
Fidelity Quotes

There are 1003 quotes

"I refuse to believe all men cheat. My parents were married for 20 years and after my mom passed, my dad never moved on."
"If you want to have a successful relationship and marriage, and not end in divorce, you can't just want to be fulfilled and go sleep with someone else."
"To love your spouse is to be faithful, to be loyal, to be reliable."
"Or is it a project that is a realtime cinematic, so it requires the highest fidelity for your project?"
"Alien Isolation marks as a great example of what a game adaptation of a film can be like, not only staying true to its source material but expanding on it."
"Alien isolation is no different; it's unbelievable faithfulness to the sights, sounds, and moods of its source material elevates it into something absolutely mesmerizing."
"If you even think about a sexual thought unless you're married to that person, you're technically cheating on them."
"I'm more afraid of what cheating on my wife would do to her and my family than I am of jumping out of a plane with no parachute."
"This to me convinces me that what I said earlier about Elaine and her fidelity to Amber... is much more likely."
"My wife, she was the victim, she was the one that got cheated on, right. She was the one that got hurt. But she didn't leave my side one day."
"You can't really say it's unfaithful if the author himself approves the modification."
"Loving yourself is about giving. It's about becoming a great dad, not cheating on my wife."
"We need more love, we need more fidelity, we need more monogamy, we need more people who are committed to each other."
"If you want to be single, then just be single. And if you want to be in a committed relationship, choose someone who's not going to cheat."
"These are near-perfect portrayals of the characters we know and love."
"Men in general are only as faithful as their options."
"A Song of Ice and Fire: the true adaptation."
"We're not just being faithful to... our spouse but also God."
"These games are faithful to Diamond and Pearl, it's no joke."
"Cheating isn't the only thing that you shouldn't do if you really love someone."
"it's still more loyal to the overall themes of the book than your average adaptation."
"Richie, you already agreed to be monogamous so you be monogamous."
"I want to prove that the source material can be adapted in an awesome yet faithful way."
"Americans who have only ever slept with their spouses are the most likely to report being in a very happy marriage."
"A surprisingly faithful adaptation of the foundational work of Western literature."
"It's hard to believe this is the first film stuck to the book so closely but I'm tempted to say that Catching Fire is even more loyal to its source material."
"The Sorcerer's Apprentice is the only one where its story stays true."
"If you're going to be romantically involved with partners who are incapable of being faithful, it's best to have an open relationship or a friends with benefits type of a relationship that honors their true nature."
"If you're going to remake it, make it different or make it closer to the source material."
"It's going to be very deep, and it's going more along the lines of what we would see in the comic books."
"If the creators understand the material and keep the soul of a property intact, an adaptation can provide something fun for fans."
"He was more interested in being true to the source material."
"God suffers when his people are unfaithful to him."
"These movies disrespected the original books."
"These movies disrespected the original books. Blatant disregard for the characters, the plot, the rules of the universe."
"You just have to go with what's in the comics, stay true to the source material and you'll be good."
"Probably seven-eight out of ten people have cheated or been cheated on."
"I definitely think it's okay to cheat, it's not cool, but it seems like it's right."
"Taking cheating off the table is a great way to prevent divorce."
"It's not about me being with a thousand women."
"Fidelity is a virtue, it is virtuous to show loyalty."
"You shouldn't have to behave in a way to keep your partner faithful, yet at the same time, you need to understand that constant neglect increases vulnerability."
"How likely are men to leave if their wife can't bear children? ...if they can't get it from them, they'll go find it somewhere else." - Highlighting the harsh reality of some relationship dynamics.
"It just does a very good job of representing the movie or the video the way that it's supposed to be."
"Sexual satisfaction in marriage is intended by God as a dam against the flood of adultery."
"Consider the following: A person could be sexually faithful to you but utterly irresponsible when it comes to money."
"I don't sleep with no one, I don't look at nobody. I don't have feelings for no one else, but this man."
"My fidelity is based on my reverence for God at the end of the day."
"It's very faithful to what the story, the manga, everything that's been there before."
"White cranes are adored and cherished as a symbol of discipline, fidelity, and vigilance."
"Truth is that which has fidelity to an original."
"You can completely love somebody and have sex with somebody else without it changing the way you feel about this person."
"Love ultimately is not a feeling but a commitment. To love him is to keep his word."
"You have to have the person that you want to love and be with for the rest of your life. That's it. That's all that matters. Not cheating, that's a big one."
"In terms of faithfulness to the original game so far, they're nailing it."
"I ain't never cheated on a girl damn in my life."
"I've had no problem being faithful, even with the most successful men in the world." - Claudia
"Even in long-term relationships, you might go through that wandering eye phase."
"There's two types of men in the world: ones that are at home with their wives, and ones that are out on the street with side [expletive]. Which one do you want?"
"It's an exciting time for audio holics, keeping the science in audio, even though the rest of the industry is moving away from it. We're sticking to our roots." - Jean Delos
"This whole chapter, I would say, is like the film adaptation of it is true to form."
"If you're going to do the Dark Phoenix saga, do it as it was meant to be."
"You'd rather me just give you everything, be submissive, be feminine, and you just cheat on me?"
"Jurassic Park translates that aspect perfectly to screen."
"The reason it works so well is that the preceding scenes still feel true to the source material and the narrative."
"I hope you weren't cheating on the throg channel."
"The answer is not the creation of new rules but a renewed fidelity to the old."
"The Last of Us TV show is a phenomenal series that does justice to the game while making it very accessible to general audiences."
"It is still extremely essential to emphasize not just how important fidelity is to you but also to explain why it's uniquely necessary for you to love and feel loved."
"It's the most faithful video game adaptation I've ever seen."
"If this game fixes the character models, uses the next however many months of development wisely, is faithful to the originals AND has exceptional content and features…"
"Never gone from a book to a show or a movie where it's so so on point."
"Marriage is a long-term commitment, marriage is not having a side chick or a side dude on the side."
"Let me get something done that gets me closer to my own sense of happiness."
"You made it. Tell me you don't have a heart to not cheat and a heart to solely love your wife, no?"
"I feel like they do a really great job at bringing the story from the books to life."
"A man could cheat and still protect the woman he cheated on with his life."
"Yeah, it's also just being respectful to your partner. I don't understand because I know for a fact if he were to be cheated on then he wouldn't be happy."
"Demon Souls looks really good. The textures looked clean, it was crisp, it actually looks like a Demon Souls game that I'll actually play."
"Black men don't cheat, it's about discipline in a hypersexual society."
"Virgins are less likely to divorce or cheat and the higher the partner count the greater the risk for both amazing isn't it?"
"For the life satisfaction in a long-term relationship get a faithful woman and get a faithful woman get a woman with a lower partner count or the lowest partner count as possible."
"This is one of the only Five Nights at Freddy's fan games that actually stays true to the first half of its name."
"Jack made a decision to be faithful to a commitment he made. Now that is the definition of a true witness."
"Cheating is anything that you don't want your partner to see. Anything you wouldn't do in front of them."
"Be faithful in your marriage. Stay faithful in your marriage."
"It's such an interesting case examination of how to create a totally fine show that absolutely betrays the source material."
"The visuals, acting, and score of 'Rings of Power' felt like Middle Earth."
"They just think that their nature gives you a lot of anxiety... they don't want to cheat on you... it's like if they're gonna be in a relationship with you they want to be in a relationship with you."
"Women show fidelity through not [__] other guys."
"A man who can't abstain before marriage may not abstain after."
"This movie was so incredibly faithful to the book."
"He told me I wasted his time and that he had rejected really hot girls in order to stay faithful to me."
"It's a movie that holds up it's a great rendition of both the comic as well as the animated show."
"Loyalty is not sleeping with another woman because you can't."
"No guy is going to want to have a woman by his side who he knows feels that she could just go out and if she just has that one-time cheat it's like no big deal." - "That's disgusting, okay? That's not attractive to come out of a woman's mouth."
"The best adaptations like Mob Cycle 100 take full advantage of their new media by making changes to how they're told while leaving the soul of the source material intact."
"A movie can be unfaithful to the letter of the book but very faithful to the spirit of it."
"Is she cheating or she's just talking nasty with people? I think that's cheating."
"You should never cheat on someone ever in your life."
"My love life hasn't always been the healthiest... but at the same time, I've definitely been faithful in love and I never gave up on it."
"People need to be taken care of in relationships, if you know what I mean, and if not, people are going to step out."
"DeVito successfully captured the core of the story perfectly."
"Resident Evil 4 preserves the essence of the original game."
"First thing, I'm always loyal. I'm not, I've never cheated in one relationship, not one."
"He would never stray, always be at home on time, and never do anything bad."
"Men are significantly less likely to cheat the more solid, the more powerful, the more engaged their partner is."
"I never cheated on nobody. I've been everything in life. I've been the side [ __ ]."
"They believe in one person for one other person and that's it, no extracurricular activities."
"He claims to have always been faithful while married but also claims to have made up for it while he was single."
"We don't date cheaters. Once a cheater always a cheater."
"What makes something a translation is not simply that they use the original languages but that they try to adhere closely to the thought of those original languages."
"If the essence of the character is there, then it is right."
"Cheating is not okay whatsoever. There's no justifying cheating at all whatsoever."
"Literally, all you, this is the first studio that took a video game and just followed the source material without changing it."
"I'm 100% faithful to her so I fall in love more every day."
"Cheating wouldn't be okay with me. I'm not cheating. I don't want to be with somebody that's cheating. Cheating brings diseases, cheating brings all kinds of something."
"The mood and the atmosphere has to be very much like the original film."
"He will be completely faithful to you when he is in love with you."
"Loyalty is knowing the price of betrayal."
"The Adelie penguins are real romantics; they only have one partner for life."
"If he cheated on me, I would just leave him."
"They deeply love each other and I think they take the commitment of marriage very seriously, faithful to one another in every single way."
"I am a man and I am a good man and I am 100% faithful to my wife, but I have to choose that."
"He's very true to, like, the comic Spider-Man and basically he holds the image of Spider-Man very well."
"The show did a good job of staying true to the books, and hell, some of the changes they made from the books actually worked out for the better."
"The Mario World is already very interesting and I'm glad that the creators of this movie decided to stick true to the nonsensical logic of the games."
"What remains is a certain set of longings, yearnings, and it's a kind of fidelity to those yearnings and longings that I track in the book."
"Well, you know what's funny though is that Alan Moore clearly cared because he cares when people screw it up."
"It's a different thing entirely when you have been 100% faithful and loyal in your marriage."
"Contrast, i.e., the difference between light and shadow, is one of the biggest ways our brains perceive image fidelity."
"I love you, and I will never cheat on you."
"You're not a problem that I'm going to solve; you're a mystery that I'm going to constantly be faithful to."
"I want a man that is faithful, that's committed, and appreciates me like I appreciate him."
"I would never cheat on my wife, man. I love her to death."
"The characters in the live-action One Piece feel true to their anime counterparts, while the characters in Cowboy Bebop feel out of character."
"The live-action One Piece perfectly captures the tone and feel of the source material."
"I'm not having an affair with Jenny or anybody else."
"Part of what makes this such a great adaptation is that much of the dialogue was taken word for word from the book."
"Outside, if you say 'I love you' to someone, you're not gonna go and get to know someone else. In that environment, it's like, I said 'I love you,' and it felt right at the time. It still is right, but then I've known it for two weeks."
"There are 10 beautiful women behind me, but only one of them is my wife."
"If you feel the need to cheat on somebody, maybe you shouldn't be with that person. It's something to think about."
"...the most faithful interpretation of those dark as hell cartoons."
"A real man want you to respect yourself, a real man can let you not sleep with him for eight weeks, 12 weeks, a year, and still be faithful to you."
"Black man don't cheat though, we already knew this."
"Everything from the sets, the props, and even the costumes has practically leapt off the pages and onto the screen."
"The best guarantee of keeping your partner faithful is to allow them to explore the many ways in which they quite naturally want to be unfaithful."
"Fidelity is what gives us the habit and then gives us the appetite for growing in it, because you're going to have to apply a modicum of discipline at the outset, but then love for the things will kind of incline you."
"It's a good way to rescue the source material."
"I'm willing to put my dream house in the infidelity Clause because I knew that I would never cheat. He was fine with it at the time as well but is now blowing up my phone about it."
"Fidelity: keeping promises and commitments to clients."
"Nobody should live their life thinking that their partner can't trust them, especially when they haven't done anything wrong."
"I know that I should probably wife you up. And baby, I swear I'm done with these other women, they don't mean shit to me."
"Your son should never be on an infidelity trip."
"The stakes couldn't be higher. We will either be faithful to Jesus Christ our Lord, or when he does come to judge the quick and the dead, we shall be found feeding on ashes."
"I'm telling you, I'm a one-woman man."
"I assured her that I wasn't messing around with anyone else."
"The whole cast looks exactly like the drawings from the graphic novels and acts just like them. It's so fantastically done, you guys, I loved it."
"We wanted to make a high-quality adaptation, one that stays true to the lore."
"A man who is married and faithful has a cheat code to life."
"To be honest with you, a man who is married and faithful has a cheat code to life."
"...the things that Marc Webb knew he loved about Spider-Man and these characters, he got so right in this movie."
"Oh, and Deborah, I want you to know that while you were in here, I never thought of anyone else."
"Nobody said clearly I'm the faithful."
"They adapted these characters in ways that didn't pigeonhole them into tones that didn't fit."
"Just, yeah, basically just to kind of reassure myself. Basically our entire relationship, I've been accused of cheating on him. And I never have."
"The really hot girls are like less likely to cheat because they can have anybody and they chose to be with you."
"Being faithful to the source material doesn't mean copying the book wholesale."
"Divorce her for sexual immorality."
"I've never been tempted to cheat on you like the thought is like no, um, I've never felt like, oh, is this is a decision okay, I'm gonna, you know, like, I've never felt like that."
"When you have so many adaptations of one certain thing then all relatively stay true to the concept of the original source material you're definitely bound to have some crossover."
"In Spider-Man 3, Gwen is popular, a party girl, and dates the cool guy which is quite literally what MJ is in the comics."
"Is it inherently wrong to do something different with a character in an adaptation? No, and I don't even say that in defense of the argument that you have to change aspects of a written work to properly translate into Cinema. That is true, don't get me wrong."
"The reason why men test women is because men innately know that he should marry one woman and be 100% faithful for the rest of his life."
"She's never cheated on Steve and never would."
"As far as I know, he never cheated on me."
"I just can't be with somebody that's gonna constantly cheat on me and have me raise somebody else's child."
"If you love someone, cheating wouldn't even cross your mind. Period."
"Why go out for a hamburger when you have a steak at home?"
"I will not act as a man with his wife."
"I've never in my life had sex with a married man."
"The day that another woman come to my house for my husband's clothes, that will be the day."
"It happened only once, and she was faithful to me ever since."
"I, Prince Price, will not send racy photographs, inappropriate text messages, communicate with other women, and, most importantly, I will love, respect, and honor you."
"I want to know how you stay faithful to the same woman for 60 years and retired without a scandal. That's what I want."
"No test will make them not my kids. I love them more than anything in the world and my wife's infidelity won't change that."
"...it's a very good musical movie but I don't think it's a very good Matilda movie if that makes sense."
"Plenty of people never cheat their entire lives."
"I don't think you can truly cheat on a person that you love and say you love them."
"Be such a good spouse that your spouse does not cheat."
"Never cheated in three years, and I will never cheat again. It just gives me a different feel, me feel like I'm off the camera, yeah, feel never cheated in three years, and I feel good."
"I think it's an honor when a person is able to stand up and say with their whole chest, 'We've been together for 40 years and there has been no infidelity in our marriage.' That is the way it is supposed to be."
"I'm incredibly impressed with this show, how true it really did stick to the game."
"I just had no drive to Cheat it was also the first time I dated somebody where I was like I don't feel like cheating."
"As an adaptation, I would say this movie is rather unfaithful. Not only is the Ripper not Jim Gordon in that, but the original story didn't even include or mention Catwoman, who is pretty integral to the plot here."
"It's the closest we have ever gotten to the comic books."
"It actually shows great discipline in a man to maintain a long relationship, not to juggle him."
"You don't sit here and commit to somebody and then go do something else when they're not looking, you know what I mean?"
"So, if you work in all these hours and I'm working all these hours so that we could get to the next level, but you're spending those hours cheating..."
"...I think they're going to heavily connect it to the actual comic book written by Tom King. I think this Supergirl movie is going to stay ever so closely knit to the source material."