
Regret Quotes

There are 12914 quotes

"You either pay the price of discipline or you pay the price of regret. Discipline weighs ounces, regret weighs tons."
"On your deathbed...you're going to really wish that you listened to me right now."
"My biggest regret is not doing it sooner. This is such an awesome lifestyle."
"Regret can lead us in one of two directions: it can be a way of self-flagellating and living in the past, or it can be an engine for change."
"I wish I was there for you when you needed me. I'm sorry."
"One thing I learned is they never regret what they did, they will regret what they didn't do."
"I don't deserve you; I regret many things from the past that I can't take back."
"You might not feel like going to the gym today, but I bet you wish you did yesterday."
"I'm sorry to anyone I've ever hurt, I'm sorry that I let people hurt me."
"I'm so sorry I've been foolish and taken you for granted."
"I don't regret anything I said. I regret how I said it."
"The irony is that it's the fear of not making a mistake that actually creates regret in your life."
"Football is like everything else; if you don't grab your chances, you might end up regretting it."
"To have lived a long time and learn nothing is a disgrace."
"I've ruined our relationship, but I really want to regain your love if it's not too late."
"I was young and I was stupid and I just wanted the best for you."
"I learned that things happened here that never should have happened. I take that very seriously, and I want to say I am so sorry to the people who were affected."
"You only regret the chances you didn't take."
"Live every moment with the intention of embracing your happiness so that you don't have any regrets."
"Don't live in regret; don't live in nostalgia; live in the now."
"That was the one good thing as a father I was going to do, but it's not going to happen anymore."
"Emotions ran very high for both of us, and it's a shame because there were a lot of good things we did together."
"Words cannot describe how sorry I am. Just please, if you could just forgive me once, please."
"I've never said I'm a perfect person nor pretended to be someone that I'm not. I've said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them."
"I didn't realize what I had until it was too late."
"Hell on earth is meeting the man that you could have been."
"I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
"You don't understand. I could have had class. I could have been a contender. I could have been somebody instead of a bum."
"The only thing harder than waiting on God is wishing you had."
"If I could go back in time, I would do things differently."
"I have lived a beautiful life and I am completely satisfied. I have no regrets except that I didn't drink more of this whiskey faster."
"The nature of regret is difficult, right? Because if you take a chance and it doesn't work out, you might regret the other thing. But you can believe in advance that even if it doesn't work out, at least you know you tried."
"Regret isn't necessarily a bad thing. It exists because you cared about something enough to actually be bothered by it."
"The number one thing that leads to regret is not giving it your all."
"You only get one chance to go hard and go fast. If you wait, if you hesitate, if you doubt, then you will always be looking back wishing you had done more earlier."
"It's one thing to go after things hard and not get them, but it's a different thing to not go after them in the first place."
"There's nothing worse than the regret of getting serious too late."
"They wish that they could have treated you better, in the very least they wish they could have told you some sort of truth."
"On the day when a man will observe what his hands have put forth, and the disbeliever will say, 'Oh, I wish that I were dust.'"
"Don't let what-ifs haunt you: regrets, unsaid words, missed opportunities."
"I never meant to hurt you like that; I am so sorry that I did."
"Don't live life full of regret. Just do what you're here to do."
"Don't waste this life. Don't waste the precious time you have here on this planet because it just won't be worth it in the end."
"You shouldn't regret your past; it's in the past. It made you who you are."
"Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity."
"It was a disaster in my life, self-inflicted, self-destructive, and something that I will regret for the rest of my life."
"It's even worse if you don't follow your dreams."
"Oh absolutely, I'd love to have done certain things over, but you can't. That's true in life."
"Jim Rohn says it like this: 'There's a pain of discipline or a pain of regret. Choose your pain.'"
"Every single Labour MP that has failed to come out and call for a ceasefire when it was opportune to do so will hang their heads in fucking shame."
"Avoiding distraction is the key to not living with regret. 90% of the time that we get distracted, it's not because of what's happening outside of us; it's because of what's happening inside of us."
"I regret not spending more time at home with my family when they were younger."
"I wish I wished to God Almighty that I had this when I was coming up."
"You want the hard of regret when you're older... or do you want the hard of each time you took those risks and opportunities and had those experiences?"
"The pain of discipline weighs ounces, while the pain of regret weighs tons."
"Indecision is worse than the wrong decision."
"I have made possibly one of the biggest mistakes in my entire career."
"If I had known this sooner, I wouldn't have syphilis and be dying."
"What greater regret can there be in life than failing to impress the King, Allah Almighty?"
"I didn't realize I loved you until it was too late. I'm so sorry."
"Regret is a heavy burden—learn from the past but don't let it anchor your future."
"Regret is an opportunity for us to grow and to change."
"The next car that I very much regret selling was my 1997 Dodge Viper GTS... It was just an iconic look."
"If you're happy where you are in the moment, you can't really regret stuff from your past."
"Regret is not a function of success; it's a function of happiness."
"Buyer's remorse is a thing that happens to all of us."
"The regret is not because it's a bad film; in fact, the opposite. It's a very important film to have seen. But I regret it because every time I think of it, my heart breaks again."
"Right, so there's a lot I've regretted all my long life so far, but by far the biggest regret I have is watching a film called Dirty Grandpa."
"It's completely unacceptable and I'm absolutely ashamed."
"I wish I had tried harder to stop it from happening or remove myself from the situation entirely."
"If you have a lot of regrets, you have no way to fix those; just do the things you won't regret."
"Failure is temporary, but regret is permanent."
"Kindness is especially important. You can't take back the unkindnesses."
"I regret my actions; I wish I could turn back time."
"If true hell is when the person you are meets the person you could have been."
"I can't forgive myself for how I treated you."
"Engineering degrees are the third least regretted type of degree at only around 15 percent of people who get them end up regretting them."
"I know that no amount of regret can ever bring back the lives we have lost. I know that well. It is like patching up a tear with a different material. Things can never be as they were."
"You only get one life. You don't want to be 80 and regret things."
"They wish they could turn back time, make things work between you again."
"You must experience one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret."
"I can only assume if anyone is shocked that a 15-year-old is capable of making a permanent, lifelong decision that they may regret upon growing older and smarter and wiser, you've either never been 15 yourself or you have never met a 15-year-old."
"I've never had the opportunity to just say, 'I'm sorry guys.'"
"The crucial flaw in his life was not even having the ability to say that he made his own mistakes."
"I've never seen someone regret the amount of hard work they put into their pursuit."
"Hell on earth is meeting the man or woman you could have been."
"It's perfectly normal and acceptable to feel that way about yourselves. Everyone faces some level of regret for their actions, consequences as well."
"I wish I never woulda got that gun. And I wish to God, I never became a hooker."
"I'm sorry I took you for granted. I didn't understand my feelings in the past."
"Do you want to take a leap of faith, or become an old man filled with regret?"
"I first heard about investing from my seventh grade teacher... I didn't listen to him, I wish I would have."
"The things that people end up regretting are those things that they didn't do."
"I made a terrible mistake. I just want you to know that I'm sorry for everything you have been going through."
"Our only regret is that we did not take action sooner, believing that we were dealing with honest people."
"He was my heart in my soul. He inspired me in ways that I wished I could tell him now."
"Innocent people will almost always express regret, wishing that they could have done something differently."
"Yuki ends the series in tears, crying to himself over the choices that he's made. Some things never change."
"It's not what they failed at; it's what they didn't try."
"If I fail, I fail, but at least I won't be lying there on my deathbed having regrets that I didn't go for it."
"I killed a mother holding her child, and I regret it. I resent myself for it."
"Either experience the pain of discipline or experience the pain of regret."
"Immortality-centric plots...usually they don't succeed and if they do, they usually wish they hadn't."
"The worst possible thing is to die with your song still inside you."
"You never want to look back and think, 'I wish I did that.'"
"The most common deathbed regret is things that people didn't do rather than things they did do."
"You give a speech when you're angry; it's the best speech you'll ever regret."
"If I knew this would get this far, I wouldn't even go to a concert. This is not worth the hate that I'm receiving."
"He regretted not telling her how much he loved her sooner."
"On your deathbed, you're going to regret all the chances you didn't take. I think especially as a man, we're out here to conquer."
"I started to regret not being a real kid with a real life," she said, as reported by Life and Style. "I felt like I had no childhood, and it made me sad and angry."
"Given a chance to go back, who wouldn't be tempted to change their past, to undo their wrongs, to help their younger self, or to save someone they lost?"
"Everybody who jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and survived said the first thing that happened was they regretted doing it."
"We did not take it as seriously right from the jump as we should have."
"You don't ever want to look back and think what if."
"Stepping on your dog's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry."
"Why would you throw away something real for something temporary?"
"Sometimes we don't realize what the [ __ ] we had until it's not there."
"Sometimes you got to swallow your pride and like you know what, I love you, you are the best thing that ever happened to me, I regret losing you."
"My greatest regrets are, of course, losing people money."
"Not a day goes by in my own life where I don't pay for it in some way."
"I think that all these regrets that I have are really good to have because if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be able to grow and learn some lessons in life."
"I'm not ashamed to have these regrets because I think that they helped me grow as a person and helped me learn a lot."
"Regret hurts. Regret also instructs, and you can't have one without the other."
"The utility for self-compassion is also enormous because it's when you just look at what it's like to regret something or to feel shame about something."
"When you just look at what it's like to regret something or to feel shame about something, these states of mind are some of the most deranging experiences anyone has."
"My mind is deeply haunted by the action I've done. Waves of guilt wash over me each day."
"One life hardly balances billions, but I would have my masters know that I have changed, and you shall be my example."
"I don't have any regrets in my life, not one."
"Regret is a byproduct of compromising your goals and dreams in exchange for a boring, pathetic, mediocre, average life."
"Words matter, and mine are no exception. I regret my comments, as I said, and I stand corrected. I also stand with the Jewish people."
"I don't think there's a lot of point to spend a lot of time regretting decisions you've made in the past."
"I'm so glad to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't say I was sorry sooner."
"I do not want to live my life and die and at the last moment of my life ask, 'What would have happened if I'd have pushed a little harder?'"
"I'd love to, we'd all love to go back in life and have a few do-overs."
"Go for your dreams; don't live life with regrets."
"Everyone lives with regret, and the words 'forget about it' are useless in the face of the deep regret she's living through."
"This person feels regretful; they feel like they missed out on some kind of opportunity with you."
"Trust me, I've gotten my karma. It hurts me so deeply to know what I did, and I really wish I could take it back."
"We cannot afford to spend our time and strength in regretting our past mistakes. There is too much in the future."
"It was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I felt so ashamed, often all I wanted to do was make it right."
"There are times when I wish that I could have gone back and redo that day to where things worked out differently."
"I'm a big proponent of not living with regret. If you feel like you wanna try something, do it."
"In life, we must all suffer one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. I'm asking you, when your turn comes to make this choice, please choose wisely."
"If you think the price of winning is too high, wait till you get the bill from regret."
"Meaningful discomfort now or painful regret later."
"I think I did something I shouldn't have done."
"In order to be haunted by it, I think regret is part of haunting, where it's sort of like, 'If I could go back in time, I would do it differently.'"
"At the end of our lives, there seems to be a tendency to regret the way we lived them."
"I'm at a payphone trying to call home, all of my change I spent on you."
"This is something I will live in for the rest of my life. I'm sorry."
"I have definitely seen my wrongs in this situation and I hope to severely improve from these pathetic mistakes."
"I feel like I just wasted so much time getting ready for this."
"Every single son of Adam will regret every single moment they did not spend remembering Allah."
"I regret it so much that I want to slap myself."
"No one put a gun to my head. I had choices to make, and I made the wrong choices."
"I think the vast majority of the country regrets the forever wars in the Middle East and doesn't want us getting involved in more wars."
"Imagine you're 90 years old, sitting in your rocking chair, looking back at your life. Do you think you'll have any regrets if you continue living the way that you're living right now?"
"There's always two pains in life. There's the pain of discipline or is the pain of regret."
"Bitcoin appreciates so much that anyone who ever bought anything with Bitcoin hates that product."
"One day, people will wish they treated you differently."
"Me selling that Bitcoin was the stupidest mistake of my life."
"Life goes by so quickly, so live every day to your fullest because you don't want to have any regrets."
"Bank Rate found that 44% of homeowners regret their home purchase."
"I don't ever fully regret anything I did because I always believe in everything happens for a reason or eventually you can turn anything into a good outcome."
"I do not want to get to the age of 90 years old, if I'm lucky enough to live that long, and saying to myself, 'What if we had done that?'"
"Everybody makes mistakes; everybody does things they regret."
"Genuinely, genuinely broke my heart. Wanted to apologize to every single one of you watching today. My golf has been horrendous."
"It's easy to look back and realize what a terrible mistake I've made."
"I made one great mistake in my life... when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made; but there was some justification - the danger that the Germans would make them."
"I'm sorry for the trouble and inconvenience I have caused you recently."
"I do not believe that under 18s should be able to make irreversible decisions about their own bodies that they might come to regret later."
"My only regret is that he'll never remember me."
"I regret every time I've ever stood up for anyone; it always backfires. I regret every time I pushed back against something unjust; it always used to hurt me."
"There was the moment that I knew I wanted to propose, but then there was also the moment where I knew that I [__] up by not proposing."
"Sometimes the thing I regret most is, I should have listened."
"Every moment that I spend revisiting, reviewing, reliving what happened when I can't change it is a lost, wasted moment."
"If you don't try and save the people while you have the chance, it'll haunt you forever."
"I wish I would have learned about educating myself earlier."
"I deeply regret all the hurt I have caused so many by being such a bad example."
"The most looming regret are those of inaction... the what if I wish I would have done."
"The sting of rejection is usually way better than the pain of regret."
"I made a mistake. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry."
"I took you for granted and I regret that now."
"Act in haste, repent at leisure...don't hurry a decision because if you make the wrong decision, you've got too much time to think about it afterwards."
"The secret of the outside world might just be a lie anyway. Either way, we should at least try so we won't have any regrets."
"It's all smoke and mirrors... the more I realize there were places where I could have questioned things and I didn't."
"If you have feelings for someone, you should do it before you almost don't do it. Because if you don't do it, you'll hate yourself forever."
"Shaytan’s promise of immortality and power through disobedience to Allah is an empty promise, leading only to loss and regret."
"The biggest, most common thing that I hear from my patients who are reluctant to engage in mental health is 'I wish I had done this sooner.'"
"It's healthy to have regrets because that means you know what, I recognized that I did something wrong."
"Everybody's got regrets, man. It's only human."
"Divorcing her was one of my biggest mistakes in my life."
"I'm very sorry for what I did, and I take responsibility for it."
"I just want to say I'm sorry for what happened. I'm so sorry."
"With great power comes great responsibility... for the first time in my life, I'm regretful to say I handled that power incorrectly. It won't happen again."
"Regret is something I constantly think about, and life after my win did not pan out smoothly."
"I see now the folly of our ways. I have been blinded by my hatred that I am not seeing clearly."
"I do try to be mindful of that, and limit the amount of time I spend. And on the days when I spend more time than I should, I always regret it. You know, I've just lost my day, wasted it."
"It's just embarrassing, it's stupid. I'm a grown woman and I really, really want to change."
"I do apologize for being so nasty, like from the pill thing because I know how that feels."