creating it. If you're the one that's creating thing, you're the one that can change the creation to anything you really want."
"You create the relationships you have in your life."
"What am I excited about today or could I create to be excited about today?"
"Get to the point that you're drinking the life's sweet nectar of the potion that you created with all of the power that lies in your fingertips."
"I am actively creating this. I am, I will, I... you know, something in a very active voice."
"You are giving birth to yourself from the month of March 2019."
"Your life is nothing more than the out picturing of your imaginal activity."
"Life is about finding yourself; it's about creating yourself."
"Create your own reality, live your life to the fullest."
"The starting point of success lies in your ability to control your thoughts. If we are not creating our lives the way we want them to be, then we are creating from an unconscious mind."
"Man is nothing else but that which he makes of himself."
"Happiness is a choice you don't go looking for, you create it."
"Life is about creating yourself and recreating yourself."
"You are the creator of your own destiny, creator of your own light."
"The best way to predict my future is to create it."
"The übermensch is someone who can shift and see that the responsibility and the joy of creating life lies within oneself."
"Astrology isn't going to dictate anything for you as you start to step into these higher frequencies because you're literally stepping out of that linear structure and you're absolutely creating."
"You are now co-creating your life, living life on purpose, not waiting for things to happen."
"In this shock value little Hollywood world why not write a different story for myself..."
"Being the creator of your own life and your own story."
"The packaging is on point, so definitely a lot of respect for people who put extra emphasis on their packaging."
"You literally creating your own miracles and your guides want you to know that you have the power to be the alchemist of your life."
"You're grabbing hold of being the creator of your reality and making transitions and transformations that you've been really wanting to make."
"We are always creating our reality with our thoughts, our words, and actions."
"It's not about playing the odds, it's about creating your own unique space in the world."
"Identity is not handed to you in this time period, you have to make them yourself."
"You're not a victim but the creator of life through you and for you."
"Our lives are truly the manifestation of our thoughts and emotions, so everything we think we see around us or happening to us, we have created consciously or unconsciously."
"If I had to boil this movie down to one line, it would be 'we create our own demons,' and the reason I like that is because no matter what Tony does, that remains true."
"Maybe I have to create my own roles if I don't only want to play like one."
"People make themselves, they're creative individuals."
"You are the creator of your life so it's time to delve into that power and to go into that side of yourself and to dive into the dark and to go through that tunnel so that you can reach that point where you are shining."
"Thursday is sunny and creating, you're creating the new you're creating a new story."
"You are in charge of your own life, your destiny, and all of the manifestations that you create."
"You're creating the world that you really are experiencing within you."
"The mind is the most powerful thing that we have. You create your future with your mind."
"You create your own difficulties. This is true for each individual."
"You are going to be surprised when you realize how much power you truly have to create the world around you."
"You are a creator of your own reality; what you believe is what you are."
"As long as I could just stay in this good headspace and keep making good music, all the accolades should come."
"There is always enough for you to co-create what you want in your experience, believe in yourself."
"Life is what you make it and how you challenge yourself."
"If you're not creating what you want, you'll be automatically put into a state of chance probabilities."
"Buy it today. 5 years from now you may be looking at the current processors going what do I need upgrade for this does everything."
"Fearlessly place into your imagination the 'I am' which you would like to create for yourself."
"Create this life that you want. You can do it."
"If there is no space for you in life, you have to create one for yourself."
"Bootstrap Paradox: creating his own origins in his death at the end of time."
"You're actually very powerful...you're a powerful creator."
"Your manifestations aren't going to come to you... you are creating your life."
"Success motivation: Life isn't about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself."
"As a Black Lord of the Rings fan, I felt left out of fantasy worlds, so I created my own."
"You are the true creator of your own reality... You are the imagination of yourself imagine something beautiful."
"I am capable of this. I am deserving of this. I am an active creator in my own story."
"You are the co-creators of your destiny and you can basically have anything that you want."
"We are the creators of our reality, we gotta start acting like it."
"The truth is that the world within creates the external world."
"What's the bigger story that you want to create for yourself?"
"Are you creating yourself to be who you want to be?"
"You have the power to create whatever life you want."
"It's up to each individual to create the most magnificent reality."
"Congratulations to the Aries... you've earned this, you've created this for yourself."
"Create your own life, your own cocoon around yourself that works for you."
"You have to know your own worth; you have to create your own happiness."
"You have the power to create your reality in the way that you want."
"The world within you has so much power, and it is the world within you that creates the external world."
"Life is beautiful and you can create the life that you want so that's why I got beef."
"You are the creator of your own reality, strive for your very best."
"You actually have to take the steps to create your own reality."
"Believe in magic, co-create the life you love."
"By understanding how you create, you'll stop waiting for someone to tell you what's going to happen." - Joanna
"Meaning will keep you alive, but meaning is to come from you. You are the father of the meaning. You must invent it somehow." - Viktor Frankl
"You're creating a beautiful life for yourself."
"You do not find your passion, you make your passion."
"Take your power back and create from authenticity."
"The power of thoughts and words are incredible... It's basically your ability to create your future."
"Life and the world that you live in is literally only created by you."
"You are becoming an architect of your reality."
"Stop trying to find yourself, focus on creating yourself instead. Align with your ideal life."
"I create the reality I desire. I possess all that I need to have what I want."
"I am the creator of my own dreams and achieve them with confidence."
"This is very much about you and what you want to create to bring more balance into your life."
"You can create yourself. No one else is going to create you."
"You're building your world... there's a lot of potential, a lot of power."
"Create yourself or you will be created. The choice is yours."
"Create your own utopia, create a space for yourself in the world."
"You have to create your own identity. You don't inherit it."
"You guys are literally going to be able to create the life of your dreams."
"Realizing that you are creating your own reality."
"Your life is your making, your action you are taking variety of action."
"I have the power and the authority to create the life that I want and I'm going to create it without you and your drama."
"Maybe we do need a little bit more fire here right a little bit more courage to create our life according to our own will live the kind of life that you want that takes courage that definitely takes courage."
"You are ready to step into your power."
"Existence precedes essence. We craft one for ourselves."
"In essence, you make your choices, and then your choices make you."
"You are reality; if you don't create it for yourself, if you don't furnish yourself with what you want, then you won't get it."
"You must create your life in the most productive way to fulfill you."
"Success is in my world and life now, you are creating a life Aries that is so much more successful."
"Every individual can create their own human nature in whatever way that they want."
"Peace comes from within; we create our own world and every choice we make is a chance to grow in virtue, resilience, and joy."
"We're creating a new world through the self."
"You're creating your own happiness regardless of conditions."
"We balance public goals of solidarity with private projects of self-creation."
"You are creating the life that you want to live."
"Life can happen to you or life can happen from you. You can create the life you want from within."
"You are the Creator within your own creation of reality."
"In essence, the idea of self-creation comes from the world of art."
"Create as many versions of yourself as possible."
"This generation is coming into the NBA now thinking all right I'm also trying to keep my eye on what I can build for myself and what I can create."
"I create myself with every act of thought, with every experience, with every sense perception."
"He willed himself into becoming one of the most extraordinary writers the world has ever seen. It's a phenomenal act of self-creation and an extraordinary example."
"We're totally disoriented and that is because we have the ability of creating our own environment."
"Our lives are what our thoughts create."
"The meaning of life is to create yourself, but the stakes are high."
"Your story, the way you identify, the stories you tell yourself, the way you respond to life, is creating it. Because you're the one creating your life."
"Self creation is paradoxical, self contradictory."
"I know that I create my own destiny."
"You're always creating who you are."
"Nobody else is going to create your life just the way you want to so spend those moments um magically creating the life just the way you want it because nobody else is going to be able to do it for you no one."
"You are the one and only source and creator of your entire life experience."
"If you stop playing those programs, then for that moment you stop. You are actually now creator of your life. And what will you create?"
"Changing that process, the overcoming process of that same self, somehow begins to produce effects in people's lives. And that's kind of the exciting part about being a creator of your life."
"People admire that you created the person you are, despite confusion and trauma."
"Give yourself permission to be a beginner again and create who you are and who you want to become. Life is a process of constant re-creating."
"If you don't see a place for yourself in the world, make one. And then you can create a home for others to be welcomed, to be included in, and it becomes really beautiful, remarkable experience for everybody."
"Embrace the identity you want to have and believe that you are that. You create your identity; who you believe you are is ultimately who you are."
"He loved himself. He created himself from whole cloth."
"You have to create your own world, you know, to live in. If you want happiness, you have to go in yourself and create what's inside of you."
"You could have all those things, but instead of having somebody else do that, you don't go out and find happiness, you create it."
"You gotta make it what you want it to be."
"Don't wait for like if you're not seeing what you want to see sometimes you have to make what you want to see, you know you want to be the fantasy you're looking for."
"Build therefore your own world as fast as you can form your life to the pure idea in your mind, that will unfold its grand proportions."
"Happiness is something we make for ourselves and then how do we quantify happiness?"
"You made you, and that's really the gist of the entire message right there."
"We as human beings are constantly creating the person that we want to be and the options for that are limitless."
"Happiness can only be created by ourselves."