
Online Dating Quotes

There are 249 quotes

"First dates from dating apps are kind of like buying one of those SpongeBob popsicles from an ice cream truck. You know it's not going to look the same as the advertisement."
"The sweet spot for an online dating message is between 40 and 90 characters."
"Chemistry is very, very, very real and you will never capture that in a dating profile."
"Online dating has only existed for, like, at its rawest form, 20 years."
"I think online dating is freaking brilliant."
"Dating is now starting online and this is normal. According to a Stanford study that was recently updated, it's 6 out of 10 couples starting online now."
"When I find that it's becoming too much or starts hurting my feelings or starts feeling like a job, I delete all my dating apps and take a break, and that's how you keep your sanity."
"First dates from dating apps, it's kind of like buying one of those SpongeBob popsicles from an ice cream truck."
"Online dating is quickly becoming one of those popular ways to meet a prospective romantic partner."
"For better or worse, online dating is here to stay."
"Being catfished with pictures from 20 years younger."
"The worst MMO is Tinder. Honestly, I'm sure there are some people that probably get declined more in Warcraft dungeon groups than on Tinder."
"It's actually the new form of relationships for Generation Z, they're doing this more than they're doing Tinder and Bumble."
"He didn't just get catfished, he got catfished by a woman who turned out to be three different people. That's embarrassing."
"It used to be people grew up together, there's deep communication, trust, and affection. By comparison, people on dating sites are justifiably wary."
"It just makes some sense, like everybody does online dating now, come on, please."
"Online dating has completely changed my generation's approach to love and relationships."
"When someone messages me on a dating app after three texts it's like, 'Great wanna hop to text?'"
"You aren't attractive enough for online dating yet so it's pointless unless you like dating land whales."
"Someone's gonna deactivate their Tinder for you."
"The 27-year-old invested his own money to start Hinge, a dating platform the company says is designed to be deleted."
"Meeting people can be hard, whether it's in person or online, but the apps do have success stories."
"Online dating has seemingly taken over the primary ways of courtship in the present day. The industry was worth over four billion dollars in the United States alone in 2019."
"Meeting online has now become the leading way for relationships to form."
"The fact is whether you like it or not, online dating has absolutely changed the dating landscape."
"Guys, be safe when you online date. If the person seems off, they probably are. Trust your first instinct."
"I think utilizing the opportunity to have something funny in your bio is key."
"Dating apps are the number one way that people meet, but they're not the number one way to get a good relationship or be happy."
"If it's a tool to help you meet someone, I think that's fine. But use wisdom, discernment, and know when to pull back."
"The key to bossing the online system is ruthlessly to flick past the chancers and the players and keep your options open for the men who are properly interested in you."
"Ladies and gentlemen who use those sites, please be careful and really get to know your date before you start getting serious, because a seemingly great individual could end up being an insanely jealous monster."
"His picture was him hanging upside down from a tree and his bio said proof that nerds grow on trees... we've been together for eight years now."
"If the fans miss Millie Alcock that much they should just join Tinder."
"Imagine the guy, right, swipes right, matches a girl, she's into LCS... she comes over, she's asleep right now."
"One study showing one in every three relationships will start online."
"Always be aware, always be skeptical, and be extremely careful when dabbling in the world of online dating because people are very often not who they say they are."
"Facebook endorsed SESTA and right after SESTA passed, when multiple dating sites shut down, I think it was literally three weeks later Facebook announced that it was starting a dating app."
"Dating apps are a waste of time" - simple answer is no, they're a useful tool.
"I want to be clear I'm only here to support my dad because I love my dad I want him to find somebody but that person cannot be an online person period."
"Dating is hard enough without worrying if your chat partner will rob you."
"Join my Happy Endings course to learn how to crush it on dating apps and find true love."
"That's how I met Ken, I slid into her DMs and now we are married three years."
"My mom had visions of me dating a girl in Roblox."
"It's not online dating that is flawed, it's the type of man that will online date."
"Dating.com provides a premium dating experience."
"Dating.com doesn't just match people that are near each other geographically."
"Some people literally have gotten married through dating apps. Good, good for you guys!"
"There needs to be verification on dating apps for security, especially for women."
"Stay away from the apps... if you're single, try them out. I met Justin on there, it's a good time."
"If you can find a best friend that's their best friend, you've won."
"Online dating is simply a tool to use to meet more people conveniently."
"The number one dating app in the world pretty much."
"It's okay to do Tinder but it's not okay to do your family."
"Is anybody else just over this hookup culture? I mean, I get it, I'm online, I'm trying all these things, but like what happened to romance?"
"Step three: copy me. One picture with an interesting fashion, pictures near the ocean or the lake get so many more matches."
"I'm going to take you through the entire Tinder interaction."
"Kippo encourages people to truly be their authentic selves and show who they are to other people."
"Online dating apps... place a large emphasis on looks."
"You're hinge or you're dating online has been great."
"Online dating creates 'over choice' - the paradox of choice."
"Getting more matches on a dating app does not equate to getting quality matches."
"I like going on free internet dating sites."
"I was 6'1" on Tinder when I matched with Chanel, but now I'm 5'11 and 3/4. I always have been, but don't let the truth get in the way of a good Tinder profile."
"People are meeting their better half online. Never say never. Your husband was once a stranger before he became your husband."
"Online dating is not for the faint-hearted. It will test your patience, but if it's your desire, and you've prayed about it, you will meet the one."
"This particular placement would be favorable for you to meet your partner on a dating app or even a social media platform of some sort."
"My friends and family keep warning me she's a catfish because she's too good looking."
"Now the creme de la crop, Hinge. Most people I know that have met someone via online dating in the last couple years has actually been from Hinge."
"When I'm on dating apps and stuff, I never put out a picture that is hotter than I can present on a first date ever."
"More than 6,400 Americans say they were scammed after visiting dating websites."
"Is that really you? Yes, it's me. I saw your profile picture and I fell in love with the person on the profile."
"One in five relationships in the UK start online."
"It is definitely possible to meet people online on dating apps. Please don't shy away from them."
"Do not do online dating. I'm telling you, you're putting your life on the line."
"...you have a higher likelihood of actually making the connection with that woman because you were able to get her to message you outside of just your photos or maybe it gave her an excuse to actually create conversation with you."
"I saw this profile that got my attention."
"You all are hurtful for online dating."
"Most people get a lot of matches as they create a fresh new account but then a couple weeks later they're getting barely any matches."
"Thankfully Hinge has a verification feature to ensure the person you're talking to really is the same person in their photos."
"According to what I read online, there were over 50 million Americans on online dating platforms last year in 2022 alone."
"Apparently, online dating went well for me. I'm married now."
"On Tinder, pros will not discuss price in Haku Costa Rica. They will first try to get you to give them your WhatsApp or take their WhatsApp and contact them."
"Do I have to meet a sugar daddy in person? If it's online dating and I have rich friends but I want to transition to a sugar daddy, come up with an emergency situation that you need money from and ask him for the money. Let him rescue you."
"Don't let strangers from a dating app pick you up in their own cars."
"I'm not a fan of the apps because of the people who catfish, the people who lie, the people who connive, the people who deceive people on these apps."
"I think if you match with someone you can kind of wait if you want, approach but come on you're on there you're already putting yourself out there."
"Get off the app as fast as possible just get their number and text elsewhere."
"Especially if you meet on Tinder and you're not on billionaire doc, you're not on sugar mamas or sugar daddies."
"Not only does Tinder give you complete control, but they also have the most safety features."
"Now if you meet someone online and then you do not have any degree of relationship with this person... you're going to have to date him for like a year because now you're having to be the man yourself."
"Online dating has been phenomenal for me, it's like a portal, a portal for personal development and attracting like-minded individuals."
"Like meeting somebody online, yeah, like meeting them and actually trying to pursue them, whatever, whether you did one date, you [ __ ] somebody, you met online, just whatever, yeah, we all didn't, didn't."
"I'm now a sophomore in college waiting out the lockdown in my state while my mom still hasn't had a long-term relationship since then mostly sticking to online dating but she's happier than she's been in a long time."
"The dating apps are so skewed because there's a lot more men using it than women."
"Match.com told me I'm in the one percent."
"I would absolutely reply even if I knew it was a catfish."
"What's your opinion on online dating? I think it's weird."
"I met my husband on Tinder so let that be a prime example."
"I just want to say, I met my boyfriend on Tinder."
"Simone Lev, aka the Tinder Swindler, is going to have a hard time finding new victims on dating apps."
"What's happened with online dating is it's amazing for the top 10 percent of attractiveness of men, it's okay for the top half, it is a disaster for the bottom half."
"This sure makes online dating look a lot easier."
"i'm going to start off by saying all tinder dates aren't so bad i mean i met my boyfriend of four years on there"
"Most men you meet online are gonna treat you like a piece of meat."
"We'd met only a month before on a dating site and I wanted to make the jump from swiped right to a relationship status."
"Let's hear what this warning is and he doesn't know who I am as he tells me about the dangers of meeting women over the internet."
"Eating in person thing because gaslighters and narcissists will purposely go to online dating because they can make their profile the anything that they think someone might grab onto."
"There needs to be a website for bizarre online dating."
"People make all kinds of associations based on how we look. Imagine somebody who doesn't look that good, and in the world of online dating, it's become more and more about looks."
"I think online dating is more dangerous to the human race than climate change right now."
"If you chat extend, you have more of a chance than just matching with somebody because we girls do not reach out."
"Dragonlord was also catfished again. He chatted up a woman online and arranged a meet for some fun times, but when he turned up to meet the fine young lady, he was instead greeted by two men who threw Coca-Cola and flour at him."
"Some of the greatest relationships I know of today were formed through online dating."
"...I have just like this weird hunch in my spirit that I am going to meet my partner online."
"The better your profile looks, the higher chances you will have in securing exactly what it is that you are looking for."
"Utilizing our secret opening line formula, users have received three times more responses in comparison to when they weren't utilizing the formula."
"Eharmony creates up to 15 million matches per day."
"I met my husband um actually I met him online way back in the day when AOL had the little online chat thing so that's kind of how my first four-way into online dating was."
"We met online. I messaged my wife Mary, she was posting messages. I think I liked a couple of her messages. I think I may have slid in her DM. You may have. Or you did. I think I did."
"I found myself a boyfriend. He's 15 and it's my choice to online date or no."
"...I feel like everyone is now online dating is a thing..."
"We met on Tinder, it was love at first sight."
"The point of being online is to get her offline."
"How did we meet? Hinge, yes, online."
"There's only one way a man is going to meet a girl right now during Covid and that is on the old Tinder app, are we right?"
"...if you're talking to 10 guys online, remember most of them are going to weed themselves out."
"I didn't realize how many girls I had read profiles through."
"It's horrible that the person who's doing it is doing it, but it's even more sad that you are laying down with someone that you met offline."
"If you have a feeling that someone might be a catfish, you need to send them to me because I know what to do."
"There isn't a lot of good data related to homicides born from dating websites and apps. It for sure happens, but it's hard to qualify and to quantify."
"If you want a bigger chance, then I would always put a wig on my picture on my profile if I'm dating online."
"...the message title or the initial message that they'll see from you is really important and it really does determine your success..."
"...writing that first online dating message can be really awkward especially if you don't know anything about the person..."
"Out of 10,000 people, she said 25 people with 'decent' conversations. Free messaging. Twenty-five out of 10,000."
"He tells him that he's met a girl on plenty of fish and that they're going to go out on a date."
"Online dating works out later in life. I met my partner through online dating well into our 30s."
"It's a really important milestone because in the age of the internet often the relationships that we might strike up with people on dating apps or dating websites are people that we don't know in our social circles."
"'Ninjas or french fries' - it's my tinder bio."
"I confronted him immediately and he told me how his friends introduced him to the dating site he tried to justify how it was just pictures but I expressed that this was not acceptable to me."
"70% of relationships start online now. There's nothing wrong with it. The game has changed."
"Forget the other hookup sites. eHarmony has proven itself year after year."
"You should always meet people from websites and apps in a safe public place first."
"I like how easy it is. All I do is go online, you fill out a little quiz, and they somehow magically figure out the perfect person for you."
"I feel really good about this. I spoke to some really nice women online. And this could be a great thing."
"I'm sorry, it's just you look nothing like your photo on Match.com."
"Online dating, looking good helps, yes, being good with girls and having a lot of experience helps, yes, but really what it comes down to... it's that willingness to test, adopt new things, implement, improve continuously."
"I'm gonna do the thing that most people do when they want to meet people of similar interests. Online dating."
"I think you just have to be very careful, but I do believe in them because I know a lot of people meet through Instagram."
"We're going to reveal the hidden truth about online dating."
"Sydney was in the dating app world and more specifically, we know that she was on Tinder."
"It's really important for the online dating community to have a solid profile."
"I met my husband on Tinder, legit, like we're married, Tinder."
"I've been doing the online dating thing and I've gotten into a really successful relationship."
"These days nobody meets somebody live; it's like, 'Well, online, how else would you meet?'"
"One out of 8 married couples actually met each other on the Internet."
"Welcome to Online for Love, your resource for online dating by the numbers."
"So OkCupid does have a really good success rate from what I can find online."
"It's always good to thoughtfully fill out your profiles."
"OkCupid described itself as the fastest growing online dating app and it does have the statistics to support that claim."
"When you like a profile and they like you back, it's a mutual congratulations, people, we have a match!"
"I don't care what other people think; I feel like dating sites are important."
"Did you hear clothespins are getting married now? Yeah, they're meeting online."
"You could find real love on Tinder, guys. There's hope for all of you."
"Definitely a catfish, no question about that."
"We have an amazing almost four-year-old daughter as well, so needless to say, I'm grateful for both Plenty of Fish and online dating."
"50% of all new relationships for people over 45 years old is happening with an online connection."
"You've got mail was very popular and successful and made the idea of meeting someone online a lot more acceptable."
"I'm really glad this is going well. I don't know if you noticed, but I'm not really good at this online dating stuff."
"The idea of dating and finding true love on the internet or through these speed-dating conventions is normal, and it's something that I didn't really see before."
"I'm pleasantly surprised you're actually quite a gentleman on the Tinder chat."
"It's hard to do over Tinder, and especially not asking questions about like, 'Are you famous?' It kind of freaks me out."
"...I'm not against dating apps on principle... but I totally sympathize with the feeling nowadays among singles of the fatigue with just all the games they have to play."
"If you go into Grindr with a clear view of what you want, with clear boundaries and with a lot of self-confidence, you could have an amazing time on Grindr regardless of who you are."
"Imagine your online dating now, this is like a normal thing in 2017."
"Skills will ask you some personal preference questions as to what you're looking for in an online dating experience."
"Video dating is something that should be integrated in all online dating websites."
"Meeting online is the most popular way to find a mate in 2024."
"This online date was so fun, babe."
"I think it's easier than naturally going and meeting someone in the real world."
"Dating apps are rough for men, they're aesthetic based purely."
"I think the lesson is that, I mean, I guess dating online, the assignment you want to call it dating online and I'm line dating my dating regardless of which a few you, you can still find a meaningful lasting relationship."
"Many couples today have met their significant other online."
"Online dating apps have completely taken over and are actually one of the top ways couples meet each other."
"Flash forward to the present day, something like 3 out of 10 Americans are on online dating apps now."
"Online dating just didn't work for me, so I had already started going out approaching people, socializing in the real world."
"People looking for love online, just be very, very careful."
"Imagine going onto a dating app and meeting someone online that you really connect with."
"We met online, we are online dating success."
"You can find some good people on dating apps."
"Your uncle Lester tried online dating one time."
"Online dating can be fun if you just want to meet people."
"I met my girl on Tinder... that's my soulmate, awesome like that's my homie."
"Paid dating sites have people who are actually serious about dating."
"10 out of 10 would recommend online dating sites."
"They've met each other through a dating app, and that app happened to be Tinder."
"Online dating shouldn't be this big scary thing; we want to have fun, we want to meet new people."
"Dating so much easier now, you find more people that you vibe with because of online."
"You could have swiped past your future love because that photo wasn't angled right or lit perfectly."
"Normalizing online dating... we were ashamed that we met online and would make up stories about how we met to tell people. Don't have to do that anymore."
"I've been married now for over five years, and I'm thankful I don't have to meet people online anymore."