
Financial Mindset Quotes

There are 187 quotes

"It's not about trying to be a millionaire or trying to make money. It's about thinking of the man you have to create to attract a million dollars."
"Money should be kept in a pocket, not in your head. If you keep thinking about money all the time, you can't even enjoy the money that you have."
"Worrying about money only resists it. You are learning more about abundance. There's enough to go around."
"Using this simple principle called the mirror principle, I changed my attitude towards money and inevitably manifested a seven-figure business."
"97% of millionaires believed they controlled their financial destiny, which was amazing because it starts with belief."
"Understanding investing versus everything else: Spend less than what you make, regardless of how much money you make. It starts with a mindset thing."
"The best way to avoid emotional decision making is one by adopting a wealth mindset and two implementing a proven strategy and sticking to it no matter what."
"We're just a bunch of people walking around terrified of this scarcity of money, and it's not."
"Trust is the hardest part of money EQ. You have to have the trust that once you let go of money, it comes back."
"If you want to be rich, become okay with it."
"We are in a financial revolution. You got to kill those old habits, you got to kill that old mindset."
"Get the numbers out of your mind and focus on living within your means."
"Thinking in dollars is for the poor. Thinking in percentages is for the wealthy."
"To be able to attract money you need to have an open and positive headspace."
"The best measure of wealth is what you have minus what you want, and by this measure, some billionaires are broke."
"The more time a person is willing to live like they're poor, despite not having to, the richer they will become."
"Don't say I can't afford it, say how can I make it make me money?"
"Money is a resource. It is there. The minute you're afraid of money, the minute you're afraid of anything."
"When we limit our emotional or psychological containers in our mind and our body around money, we limit our abilities to make money."
"Once you identify the problem, you can't fix it, and two, once you do, you can mobilize grassroots, you can pressure congressmen and senators, you can do all sorts of things to change policy."
"Moving forward with a new direction of money abundance and manifestation."
"He's okay with being broke because he knows he can make money again."
"What is the point of me being bearish? You think that's cool? You think that's going to make you money? Of course not."
"Using debit cards, that's a poverty mindset. Using credit cards, that's a wealth mindset."
"A husband, on the other hand, has the mindset of wealth, he has the mindset of legacy."
"There is inside of you a millionaire struggling to get out."
"Money never stops flowing to you, it rains down in buckets."
"Think of the money that you invest as gone... If you do that and you make money now, you just found brand new money."
"Poor people talk about money. Wealthy people talk about ideas."
"Finances are about playing offense, not defense."
"Think long term, don't get caught in that short-term gambling mindset."
"More people stay poor because of their egos than get rich off them."
"Ramit taught me that money is meant to help me live my rich life."
"Money is so attracted to you it's not even funny."
"You ain't broke son unless you think you are."
"Change your mindset about money. Pay your future self."
"Being rich has nothing to do with luck." - Samuel Leeds
"Being broke ain't the problem. Having impoverished mind is the problem."
"Financial mutants process the world differently; they view spending decisions as future investments."
"Every dollar you make, think of those dollars as employees."
"Money is an amplifier. If you're an incredible being with a vibrant heart, with a big mission and a huge purpose, money is going to amplify that and create that change."
"The millionaire version of me was created in the details, not from the big things."
"If we're not intentional about it, it won't shift. So, you can start choosing a new figure and consciously tell your money blueprint to shift to that."
"When you think what a rich owner thinks and when you do what a rich owner does, you will produce similar results."
"You've got to stop saying 'I am poor, I can't afford that.'"
"Don't fear sunk costs, focus on opportunities."
"I have no problem spending money as long as I could get that money back."
"With all the money that I did not have, with all the debt... I was always a rich man."
"I was always scared to spend money, but I was not scared to invest."
"Work on believing that you deserve to be wealthy."
"Success will find you, improve your relationship with money."
"You have choices... make that money work for you... shift your mindset from spending to saving to investing."
"Most of you are more afraid of losing money than you are to go out and make it."
"Being broke is a temporary situation, being poor is a mental condition."
"We completely changed our thoughts regarding money."
"A significant sign of approaching wealth is the diminishing worry about financial outcomes, deeply rooted in Canon's concept of trusting the universal flow."
"Changing your money mindset can have a really positive effect, if you respect your money a little bit more, you're less likely to impulse buy."
"It's all a mindset." - Stressing the importance of mindset in financial decisions.
"Broke is not just about what you have in your bank account, broke is a cheap limited mindset."
"Money loves speed, yes. Money also loves joy."
"You're very, very lucky to be on the right side."
"Prepare yourself for income in abundance, release any mental blocks you may have."
"Money is just a tool, people have this kind of hedonic value ego value associated with the number that they don't lose attachment with."
"You're unlocking your prosperity, that abundance is moving towards you; there's alchemy here, it's like magic."
"You gotta stop living in your feelings and understand that anytime you get paid, you have more money to invest."
"There's nothing in the Bible that says God's people need to be poor."
"The majority of people when you think about money is what stuff can I buy. The reason we call ourselves the minority mindset is because we think differently than the majority of people."
"You don't need millions of dollars to start... but you have to start shifting your mindset."
"I feel rich. I love money. Money loves me. I attract money now."
"Money is an energy, remember that, money is an energy."
"Your brains will change if you learn never to work for money, you'll be a rich man."
"A scarcity mindset is essentially feeling like you'll never have enough, or it can show up as feeling just really hopeless about your money and that you're just always going to be in this cycle forever."
"Spend like you're broke and invest like a businessman."
"Money is energy as well, so I just want to remind you guys... you have the power to attract whatever you want."
"Don't chase money. Money is a byproduct. Value creation of money is not something you try to chase."
"Most people when they're trying to become wealthy get stuck on number one—they get stuck on how do I spend less money, how do I cut back on my expenses, how can I find an extra penny by not spending a penny."
"Money mindset is the group that you want to be in."
"Shift from a money spending mindset to an investing mindset."
"Never say I'm broke, I'm overcoming a cash flow problem."
"At the end of the day it's all good right in terms of investing you're not doing anything fraudulent."
"So shift your money mindset to a positive mindset if you're afraid of money that's how it's going to treat you if you don't respect money it'll leave you if you think money is not enough that's exactly what you'll see everywhere."
"You're not supposed to be scared of your money."
"Share strategies and mindset for wealth building."
"I've got this money not because I'm a superior human being, but because I was wired the right way."
"Mindset and your relationship with money is probably the single biggest thing that you're going to have to adapt your mind to by far, by far."
"You will not find any major wealthy investor that is living their whole life thinking a crash is coming because you won't make any money that way."
"I personally always had like an extremely like a frugality mindset around money."
"Money money money money or the blue chip mindset not money."
"Don't make decisions based on how much money you don't have. Pay very close attention to how you think."
"Start living like you're already a millionaire."
"Being broke is temporary but poor is eternal forever."
"Never think of how much money you don't have or how you're afraid that if you don't have enough what would happen."
"You need to create this mindset that you need to tell yourself you would never be broke again."
"You want to stay broke? Okay, you're choosing to stay in that lifestyle."
"Computers are superior to humans once they become sentient."
"Even when I was broke as a joke, I didn't tell people I can't afford that. Those words never came out of my mouth."
"Stay calm and understand that money gonna flow if you don't worry about it too much then it's gonna flow."
"Feeling rich is the difference between what you can spend and what you do spend."
"There may be something deep down within, it could be an emotional block or just a mindset thing around there needs to be a mindset shift around your money, your finances."
"You want to pay as much as possible not as little as possible that's how you know you're making progress."
"Most people are more concerned about not losing money than they are about making it."
"...the problem... is you live for the future too much that you end up dying with so much money."
"The second you're worried about money go spend a shitload prove to yourself you don't give a [__] like I don't give a [__] straight up."
"Money loves to be in flow. Money comes and goes."
"Putting your life on hold and thinking like one day you'll be able to retire and not have payments and all, I think that's just the mindset shift is can be huge there."
"If you're someone like me who struggles with feelings of lack, not having enough, just like general financial anxiety, you cannot feel broke when you hold this much money in your hands."
"Frugal people are proactive. We take action and not reaction."
"400 dollars... It just sounds like broke thinking, man."
"The big picture My overall mindset about money I really like I see things differently I save differently I spend differently than I did before I consumed all of those books."
"When you treat yourself to your favorite lipstick, a latte, or a lunch, you are signaling to the universe 'I am not afraid of money, I do not see this as a loss, I know it will come back'."
"Money is never yours, it's just your turn to hold it."
"Don't mistreat money. Money is a defense. Squeezing money shows that unconsciously you mistreat money. Don't squeeze money, treat it rightly."
"Um, when I bought this Royal Oak, I bought it as an investment."
"I'm $5 million in debt and don't lose a wink of sleep over it."
"We're frugal bros. We do care about [money], we just don't make money."
"The money is um only limitations are the ones that you impose on yourself."
"No one in this room, on this planet, in my world that I am aware of has a money problem. Every one of us have an idea problem."
"It's not about being right, it's about making money."
"Money gets to work for you. Life gets to work for you. It's you about you accepting and deciding how easy or hard it gets to be."
"The biggest problem with trading and the biggest mistake that they make or approach that they take is trying to make money instead of not trying to lose money."
"The psychology you have around money is going to determine whether you're rich, poor, middle class."
"I'm so confident that within seven days... it'll change the way in which you view money."
"Prosperity is always within my reach."
"I think of business different. I think of my money differently."
"I'm very grateful for the strides I've taken with my mindset around money."
"Your mindset have to change, only buy stocks that you have inside of your portfolio, start small and then grow over time."
"You're thinking like an investor instead of a consumer."
"We have to change our mindset in the way we see money, the way we deal with money."
"Once you've got your needs met, think of money like it's a game."
"I am a broke millionaire, I always will be, you should be too, you can be too, are you gonna do it? Damn right."
"I love buying from individual sellers; I feel so much less of a hard-ass about saving money when I'm buying something secondhand."
"Stop thinking about savings as savings and start thinking about them as what they actually are: your profits."
"A lifetime of operating on how little you can spend cannot be shifted overnight."
"Money's not a math problem; it's all about what takes place upstairs, up in the noggin."
"For you to become a rich person and to stay a rich person, you're going to break the idea that money is about consumption."
"The biggest shift here when it comes to getting a hold of your finances isn't just creating some financial system, it's also about the mindset of money."
"The day I stopped treating money so seriously, the day I started making so much more of it."
"Change the way you think about money. Money moves to those who are not afraid to talk about it."
"I promise that you are going to start looking at your budget very differently."
"Money is not just a thing, it's a tool. You're supposed to put it to work. Go make me more money!"
"Being open to receiving and giving money and wealth is the number one prerequisite that will lead you to stepping into wealth consciousness."
"Rewiring that scarcity mindset around it, that's how I'm actively working on my relationship with money to make it like a healthy one."
"Even just a one percent move in the right direction could mean the difference between ending up rich or poor."
"Your perception of what constitutes big money has shifted or changed... huge sign wealth is coming your way."
"My job is to get you to stop thinking like that and start thinking like a bank does."
"Never complain about things being too expensive, just focus on making more money."
"If money is a choice, then money can show up with a lot more ease, joy, and glory."
"They simply think about money differently."
"You're not actually broke, you actually have the money, you're just giving it away."
"I'm constantly thinking about saving. Like, I earn to save for some reason."
"Stop saying I can't afford it and start saying how can I afford it."
"You'll have established a conditioned mental pattern or habit of looking for financial opportunity."
"Wealthy mindsets try to acquire assets versus poor mindsets which tend to acquire things that depreciate."
"If you stop thinking about money, you're way better off in this business."
"Money is unlimited; it is infinite in nature, you can have as much of it as you want."
"I embrace a limitless source of income and wealth into my life and I release all negative energy about money."
"When you gain wealth, view your wealth as a resource."
"Saving money is more of a mindset than it is a tangible activity."
"I've always believed that you can either have a Savers mentality or an earner's mentality."
"I like making money, I am not a 'pigs get slaughtered' guy."
"Wealthy people don't quit on money; wealthy people are committed to their wealth creation."
"The rich acquire assets. The poor and middle class acquire liabilities that they think are assets."
"Being poor is permanent, being broke is temporary."
"Broke is a condition; poor is a mindset."
"I didn't think about the money I just lost; I'm thinking about the money I haven't got yet."
"It's about changing your mindset about money."
"The mechanics of investing are actually easy, but it comes down to mindset."
"My goal... is really just to work through them and to not always be coming at life from a place of lack."
"Amateur traders want to be right; professionals want to make money."
"If you continue to think about money the same way you've always thought about money, then you're gonna get the exact same results and outcomes that you've always gotten."
"Money is energy, and I choose to be comfortable; I choose to be stable."
"Money will never be a problem for you because you realize, guess what, it's just a resource."
"When you put an emphasis on saving and determine in your mind 'I am going to save money,' it absolutely does make a difference."
"There are opportunities that you have to change your deep beliefs about money which can change your prosperity."