
Personal Resources Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Your attention is the most valuable thing that you have."
"People do the best they can with the tools they have."
"You don't have anything to give that you don't have. So you have to keep your own self full."
"You have all the power, all the tools already within you."
"Sometimes, courage is the only currency we have."
"Your brain and your consistent effort is really your best resource."
"Life is not from outside in, but I have discovered my inner resources."
"Your time is an asset that you can't buy. You can't get your time back."
"Your energy is quite literally your currency."
"You have everything you need to heal yourself."
"BBOs are intrinsic, things that we can draw upon ourselves."
"You've got all the things you need to be the most attractive that you can be."
"Your time is non-fungible, you have to be selective in whom you invest that time."
"When gifts, you can't give if you don't have it."
"In life, it's hard to think of a resource more valuable than your time."
"Having a family that supports you is a privilege."
"Your focus will be on your resources, your own resources and the material things."
"God's going to use something that's in your house."
"All those gift cards you have saved up from your birthday, graduation, Christmas, and you might have forgotten about them. Why not just resell them?"
"Your time and attention as a man is all that you have."
"I believe the Lord is increasing the resource of every person in this room, economic, emotional strength, the ability to hear from the Lord and to live generously."
"Identify the resources that you have within yourself in order to implement those to have the freedom that you seek."
"He's got everything he needs, he's got that rose of hope and that's all he really needs to carry himself forward into a brand new beginning."
"You have everything you need. It's time for something new."
"Protect your energy, ladies and gentlemen. You have a finite amount."
"I think the hardest thing is using your life as a resource."
"Every single person is a resource for something."
"Every person you pass is a well of powerfully valuable resources."
"Don't be that person who misses the resources that are right in front of you."
"I became a millionaire by running a number of personal apps."
"I like to always think about my assets as a combination of time, money, health, and energy."
"We're all called to do this and God will use what we have to give."
"You have a lot more resources than you realize."
"You're gonna have more to draw on, emotional resources and power that you didn't have before."
"You can do it, you have everything you need."
"Our highest form of currency is our energy, attention, and focus."
"There is no greater resource in your life than time."
"Light will be shed on potential wealth within you that can never be stolen."
"You can never get your time and your energy back. Those should be your most valuable assets."
"You're doing silver giveaways with your own silver."
"Living off your energy, emotional, financial, mental."
"Make sure that you invest your energy wisely and where it can actually land and bear fruit. If there's no space for your energy to land and bear fruit, you're just depleting yourself."
"Everything I need is always right beside me."
"I have the resources and the ability to start my own."
"You've got everything that you need to bring success into your life."
"You have the tools to go into this new thing, whatever the new thing is for you."
"Trust your intuition, everything you need is within you."
"You have everything that you need you have all the resources you need already within you you're very smart you know you're very intuitive you're you're just incredible."
"You just do what you feel led and give out of where you're at and what you have."
"Already annoyed at the above mentioned cuts and now they're wanting me to use my personal phone and data to complete a survey before working hours."
"Leaders are their own raw material."
"I'll give you all I got, so all of it. I got a lot to give."
"It really does require real passion and commitment, but according to what you have available."
"Your time is your number one asset."
"Your time and your energy and your emotions, they matter too."
"Courage was a treasure house from which you could take things but never deposit them."
"All you need is what you have: yourself."
"Time is the most valuable thing that you have."
"You're going to find things inside of yourself that no one in the world can provide, can give you."