
Sanity Quotes

There are 1007 quotes

"Ambition is tying your well-being to what other people say and do, but sanity is tying it to your own action."
"If we didn't find humor in the situation, we would drive ourselves insane."
"The friends he makes, that keeps his sanity despite the futility of his existence."
"Swami Vivekananda said, 'The Buddha was the sanest man who ever lived; no cobwebs in that brain.'"
"Two people who are communicating are generally saner than one person who is only thinking by themselves."
"The intuition that there's a difference between fact and fiction... is a fundamental intuition to which our sanity, both personally and intersubjectively, is anchored."
"It's not about this right-left thing; it's basically kind of roughly sane people who...believe in freedom and decency."
"The simplest thing to say is: is you haven't gone crazy, the world has."
"For all of you who still doubt, I plan to have a full psychiatric evaluation done to prove that I am completely sane."
"We all have a collective responsibility to step into some basic frame of sanity together."
"You are a slow learner, Winston...Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane."
"We have to build a culture that is conducive to sanity, a culture that is, at minimum, compatible with our long-term survival."
"You don't have to make a finding that he was sane; you're being asked to make a finding, did he prove to a reasonable certainty that he was insane?"
"All the Democrats had to do was not be insane. That's it."
"You're not insane. What you're seeing is insane. You're right to feel that way."
"In a world gone mad, Morgot is one of the only beings who seems to have it together."
"I've always been crazy, but that's kept me from going insane."
"The mother earth is the way back to sanity, not Netflix."
"And it is in some sense the definition of Sanity right is to have enough feedback around you that's balanced so that you move forward on the right path."
"It's other people that keep us sane and if you stop listening to them I think you go be mad."
"If I was crazy, how I make $100 million already? That's not really crazy."
"We must return to some solid sanity, some solid rationality."
"Life is precious; I realized only last night that I kept my sanity intact due to dumb luck."
"If you're roughly sane these days, you're good in my book."
"The belief that there is a good god who is just keeps me sane."
"The first step to sanity is recognizing our insanity."
"Sometimes insane people stumble across something."
"That's the whole shtick right, we're not The Crazy Ones, it's them that's crazy."
"The crazier he got, the more sane and logical the people who began to follow him were."
"Let's create some sanity on this planet with healthier, more intelligent choices ... we want that thousand years of peace."
"Knowing that it's crazy to go up means that you are sane."
"Community is very important to staying sane, staying productive, staying focused."
"A kind of oasis of sanity and calm in a world that seems to be going mad."
"Sanity, no matter who it comes from, is nice to hear every now and again."
"When everyone tells you you're crazy, you're the one that's insane."
"If someone tells you that you are mentally deranged because of some idiotic reason most cases that the mentally deranged one is him not you."
"When you meet a crazy person, do not argue with them. You've gained nothing. You will not change their opinion, and you will have lost the chance to hear their whole crazy argument."
"I think sanity is very important... you don't want someone opening the airlock in the middle of the night."
"To believe you can live in a vacuum without any consideration for the environment... is a form of insanity."
"In times of madness, stating the obvious as a revolutionary act."
"It felt like an oasis of sanity in a crazy world."
"Sanity prevailed. That's pretty good. Take that with you on a Friday."
"If you're mad, it doesn't mean that you're a genius." - Calvin and Hobbes
"May the gods pity the man who, in his callousness, can remain sane to the hideous end." - HP Lovecraft
"That is the only way that we're going to restore any semblance of sanity to our civilization."
"She's the only [ __ ] sane one in the entire Bunch."
"We're not crazy and that's the proof. We can prove that we're not crazy."
"To be sane in this climate is the surest way to go crazy like that's really what you start to realize he's that by design."
"Nature can keep you sane in this increasingly insane world. Going back into nature periodically and connecting with it can help you stay present."
"You're not nuts, okay? You're not seeing things."
"Would a sane person ever believe something like this?"
"That event...is what is only sanity between human beings that seems almost miraculous, and the insanity seems almost normal."
"Sanity is an act. We are acting seen from a very early age."
"If we just stand here and tell the truth, people are looking for sanity."
"We've got to go back to a culture of sanity in the whole country."
"Could a crazy delusional come up with this? The answer is no."
"It's okay to be sane even if you're the only one in the world."
"If you're merely sane and accept reality and make decisions based in those realities, you're going to be a lot better off than the past three generations before you."
"The truth sets a person free, doesn't make him nuts."
"We're just fighting for rationality and sanity and common sense."
"Use your reason and don't fall for the insanity."
"Maybe you do need to question your sanity, actually, Hank, because the rest of us certainly are." - Panelist
"We are not criminals nor are we fugitives from justice nor are we crazy."
"Someone who's talking sane will sound insane because you're surrounded by the insane."
"Understanding crazy stuff makes you not go crazy."
"Richard Marx continues to stand up for sanity."
"Big projects are good, spectacle is great, but you’re gonna go insane if that’s ALL you’re working on."
"I am totally not crazy. I'm completely sane."
"It's nice just to hear other people that are sane as rain."
"If you're reasonable anyway if you have any sanity at all."
"You gotta go back and get your sanity from where you left it."
"You're the very model of Sanity."
"Thanks for having my back, I always knew you were the most sane among them."
"My grasp on sanity remains absolute."
"Can we ever draw definitely the boundary line between sanity and insanity?"
"We're losing the things that make us rooted and make us sane and make us care and make us love."
"Nowness is that purest form of sanity living in this moment and enjoying it and all the rest of it will sort of work its way out."
"We're actually dealing with somebody who, prior to his life falling apart, was a relatively sane individual."
"I shouldn't be alive unless it was for a reason. I'm not crazy, Pepper. I just finally know what I have to do, and I know in my heart that it's right."
"Making stuff is something you kind of have to do in order to keep yourself sane."
"Compassion is really important, it keeps you sane."
"In an insane society, the sane man seems insane."
"I can't understand how I lived through this month with any type of sanity."
"It's good that this world is not without reasonable people."
"The truth sounds insane sometimes, but that doesn't mean it's not the truth."
"It is insanity to keep repeating the same thing and expect different results."
"If we had to consider the factors behind every single decision we make, we'd go absolutely insane."
"The world hasn't totally lost its mind yet, that's one thing to count our blessings on, I suppose."
"It was frantic, unearthly, and I could feel my sanity shift under the weight of it all."
"Writing is the only thing that extinguishes the insanity."
"The definition of crazy is doing the same thing and expecting a different result."
"Maybe there is a way to do this without going completely insane."
"No, of course not, because that's absolutely insane."
"Ill repute is a noise made by madmen."
"I'm not gonna go out and just kill people. You gotta be a dummy or a psycho to do something like that."
"Her synthesis of history and contemporary politics, always delivered in calm, lucid, and deliberate prose, has provided a touchstone of sanity in what feels like an increasingly unhinged moment."
"Good teachers don't say they're God, crazy people do."
"Keeping it was the only way I had to convince myself that I was still sane"
"Having a babysitter come over and watch our children when we need a break keeps us sane."
"Telling a kid that you hope their mother dies so you can get them is next level deranged."
"We are all a little bit crazy, a little bit mad at points, in areas. There is no such thing as a fully mature, fully sane human being."
"Listen to this inner voice, even though in the beginning I thought, okay, I'm crazy."
"Memories, old stories 'cause if they stick with you, you're not nuts. They're trying to tell you something."
"You are not crazy... you are amazing."
"Insanity: the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result."
"Questioning the nature of sanity, conformity, and individuality."
"Why are you building something that's not you? You are the Consciousness inside that is aware that you're driving yourself crazy."
"Just accept what is. To do anything else is insanity."
"No, you're not crazy. You're not insane. You're actually very intuitive and enlightened."
"I won't have any peace. I won't have any sanity until I kill him."
"I think I am going crazy. It may be that all I have ever written you is a dream or madness."
"Let's hope sanity makes a comeback in 2022."
"Hope everybody out there is doing good, staying safe, staying relatively sane."
"They saying you crazy won't work, Chevys."
"There's truth and there's untruth. If you can hold on to the truth even if you are the only one, you will not go mad."
"I have brain fog, but I haven't gone nuts yet. So here's the proof."
"Luca shakes things up by being one of the only sane characters in the room and only truly getting upset when those he cares about or his passions are slandered and abused."
"I think if the truth drives you insane, it's not a truth. There's something wrong with it. That's like a definition."
"I'm different. I'm honest but still sane."
"We're not crazy, we're just special and unique."
"I stay away from most of the things that make me crazy."
"We're getting there, slow and steady, but there are still cheap things to keep us sane."
"A layperson can weigh an opinion on sanity without being qualified as an expert."
"The idea that the world is tribulation is a difficult place. It's amazing that we're as sane as we are given the real hardships of life on Earth."
"You know, you got a point but why do you give a [__]? Well, am I insane? I would say, you know, working in an office for 50 years and then told you aren't worth [__] is insane."
"I just need less and I know it for my sanity, for my children's sanity, for my husband's sanity, yeah we just need peace."
"I'm sane! I'm the only one here who is sane!"
"It really does help me with my sanity so I try to do it at least no less than three times a week if I can do five that's like my goal."
"If you don't know how to laugh at things, you'll go out of your mind in the wrong sort of way."
"I'd be so worried I was going crazy if that happened."
"Just because the world has gone crazy doesn't mean you have to join them. You need to keep your head straight in a world that's gone crazy."
"Moral of the story: don't mess with people, they may be crazy."
"Excuse me, I'm not a crazy person."
"Talking to people that aren't there is a pretty good sign of insanity."
"She's entertaining with or without her sanity."
"We need a bigger ground. We need to have more non-media income. That's what keeps me sane every day."
"I think everybody has crazy moments and a crazy side. That doesn't make you crazy."
"Desperation nodded at the edges of our sanity as we grappled with the haunting question of escape."
"The only sane course for a sane man is to get out and keep quiet."
"It doesn't benefit anyone to argue with crazy."
"I don't care if people are religious, but dang she was freaking nuts."
"God is sane, as sane as any one of you sitting here in this room."
"Don't give others the keys to drive you crazy or bother you."
"In an insane World a sane man must appear insane."
"...there's so much downtime there's so much sitting around just to keep our sanity to keep us humble to keep laughing and it was just pretty much automatic for us."
"...his studies over the last few years of his post here had kept him sane of that he was convinced"
"The undisciplined life is an insane life."
"It's about the thing that ultimately makes Cosmic horror work: the unspeakable ineffable glorious World-shatteringly massive something that manages to obliterate your sanity and your self-concept."
"The day we lose our humanity is the day we lose our sanity."
"They have to all be a bit cracked in the head if they believe that was ever going to work."
"Be stronger, learn the ins and out as much as you can, and protect your sanity."
"I used to think I was reasonable but his inability to understand makes me think I'm insane."
"We can't keep doing the same thing expecting different results. That's the definition of insanity."
"James, we're doing too many riffs and by riffs, I mean you getting slowly insane ever looking at comments on one of your own videos."
"Point me in the right direction and give me a sanity check."
"File organization is paramount... Without it, you will go crazy... You won't be productive."
"Value your own sanity and self-esteem over a DND game."
"...if you're completely crazy and you're unaware of it you're home free..."
"He cannot be a mad person. They are too perfect and too coherent in their organization to be done by a mad person, by somebody who is sociopathic or psychopath."
"Thank heaven there's one sane person in the world."
"...the behavior of being lost and alone in the wilderness, sitting down, having a nice hot cup of tea, and staring at safety, staring at survival, and choosing to ignore it can only be defined as insanity. That is craziness."
"One man's sanity is another man's insanity."
"This is one of the most sane apologies we've had in a while."
"That's lunacy, do not drive yourself down that road."
"Yeah, just stick with one, otherwise you will go insane."
"I don't think of this as Revenge but as you setting a healthy and reasonable boundary with someone who sounds bat crab crazy."
"Funny how all the little things that drive you nuts in life can turn out to be the exact things that also keep you sane."
"I'm not a lunatic. I'm a sane man fighting for my soul."
"A voice of reason in an insane world."
"You're not going to invite crazy into your life. You're not going to invite potential chaos into your life."
"There is no other experience in life that can make a sane person act really crazy and really go nuts."
"Just to be clear, we're in the presence of a genius, not a lunatic."
"Enjoy our time, not lose our minds."
"I'm trying to think, trying to get hold of myself. Otherwise, I am going to go crazy."
"The highest form of sanity that's out there and available for all of us is this present moment and now and making a peak experience being able to make a peak experience out of a present moment out of any present moment."
"In an insane world it was the sanest choice."
"I lifted up my eyes unto heaven and my understanding returned to me. I became sane again and I blessed the most high and I praised and honored him that lives forever."
"You're not crazy for having to think through this scenario."
"The distance from sanity to madness and back again can be a very short one."
"It's so important to have these days so that I can go have fun or go a 12-hour shift and remain sane."
"I'm gonna believe that it's a maybe so that I don't lose my mind"
"The definition of insanity is that your world doesn't match reality... We're all insane, it's just a matter of what degree."
"...I've never met anybody who went so mad and so sane."
"If they just repeat the same thing over and over, it's a sign of insanity."
"How can a crazy woman sense the presence of God?"
"Fantasizing becomes obsession, and for some, obsession becomes insanity."
"Okay, I am thoroughly concerned about some of those people. You know, just don't stay with people that are crazy. Life's too short. Spend it with people who are, I guess, crazy as you."
"...with standup dude you could be killing in a theater one night then going to work out material locally and be eating bags of [ __ ] you know and it's like that Jos is what you need to kind of stay sane a little bit I think as a performer..."
"The only thing that's kind of keeping me sane in these crazy times that we're living in is doing this abandoned stuff and going out into forests and filming videos for y'all."
"No live organism can continue to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality."
"Is it just me, am I going insane? No, no, it's not me."
"It might feel a bit insane and it is insane, I agree."
"There's a lot of things that some people don't know about and probably need some reassurance that they're not crazy when they think something's wrong."
"You hear this right yeah bro I've been hearing it I'm glad I'm not the only one I thought was crazy."
"It keeps me sane in this crazy world."
"Are we getting more unhinged or is the world becoming more hinged? Oh, like what, what's actually happening here? Are we changing? All I know is I am not on hinge, okay? I'm not on hinge."
"We have this great opportunity to be islands of sanity in a world that's gone berserk."
"You're totally functional and more or less sane. Well done."
"Hiring people has absolutely saved my sanity."
"When everyone else is losing their mind, it's proof that we understand the eternal perspective."