
Golden Age Quotes

There are 338 quotes

"I think people, we're living in a golden age of athlete-generated content."
"Is this a new golden age of exploration? Recent events in both private and public space initiatives seem to bear that out, with no end in sight. Exciting times indeed."
"We are truly living in a golden age of horror."
"The cost of space launch is going to continue to go down. We are on the brink here of the beginning of a golden age of space exploration and settlement."
"Humanity during this time would hold science in the highest esteem above all things, science during the Golden Age essentially was humanity's religion."
"It was a major time period for culture and entertainment in America: literature, art, music, and cinema flourished during this time period as the Golden Age of Hollywood began."
"I think it'll be, I think 2028, 2030, it'll be one or another Golden Age, honestly."
"It feels like we're entering another golden age of the destiny franchise."
"For just one thin dime, anyone could read from the imaginative pens of some of the best American writers and storytellers of that thrilling era."
"The genius, the universe of Pulp Fiction writers during the Golden Age of storytelling."
"I think we're just coming up on a really new golden age of excitement and information and just awesome stuff happening in space."
"Few would argue that the mid-90s to late 2000s was a true golden age of gaming."
"It is said that this change will then lead us into a golden period of about a thousand years where things are just good for humanity."
"We're entering a golden age of astronomy and cosmology."
"With his father's worth, reign over a world at peace."
"The overall picture of the Jewish experience in Spain was amazing...from 950 to 1250, that was the golden age."
"Critics tend to cite the years 1968-1984 as the Golden Age of horror cinema."
"The era of Ramses II was known as the golden age in the chronicles of Egypt."
"This was the golden age of the Celts, but like all golden ages, it was not to last."
"When people of good character rule the world, and individuals attain a higher level of consciousness, then their golden age will be with us."
"Compared to much of its history, the past decade or two has been a golden age for the Republic of Ireland."
"This is the year when most critics, creators, and consumers generally agree that television entered its golden age."
"The 80s are even regarded as the Golden Age of idols."
"When people refer to a TV show’s Golden Age, it refers to the period where the show’s output was its strongest."
"He presided over the zenith of Egyptian culture and civilization; he is the Golden Age, he is the epitome of everything that made ancient Egypt brilliant."
"The reign of Augustus is generally perceived as having been a golden age of Roman culture, particularly of Latin literature."
"We are entering a time within gaming that could be considered a second Golden Age, especially if you happen to be on the PC platform."
"Despite his defeats in Greece, Xerxes' nearly 20 years of rule is still regarded as a golden age."
"It was a true golden age that would go on to have tremendous influence."
"It was a city of poets and scholars. While things changed later, the Golden Age of Al-Andalus, as this society was called, was marked by a remarkable spirit of tolerance and cooperation among all religions."
"Things seemed perfect for the people of Sarah once again as they had now entered a new golden age and could finally live peacefully once again."
"If enough of us can take that leap to a higher place, we help bring in the golden age for everybody."
"It's filled with exploits that I love but also it's just such a lovely priority experience genuinely one of the golden ages of video gaming."
"It's only fitting that the Golden Age of American animation delivered the undisputed gold standard of Comedy"
"This is the golden age of the Jedi, when they're at their height."
"Maybe we're in a golden era of motorcycling."
"1999 to 2012 was what many considered to be the golden ages of MMORPGs."
"This Golden Age lasted for a very long time indeed but sadly it could not last forever."
"We're living in the best time right now for TV."
"The thing I'd like to say is people always talk about a golden age and you know when we Apollo that was the golden age but watch out because I think we're approaching this golden age of space travel right now."
"I feel like we're at the beginning of another golden age of mainstream video games."
"The final defeat of the Persians ushered in a new golden age for Greece."
"He remains the pure, unblemished, too-good-to-be-true hero we remember from his tales during the Golden Age, but he attains a depth and complexity that he never truly had in those days."
"Baldur's Gate 3 is proof that we're in a golden age of RPGs."
"The Sopranos defined the current golden age of television."
"We now stand on the precipice of a new age for Greece, a golden age where stability reigns supreme."
"21st century remains a golden age in British boxing."
"With the release of Black Ops 3, the zombies Community entered a golden age of content."
"Its destiny is to belong to the man who will bring a golden age to all Brittany."
"It is the Golden Age of TV, there are 599 scripted shows."
"We're in a golden age of gaming, but nobody is forgetting about the old games."
"We are at long last, we're in a golden age of video games."
"These cars represent the best parts of the Golden Age of cars."
"Hello second Golden Age! The future is bright."
"It harks back to the golden age of movie making."
"In the short term, we'll be able to harness this and foster, at least in the short term, a golden age for humanity."
"There's never been a better time to be a wrestler."
"It's like a golden age for revolutionary books."
"These were golden years with the release of classic game after classic game."
"The myth of the golden age is always used to justify actions in the present."
"The truth is that all of us who make content are living in the Golden Age of content."
"The years between 250 and 900 CE were a golden age for the Maya...fascinated Scholars and the public alike."
"Living in a kind of a golden age of cutlery."
"I think it feels like this is a new golden age for television." - Jenna Coleman
"This was America's golden age... blessed providentially to have this concentration of wisdom and talent."
"A century after their maiden flight, is a new golden age dawning for seaplanes?"
"I truly cannot believe we are living in a golden age of actually good video game adaptations."
"The city of Jaffa underwent an incredible Golden Age which led to the development of the city into becoming a trade hub of the entire southern Gulf Arabic trade during the Middle Ages."
"We are very lucky to live in the Golden Era of Lego Minifigures."
"With this new revolutionary field of research, their society was finally without equal, and thus began the Allagan's Golden Age."
"Queen over a golden age, a female Monarch capable of leading her country through both peace and war."
"We have to learn how to control our fall; that's how you achieve a golden age."
"A lot of us younger guys look at that as the Golden Age of racing."
"...Pixar's Golden Age remains to be the Pinnacle and true birth of 3D storytelling with the most greatest stories that were ever made..."
"The '70s and '80s were the Golden Era of grand American motorcycling."
"Interestingly enough, this could be considered the golden age because a lot of remakes in Bollywood are of songs of this era."
"This is the legitimately the Golden Age of Comedy we're in it."
"The year is 1655, and the Netherlands, a small country in the northwest of Europe, is in the midst of a golden age."
"She was a gifted and fiery triple threat of the 1940s and 50s."
"The Golden Age we look for is an age in which individuals themselves have been converted to the principles of integrity and honor."
"The power that will bring us the Golden Age, the divine principle which we hope will come to us, must come through us."
"That's why I think we're very lucky to be in this new Golden Age of The Comedy Store."
"The rule of Peisistratus was described as a golden age in Athens."
"Louie's reign of 72 years changed everything for France, ushering in a new golden age of art, hearts, and reason in Europe."
"The people of Arot claimed that this was their golden age."
"In the beginning was the Golden Age, when men of their own accord, without threat of punishment, without laws, maintained good faith and did what was right."
"If the 1930s was the golden age of horror films, the 1950s is the golden age of science fiction films and literature."
"He became viewed as the man who ushered in the Golden Age of the Federation."
"We are in the Golden Age of music."
"Nantucket was poised to enter what would become its golden age."
"A new golden age for Babylon and Babylonia."
"2028, 2030, it'll be one or another Golden Age, honestly I hope so."
"So the Golden Age of comics experienced a boom in superheroes and was the start of many of the classics."
"...living in a golden age of snacks, a snack of science."
"The Golden Age is called that because of the unmatched levels of creativity and for the many influential concepts developed during this period."
"The Golden Age of Hollywood brought us the first movie stars."
"We are at a critical point, but we can still divert it and go to the Golden Age."
"Could we see a new golden age of boxing?"
"The 1930s were a magical time for film, the beginning of the golden age of Cinema."
"The golden age is marked by the introduction of superhero archetypes."
"Earth 2 is the universe of DC's golden age heroes."
"We're currently in a golden age of anime... Dragon Ball Z, Yu Yu Hakusho, One Piece, and Naruto... you had those big arcs."
"It's all part of how endurance racing has entered this new golden age."
"I hope that it's going to usher in the Golden Age of people not being such jerks all the time."
"Golden age characters and even the name feels totally exciting."
"We are living in a golden age. We really are, we truly are."
"I feel like we're in like the Golden Age of uh Talent right now like I don't know if there's ever been a more glorious era as far as like just straight up raw talent."
"The 1990s and early 2000s were really a bit of a golden age for fans of the hot hatch."
"It was the best damn thing, 1964 through 1966 or 68, the quality of music that was showing up was another level."
"We are currently in what I would refer to as the Golden Age of anime and manga. More anime has come out since 2010 than every single year prior to that."
"Every civilization in world history has had a golden age."
"During the mid-to-late 80s, boxing had entered a golden age."
"He ruled the cinema in the 1940s, starring in some of the best and most influential films of Hollywood's Golden Age."
"It was an amazing time in wrestling's second Golden Age."
"A second golden age of movies since the turn of the century."
"The golden age of the kingdom for Israel was when David reigned."
"When you think of scientific discovery and our ability to see the cosmos and our ability to manipulate genomes, we're in a golden age of science."
"This is like a significant time, I've never been in achievement, I know where people say that the current age is the Golden Age of achievement."
"Jaws could be seen A single-handedly starting a new era in Hollywood that some consider to be the real golden age of Hollywood."
"I think that I played in the golden age. I think basketball was at its peak as far as the game being played correctly, technically, and for love."
"I was very lucky to race at this time of motorsport because for the drivers it was a dream time."
"If we bend our sinews to the task now, there is every chance that in 2050 we will be able to look back on this period as the beginning of a new golden age for our."
"We'll think back on this era as the golden age."
"You can't tell when you're in a golden age, but you sure know when they're over."
"I think we live in the Golden Age of guitar. I mean, in my opinion, I don't think it's ever been a better time to be a guitar player."
"This was a true golden age in South India."
"Bryan was talking about the Golden Age of Hollywood during the 1930s and 40s."
"The Gupta Empire, called the Golden Age of India, developed extraordinary arts, music, and literature."
"It's a golden age for British wheelchair tennis."
"The one area that people don't usually mention in the context of the Golden Age is India."
"This is a second golden age of evolutionary science."
"You're living in the best golden age of AI era."
"Next to Rembrandt, the figure of Vermeer rises above all other artists of the great age of the 17th century."
"We're getting into like a neo golden age of comics."
"This was the golden age of distance running, and Steve Prefontaine was a shooting star."
"I'd say '73 through about '86 was the prime era of quality music."
"A man with a dream to restore the kingdom to its former glory and to bring about the prophesized third golden age."
"Is this a golden age of mathematics that we're in today? Yes."
"I am so blessed to have experienced that when I did because I got the tail end of the golden era of bodybuilding, the golden era of California."
"We live in, I feel like, the Golden Age of cameras."
"We are now living in this golden age of artificial intelligence assisted spectral layer separation."
"We're in a golden age of television right now with many shows to draw lighting and color inspiration from."
"That was the Golden Era, bro, that was when the creativity was booming."
"That was when television was at its best."
"We're actually living in a Golden Age of dinosaur collecting right now."
"Betty Davis made her way to California just as talking movies were gaining popularity, and in a short time, she became one of the leading stars of Hollywood's Golden Age."
"This is the Golden Age of South Indian Cinema."
"Hakon Hakonsson introduced clear succession laws and stabilized the country, setting the stage for Norway's Golden Age."
"If you look beneath the surface, you'll find an increasingly popular genre going through what they call this Golden Age."
"This is the Golden Age of Dodger baseball."
"The New Deal was this fiscal stimulus which created the boom of the 1950s and the 1960s, probably the last golden age we ever saw."
"We are in a golden age of musical equipment. It's the best built pieces of equipment in the history of guitar making and amplification ever."
"This is of course why it's so exciting to follow these new studies and why I still believe that it's basically the golden age of radio astronomy."
"Democracy, literature, theater, mathematics, science, philosophy, and art all flourished in Greece during its golden age."
"The Golden Age, roughly around 450 BC, was the peak of Greek civilization."
"The 90s was a golden era when it came to Japanese manufacturing."
"It was so beautifully anarchic and probably a golden age of theater making."
"I think we saw the best of times for rock and roll."
"The golden age of the Aztec Empire began in 1428 with the formation of the Triple Alliance."
"This truly was the golden era of stereo."
"The Gupta Empire is regarded as a time of law and order, as well as cultural flourishing."
"The superhero wave of the Golden Age came to an end, but thanks to the great stories and great artwork, the Black Terror remained in print."
"I have long believed the last year has been the start of a new golden age for the MMORPG."
"Stay tuned for more exciting content from the Golden Age of Cinema."
"It was the Golden Age, and they were cranking out the world's best paintings, some incredible scientific minds, cutting-edge canal systems."
"The late 19th century was a cultural golden age for Russia."
"The first part of the 20th century was to see consolidation by the railway companies, the first decade being regarded by many as the golden age of steam."
"We're in the age of good television across the board."
"This is the Golden Age of travel that we're in right now."
"The Gupta Empire led India to a golden age that lasted over 100 years and included advancements in both science and culture."
"The Jewish golden age was under the house of Islam in Spain."
"The Arab world experienced a golden age that lasted almost 500 years from the reign of the first Abbasid Caliph Harun al-Rasheed in the late 700s to the Mongol Siege of Baghdad in 1258."
"We're in another kind of golden age of paintball; it's really fun to see."
"Seti I's reign can be seen as the ultimate period in Egypt's history."
"Anybody who complains about modern-day comic book suits needs to watch these videos and realize that we're living in a golden age of suit design."
"1258 is often seen as the end of the Islamic golden age of culture."
"That was the best era, you had the characters, the flamboyance, bigger than life people."
"There seems to be a cycle here that repeats on Earth where we go into the dark ages and then into the golden age and then back into the dark ages into the golden age."
"The 1900s usher in a golden age for the University District."
"A beautiful period begins in this country called the Heian period, considered by many to be the golden age of Japan."
"This is the best time to be a motorcyclist."
"This is the golden age of creation."
"The golden age of Stoogedom had arrived."
"The saviors of each golden age were men who had risen to face the dark and never turned away."
"The golden era of samurai films was during the 50s and 60s."
"I would love some more wholesome golden age inspired goofy superhero content."
"Athens thrived particularly in the fifth century BC under Pericles."
"This is really a golden age of synthesizers."
"This is, in a lot of ways, the Golden Age of guitar playing."
"We are the people on the planet that established its greatest order and its greatest golden eras."
"Dyna man marks the beginning of a golden age for the Showa era of Super Sentai."
"We had as a human civilization begun in something like a Golden Age where humans lived for thousands of years and were sort of divine, majestic, noble creatures full of virtue, tremendous strength and intellect, and beauty."
"For if such holy Song Enwrap our fancy long, Time will run back, and fetch the age of gold."
"We're living in the Golden Age of scripted drama and fantasy shows."
"It's a very golden period of time, it's a good period of time."
"The Parthenon was the vision of Pericles, a dynamic and ambitious leader who would take Athens into a golden age never before seen in ancient Greece."
"It has come to be remembered as Islam's Golden Age."
"His 22-year reign would come to be seen as a golden age for the Abbasid caliphate."
"The golden age of the Dutch Republic represented sort of a proto model for many of the ideas that were the foundation of the modern world."
"We are living in the Golden Age of cycling."