
Frugality Quotes

There are 4667 quotes

"I trained and I ate and I survived like I didn't have a dime."
"Ambish schuma is short for ambivalent consumer and describes the behavior where people will shell out the money for luxury goods and become more frugal with everything else."
"I'm in love with my dress. I'm in love with the price. I'm in love with the day."
"Do you know how rich people get rich and how wealthy people stay wealthy? It's pretty simple: they spend less money than they have."
"The first time I made a million dollars in a year, my car was 500 bucks."
"I was raised by my grandparents, so I try to live like the old school way. I'm very cheap. I don't spend much money."
"Even though it's way less sexy to be frugal and saving money than it is to be ballin' so hard with bottle service all the time, Rolexes, Yeezys, Lambos, Ferraris."
"Becoming more frugal will improve just about anybody's life in at least two ways: it'll allow you to make your money stretch further than it currently does and forces you to be conscious of your use of money, enabling you to use more of it on the things that you enjoy most."
"Frugality isn't about how much money you do or don't spend; it's about how you spend the money you do spend."
"Frugality... is a measure of joy per dollar spent."
"Becoming more frugal will most likely put you on a path towards being less financially stressed."
"When you become more frugal, you are going to become much more aware of how much is enough for you and the lifestyle that you want to lead."
"I'm promoting saving money by bringing food from home and eating out less."
"The reality is for every millionaire lottery winner, startup wiz, or beneficiary of great aunt Berget's estate, there are 100 millionaires that got there by earning good incomes, living below their means, and saving the difference."
"People will spend so much time and effort worried about how to save four bucks on a latte. Right? But how often are people thinking, 'How do I save a thousand or two thousand dollars a month on where I live?'"
"He's successful but he's frugal with his money. That's a strong candidate. I give him like an eight and a half."
"The smartest financial decision was probably investing in real estate and living below my means."
"I learned to be really frugal, to look for deals, and identify quality, especially on used goods so I could get the best value for my money."
"I like to spend extravagantly on the things I love but cut costs mercilessly on the things I don't."
"It takes a penny to be a millionaire, aka stockpile your money, live below your means, and try to only invest in things that return."
"The purpose of being frugal, it's about being able to help other people and to become self-sufficient and self-reliant."
"My philosophy is to spend extravagantly on the things you love but cut costs mercilessly on the things you don't."
"The simpler your life is, the less money you'll spend."
"Living hyper frugally and saving as much money as I could gave me the courage to take that leap of faith and pursue something just because I enjoyed it."
"In this economic climate, pretty sketchy out there, you need to be cutting your monthly expenses because you just don't know what's about to happen next."
"You buy it used, so it only loses like 30 grand over two years, and I make videos on it, and it's a good investment."
"The gourmet breakfast cost $100, and I think I just made the same breakfast even better for less than 10 bucks."
"The easiest way to drop your expenses: living well below your means."
"Always keeping tabs on where your money is at and where it went is really important in frugality and in saving money in the long term."
"I've been saying for probably about four months now that I think this is going to be the decade of frugality."
"Try to save money while you can, even if it's a small amount."
"Frugality is not about deprivation. It is, however, about choosing when, where, and how you're going to spend your money."
"Frugality may be termed the daughter of prudence, the sister of temperance, and the parent of liberty."
"Learn to make do, using the resources you currently have instead of buying new things."
"The best way to save money is to not spend it in the first place."
"Just by cooking from scratch, we saved an astronomical amount of money."
"Pack your lunch... save an awful lot of money by not going out to eat every other day."
"Practical frugality isn't about cutting back on everything; it's about making smart, sustainable choices that enhance your quality of life."
"The best way to give yourself a pay raise is to spend less money."
"You don't have to buy the newest models... You don't have to overspend on features you don't need."
"We were able to pay off all of that debt, all of it, $15,000 of credit card debt and then another just under $11,000 car loan that we couldn't afford, in one year while only making about $31,000."
"You don't have to spend a lot of money to have a great life and do a lot of fun things."
"Live below your means... I live off of anywhere from 10 to 15% of what I earn."
"Spend less than you earn, invest the surplus, and avoid debt."
"There's no shame in trying to save money and trying to survive, especially right now when everything is like ridiculously expensive."
"If you're frugal and take care of your money, you always have this energy in your bank account."
"Work on avoiding lifestyle inflation... live below your means."
"Free is better than a dollar, you know what I'm saying?"
"It's good to save money, and getting the best deal is important."
"Stay lean and frugal, and if you buy things you don't need, soon you will have to sell things that you do need."
"Having low living expenses... could be kind of a superpower because you're less scared of your investments dropping."
"Being frugal and saving money isn't about a lot of things where you save a lot of money; it's about a lot of little things you do to save a little bit of money, and over time they add up."
"Most self-made millionaires in the United States describe themselves as frugal."
"Stop spending. Save every bit. Don't purchase anything that's not a necessity."
"I'm just chilling out here in my house enjoying the best that the clearance aisle had to offer this fortnight."
"Never to buy a full bottle but to buy a sampler... it's better to get a free sampler if anything."
"If you have imagination, you can have fun without money."
"I'm good with money, I'm kind of like my dad where it's like you have it but you don't spend a lot of it."
"Living really frugally throughout my entire 20s is what's made everything possible for me today."
"I am never going to stop being cheap because there's so much pleasure in the reward of people's gratitude."
"Guys, when I tell you I was so strict with my savings that my mom thought I was broke..."
"Purposeful shopping habits: Do I really need that? What's the cost per wear?"
"Let us call to all the people for thrift and economy... for a nationwide drive against extravagance and luxury."
"Get the cheapest tool you can use, then upgrade to the best one you can afford."
"So don't ever put yourself in this situation, because learn from me, don't do the expensive carwash."
"You don't need to spend a ton of money you don't need to spend an arm and a leg you don't need to spend two thousand dollars just to get a good stereo system."
"There is nothing inherently wrong with Frugal advice if to be frugal as I understand it myself is to be mindful of the resources the financial resources you have and to only use what you need."
"Be frugal, don't spend unwisely, and keep a budget."
"The longer you live like you're poor when you don't have to, the richer you'll become."
"If nobody else can tell, then you get away with walking down the street with a really cool bag and you're like, yeah I paid 12 bucks for this and it looks like it's $5,000. No one can see that. That's crazy."
"Every single dime, every single penny goes into the bank because I don't ever ever want to live that way again."
"One of the biggest lies we were told growing up was this: 'Hey Dad, can we stop by McDonald's?' 'No, we got food at home.'"
"Lucy is quite a woman. She saved all her money. Who knows? It may be valuable again someday."
"We're tighter than a duck's ass. That's what it's all about."
"Earn money, minimize spending, maximize earning."
"I'm not spending five dollars to hate, that's five dollars saved."
"Frugality: try not to spend money on things that don't matter to customers."
"It's not your salary that makes you rich, it's your spending habits."
"It's not cool to be the person with the most expensive [ __ ] - it's cool to be the person who paid a quarter of what that guy spent on something that's even better because it's homemade."
"Don't be the person who is pennywise and pound foolish."
"I don't want you to spend money on this dude. I want you to get him done cheap."
"My frugality has been a blessing. It's the reason I've been able to get here, but it's also been one of the things that has stunted growth."
"Being cheap means saving and investing wisely."
"Out of those little day-to-day costs are some of the most important things to get frugal about."
"I look for stuff that's on sale I look for stuff this deep I look for stuff that's wallet friendly."
"At the heart of my message today is this: it does not take a $10,000 board game and it doesn't take cutting kids off financially to make a difference."
"I don't believe in spending outrageous amounts of money on clothing anymore because all you're really trying to do is prove something to others when there's no point."
"Borrow instead of buy for items you don't frequently need."
"Learn to say no; prioritize saving over unnecessary spending."
"Nobody don't give a [__] when you're balling on a budget."
"You learn how to be frugal, you learn how to fight for everything that you get."
"If you learn how to live with less... you don't need as much money."
"The simple way to become wealthy is to live frugally and then consistently invest for long periods of time in quality companies you understand."
"But we pack up the leftovers, we're taking them home."
"Warren Buffett still drives the same car for like 20 years."
"Don't run to the Rolls Royce dealership don't run to the big house on the hill for 20 million sit back and remember where you come from and what you lacked and see if you can come up with something right that can help our people."
"I saved 67 cents per gallon on my first purchase at a gas station. I did have to drive a little bit, it was like 10 minutes, but to save 67 cents I'll drive 10 minutes all day long."
"If you live in an area with low cost of living no kids no health problems no credit card debt no car payments and you only need 650 bucks a week to live your current lifestyle full-time reselling is looking like a pretty good option."
"I never buy myself a new dress unless it's on sale or thrifted. I never do this unless it's a discount."
"You can be part of the 627th if you don't make that unnecessary trip to the grocery store."
"Use up items fully... in order to get the full value out of an item and make the best use of your money."
"Get a good sharpening stone. You don't have to buy it new."
"I used to be like you, I used to live paycheck to paycheck, I used to split the flavor packets of my ramen in half to make them last longer."
"There's nothing I like more than saving money. Who doesn't? Money's great. I like money. Do you like money?"
"Living below your means is the key to financial stability."
"There are more important things to spend our money on than clothing."
"You need to be very cautious and frugal with the gold that you have now."
"Wealthy people get rich and stay rich by living below their means and always, no matter how much money they make, always putting money aside to pay themselves first."
"Learn how to make more money than you do and spend less than you make."
"You guys know that whenever possible I try to give you the cheapest solution to a problem or at least a cheap alternative and a different way to do it."
"Live beneath your means, be resourceful, and be content."
"Long live the no FIFA point poor man road to glory."
"Ingvar Kamprad started a revolution in the furniture industry despite being one of the most frugal billionaires in the world."
"Savings that extra 25 bucks might be the difference between going to Red Lobster and going to the Spark Steakhouse."
"Save your money from expensive blotting sheets and use coffee filters."
"There has literally never been a better time to improve your chess without spending money."
"I want my claim to fame to be how much extra I have left over at the end of the month."
"Everybody act broke all 2022 and invest your money, especially into real estate."
"If you buy what's cheap and stay away from what's expensive, that works."
"The less you spend, the faster you're going to retire."
"I love saving money and honey makes it very easy for me to find coupons that I might not have known were out there."
"Save money on textbooks and manage your assignments effectively."
"Live cheaply without any fear or any repercussions of whether or not it's socially acceptable."
"Every penny counts, man. Every penny counts."
"Now I basically have a free phone and a bit of extra money in my pocket every month."
"I'm a huge subscriber of stealing from any place I go if it's free."
"Save money, always save money. Frugality was quality number one."
"Live below your means and invest and save the rest."
"Live below your means, they live below their means, they spend less, they save more, and they invest more."
"I could get the same satisfaction as somebody that spent the money."
"Beg and borrow... learn to live very humbly."
"I don't believe in spending money on something that you're just gonna throw away."
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it, and try not to waste money."
"It's not about having a less lifestyle... it's about having the same stuff for less money."
"It's hard out there, but you've got to stay frugal sometimes."
"I literally just ran with that, and that was pretty much my dinner for like...it was almost like the equivalent of a ramen dinner every night."
"He became so renowned for his penny-pinching ways that he is credited as the inspiration for Ebenezer Scrooge from 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens."
"I love a good sale because if I could find something that's cheap that makes my life easier in the kitchen I'm all for it."
"Save time, save money, save food from going to waste."
"The key to becoming wealthy is to not spend your hard-earned money buying dumb things."
"You can save money when traveling and shopping locally."
"Chess is kind of the game that brought me to where I am now."
"You can eat well on a budget; don't be intimidated into buying expensive."
"I feel like it would do its job because it's very stingy."
"Girl, you know this channel is all about looking good on a budget."
"Five bucks for all these nail polishes, girl, that's a steal."
"If it doesn't have to be expensive, don't make it expensive."
"Just because I can afford to buy more doesn't mean I should. I love the clothes at Walmart."
"Anyone can become a millionaire today just being Frugal and buying real estate."
"Save your money, buy yourself some quality, and avoid that trap."
"I'm not going to do it Sally I'm going to do your heart right now but I'm only going to show you things that I bought that were half price or money off or a real bargain."
"Who needs to spend money at the big Layman's multi-millionaire store."
"Don't go spend it on some jewelry, don't go spending on clothing or something like that at the beginning stages."
"Buying something that's maybe a year old can usually actually save you a lot of money off of the brand new price."
"Frugal people do not ignore the clearance rack."
"Frugal people do not buy big ticket items without comparing."
"Just look over there. What did Klopp do? Did he sign a lot of huge money transfers? No."
"It's easier and cheaper to learn from the mistakes of others."
"Who doesn't love saving money? I'm all about it."
"Can we still use the lower end lower cost tools and do the same job and just save our money for materials or something like that?"
"This is just a cheap thing that you can get now just in case you might happen to need it later."
"Don't spend... at the gas station or 7-eleven... make the investment."
"Always be looking out for good solid books in used bookstores."
"Treat yourself doesn't mean you have to spend money, it's really about finding time just for you."
"You'd be amazed what you can find for free out there."
"Only got 12 dollars and three cents, hold on, I've got a coupon."
"Every penny counts, everything is a blessing."
"Cash still rules everything around... keep your debt low."
"Living below your means and only having necessities can help you build wealth faster."
"Stephanie saved 75% on the ingredients for her lasagna."
"I am slightly obsessed with saving money. Okay, fine, that was a lie. I'm very much infatuated with saving money."
"Save diligently to achieve financial goals; even small amounts add up over time."
"A lot of very wealthy people act very frugally and it's how they're able to maintain and grow their wealth."
"Live cheaper than everyone else so that later on the road you can live super comfortably."
"Live simple basically Bally means live below your means."
"Living debt-free actually allows us to have more."
"You don't have to spend the money to get the benefits of that. There are lots of dupes and there are definitely lots of different products out there that you can get that will give you very similar benefits."
"Let's save up some money here, save a bit of money."
"If it's free, it's for me. I mean, I love this. This is good."
"The most powerful thing in the world to build wealth is simply live far below your means."
"Be willing to cut back and be wise spenders."
"I'm too cheap, that's my problem, I'm really cheap."
"Everyone wants to save some money these days."
"Save time, save money, improve your gains, the whole nine yards."
"Do not neglect or throw away your Sunday newspaper. The savings can add up very quickly."
"If you look after the pennies, the pounds will look after themselves."
"Make us of those who don't have hesitation in spending on others and make us of those who keep away from using their money for purposeless things."
"It's not about what you make; it's about what you invest intelligently, and living a frugal life and investing will greatly help your financial state."
"Live a Frugal life, invest non-stupidly, and I'm pretty sure you'll be winning in the long run."
"Stop buying, start selling. Every penny you keep in your bank can be an emergency fund."
"When it comes to investing, the first thing you have to understand is you gotta know how to live below your means."
"Frugality is not just about skimping on everything all the time, but it's also about maximizing what you have so that you don't need as many things."
"When you can't squeeze any more toothpaste out of your tube, just cut the end off... this will allow you to get every last bit of toothpaste out."
"Buy in bulk; you will save 30 to maybe even 50 or 60 percent on some of the food."
"Always eat food that you bought at the lowest price possible."
"Please, please, please do not pay full price for something at Hobby Lobby."
"Frugal is not necessarily being cheap it's, and this is also a business."
"That daily cup of coffee is leaving a million dollars on the table never never do I do that never that's such a waste of money for something that costs 20 cents."
"Luxury purchases are pointless and frivolous. Most purchases are."
"Seems like this Cardinals Fan was hungry but didn't want to spend twenty dollars on nachos."