
Business Perspective Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"It's really important never to forget that we are in the entertainment business, and that's what we do."
"Relationships have first become the new bottom line."
"According to DC co-publisher Dan DiDio, the rivalry is business and not personal."
"Volunteerism is not philanthropy; it is a business."
"All the business, all the money, all the opportunities in this world come from Allah."
"We need a businessman to run this business of the USA. The USA is a business. It needs to be run by a businessman."
"It's a business and it's a professional sport; it's not playtime with the Lollipop Guild."
"At the end of the day, it's a business, you're here to make money."
"Stop kidding yourself that you think we're a football club. We're a business."
"We're not curing cancer, but we are delivering a service."
"Big business is corrupt, big government is corrupt. Let's go with the business guy."
"I look at marriage as a business you've always said that though yeah but I really look at it look at it as a business now for real like it's a business to me."
"The losses are just the cost of doing business."
"You can be negative 300 profit but if you're like even if you're like unprofitable but you're like gross is like at the billions of dollars so you're in a way better position."
"If you're not willing to be patient with Amazon, then it's probably not a good company to hang around with."
"We have to all realize that the cybercrime ecosystem is a business."
"There's no such thing as haters, there are only future clients and free advertisers."
"Oil, coal, and War may be terrible for the planet and the people who live on it, but they're great for business."
"The evaluation is so high it has an M in front of it like a BMW."
"I've always said this: one, he doesn't deserve it, but two, for the business side of it, it makes no sense."
"Quality issues... We feel very good about how it's performed commercially."
"When you invest in something, you're not buying a number that's going up to another number, you're investing in a company."
"At the end of the day, it's an organization."
"Competition in the marketplace is a good thing."
"People are pissed because they said it's a cash grab right which is nuts at the end of the day you have to be stupid not to understand that if you're starting a business of any kind it's for profit in some capacity or another."
"You're not buying a stock, you're buying a business."
"Every problem that presents itself in the world is actually opportunity."
"These quarterly results are overemphasized; the long term is what's more important."
"I want every store to do well. We also different product it, but at the end of the day we're human beings."
"Being in business is about making money it's not about always sticking with the original plan."
"At 20 million, it doesn't seem like a huge gamble."
"I think we're doing kind of okay, we've got our legs under us enough that I feel like we're fine."
"There's been an extensive discussion going on about that, obviously from our dealer's perspective because so many of these things are modular nature."
"This video could change your outlook on business Forever."
"Customers are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars over their lifetime."
"Karen is a business, okay? A lot of people don't really think about this. Karen is a business and every business has bad customer service."
"With what we know and what we have done over time, it's also a big chunk personally as well. And so you can't just ignore all of that when it's a big chunk. And this is my opinion and make it all business."
"Speaking about your work as being what's best for the business and the customer overall rather than being too narrow in your own swim Lanes of what you work on."
"I know that many of you love your binge watching but you have to admit that from a business perspective it's a mistake to drop this show as a binge."
"So, again, if we put on our business caps and think from a business perspective, we ask ourselves, 'How can I combine all of these disparate types of data to extract useful information from them?'"
"We see it as this is a great opportunity."
"For residential landlords, it's a business. For tenants, it's a home."
"We have to create a common perspective of the business. We have to see it the way a customer sees it."
"In the grand scheme of things, it's just business."
"I don't think these companies are too mad, it's free advertising."