
Hearing Protection Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"If you are bringing your kids to sporting events, football games, concerts, and you don't buy your baby or toddler those little ear headphone things, you're a bad parent."
"My PSA to you is to wear earplugs if you're going to a loud setting whether you have tinnitus or not."
"So now next time a loud sound radiates around you, your watch and your airpods pro will protect your eardrums from unexpected impact."
"They're protecting themselves... you'll destroy your hearing."
"If you can at all help it, use ear protection of some sort."
"Feeling that separation, not having contact on ears, does give you more of a sense of freedom."
"Vibes high fidelity earplugs designed for music."
"Surefire has measured this to be under 140 decibels to the shooter's ear... still safe but you don't want to be shooting it a lot without hearing protection."
"Suppressors are hearing protection and everybody should have them."
"Hearing protection is essential to protect you from noise. If it's hard to hear a person three feet away without them yelling, you need hearing protection."
"Welcome to the channel everybody, my name's Tank and today we're going to be discussing how going to concerts with no hearing protection might be causing you some permanent long-term hearing loss."
"Everything sounds great it reduces the incoming decibel level and I don't have to worry about messing up my ears anymore than I probably already have."
"You want to try to keep both in ears in if you're doing this so you don't get hearing damage."
"Protect the hearing you have or protect the hearing that you've got left and ride with earplugs."
"Protecting your ears from hearing damage or tinnitus is like first and foremost the most important thing."
"We care about your hearing, we love you."
"Love seeing all the families at this race, and especially the kids wearing hearing protection."
"We want to make sure we always protect our ears when listening to volume at a pretty high level."
"You absolutely should take care of your hearing."
"If you've never used electronic hearing protection before, you really have to do it; it's a must-have for anybody that likes to do a lot of shooting."
"Protect your hearing because once it's gone, it's gone."
"Firearms are very loud in many cases, so you want to make sure you're protecting your hearing."
"Wear earplugs; it's actually super important."
"Absolutely protect your hearing, nothing about this presentation is about convincing you to listen louder."
"If you're shooting something with a loud muzzle break, it's going to protect your hearing in the long run."
"Riding around with no hearing protection in can seriously damage your ears long term."
"One of the best ways I recommend is get yourself some IsoTunes."
"Unlike ear plugs that kind of just can your ears up, these just take down some of the decibels that are harmful."
"Clinical recommendations include the '80–90 rule': no more than 80% of the maximum volume on personal listening devices for no more than 90 minutes a day."
"Protect your ears when you go to these festivals with ear plugs."
"Avoid listening to your earphones at loud volumes as this can damage your hearing."
"It's nice to have your own hearing protection."
"Safety first, I want to be able to hear later in life."
"I'm really proud that Apple is including features that are protecting people's hearing."
"Always wear some ear protection; you can always take it out if you've got it, but you can't put it in if you don't have it."
"The wild ear is a revolutionary hearing enhancement system that not only suppresses loud noise like shotgun blasts but also enhances low decibel sounds."
"Get yourself some reusable earplugs, they are bloody brilliant."
"Trust me, you do not want to get to that level, and if you aren't already using hearing protection, please start using it."
"As a professional musician, I demand to have professional levels of hearing protection."
"Wear your headphones as low volume as you can."
"Your hearing is invaluable, and once you've lost it, you can't really get it back."
"iClever also provides a safe listening program, giving kids headphones for free to school as a charity event."