
Personal Enjoyment Quotes

There are 4236 quotes

"I love writing like this, so I end up loving the books, but I just avoid it because in my head I'm like, 'Oh, it's a classic, it must be boring.' Not the case with this one."
"When I get sad, I have to flip it fast and find something I like doing. For me, it's cooking lately."
"I think it's gorgeous and it gives me, the owner, a lot of enjoyment."
"You're learning how to have more fun and get lost in the moment and find more joy in life."
"The number one key to actually sticking with an exercise routine is to find something that you genuinely enjoy doing."
"This is one of the best pieces of entertainment I've ever seen."
"It's like, wow, I really like this game, and it kind of came out of nowhere for me."
"Reading is not only like a habit of mine but it's also a hobby because I just love and enjoy reading so much."
"You play them for you, and that's all it should be."
"Work isn't meant to make you miserable... if work isn't enjoyable, it's because you're doing work that you are not enjoying."
"Take care of yourself first. Do things you like to do. Do self-care."
"In the end, what matters is if you enjoy it. That gets to the second kind of cool."
"I reject the idea that if you ever succeed in XCOM, you immediately have to crank up the difficulty. I say, just meet the game at your own level and have fun with it."
"I read such intense fantasy and I love that, but then I feel like I don't give myself... I just don't prioritize reading like rom-coms even though I love them so much."
"The peace of my life... I love being at home."
"Beating a level, getting first place, or baking delicious homemade croissants, everyone likes a challenge."
"It’s fun. People like it. They like the idea of it, and how it makes them feel."
"I cut out all sugar...someone who has PCOS is insulin resistant. When I started romanticizing the little things in life, life definitely became more fun."
"I love it, there's something about it, like I like pulling certain things out of people."
"Every time I go on it, as soon as I sit on it, I'm like, 'Oh God, I love this so much.'"
"I don't know; at the end of the day, I'm just happy I got to watch a buttload of great anime this year."
"Now you're gonna get more videos that I find really fun to make and more games, and maybe you can explore some new fun things with me."
"Listening to Italian opera while getting ready for dinner with this view is luxury."
"I never knew I needed Ed Sheeran and Beyoncé's duet 'Perfect' sung in Italian until tonight, and it was perfect."
"Minimalism guilt - there's nothing wrong with having things in your house that you enjoy."
"Playing however you want, with the character you want, in the way that you want, because it is fun for you, is what's most important."
"I'm doing what I enjoy doing. It's like other men like to play golf, so they play golf every chance they can. See, you don't say to him, 'How come you're playing golf today? You played last week.' Well, it's the same with me."
"We have reached one of my favorite yoga spots."
"Don't let anyone convince you that something you genuinely enjoy is weird because they are weird for caring so much about what you enjoy." - Dream encouraging his fans.
"It is absolutely gorgeous, so I kneaded it in."
"Making your box was so fun. It was the most fun thing I've done in so long."
"I've been loving finding new music and just laying or just chilling and just listening to music. I love it."
"This game reminded me of why I love video games."
"If you are able to log into an MMO and play at a casual pace, doing your own thing and training however you find the most fun, and you are able to completely ignore the constant temptation to read a guide, then you are truly an enlightened player."
"I've had moments where I was really happy with it. That null-space scene flying back out into the city while 'Fist Bump' played, its earnest cheesiness was delightful."
"This game has moments, the highlights that cut above the rest."
"This might be my favorite start to a season, it's all W's."
"This is our Christmas, and it's cute. I love it."
"My favorite thing to do at the minute is grab a sandwich, head up to the roof, and eat my lunch up there because the view is amazing here."
"You should always be playing the game that makes you happy and that makes you have fun."
"The story of Henry is one that I enjoyed a lot more than I thought I would."
"I love surprises when I don't know they're coming."
"I love coffee. It's an important part of my life and my daily ritual."
"Audible has been such a great platform to be subscribed to; it's one of my favorite subscriptions that I've ever had of all time."
"Whatever you find fun, if that's fun to you and you don't lament the idea that 'well in the old build I had this and this,' then that's the only way you should do."
"Sometimes you just want to enjoy a thing and romanticise your life. But to me, the kind of people who are enjoying dark academia are very capable of this kind of critical thinking and introspection."
"I love being underestimated; it's my favorite thing in the entire world."
"I love Minecraft; it's so fun. Oh, it's the world of exciting things."
"I love going to the beach; it's my happy place."
"I loved making this video. Oblivion is my favorite game."
"I just love it when everything goes together."
"Teotihuacan, I really love this game so much."
"It's absolutely so good. I just always want to play it. It's wonderful."
"I hope you get to try this yourself because this is really, really fun."
"The difference is I'm having a delightful day where there are no lines, snack breaks, breathers. I just walk on everything I want to ride."
"I love this mod, okay? I love all the mods here."
"You should also just play this game. Play this."
"Thanks, y'all, for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed that Texas Yum Yum."
"She wakes up in time to watch the sunrise and turns on Phoebe's favorite song 'Good Morning Sunshine.'"
"Enjoy what you want, but acknowledge the flaws. Challenge them if you feel they're inaccurate, by all means."
"So excited about this mug, says 'I put a spell on you' and then it has this little spoon that has a broom on it."
"It's everything I love. Oh my God, it's everything I love."
"I wake up between 4:30 and 5:00... I was up before 4:00 this morning, and it's because I was excited to get out here and now once again, full-time be homesteading, gardening, being with my family is the biggest thing, writing, doing the things I enjoy."
"I love making these videos. This is honestly my favorite kind of content."
"Etsy is great. I love shopping on Etsy, especially when the holidays come around."
"The year to party and celebrate is here, Cancer."
"An incredible space for you to sit down, relax, and enjoy."
"I've never grown tired of in the 20 years or so that I've been playing it."
"There's nothing wrong with being an adult, being sexually active, protecting yourself, and enjoying yourself."
"Walking down the streets with your favorite song playing in your headphones, you literally feel unstoppable."
"It's like this is my... you know, I love this."
"Nothing feels better than throwing a goddamn boulder at someone."
"It's peach it's vanilla it's orange it's Jasmine it is just amazing."
"Hope you guys are enjoying it so far, pretty happy to have my sorting system in place."
"This game's awesome, I love it, I love the art, you know what I mean?"
"Both sides of my brain are at war with each other about Alan Wake, but what I think I can settle on is that you can Count Me In as one of the cult fans of this title."
"This is so much better than I thought it was gonna be, hold on a second!"
"I'm having fun doing it by myself, but it's still a challenge."
"I think it'd be the same for a lot of people there's people out there that enjoy their time the most like myself people who enjoy the launches and yeah there's something for everyone in that ride."
"Emily in Paris for me at least is the perfect easy form of escapism."
"Enjoy things you want to and eat the avocado toast If It Makes You Happy."
"Yes, she rented out the entire theme park to have the park all to themselves for the evening."
"It's just a fun time to try new product for yourself to gift give to those in your life."
"I finally get to watch alive. Don't have to work tomorrow thanks to the hurricane. Wish me luck."
"Comfort reading is the ultimate act of self-care."
"If you enjoy making small steps, a little bit of progress, then you're on a great track."
"I could see myself waking up to this view every morning."
"There's nothing that could beat being out here on the lake."
"It's absolutely stunning and I really, really enjoyed the show."
"Just going to the movie theater, like going to my favorite diner theater where I can get a burger and fries and watch a movie, that was my escape."
"It's good fun man. I'm enjoying running for president."
"Honestly, can't wait. It's always one of the funnest days of the year for me."
"I'm usually just like, 'You all have your fun, I'm gonna have my fun.'"
"I like not knowing what's gonna happen tomorrow with the stock market."
"I enjoy myself on the road... but then we'll make healthy choices."
"Make today count, do something that you love today."
"Make a plan... The best plan for both your diet and your workout has to be something that you enjoy and that you like so that you are going to stick with it and be consistent."
"Live the wonderful life that is in you, let nothing be lost upon you."
"Nothing on my character sheet matters it is how I approach the game that makes this fun for me."
"This is one of my best videos. I love it. It tastes so good, but I'm gonna get going. Thank you everybody for all your support and I'll see you in my next video. Bye."
"It's fun, it's dumb, it's Battlefield, and I like it. I love it."
"My whole life is basically about fake supporting Manchester United and reveling in the negativity of it."
"I absolutely love it, absolutely absolutely love it."
"Life is enjoyable so long as you find something to enjoy about it."
"Don't let others pressure you into not having fun with your work."
"I love it. I wish everyday Kryz could be like this."
"When you feel good, the lift is [__] awesome. I love it, right? Everything just, I mean, everything clicks, man."
"I love deep diving back into the glitch in The Matrix videos... I really hope you guys enjoyed them as well."
"I loved this movie, I loved everything about it, I highly recommend checking it out."
"Appreciating fine craftsmanship is like enjoying a fine wine or a spectacular piece of art hanging on your wall with one added benefit: it's functional and you get to carry it around with you."
"I just love to stream because it's a lot of fun for me, it's one of my favorite things to do."
"Dressing up makes me want to go out somewhere, the hills are beautiful this time of year, right?"
"June 30th, I think a Sunday, that just ended up being a really fun day."
"Will it make sense? Maybe not. Will it be satisfying? I've actually had fun building this."
"If you have any sort of hobby, why not make yourself smile?"
"By teaching yourself, you get to explore what you really enjoy and what you really like in mathematics."
"I freaking loved every second of this special."
"I loved every waking second of reading this."
"There is no greater feeling in video games than the sense of being able to find your own fun."
"I started this for fun, there's no point in doing it if it's not fun."
"These asparagus cheese tarts turned out incredible and they were so easy and I will absolutely make this again multiple different ways using different produce."
"This thing's so wacky but I love it. I truly do. I love this."
"Pokemon held my attention for 40 hours and that's enough to make it onto the best list."
"You're on the verge of some really happy times; enjoy it."
"Ten years of doing what I do, what exactly it is that I do, who knows exactly but I enjoy it."
"Some of the most fun I've had in a very long time."
"I'm dedicating 32 hours in two days to this thing and I loved it."
"Do you know how nice it is when a main card starts at 7 p.m or even 4 p.m? It's the greatest feeling in the world."
"I don't take for granted anything that I do because I enjoy what I do."
"I am really enjoying the new buildings, I'm really enjoying the new specializations."
"I know I'm gonna love every single thing in here. I already know that."
"If you watch it and enjoy it, that's all that matters."
"The freedom of movement is one of the things I really enjoyed."
"I'm not above doing low budget movies, especially something fun. I got to be a crime boss, I got to kill people, and stuff like that. That's just fun for me."
"I'm gonna go eat some food and have a good time."
"Be positive, be confident, enjoy these moments, look forward to the next season."
"If you hate the process, it would be the worst thing if you hate the end result as well."
"A lot of people were saying, 'This bit's really boring, I hate this part.' I enjoyed the hell out of it."
"One of my favorite things about doing the show for so many years is the direct line I have to fans who want to show me stuff that they love."
"I'm really digging this, I really, really like this mod."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home made me believe I would have loved it as much at age eight as I'm gonna love it at 88."
"I'm just living my best life right now." - Brittany
"It's been one of my family's favorites ever since we started playing it."
"This might be one of my favorite sangrias ever."
"I love it. I think it's the best moving playing game."
"He was Julius Von Carile; this was his second chance at life, and he should try his best to enjoy living."
"The journey was the best part, that's One Piece."
"Playing is supposed to be fun, doing something because you want to, that is called your intrinsic motivation."
"A movie that just far exceeded my expectations and put an enormous grin on my face."
"There's only so much compromise you can give before it itself undermines the fun you could be having."
"Hobbies are not designed to be investments, unless the return is enjoyment."
"I genuinely enjoy making YouTube videos. I'll sit there and watch my own video five times. Call me equatisco, I don't care."
"I'm being harshly critical of this show, but I did enjoy my time with it. It was fun adventures and some parts actually made me laugh."
"Look what's happening in America, look what an amazing company you have built."
"I have always loved marijuana. It has been a source of joy and comfort to me for many years."
"It really made a lot of people very happy; I had fun, it was frustrating, but at the end of the day, you know, it's the adventure that I go for."
"Winter can be a beautiful time... you can freeze to death or you can ski and snowboard and have a great time with your family and build something."
"Things can be hard but those hard things are still fun."
"I mean honestly, I was enjoying it and I was enjoying having a little bit of direction."
"My vlogs don't necessarily include my kids all the time, but you guys don't understand how much I just love hanging out with my kids."
"If you can't enjoy yourself, no one else is gonna enjoy that either."
"I just love being alone. It's literally the best thing ever."
"The best songs off of 'Yours Truly' are 'The Way,' a classic, her first smash hit, and 'Honeymoon Avenue.' I love singing that song in my free time."
"I wish every sailor could experience this electric sailing and the twin motors it's incredible."
"Learning to indulge at home... you can also have fun within the confines of your home too."
"I was getting scratched up by the brambles, getting my hair cut in the trees, and it felt great. I felt alive. I felt connected with nature."
"I didn't realize I was going to like that so much, but I do, I really do."
"This game is absolutely incredible. I love it!"
"I relax by working on my videos... for me, this is what brings me happiness."
"Okay so cayb my thing is like why can't you just enjoy the moment why can't you just enjoy it."
"There's always a highlight to every project."
"One of the best things about this right now, you can take your time."
"Just be yourself... doing what you enjoy, what you like to do, what you find attractive."
"I really really like sex, I love having sex with my wife, I love doing it, I love getting after it."
"I've been a fan of that guy ever since two guys a girl I wanted to be the pizza place."
"I'm damned if I'm going to go down like this... I'm going to have the best time I bloody well can."
"I just want people to employ some sort of plan that's achievable, that they can implement, that they enjoy."
"My videos look fun and they are that fun to make."
"Soft pastels are a great medium to use. I love them."
"I'm doing this for myself. I'm feeling myself. I'm having a wonderful, excellent day today."
"I love home decor. I think that it is so calming and soothing and wonderful, and I love my home."
"Here's the finished product. I already had one of mine because I got so hungry."
"It's just incredible, and it's just like I love writing middle grades."
"Horizon Zero Dawn is one of my top ten favorite games of all time, I fucking love that game."
"Why else is it cool? Well, it's really satisfying."
"Any chance that I get to crap on Facebook is a day that I enjoy."
"Super enjoyed my time playing it. It's just a shame I just didn't understand a few of those kind of core concepts a bit earlier."
"Have fun! If you're not finding enjoyment in it on some level, I think you're doing it wrong."
"So streaming sort of became an outlet for me to at least feel... It was a creative outlet, it was a growth outlet, it was just something that I enjoyed doing that people enjoyed being a part of."
"Streaming was another way to go about that. I love doing that."
"If I rewatch it 10 times, it'll still be great. 10 out of 10. I love it so much and I loved it. I loved every second of it."
"Spending time doing things you enjoy should be a priority."
"I love being able to just sit and just binge through an entire story at once."
"The tension is so high, it's phenomenal, I love it."
"I loved it, it was so sweet, so meandering, and just... you really felt like you were sinking into the story."
"I loved it... just his beautiful, beautiful way with words."
"I freaking fell in love with it... it was incredible, it was amazing."
"This was my introduction to him... blown away, so impressed."
"It really was so nice, so comforting... I loved it so much, I can't even express."
"I loved this game, I loved this video, and I love you guys."