
Societal Engagement Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Living off the grid isn't about escaping society but finding peace within it."
"The people at the bottom who have the right to say what they think, however badly they say it, that enables them to get a toehold into the system."
"Right now is your chance to act collectively."
"It's not enough to just be Black Lives Matter in the tweets; you gotta be Black Lives Matter in the streets."
"We need to regain our sense of what politics is."
"Absolutely, it's your responsibility to activate on that."
"This is the cultural influencers these are the people who make the culture in which your kids engage."
"I'm asking you, how do you reach out to those people, or do you just ignore them?"
"We need to be talking about politics all the time."
"Your salient voices on what's happening... could not be more important than the moment that we find ourselves in right now."
"It's imperative that we have those conversations from a young age."
"You have an obligation to be informed and to understand what you're talking about."
"Holding police accountable is a process that requires us, the people, to work."
"The whole point here is even if that's unfair, it does not matter if that's what's happening because we have to engage with reality and deal with it."
"It's just good to know, right? Like, good to know what's goin' on out there so you can stay current."
"It's too easy to get caught into the distractions of the world."
"The time for apathy is over; people need to stand up for individual rights."
"There's an enormous problem with young men checking out of society."
"We've got to keep talking. We can't afford to give up."
"The earth doesn't end when you have public discussions."
"Democracies... increasing our power perhaps not through our numbers... but through our hearts and Minds."
"I'm an optimist... Forget hope, get up, rise up, turn off the TV, put down your device, get out there and be involved." - Michael Moore
"Everybody loves history until we start talking about it."
"It's frustrating, but it's what we're dealing with, and you have to be willing to have the longer conversation with people in your life to make that point."
"Stop treating these people like they're friendly start asking some incisive questions."
"It's just very important we're all as informed as possible."
"Live in a world where you can't be afraid from having these discussions."
"It's about time the people start protecting the people."
"I want people graduating from high school to feel a sense of discontentedness. Contentedness is the death of activism."
"Identity politics: everyone can engage or nobody can."
"Trust me, if you want to be cool, be on the side of democracy."
"Getting comfortable with civil discourse is key."
"Are we losing our grip on the trend, on the currency of pop culture?"
"However messy the world may be, it is still worth playing in and trying to make the most of."
"We are called to be Salt and Light... not to sit on the sidelines and watch it all burn."
"There ain't no draft that these young people have to be worried about nonetheless they continue they continue to fight."
"Keep questioning, keep informed, and let's continue to stand up for what's right."
"We're fortunate to be born at such a moment as this; the possibilities are endless."
"The people are standing up now. The direct protest we're seeing is in Canada." - The Speaker
"Moving from education to engagement...society can tell you these are the things we need."
"Culture is more important than politics. We need to be in the know."
"Society should be standing up with the working class if you want people to stand with you."
"Why did I have to fight so hard to do what other people don't even care enough to do?"
"If our stock market investment participation rate was the same as our voter participation rate, a big chunk of the wealth gap would disappear in one generation."
"It's very empowering to participate in the economy as opposed to sitting on the sideline."
"I think the whole of society needs to be involved in deciding what do we want to deploy these models for? How do we want to use them, what do we not want to use them for?"
"I think what people act, says stands though I think if you don't, if you never know what's going on or ever have any sort of make any effort to find out what's happening in the world or whatever as well then you know that's not good either."
"My hope is that the church would be the church that we should be and we would be engaged in all levels of society."
"The moment you make reality exciting, people will prefer it over their phones."
"What went wrong? The Establishment adjusted to the Vietnam protest in the Vietnam era."
"But for most people, they've got a boat and they've got to get more active and they've got to shed their political allegiance and just look at the world the way it is rather than the way they're told..."
"Showing us what was happening so that we were personally affected was designed to motivate us enough to stand, to choose a position, to speak Our Truth."
"If we do not remain engaged, if we do not stand and speak, if we do not fight back, we will find we've become captives, slaves in a system that cares nothing for us, our children, or our well-being."
"You've got to come up with a improvisational grounding in yourself so that as you engage the social structure, you can do so standing in yourself."
"The idea is, if China is a growing economy, an increasingly prosperous society, a society that is increasingly engaged with the wider world, that can only mean that America's position is going to decline."
"I never underestimate the kindness of you guys. Every like, every comment, every view, it is priceless to me. So thank you very much."
"Your silence about what is happening in the world right now is your consent."
"Join us, Angie, become one with the spectacle. The spectacle is light, the spectacle is true."
"It's in everyone's interest as a parent, as a citizen, as a human being to engage with this and pressurize governments to counteract the special interests in society."
"I'm not super educated, but the reality is that I listen to what these people are saying that they're going to do, and so I had to educate myself on the conversation and language they've used."
"It's really critical that this is discussed at large with society and everybody and the general public."
"What can American people do you're you're out there trying to draw attention to this what can we do to stop this?"
"Idle hands in a totalitarian state are an issue for the regime because then people get bored they get lazy they start thinking they start talking to each other they start wondering wait a minute what's going on here no no keep them busy."
"I think we're in an era where it's like if you're not mad you're not paying attention."
"Who's going to want to do it at this point? What is the payoff at the end of the day?"
"We should have the confidence that working people, once all the issues are presented to them, will have the understanding of what's in their own interests."
"Sometimes you gotta build, sometimes you gotta talk, sometimes you gotta use this opportunity to enlighten others."
"I'm just trying to figure out how to reach people who are not bad faith cynics"
"Participating in the world as it is today does not disqualify you from trying to improve it."
"All of us need to actually have skin in this game if we're going to be pro-life."
"We are meant to occupy until he comes that's all areas of society don't let them tell you otherwise."
"Stay engaged. Don't let people push you to the margins. Don't let people tell you you have no value. Don't let people tell you your vote doesn't count."
"If your mind is too plugged into the matrix and the entertainment and the world, you won't be able to digest it."
"What it has to do with is what is the cost because we don't pay attention until they make a decision that folks don't like."
"We need to start having conversations with each other as far as how we engage with the police."
"Democracy is about pointing out mistakes, not constantly criticizing."
"If there wasn't something absolutely vital at stake here, there wouldn't have been millions of people watching."
"I really believe if we just keep fighting and you do what you do whatever it is you can do in your life to keep fighting at the moment, that's the only thing."
"Every country every town square you need to know who the person is that's standing on top of the upturned soapbox don't you?"
"We need to start having genuine conversations again."
"A prince ought to live amongst his people."
"You know yeah go into the woods go into the desert but we also got to go into the marketplace got to go into society we got to mix it up with our fellow human beings and show them and participate."
"The willingness to always grow and learn... always improving so that you never feel that you're out of the loop or out of society."
"The philosopher must be made to come down among the people because that's good for them."
"We need a much broader alliance of all of the individuals, institutions, governments, groups that are engaged in these ideas."
"Writers cannot just be apart from society... You have to engage with the society, you have to communicate."
"The only way to be saintly in the 21st century and thereafter is you wade into the slum of everyday life."
"It's essential to think critically about the world, about things, you have to engage with people."
"It is the function of those of us who are part of this Center for African studies to actually engage in true hand-to-hand combat with the circumstances that surround us as African people."
"We live in a pluralistic society and we have to find ways to actually engage with each other in a way that we can communicate in an open dialogue."