
Vigilance Quotes

There are 6267 quotes

"The essence of self-reliance is freedom, but it comes with the price of constant vigilance."
"You never know when an opponent just kind of gets lazy and starts making mistakes."
"The security of Ukraine is actually the security of the West and we have to keep paying attention to it."
"Remember, freedom is not inherited; it's something we must actively fight for."
"We need to guard our hearts, our minds, eyes, and ears because these are all gateways."
"We just need to do what we need to do: be vigilant, but we also need to be responsible and not lose our heads on this."
"History tells us that looking the other way in the face of such hostility will be a far more costly path."
"We need to check every single part of the prison to make sure nothing has been hurt."
"An adventurer can never let their guard down."
"American people are smarter than this; however, we must remain vigilant to recognize their propaganda for what it is."
"It's not getting any easier or safer out there, so being vigilant is extremely important."
"Being vigilant in making sure that you're on top of things when weird conversations start to happen that don't seem normal, that you're getting from people that you normally wouldn't get, is extremely important."
"Be vigilant and watchful, for the devil goes about seeking someone to devour... It doesn't matter what the level of spiritual warfare, what the attack is, what the onslaught is... in the end, God is the Lord of history."
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used."
"We need to keep voting with our wallets, rejecting this poison and staying vigilant."
"Moraine says, 'Don't worry, I've got eyes and ears all over this city. They'll find them.'"
"We have Junior Sailors in the Red Sea right now, standing watch in combat information centers, deciding which contacts are friendly or pose a direct threat to their ship."
"The fight against fascism requires vigilance and a deep understanding of its subtleties and disguises."
"Colossians 4:2: 'Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.'"
"It's important to remember that al Qaeda remains a serious threat to us."
"You have to be really vigilant about what you consume."
"The watchman upon the tower would have seen the enemy while he was yet far off."
"We cannot let our guard down now or assure that victory is inevitable. We can't assume that. We must remain vigilant, act fast and aggressively, and look out for one another."
"The price of liberty is eternal vigilance, and that's why you have to fight this always."
"We do not fall into easy somnambulance and amnesia; we stay awake, we remember."
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."
"It doesn't matter how experienced you are, rust can set in at any stage."
"When the government lies, the truth becomes a traitor. Stay vigilant, people."
"Healthy self-doubt breeds inquiry; it breeds vigilance."
"Keep a close eye on your neighbors, gentle townsfolk, and find the demon lest the bell tolls for thee."
"Juveniles will cluster together as a defense against carnivores because vigilance is one of the big things."
"We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes."
"The more things you allow the government to take away, the more things they will continue to take away."
"Lolita should make all of us—parents, social workers, educators—apply ourselves with still greater vigilance and vision to the task of bringing up a better generation in a safer world."
"I am the sword in the darkness. I am the Watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor for this night and all the nights to come."
"Your reputation is everything. Guard your reputation with your life."
"Prosperity and stability require vigilance as new threats emerge."
"A reminder that peace is never given. It is earned."
"If you don't challenge censorship at the very start, then it will swallow you up eventually."
"It's gonna take more than just one conversation to sound the alarm about the need to be vigilant."
"Call on his name and receive His grace that he provides. Do not let your guard down and fall into the trap of our adversary, the devil."
"The degree of vigilance and awareness has to be directly correlated to the degree of these components that exist."
"Racism is endemic to the human condition, just as stupidity is. We will always have to be on guard against it."
"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong."
"We need to be vigilant, subtle, adaptive, and responsive all at once."
"Therefore, let us not sleep as others do, but let us watch and be sober."
"Your reputation is everything. And you've got to guard it scrupulously."
"Set a guard over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips."
"He watches over you from this time forth, now and forevermore."
"We've got to stay vigilant and we have to protest."
"I have peace today knowing that I am under the protective care of a God who neither sleeps nor slumbers."
"Take heed, watch, and pray; for you do not know when the time is."
"We have to stay vigilant. Even though it looks like Xavier's dream of peaceful coexistence between mutants and humans has come true, there are still prejudiced humans out there who will always feel threatened by mutant kind."
"Each of us has the plague within him; no one on earth is free from it, and we must keep endless watch on ourselves lest in a careless moment we breathe in somebody's face and fasten the infection on him."
"Democracy is fragile; you have to tend to it, you have to fight for it."
"If you see something, say something, and this is what we need to be using journalism for."
"We need to be incredibly vigilant... It's something that has to be fought for with each successive generation."
"A missing screw can jeopardize the safety of flight. Constant checks keep planes flying and passengers safe."
"People who are anxious are just more easily startled in general because they are always in a state of being hyper vigilant."
"It's time to play in the grass with all of these snakes and see how far we make it. Play the game but smarter. Good luck everyone and stay sane."
"It's good to see how vigilant certain spaces became about protecting young people and going after predators and other abusers."
"All adult Americans will be eligible to get a vaccine no later than May 1. That's much earlier than expected."
"Unity is what we do together as fellow Americans. Because if we don't stay vigilant and the conditions change, then we may have to reinstate restrictions to get back on track."
"Historians remember from the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic that the spring was pretty bad. But the fall was much worse. We need to stay vigilant every step of the way."
"Our key message though is not to relax, that our key message actually is to double down."
"If you see something, you should say something."
"The scripture says you must be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil is as a roaring lion; he's pretending to be something he's not."
"We are going to be absolutely vigilant and fierce about not squandering the tremendous sacrifice that Canadians have made."
"Be prepared, so overprepared that no one can catch you ever off guard."
"We want New Yorkers to be smart, vigilant, and diligent about the recommendations we've made."
"Everyone should be on the lookout for their own Steven Libby in their group of friends."
"Err on the side that you really did see something important. Don't just go, 'Well, who knows, maybe I was wrong.' Let the police make that judgment call."
"Don't take democracy for granted; don't take freedom for granted."
"Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming."
"Democracy is fragile. It requires a vigilant and engaged populace and, if you take freedom for granted, you can lose it."
"Our rights and liberties cannot be taken for granted."
"We're now asking people to stay alert, control the virus, and save lives."
"So far, it appears that the vaccines will still be effective against them, with the caveat in mind you want to pay close attention to it."
"Be alert and sober of mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."
"It's an exhausting life to have to continually monitor your life and wonder, is that person going to become a flying monkey? It's no way to live."
"We are in fascism watch; we have all the ingredients for fascism."
"It's just important to look out for each other, and bad things can happen sometimes because people that know better and could have helped, they don't say anything, they don't speak up."
"Be very, very, very vigilant about companies that you are going to spend money with and be involved with in any way, shape, or form."
"Keep your Bible open and your news on, and watch what happens."
"Our job is not to look for the signs of the signs. Your job is to stay faithful to Jesus in your personal life."
"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."
"When tyrants say they're going to act, please believe them."
"Why would you not do that? So yes, open your eyes and be vigilant but also gain the courage, be brave, do something, stand up, speak out."
"We cannot take anything for granted. Yes, we cannot be complacent."
"The word vigilant means to be carefully observant or attentive, on the lookout for possible danger."
"You'll be aware, you'll be ready when you see the signs, when the red flags come up, when those gut feelings appear."
"Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it flow the issues of life."
"You have to remain vigilant. You read in the papers... about a possible second wave or hot spots for places that have opened too fast or opened without testing and tracing or opened without doing monitoring."
"Sly Marbo sleeps with a pillow under his gun."
"Simply put, if you see something, say something."
"My ideal outcome: Biden wins, but the left does not go to sleep."
"There's never a wrong time to protect your home."
"We have a model: not on our watch. Basically, it means never again do we want 9/11 to happen."
"The issue is not just when the instances happen; it's the constant vigilance and exhaustion of anticipation of violence and harassment."
"Always ready to deliver justice whenever it is needed, and always as a brotherhood."
"Wakanda will no longer watch from the shadows."
"We mustn't allow it to slip through our fingers."
"We walked side by side, each alert for anything that might pop out at us."
"There will always, always be an American soldier of the highest caliber guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier 24 hours a day, seven days a week."
"We all should be concerned with white supremacy"
"Rights and freedoms that you take for granted will be lost by people that don't believe in them."
"Exploitation is easy if you're not paying attention."
"Be vigilant on where you're purchasing your items."
"Research, don't get comfortable, and realize that you are not safe."
"We're asking all Americans to redouble their efforts, to be vigilant, to embrace masks, social distancing, handwashing."
"There will be religious deception but look what he says take heed that you not be deceived." - Luke 21:8
"This success means there is light at the end of the tunnel right now is not the time to let our guard down."
"I put my blinders on but the eyes in the back of my head saw this."
"Anyone who finds out there is an abuser around you, you always have a responsibility to your society and to your neighbors."
"We won't know the day nor the hour, but we will know the times and the seasons."
"Ample testing and monitoring... are the keys to vigilance."
"Be safe, stay vigilant, and carry your weapon."
"Once this agenda narrative is over... I think we have to be alert for the next one." - Chris Martenson
"We remain in a situation of danger that we must take very seriously indeed."
"We have to be vigilant. We have to be careful and we also have to set an example."
"In a world of persecution, we must be vigilant, we must be prepared, but we don't need to be anxious."
"Have you ever had that unsettling feeling that you're being watched?"
"This distressing incident serves as a reminder of the importance of vigilance and caution when it comes to interactions between young children and pets."
"Let's hold accountable those who threaten our democracy."
"This city is a battleground, Gotham does not need you taking matters into your own hands."
"It's definitely something Mojang's trying to keep an eye out for."
"Keep your wits about you, and check over your shoulder if you hear something move."
"From birth until about 2 years old, leopard cubs are cared for by their mother, a robust and alert female always keeping watch from the trees to swiftly deter any threats to her offspring."
"From Iron Ron Swanson as always guys and girls, be safer out there."
"Don't give up just because you think everything's safe now, the fight continues."
"If you're not coming to help me and it's just me and these fools, and I see what they're capable of, I would be a fool not to protect myself."
"People have to fight to make sure that criminals don't get one over on us."
"She's a vigilante warrior in space, not using her sophisticated mind, her knowledge of cybernetics, she blows people up."
"Stay woke means stay conscious of what's going on... stay aware of your surroundings."
"We definitely need to be watching and waiting and staying close to the Lord as much as we can."
"The official reaction is we're always looking for somebody to be an extra set of eyes and ears to be a good witness we don't want anybody to put themselves into danger and risk getting hurt."
"Stay diligent in these end times and do not be deceived."
"I tell you these things and I bring up these stories not to say that they're guaranteed to happen but to show you what is happening and say you must keep paying attention to make sure you don't allow evil people to gain power."
"Evolution doesn't just create stuff from scratch. We've got to keep evolving it, but we have to stay vigilant and responsible for this process."
"This has to be a change of soul, young Jedi's, and pull out any bullshit you see and be on the lookout for bullshit to come."
"What are the good guys making sure you're on the right side?"
"It is all based on manipulation and we need to really be awake because it's just happening before our very own eyes."
"There are real consequences to some of these things, and I just think it's on everybody to look at that and also to remain and Report things to law enforcement whenever there's such obvious red flags."
"Do not be afraid. Be vigilant. Experts say the risk of serious illness for Americans from the coronavirus is low."
"Stay informed, stay vigilant, and consider securing your financial future."
"Stay informed, stay vigilant, and most importantly stay true to the principles that make our nation great."
"A positive outcome and do not want anything bad to happen on their watch."
"We better make damn sure they're not being used for purposes that undermine our national security."
"We need to be on guard against these things."
"The SCP Foundation has eyes and ears everywhere, ready to strike and suppress an emerging anomaly before any ripples of its existence can reach the wider world."
"Fascism must be constantly guarded against in every generation."
"SCP-173 is a sentient concrete and rebar-based statue that can typically be contained and kept inert as long as eye contact is made with it at all times."
"Stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming."
"This person still keeps an eye on you, Gemini."
"Oh my gosh, he's like a shark in the sky bro, picking and waiting and choosing and baiting."
"The footage came to an end as a man was seen lighting a flare gun further up the road."
"It is crucial that we continue to remain alert and save countless more lives."
"I think we all got to keep our hands on the wheel right you don't saying because if not then you know if we take our hands off the world we could we it at a crash."
"Parents, please keep an eye out... notice red flags."
"Amidst the excitement and anticipation, Musk remains vigilant."
"You must not be unaware of his schemes. You must understand what he's out there doing. That's what we're fighting, the schemes of the devil."
"Argus Panoptes was a creature that was said to have 100 eyes with superhuman strength."
"We will always fight against abuses of power from any source."
"Don't get overconfident. Don't get complacent. We're in the midst of this."
"Freedom and democracy must be constantly guarded and protected both abroad and from within."
"We're worrying about the cumulative Adverse Events."
"Every American needs to be vigilant. When we are, we can mitigate this virus and stop the spread together."
"This election was rigged, and we can't let it happen again."
"Keep your eyes peeled for what lurks beneath."
"You got to protect yourself at all times, by any means necessary."
"Mako's fire was smoldering rather than boiling, a prison inmate always watching his back."
"Freedom is being taken away from us one step at a time, and it is something that we need to be focused on and we need to be vigilant about if we hope to live in a future where we have that freedom back."
"Stay alert, stay alive, and do whatever you can to not be part of the oblivious community."
"We shouldn't allow this type of garbage to pass us by without criticism."
"So in order to keep her kids safe, she basically never let them out of her sight..."
"Remember, thoughts start wars if the gates are not closed."
"I literally want to like get a Batman suit vigilante the [ __ ] out of anybody who sells a child into sex trafficking."
"At your highest moment, be careful, that's when the Devil comes for you." - Denzel Washington
"Watch and pray lest ye enter into temptation."
"We must be vigilant and continue to watch the police and expose their abusive powers."
"Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion."
"Stay awake, brother. Every vote counts, every voice matters."
"Walk close to God, keep your eyes open, absorb as much knowledge as you can. This is the time to really, really be reading and paying attention to what's going on."
"The only way to fight dictatorship is to keep your eye on it all the time and to condemn it and to call for its ousting."
"We live in a very scary world, you know, and that's why I would say just stay prayed up and be very, very vigilant."
"Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they ain't out to get you."
"Their instincts warned them to be aware, beware of the intruder."
"Don't forget that you're in a pandemic... carry on with all the day-to-day measures that you've been doing with a great deal of success."
"Pay attention to your surroundings... someone might be watching you from a distance and waiting for the right time."
"Fascism continues to have appeal and we have to be on Constant Guard for it."
"Democracy is never, never guaranteed. Every generation must fight to maintain it, must always cherish it, defend it, and strengthen it."
"Let's make some awesome action films Hollywood let's get it started."
"If we take our freedoms and our democracy for granted, we do so at our peril. They require our attention and our engagement."
"It is still up to the public to remain skeptical and vigilant."
"We must pay much closer attention... so that we do not in a way drift away from truth." - Warning against drifting away.
"If you discuss guarding your culture, there's a reason why you must guard it so vociferously."
"Keep watch because you don't know the day or hour."
"Everybody has their Spider Sense super tuned in for Nazis but no one does for Communists."
"We will continue to report to ensure that someone is watching to preserve what rightfully belongs to us: our freedoms."
"Situational awareness is key. Notice exits, cover, and potential hazards."