
Communication Strategies Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"Public sentiment is everything. You can get public sentiment either by making an argument or by inciting emotions."
"Instead of saying 'We need to talk,' say 'I need your help.'"
"The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it."
"Show respect for the other person’s opinions. Never say, 'You're wrong.'"
"Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers."
"Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person."
"By simply applying these four things to the way you communicate and the way that you speak, you will dramatically increase your odds of getting people to open up and just tell you the truth."
"The conversations are frustrating, humor can be a lot more productive sometimes."
"Open-ended, non-judgmental questions actually gets them to recognize that they have a problem."
"Effective risk communication is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal right now."
"More importantly, we're gonna discuss how to talk to the personality types when tensions might be a little high."
"Scolding people doesn't generally bring them around."
"Insulting people isn't going to win an argument."
"It's much less combative, so as opposed to putting Bill on the defensive by saying you're wrong, he says, 'Here's what I am.'"
"I think having a rational welcoming conversation to the people who are uninformed is actually the best way."
"If you make them feel stupid they'll withdraw so you got to do it in a way that people kind of empowers people rather than be like you were so wrong look totally no be like look how bet much better off we are now that the truth is apparent."
"She's weaponizing her argument, that's exactly right."
"The left is really good at selling bad ideas and the right is really bad at selling good ideas."
"I think the war metaphor can work... what it does communicate is this continuous interaction." - HR McMaster
"Every single person requires a different approach in how you talk to them, voice criticism, partner with them."
"The three R's: request, repeat, repercussion."
"We can't talk about that at work: how to talk about race, religion, politics, and other polarizing topics."
"Avoid high emotional energy conversations; every element of the conversation should be an invitation to continue further, never an obligation."
"Being loud is not necessarily being effective, and attention is no substitute for persuasion."
"The solution is to disengage. A polite smile will acknowledge you've heard them."
"Setting up a meeting with each student's parents to discuss mutual goals will best initiate and promote effective two-way conversations."
"So you should always have a bag of non-confrontational phrases that you can reach into and pull out."
"You get more flies with honey than with vinegar, right?"
"The best way to convince somebody is you have to be willing to acknowledge these like underlying descriptive realities."
"Having a solid message out there is important in handling criticism."
"In order to argue with somebody or at least have a conversation with somebody, the best thing that you can first do is realize what they actually believe and why they believe it, otherwise, you may just be talking past them to begin with."
"You want to be casual and polite which actually can get under their skin even more because they want you to fix it for them."
"Politeness and constructive criticism... can go a long way."
"For those who might say this is tone policing, what's the counter to that? I mean in some respects I think this is tone policing but it's valid tone policing."
"Don't make luck your business strategy for the Trump campaign discipline discipline somebody needs to get in the president's here right now and tell them to stop tweeting about flu."
"Have a safe word and a de-escalation plan. Establishing communication protocols helps prevent misunderstandings and reduces tension."
"Pick your battles... is what you're saying truthful, is it helpful?"
"You gotta give to get and you know I'm saying, you gotta reach out for them to reach back."
"Disappointing is worse than pissing them off."
"Deal with the pressure from teammates... create a mute bond."
"Saying the big things first alleviates the stress."
"You gotta use the baby voice, use the power of suggestion."
"Really starting to your point about kind of small promises starting with setting the intentions."
"You got to be a little more General and you got to be a little safer."
"Fear appeals affect how we perceive and respond to messages."
"It's easier to communicate boundaries in a neutral time."
"Be the squeaky wheel, complain a lot, and write letters. Do it in letter form; people are forced to listen to you."
"The approach that is excessively aggressive is harmful because they'll never even be able to hear the message."
"Arguments exist in favor of trans people, but there are better ways to deliver them."
"Stop calling people out and call them in. If they don't know it, tell them."
"Use nouns rather than verbs to make your request. Nouns create a sense of group identity and get the person you're targeting to feel as though they're part of something bigger than themselves."
"One of the biggest things that's changed is that we now see everything as a persuasion play."
"Events like this...are an amazing way to cut through the noise."
"But if you create a situation in that they will be pulled and attracted towards whatever it is that you're trying to persuade them of."
"We need to be on sure footing as we have those conversations."
"When they contact you, be direct, decisive, and go for what you want."
"You made them actually think that we were on here about to have a debate about the thing you want to have a debate about."
"Follow these tips to communicate a brand story that aligns with your audience's mindset."
"Never argue with an idiot—they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
"You can have a comprehensive understanding of Lowell you can offer things that people haven't considered before you can play devil's advocate you can get them to think about things in different ways."
"Choices: kind words to distractions to threats."
"I think constructive criticism is actionable where you say like this didn't work for me here are the x reasons why it didn't and here's the why reason ways you can fix it."
"When people don't want to listen, all you have to do is talk louder."
"Just change the subject immediately; it makes you project higher value."
"There is a way to approach this... don't argue with people directly, just ask them questions."
"Reacting to what they said is uncontrolled, whatever you say. But responding to what they said, you never take your hands off the wheel."
"Choosing the right radio frequency is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Schelling points in SETI."
"She's trying to establish some type of frame control."
"Sometimes it's easier to convince people by telling them a story."
"Breadcrumbing is kind of almost like testing too. When they send those little feelers out, they want to know how you respond. If you respond favorably, they can rest assured that they still have you on the hook."
"Send him happy memory texts... give him something to smile about."
"We have very specific ways that we say things, very specific ways that we talk about things."
"We should have definitely addressed it... if we ever get into a sticky situation like this again, we'll fire up a stream immediately and we'll talk about it."
"You do look bigger on TV that is true and and also but but it could be a learning tool you could get up the next morning and go over it like okay honey see when he did that when he turned around that was good rewind that like more of that."
"How do you reach somebody who's difficult to reach? What's the thing that will cause them to think twice about something they thought they had nailed?"
"Utilize power talk to thrive in any negotiation, whether in business, relationships, or romance."
"Using the silent treatment is incredibly cowardly."
"Conversations that effectively combat disinformation and misinformation all start the same way, and that is with listening."
"These texts will not only get the conversation started but they're also going to frame you as a fun and attractive guy."
"If you made a good impression in person when you first met her, the first text doesn't have to be so original and unique."
"If something can be achieved by saying rather than doing, then the narcissist will go down that route."
"Continue to reinvent the word and the message for what's needed in the world."
"This is rented space; you are using these platforms so always having a way to connect with your crew in another way than just on Instagram or just on Facebook or just on YouTube."
"The goal is to get everyone capital up to 2 million dollars."
"If your woman were to say, 'You don't love me,' one effective response might be to say something like, 'You feel that I don't love you?'"
"Continuing to change those Messengers and putting forth people that look like the audiences that we're trying to talk to is going to be the best way to break through."
"Pull them aside and get on the same page. Actually say that to them: 'Listen Brian, I've been having a rough go for the last few sessions, can you help me?'"
"Recognize commonality before difference... establish where you agree with people before you try to establish where you disagree."
"Always tell the truth, but the second thing is try to find a way to frame things that are gonna persuade people."
"Sometimes the best way to engage in these conversations requires understanding and patience."
"TYT's job is to spread the message. You can't spread that message reliably when you're insulting the people that need to hear the message."
"We need better and more powerful... convincing stories."
"You need to tell your own side of the story."
"Top tier tactics: when you're going for a new bird, don't text, use voice notes."
"Surely a more valuable skill than persuading others to agree with you is to learn to see through the ways that people attempt to persuade you."
"Engage with the audience to create connection."
"Figure out what you actually disagree about before you start disagreeing."
"Words are used as weapons so we have to know how to shut down bullshit with our words."
"It's a lot easier to grow when you're telling people a lot of stuff that they want to hear and what the right people want you to say."
"The key is understanding what format works for you in the best way that you communicate."
"Focus on the practicalities when giving bad news; it's about them, not about you."
"You've got to manage public opinion, you have to control public opinion."
"The most important part of building a communications network... spend more time getting to know people face to face."
"As long as you are in control of your emotional state at the time that you are being firm and loud, it's going to be really easy not to tip over into that."
"You don't just react, you very clearly state what's happening."
"It's okay to share outlandish things but do your best whenever you can to always think what will the skeptic think. Because if you pay attention when I speak, I don't always speak to believers, I speak to the skeptics."
"No guilt trips or ultimatums or threats... it's not going to get you the outcome that you want."
"You get to dictate by the way you communicate the frames you set what you think is interesting what you think is valuable in the conversation."
"We have to overcome the volume of their message with the value of the collective voice."
"If you have their attention, you want them to do something."
"Now I ask you do this when we live in such a reality what use are subliminal messages when good old propaganda is so much more effective."
"Move relationships forward: talk, heal, balance."
"It's literally as if the enemy is required to tell us the truth now."
"Nothing like, 'Oh, and here's crashing.' Yeah, I think, like, okay, you need to have, like, a joke and then say it."
"To have a productive debate that isn't just a slang match of people shouting over each other, you need to go into them with good faith."
"Choose your battles wisely, silence can be louder than any word."
"Simply saying 'I need you to' insert request gives you more authority."
"Edward Bernays is basically the father of modern public relations."
"If you're unhappy with a certain product, a game, whatever, like if you come at it from a constructive way, you're way more likely to actually get your feedback received."
"We've got to start using invitation, confrontation isn't going to cut it."
"Remind yourself that winning an argument or proving your point gets you nowhere in the long run. Win through your actions, not your words."
"We have to find new ways to reach people."
"Politeness is more than just please and thank you; it's actually a deep concept in communication theory."
"Echoing a question... gives you time for your mind to catch up when you're feeling nervous."
"Use concrete and specific words, augment what you say with visual support and hands-on activities, and repeat, repeat, repeat."
"Alter casting, an influence technique where you cast someone into a social role so that they will be more likely to do the thing that we want them to do."
"Is your workplace culture influencing how people communicate constructively when conflict occurs?"
"It's really not about tactics or tricks, it really is more about trying to understand what the other person thinks, then critiquing what they think in a good-faith way."
"Can they perform strategies for speaking? My favorite one being circumlocution, can they speak around a word they don't know in order to get you to elicit that word."
"You need to come up with a lot of ways to get your point across."
"Communicative strategies are techniques that we use to sustain conversation and keep the communication open and going."
"Public speakers are more persuasive when they use imagery."