
Family Legacy Quotes

There are 429 quotes

"I refuse to believe all men cheat. My parents were married for 20 years and after my mom passed, my dad never moved on."
"I will never let Rob's love die or fade out. I will carry it with me wherever I go and remind our children of it daily."
"My grandmother, when she started at 30, she had nothing...what changed the entire destiny of my family was that my grandma at 30...got tired of being poor."
"The richest families in the world have endured wars, depressions, famines, culture wars, and evil empires not because they were lucky, but because they were wise."
"The information that you hear can change the legacy and the historical context of your family's makeup for generations to come."
"You may not have come from a wealthy family, but make sure that a wealthy family comes from you."
"Tywin is one of the greatest fictional examples of a ruthless and pragmatic man who will do whatever it takes to ensure the continued prosperity and advancement of his family."
"In my mind, I wanted to look Patrick in his face and let him know that he did not murder or completely get rid of my mother's spirit because she lives in me."
"You're going to be in an amazing place and, yeah, change your family tree. If the kiddos get the message about hard work and living on less than you make and avoiding debt, then they will carry it into the other generations."
"My father was buried there for many years. He really felt that it was something that he didn't deserve."
"It's a very direct and simple way that middle-class people transfer wealth to their kids. You buy a house, you get old, you die, your kids inherit that house."
"It all goes back and back, to our mothers and fathers and theirs before them. We are puppets, dancing on the strings of those who came before us."
"The blood of your parents flows in your veins. That you live must bring them no end of joy. But for you to be filled with such hate, is this what your parents would have wished for?"
"Imagine the story of Cody, says on the mantle in his home is a picture of Dusty holding up that WWWF Championship above his head."
"Gabby's family does not want that light to dim. They want to make some good from this awful tragedy."
"Welcome to Earth, whatever side you land on, you can't deny that this family is the closest thing America may ever have to a royal family."
"My grandmother was the original entrepreneur of our family."
"You've changed your family tree in so many ways."
"If a curse is generational, so can a gift be."
"You're trying to make generational wealth, I don't think your [] kid is going to be like 'yeah, we got a pen, uh, yay, we got this new truck' digging like 'yay, we got some [] food in the backyard or the front yard or something like that.'"
"The story of the force and of Star Wars and the galaxy as a whole is way bigger than one family line."
"Rachel's family ended up creating the Rachel Morningstar Foundation."
"We are what we leave behind, and the foremost memory I have of my relatives, my father especially, isn't going to be their positive traits, it will always be their irrational fear-mongering and terror of the unknown."
"Paris and Prince accepted a humanitarian award on behalf of their dad."
"At the end of your life, that's not what you're gonna feel proudest of or that you contribute into, it's not gonna be stuff or money, it's gonna be your children and grandchildren."
"The most basic human drive is to pass on your genes is to have grandchildren and great grandchildren."
"My mom was the best in Queensland at racing BMX when she was young."
"Building generational wealth requires generational sacrifice."
"Fiona personifies the determination and will of her family’s future."
"My gift to you is I realize what a gift my father was."
"The theme of this week and last week's videos is generational blessing."
"Muichiro participated in the fight against his ancestor, the strongest Upper Moon Kokushibo."
"All of this can be your heritage, your gift to your children when you exert to them a consistent godly influence."
"He had become the very thing he condemned his father for."
"Driven by a sense of familial duty she made it her mission to survive until she was assured of the continuity of the Tudor dynasty."
"I now have a boy, and that boy is going to be like his dad and like his uncles."
"He fights through all the trials and tribulations just like his dad it's beautiful."
"This is for the babies man... every generation takes you to the next level."
"Your why should be something so big that it moves your family tree."
"Rogan art is a centuries-old craft and it's been an abdul ga for Katri's family for eight generations."
"I want to make wine and find answers. If I know how to make wine, then I know what is in father and mother's wine. By reliving their actions, maybe we'll understand what kind of people they were."
"They deserve so much more, you know, like this has been my life and this is my parents' life and this was their parents' life, and I'm just so ready to break that curse, that cycle."
"If he was still alive today, our society would be in a much better place."
"Like I want to be the person that when my family looked back they're like, 'Yo, it's because of him that we are here.'"
"Years later Aang's marriage to Katara blessed him with an airbending son Tenzin."
"You are becoming the architect that will write the blueprint to your family's name."
"Luke demonstrated that even the most tainted bloodline can still have good in it."
"The most important Legacy for me is the Legacy that I leave with my family."
"We're building homes that will last forever... generation to generation."
"Ronnie certainly making his own name for himself despite literally being named LeBron James Jr."
"The passing day inspired by the musical composition of his late mother, the composer L Stevens, relatively known in her life."
"You made my father dress up like a clown, you took his ideas with no credit, you took our name, but you know what you can never take? A heart." - Cody Rhodes
"If we get marriage counseling, we are basically helping our generations who follow after us."
"The idea that if you, through your hard work, your life and your kids' life can be better."
"My mother could never get over the fact that she had survived her wartime experiences I survived, and that she ended her life with three great-grandchildren."
"The calm Blaine's never have served in the war."
"Teresa takes up the gear her father once wore at this moment Humanity needs them."
"I might even be dead, so I decided to make this film a little present for my daughter."
"You know, my grandpa's deck, it's not pathetic."
"Your father's actions were in keeping with the highest positions of military service."
"This is going to impact your life your children's life your children's children's life."
"Host a modest wedding or spare no expense, but always focus on securing alliances and heirs."
"No hero never faltered, not in my father, not in me, not in any of us."
"All she knows is that her father used to guard it before her and she knows it's somehow connected to the great power of the islands."
"Join the family business, learn the family trade, make us a monster, make the world afraid."
"Some even believe we, the Rockefeller family, are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States... I stand guilty and I am proud of it."
"Lovely 60 years from now, grandpa. I found this in your old stuff. What is it, son? I'm going to tell you a beautiful story."
"Tragically April's father Paul developed a rare brain disease. Her family are adamant that she will be remembered for the joy and happiness she brought to so many people and not for the tragic way that she left this earth."
"Because of the cost, a lot of families don't clear title to their property."
"Well my daddy left home when I was three and he didn't leave much to Ma and me, just this old guitar and an empty bottle of booze."
"What a legendary racing Grandpa Yan's Giggles in his straightforward demeanor is so much like k-mag his enthusiasm to race with Kevin again puts a smile on my face."
"Despite his age, he had been able to manipulate magic with such precision, making him the first prodigy in the family."
"Some people know the Raiders though with the Davis Family, Al Davis and Mark now, Al passed, but like we've talked to people in the past about um, the Jon with Jerry and them being the owner being so much involved."
"You're the curse breaker, you're gonna be the first one in your family to do it."
"This was a movie that I had to make personally to celebrate the legacy of my parents and honor all the things that they've done in my life."
"67 children and counting: The legacy of Valentina Vasilyev."
"I never thought I'd receive this honor honestly. I never thought I would step outside my father's shadow and to take something from this business that he never achieved. It's a true honor."
"Setting up the future for his kids and grandkids and being able to break a generational curse while starting something new with his family is what he lives for."
"The McMahon name will remain the most beloved and vilified one in the entire industry."
"No one family has had such a consistent level of top performers come through the ranks."
"From day one, Jaime has an unwavering ambition. He wants to make a fortune - more than that of his father and grandfather."
"Just because your grandpa was a great man doesn't mean that you're one."
"I believe that we're going to break generational curses and in the process of breaking those generational curses we're going to introduce generational hope into our families."
"Cherish every moment you have together and take in what they pass down to you so you can impart it onto your own kids or random strangers for future generations."
"No other asset class has created as much family wealth as real estate."
"You finna win so big that I'm talking about so big so big so big baby, right? Eye ready baby in the by the name of Jesus you finna win so big baby that it's gonna break records in your family that they don't never ever be broken baby."
"Is it rational to believe that those in power actually care about populations?"
"The Kennedy family has long since been and thankfully continues to be a thorn in the side of the establishment tyranny."
"I'm not gonna be like my dad or my family. I just want to help people, and I know exactly how I'm gonna do it."
"Everything's gonna be all right as long as you keep your head focused on wanting to be the one that breaks the mold in your family."
"Maybe the greatest stroke of luck he had came in the form of a computer that his father left behind in his room."
"We are celebrating the Griffith family for making a difference right here in Jacksonville."
"The force runs strong in my family. My father has it, my sister has it, and you have it."
"His sons would grow up to achieve the pinnacle of pro wrestling."
"What if they hadn't taken the title away from my dad in the garden? I think it's a great topic, a great question."
"My grandfather used to say that my grandmother opened a lot of doors for him."
"Our grandmother had finished life — there was more, I think, of a celebration and respect and recognition to what she had accomplished."
"Demon school is looking absolutely wild, an RPG where you play the last living heir to a long forgotten family of demon hunters."
"The desired outcome is for the eldest son and his descendants to succeed to the throne of his father."
"Well guess what everybody this is personal this is family business to obtain that which my father was so close to obtaining to making sure that I Cody rhods I'm worthy of the roads name."
"Week's reputation was in tatters and he ended up moving down the Mississippi where he started a large family and ultimately passed away at the age of 43."
"Imagine having some huge legacy and finally a baby's born."
"That was my my piece when I when I retire this is what my son's going to be proud of yeah like this is my [ __ ] moment."
"He told them that this battle, this victory, is one that will be woven into their families' battle poems to be sung by generations to come."
"Our family is about to reach enlightenment. If you're reading this letter, I'll be gone. Now the artifact belongs to you. It's your divine mission to continue the work of our family."
"I'm a very lucky fellow because very few people had a father who was respected as much as my father."
"Stop trying to get rich quick and you will change your whole family's timeline from ambition to action."
"Every adjustment, every change in the family tree - it's like a living legacy."
"Entrepreneurship... the family legacy is extremely important."
"I'm a human bank, I'm a walking corporation, I'm an endowment for my family."
"I had won it through determination, my grandmother's hunger."
"There is one very special person who brings Craig's memory to life like no one else can, and that is his son, Blake."
"My dad was the hardest working person I know. I remember being five years old and seeing my dad work at the steel mill."
"Teach our families how to build wealth, sustain it, secure it."
"Joseph Kennedy: Wealthy, hated communism, trained his sons for presidency."
"Rogue One is a movie about hope. It's the fact that she all her life has been told that her father is a villain, and she hopes he's dead, but that's not true."
"As much as we love to tell the story of historical military weapons, it's even more important about some of these heroic military families."
"The second safe found in evil English's grandparents' home ended up containing a hidden treasure of one of his grandfather's favorite collectibles: pistols."
"The Zoldik family: a legacy of darkness, manipulation, and unparalleled strength in the world of assassins."
"The land is still there and it's in somebody's family but ain't nobody talking about that."
"We're gonna work our butts off to make something of ourselves to make something of our lives because that's what our mom would have wanted."
"Yesterday's fines are telling her there was once a flourishing family business here."
"You're destined to have generational wealth, destined to have a successful and traditional family life."
"Ultimately, it's the story of Mirabelle taking her place as the new abuela."
"As somebody who is scratching and clawing with almost every spare penny to purchase land that's going to be generational land for my family, this one's hard."
"That's a legacy, that's my family, that's my heritage. I want to be like those men."
"Sly Cooper is a raccoon and the current generation to the Cooper lineage who over hundreds of years and throughout every respective generation made their mark as the greatest thieves on the face of the earth."
"Both of our dads aren't going to live forever and what's going to live on after they've gone is it the regret."
"Madonna's greatest legacy are her children because they have turned out to be remarkably well-adjusted young men and they've turned out to be very much like their mother."
"I'd love to see finally a good duelist come out of this dynasty of otherwise slain duelists."
"There's nothing like changing your family tree to motivate you." - Dave Ramsey
"My biggest motivator was my why, and my why was changing my family tree."
"The Lord wants families to be a blessing for generations."
"William's commitment and love of Kate evokes the unconditional love that Diana gave William."
"At its heart, it's the story of the vampire hunting Belmont clan and their struggle through the ages against Count Dracula."
"They're actually gone, but I know people who knew my mom when they see me trying to do good, they've told me that they see her in me."
"The black sheep of the Morgan family... made 422 of these."
"Financial Security for yourself and your family, inheritance or retirement, peace and contentment in life, honoring family traditions, pride in the family tree, passing on knowledge."
"Real serious gangster stuff runs in the family that's the only way you become a real serious gangster quick."
"It's not just about them looking backwards and being the first person in their family to come here. It's about charting a whole new course for their future and future generations of their family. That's entrepreneurialism. That's innovation."
"This car has basically the history of the company... it'll always stay in the family."
"He knew the net comparisons and he knew people come up to him and asked him about his dad before they asked about him."
"Choose life so that your children could live."
"We all need to come back one more time and put an end to all of this. It's what your mother wanted. It's time for all of us to set ourselves free from our petty strings."
"My psychological thought process is just the bitcoin I hold I'm gonna hand to my grandkids one day."
"You can be the one in your family to change a lot of generations."
"It's about generational wealth, doing things for your children and your children's children."
"Click the video on screen now to see why I think his son will surpass his father's bounty soon."
"Is greatness and family in your blood? Maybe it's something you can choose."
"I hope I can leave something to my children like not just one thing like a long list of some things so that they can have generational wealth."
"He bequeathed to you the Uchiha name still fooling you to the very end."
"I'm leaving my kids with no debt with no bondage with no drama."
"It's the legacy of Nymnam. You have to fulfill it."
"I need to rebuild the Carawen clan...I'm gonna expand the memorial garden."
"I want my granddaughter to have the opportunity that my daughters had."
"If your father is one of the most famous rappers on earth, your children should be good, your grandchildren should be good, your great triple great-grandchildren should be extra super good."
"Dodgy Dave has been a little distracted, doing what his father and grandfather never could by using his big brain to secure alliances."
"The roads are probably the most iconic family in the history of the industry."
"All these guys come with something, right? Why not being able to offer that to your future kids and your future kids kids, right? That's motivating you."
"The Assassins weren't just a crazy theory his family had, but a real creed that had lived for millennia."
"This is a global event that you can change the trajectory of your family."
"You gotta have vision and purpose... if you want the family crest to succeed."
"I was supposed to die out here on the coveted battlefield like my father and his father you took that from me you took that away from me."
"The story of Cody and the Rhodes family is one of the most fascinating in professional wrestling history."
"We build, we take over, we reinvest, we change the trajectory and the dynamics of our family legacy."
"She gave them the world and they want to give it back to her."
"Learn from your parents' life, both the good and not-so-good."
"Generational wealth for the family and then how much good how much of a of a positive impact how much of a positive vibe can we spread throughout this reality."
"I'm going to carry this flag everywhere I go, this is a gift from my father to me. Until we find a better one, this is the flag I'm going to carry."
"I want to see my descendants be alive and fruitful."
"Knowing that the Amagi Corporation and his grandfather were involved, Kouga rushed to Mitsugai and demanded an explanation for what had happened so far."
"Jaime's father Alberto Reyes stands out as a pillar of understated dignity."
"The sacrifices that our grandparents and parents made, I feel like they're our cheerleaders."
"If you could see that your whole family, your grandchildren, would be able to live here, enjoy this house, this estate, this garden, and all get a living from it."
"He's number one, he's the best, and I think his father is the best too."
"I was born in the house my father built."
"Somehow, my great-grandmother, Antoinette Minolfi, made it work, and she is the beloved matriarch of our family."
"Oscar's great-grandfather made the same andan proposal 70 years ago."
"Wow this entire concept was essentially Doss he went to war he went and enlisted he volunteered knowing how his father felt what the trauma that his father endured and how he turned out and he was like I'm not gonna be like that"
"Yuji's core motivation comes from the curse left behind by his grandfather, compelling him to save people."
"This is how my father grilled. This is how my father's father grilled."
"His father was one of the most flamboyant figures in Formula One, but for the son of the famous champion, it wasn't an easy route to a world title."
"My mom wanted my life to be better than what she had as a kid when I became a Mom myself I feel like my whole world changed."
"Promise Grandpa's great-grandson."
"He's entrusted by his father and grandmother to locate the Red Pearl."
"I refuse to abandon my son. I won't be like my father."
"...I burned with the desire to learn more of the sinister thing which had haunted my line for centuries."
"Seeing just what Eclipsa gave up, Star does what her mother never had the guts to do."
"He has chosen you to be the curse breaker in your family."
"These days under the glittering lights of New York's vibrant cultural landscape descendants of Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney continue to weave their influence into the 21st century."
"An entire two great works of art from two generations of family."
"I want our family name to mean something."
"He's a legacy Husker. His dad, Dom, was an outstanding Center for Nebraska and for the Detroit Lions."
"The Vanderbilts - who put this family on the map?"
"It never was a thing to say I told them since they was babies you born to go pro with the last name name ball what you think you're going to do you going to ball till you fall."
"Big Al was there by the racetrack to support his son and the next generation of Unser Racing"
"He followed in Dad's footsteps, drinking heavily by his early teens, which would ultimately cause irreversible brain damage."
"Although Mia proudly wears a replica of her great-great-grandfather's medal set every Anzac Day, she's never had the opportunity to see and touch the original Victoria Cross."
"Fun keeping your dad's whole spirit alive."
"My mom said to me, 'You going to New York from West Virginia with a college degree is never going to be as big a deal as it was for me to leave that farm.'"