
Social Structure Quotes

There are 357 quotes

"The fundamental unit of society is actually not the individual... the fundamental unit of society is the family."
"Social hierarchy is, in fact, a social construction."
"The middle class built the country and unions built the middle class."
"Atomization is the idea that society strains down the social structures until every individual is wholly and utterly on their own."
"The entire structure of warrior life is built around pseudo kinship."
"The basic idea, the core idea of anarchism for most of us, is the elimination of hierarchy."
"The role of ritual and congregation in the maintenance of social structure and in the transmission of stories that need to be transmitted."
"The anarchist dream is the dissolution of unjust hierarchy."
"We are entering a new kind of neofeudalistic sense. There is a noble class, the modern landed gentry."
"Most of history unfolded without citizens, only subjects, serfs, slaves, and sycophants."
"Hierarchies are not predicated on power, and... you don't rise to a position of authority that's reliable in human society primarily by exploiting other people."
"Class identity holds such incredible power because it is instilled in cold material truth."
"Family is extremely important; it's a part of our core."
"Most importantly, democracy lays the groundwork for social life to be shaped by common wisdom and conscience."
"Our experience of the world depends in part on the actual structure of the social network ties around us."
"We're developing a caste system... it's kind of happening already."
"The master is a free human being; the slave is neither free nor completely human."
"Our nation is predicated on the idea that our creator endows us with certain natural rights including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but these rights are not equal; rather, they depend upon one another."
"Families and really children are the building blocks of society."
"Throughout much of Chinese history, Confucianism was the culture of the educated elite. Ancestor veneration, a key aspect within Confucianism, was and continues to be a prevalent practice among all members of society."
"It involves farmers and industrial workers versus the owners... This is the original class conflict."
"Enforced monogamy is not unknown to evolutionary theory."
"Start with a network, refine it down to a community, refine that community down to a tribe."
"Politics is based off of reciprocity... civilized society."
"Man, this world is [ __ ] and the people in it are screwed unless you're at the very top of that pyramid."
"In ranked societies certain people have preferential access to prestige Authority and in some cases power."
"The middle class built this country, and unions built the middle class."
"The intimacy of violence that we experience now... all those formations ultimately are shaped by a social structure as John Clark says that is born in and maintains its hierarchy through violence sustained violence."
"Nothing in this society is haphazard or random."
"It's actually a very concurring hierarchy, isn't it? It's not about wealth, it's all about titles and ego and rituals."
"I wouldn't say that religion facilitates it but I would say that religion is used to justify an existing class structure."
"Meritocracy is the system where you are able to achieve the maximum of your god-given potential."
"We don't fit into the boxes that this ideology is forcing upon all of us because we predate those categories themselves."
"Capitalism needs an underclass, it always always always has."
"They've built the most beautiful garden with the most people in it, but they've also built up the biggest walls around that garden."
"Just getting rid of that class distinction because to me, the latter makes more sense. I would much, much rather just get rid of the class antagonism to begin with."
"Individual freedom is not opposed to collective social life."
"Good ideas lead to good societies which leads to good people."
"Hierarchy, domination, control are not self-justifying. They require a justification."
"In any grossly unequal social system where ultimate power is concentrated in the hands of a few - all people are trapped."
"Feudalism returns—the lords these big investment firms will own the land and they'll say in exchange for work will let you live on the land you'll be a vassal."
"The individual is like one strand of a much larger web of relationship, and that community sense, that community spirit, certainly was responsible for what would be today called magnificent feats of architecture and planning."
"Hypergamy is not a negative thing, it's how society gets greater."
"Destroy the family and there's no opportunity for disciplined raising of children."
"It's about power. It's about hierarchy. It's about wealth."
"We live under a classic dictatorship of a particular ruling class—those with the most money, property, and capital control practically every facet of our lives."
"The biggest defense against communism is the nuclear family."
"The class structure channels conflict into manageable directions for Capital."
"We have been compartmentalized in this country for decades and decades. Compartmentalization ruled the day during World War two."
"You do not have nuclear families if you don't have strong family ties."
"Most of all, Dune exposes the cycles of humanity and the constant structure of giving and taking that is present throughout the universe."
"Because that's very important to how our society functions."
"You can't have community control without institution building."
"Hierarchies are fundamentally based on competence."
"We allow our richest people to be way richer."
"Does the concept of the individual break down in ant colonies?"
"Racism is like another ism that is based on maintaining a social structure based on the idea of race."
"To impose order on a large population means to impose hierarchy."
"The foundation of every social order is mating."
"I think married at-home mothers are not just the core of a successful free society, I think in some sense married at-home mothers are the guarantors and creators of a truly human life."
"Politics isn't fundamentally about parties. It's about the distribution of class forces."
"It's okay to have a tribe, and then have neighbors that's part of your tribe."
"No civilization in recorded history has existed without hierarchy when there's a surplus introduced."
"Thank you Community is built in circles not in rows."
"Norway's recipe for happiness: Social trust, honest governance, and lots of pizza."
"Hierarchies are not necessarily a bad thing."
"There's levels to this, it's like a pyramid scheme of Life."
"The traditional black family is the original Trinity."
"Our social lives are pyramid-shaped through time."
"The modern Western Society is trying to break up the family unit."
"If people through mutual agreement and consent want to form their own communes..."
"And so without storytelling, I mean we would be utterly uncivilized."
"Forget patriarchy, forget matriarchy, it doesn't matter. The leaders of today are whoever has power."
"An orderly Society is necessary to have Liberty."
"Society is a thing that exists as an emergent property of human interaction."
"Hierarchy of technologies used to reinforce social order."
"Your place in society could dictate everything from what food you ate, where you could go, how educated you were, and even how long you were likely to live for."
"Hereditary inequality and societal complexity emerged in Chaco by the early 9th century CE."
"The functioning of American justice can actually show us that facts matter."
"Building an economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down."
"The structure of modern society makes it really hard for the average man."
"Relationships have been kind of compartmentalized by Society."
"The basic unit of society is the family, not the individual."
"The opposite of collectivism is not individualism, it's the family and intermediate institutions."
"Financial freedom is not only for those at the top of the hierarchy, you have to opt out of the hierarchy altogether if you're going to be financially free."
"Heroic society was divided into four main social groups."
"Lions usually live in groups of 10 or 15 animals called prides."
"All of you are Shepherds, and everyone is responsible for his flock."
"Success of the State of Israel and the success of Jewish people throughout the English-speaking world in particular makes it difficult to maintain this imagined pyramid in your mind."
"For the elites of Bronze Age Scandinavia, a man's hairstyle conveyed information about that man as a warrior and his role in his tribe and his wider society."
"People need to realize that the ruling class wants to keep them tribal, that's everything."
"Moynihan argued that the black community was locked in a matriarchal structure that imposed a crushing burden on black men."
"Form a community of a hundred and fifty people."
"Building community is the bedrock. Without community, you can't put the cart before the horse."
"Dismantling hierarchy enhances human thriving."
"Rights are the most basic fundamental block of building a society."
"Human beings are designed to live as a tribe."
"We can lower crime, mental issues, and suicide rates by bringing back the family nucleus."
"Corvids: high intelligence with a vast social aspect, top-tier build."
"The iron law of oligarchy is proof that modernity itself would eventually trend toward fascism."
"They cannot win in a meritocracy. A meritocracy is simply where the best ideas rise to the top."
"The avoidance and skepticism and dismantling of hierarchy in a way that can never be negated."
"They can't have the same setup as us, I guess some got to be some type of way that you support them."
"Clans fulfill an important function in dwarf society, creating solidly defined rules for social interaction."
"The matriarch society is there and they basically are the teachers."
"Laws are also inherent, embedded in rewards and penalties."
"Every person is needed because without one person the whole body suffers."
"In a society that is so dependent on this rigid structure the one real threat and the Nobles are aware of this to their position is Tech."
"The power elite embody the American system of organized irresponsibility."
"The stage system in Black Clover was created for the mages of the Clover Kingdom to destroy."
"Society is now geared towards the weakest among us."
"Societies, civilizations, and states are built on the idea of friendship."
"Institutions don't uphold themselves, people do."
"It's just a fact of the world: this should not be a Dominator hierarchy."
"A tiny French-speaking light-skinned elite ruled over the Creole majority."
"Civilization had actually been constructed to control the dangerous animal forces inside human beings."
"Breaking the ecosystem of families." - Disruptive policies harm societal structure.
"We're just creating by design a generation of people who have been structurally failed."
"All organized societies are cemented together... by ideologies."
"There is no master and no servant in their society but only equals who regard themselves as God's noblest creation."
"There are people who have been granted immense power and wealth by the existence of that status quo."
"We're the bottom of the pyramid folks, according to their capitalistic ideology. You take us out of the way, the whole pyramid crumbles."
"Log Horizon is most fundamentally a story about applying a certain outlook on the best way to run society onto building a new society inside of a generic fantasy setting with its own detailed and particular rules."
"We're stronger in numbers and there can't be a hierarchy because we're all equal."
"Most human societies are actually polygamous."
"American DLS don't really have a class structure."
"Lions are the most extraordinary animals, beautiful creatures with an incredibly complex social structure."
"It's not just the artifacts they made, but the real story is how they organized themselves and they interacted with others."
"The tragedies that befall people without a so-called developing world social structure to catch them are legion."
"Dinosaur eggs may have just proved that dinosaurs operated in a complex social structure."
"Home to a minor aristocrat, his or her family, and of course, keeping the whole thing going in the background, servants and slaves."
"The presence of a lus horns and an ivory folding chair within the tomb suggests that they were a family of magistrates."
"Social cohesion. Who can imagine a system more constructed to bring about such a goal?"
"Hyenas live in clans of six to over 100 individuals, larger than any Wolfpack, lion pride, or orcapod."
"You actually confront a reality where the social structure, the existing interactions, prevail."
"Caste is the granting or withholding of respect, status, honor, attention, privileges, resources, benefit of the doubt, and human kindness."
"The experience of pretending to still fit into a social structure despite your Keen awareness of the new found ways you don't relate to it is unfortunately deeply relatable."
"The potential of ancient DNA to yield extraordinary insights into human mobility, interaction, and social structure has been hailed as a scientific revolution."
"Class is not just about individual attributes; it's about the nature of the positions in which people are located. It's about the positions people occupy in a social structure."
"The social structure and the state continually evolve out of the life process of definite individuals, not as they may appear in their own or other people's imagination, but as they really are."
"Each tribe corresponds to one particular feature of life."
"The system constructs them differently and therefore creates a problem for those who want to create the class for itself because all those divisions are real and materially grounded."
"When that structure breaks down, society breaks down."
"...understanding the rivalries between gods and the religions that formed around them is kind of the Bedrock on which a lot of the later kind of politics and social structures of your world will develop."
"Hierarchy is among the greatest obstacles to the full realization of a free and fulfilling social life."
"Something happens when a new mind enters the system. Individuals who only have access to a top slice of the history of interaction of a group of people seem to be required to get this structure or these structural properties to come in."
"The cohesive human tribal group is a social system unique to us, created as a solution to sharing innovations and protecting knowledge."
"If economic acts are embedded in a social structure, then obviously the social structure is open to question and modification."
"People see it as an oppressive system that locks people in place based on their birth."
"Their organization structure is matriarchal, meaning that each herd of vesserabs is led by a single female."
"Birmingham was like no other place in England, a place where ordinary men could be successful unfettered by the class structure of other towns."
"Racism is a structure built to separate black and white people, the systems are set up against black people."
"This is why heterosexual marriage is the building block of patriarchal society."
"The effect of humor is to destroy hierarchy."
"Female hierarchies are everywhere and when humans were tested there was a psychologist who did experiments."
"Some people made caste their whole reality."
"There's comfort in that, it provides almost like a social order."
"That's a structure of adults, if you now raise children in the context of that structure, they actually take on the implied rules, the threats, and the rewards that are described around certain behaviors."
"Here in Portugal, it's much more about the community as opposed to about the individual."
"It's rising. People are starting to pay attention to economics and social hierarchies."
"The idea of redistribution is over. And yet, you have a situation where, in a way, it’s a form of corporate feudalism, because the land which belonged to the upper castes now belong to the corporates, which are upper-caste, you know?"
"The magical world is divided into three parts: the Royal faction, the Nobles, and The Equalizer."
"These animals have a society with queens, a female working class, and the males are sex slaves."
"The family nuclear unit is able to keep our society together."
"Everything about the world is to do with a kind of hierarchy, whereas accepting our own sovereignty is the key thing."
"Humans were meant to live in groups like tribes."
"They have really strong family bonds and a matriarchal structure."
"One of the things necessary for a good community is that you're in walking distance to several families' houses and to the church."
"Human beings are opposed at the genetic level to any kind of hierarchies, permanent hierarchies, and permanent power imbalances."
"The queen termite is the key to the termite's greatest power of all: their best defense against predators too, the power of numbers."
"Caste systems are closed stratification systems in which people can do little or nothing to change their social standing."
"It's amazing that insects have got queens and workers, and when you think about it, they actually behave a bit like us."
"We used to live in tribes... and then we've been separated into the nuclear family."
"The economy that produces slave masters and slaves, that's what Pakistan has produced over so long."
"Education was an important pillar of Aztec society; in fact, attending these institutions was compulsory."
"The ruling ideas of society are the ideas of the ruling class."
"I want to push my ideals to further examine hierarchy and domination, not only classes and exploitation."
"The cleanest, neatest, most efficiently operating piece of social machinery I've ever seen."
"One of the best ways to protect individual rights is by protecting the rights of groups such as families, churches, schools, businesses, and voluntary associations."
"Class is a way of categorizing people in a society."
"The importance of cohesive family units."
"Ross Correctional Institution is a world of its own, with a hierarchy, economy, and rules."
"It's the most important thing that happens and it's the culmination of all the tools and language and social structure that has evolved."
"Pottery often gives you direct evidence for how social structure is organized."
"Writing is a technology used to differentiate social strata and classes within communities."
"Biomancy is used to create lower class citizens based on the DNA of their ancestors."
"People in power hand you nothing that is going to overthrow their power."
"We shouldn't just be thinking about these big structures that we build; we should also be thinking about the social structures that organize our lives."
"This is not a world in which there are no elites and everybody's the same; it's just a world where there's a bell curve instead of a power curve."
"What I do object to is how class has been intentionally erased from our understanding of politics, power, and economy."
"These are not just stand-alone places; they're part of a much larger complex network of people."
"If you believe that God makes people rich so that the rich can give to the poor, then it means God is the inventor of class in society."
"We learned that vervet monkeys live in troops and that they warn each other with alarm calls."
"It's the way in which the society is organized that does it."
"Was this social organization working for most people for most of the time? The answer is yes."
"Within every society, there are the Haves and the Have-nots, the privileged and the underrepresented."
"The first clue that dinosaurs lived in family groups."
"Medieval peasantry is a complex subject; it depends who you are, where you are, and when you are."
"Ring-tailed lemurs... have a decent social structure and reasonably high intelligence."
"The basic structure of society is the primary subject of justice."