
Collective Achievement Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Not everybody has to go to Mars. If a hundred people go to Mars, we all go to Mars."
"If we can recapture the spirit of common purpose, as I believe we must, then we can be optimistic about what together we can achieve."
"We all landed on the moon together. That is our boot print."
"Victory is for the collective, absolutely. Victory is for the Nigerian creative economy, creative industry."
"In America, you can do anything, you can be anything, and together we can achieve anything."
"We did it! We did it! We accomplished this, we did this together! We are all part of the history! Let's burn this down!"
"I think we are all making history and everybody should be very proud."
"We know there is nothing we cannot achieve as one team, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God."
"A society of people who are adored and can't pay attention won't be able to achieve collective goals either."
"Americans should take tremendous satisfaction in all that we have achieved together."
"Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results."
"We're part of it now, like we're, you know, we're in the book. That feels great."
"We actually did it, all of us together, together we did it."
"We did it! We expected change and we only did that together, ladies and gentlemen."
"It's amazing what we can accomplish together."
"Hello everyone, we are about to make history."
"We are amazing, powerful beings capable of incredible things individually and collectively."
"We deserve a victory, but it's not just us. This award is yours too."
"This is the work that we put in, not just me, that we all put in. You guys are part of this too, you guys are helping."
"This victory is not just for me; this is for everybody."
"Through this... we can achieve great things."
"Everyone stay safe and be positive, and we will all achieve our goals."
"The success of one author is ultimately a success for all authors."
"Absolutely incredible, you guys are amazing."
"It's actual proof that the progress of ape nation is on the upward trajectory."
"When two men walked on the lunar surface, so did we all."
"It posits that when otaku put aside their bickering over minutiae and come together, they can accomplish just about anything."
"Winning in Massachusetts for US Senate will be a big victory for all of us."
"Thank you everybody. Many of you have been following for a long time. This is not just my achievement here, we are together capturing and reporting on what is quite literally a turning point in history."
"Big shout out to all of us for making it this far, that is absolutely incredible."
"This band has always been bigger than the sum of its own Parts."
"Together, let's Forge a legacy not just of individual achievement but of collective elevation, proving that the greatest amongst us are those who lift others up in their Ascent."
"This event is going to come down into one of those that people are going to say, you know we as a species rose up together."
"I never felt separate from the group, I felt like whatever my success would or could be, it was a success that we could all share in and benefit from."
"It's good to see the team having success too, they put a lot of time and effort into it."
"It's amazing what you can accomplish when no one cares who gets the credit."
"Only a handful of people went to the moon, and yet we all went to the moon. We shared in that adventure."
"I'm so incredibly proud of you and the team and us and what we've been able to do."
"We have done tremendous work, this could not happen without you."
"It's nice to receive it, but it's on behalf of everybody at the football club."
"It was a massive achievement for not only us as a team but the Navy as a whole as well."
"Watching masters do a masterful job and have the sum total be greater than its parts would never get old."
"When we come together as one, greatness happens."
"Success looks like everyone doing really well."
"When Jonathan Majors won, we all won; when Michael B. Jordan wins, we all win."
"Being able to achieve something with a group of people and be outside of yourself."
"America has never been about what one person says he'll do for us. It's about what can be achieved by us, together, through the hard and slow, and sometimes frustrating, but ultimately enduring work of self-government."
"We crushed it, we did it together, I'm so proud of you."
"Think that we've done that as a community coming together, raising money for an amazing cause. It's just such an amazing, such a wonderful thing."
"It's really a team record in the way that I look at it."
"Imagine if the top 1,000 of us who dedicated non-stop hours of our lives to this one task worked together to achieve something great."
"When the team does well, the city does well."
"We did it, after three long years, we have effectively beat COVID-19."
"If we work together, I think we can achieve amazing things."
"This will be a proud moment for all of America."
"Everything we have, everything that we built together is amazing."
"It's a really good sign and instead of doing winners and losers, I'm just doing winners because this is a rare case where I feel like everybody is a winner."