
Entitlement Quotes

There are 2089 quotes

"If you're not willing to pay that price, you don't deserve to be successful."
"Nobody is entitled to be chosen by anyone else in the world."
"They're accused of being entitled. I think that's unfair. I think it's a misreading of the tea leaves."
"The world itself does not owe you a single damn thing."
"Wealth is my birth-right, my natural state of being."
"I am deserving of abundance, no matter what."
"The shocking truth about prosperity is that it is shockingly right, instead of shockingly wrong, for you to be prosperous."
"Social justice is entitlement... but it also gives us a responsibility not just to other people in this country but to the entire world."
"Success breeds entitlement, entitlement breeds laziness, and then victimhood fits laziness like a glove."
"I don't think anybody deserves anything... I think I have to work hard to earn it."
"What we believe we're entitled to is generally what we're going to get in life."
"Attraction is not an entitlement; we don't have a right to scold people for not finding us attractive."
"We are living in the golden era of entitlement. And the quicker you can get entitlement out of your body, the better."
"Wisdom is the lost property of the believer, wherever he finds it he is more entitled to it."
"You haven't earned this; you don't get what you haven't earned."
"Feeling like you're owed the product of other people's work on your terms or else you'll take it is the epitome of the word entitlement."
"Our problems... is that we have more and more people who have a spirit of entitlement. They want the title, they want the accolades, they want the resources, they want the opportunity, they want the money, but they don't want to do the work."
"We're gonna get rid of that infectious spirit of entitlement."
"Never give up demanding the best from life because that is your birthright."
"Watching these dogs, knowing the background, and knowing how entitled they are to have a couple of minutes of absolute pure pleasure."
"The irony of a capitalist telling me I feel entitled to other people's work is truly astounding."
"As long as you don't have entitlement in your program, you got a shot."
"The message being: when all you chase are status symbols and all you do is bask in entitlement rather than work hard to earn something or create something meaningful, your life is empty."
"Entitlement is growing in someone you love, and the scariest part."
"Never question that you do deserve this just as much as anyone else."
"A sense of entitlement leads to one-sided relationships where one person expects everything to be given to them without effort."
"She's entitled. A female narcissist feels entitled to just about everything."
"The right to self-defense is something that you have because you're a human."
"Just don't be entitled to a timely response."
"Anybody here that thinks anybody owes them anything is already in deep shit."
"They want to have their cake and eat it too."
"Cancel clear. I am worthy of everything because I've done nothing wrong. I deserve the world because I've done nothing wrong."
"Just being nice doesn't entitle you to anything."
"Republicans don't think it they it's they're entitled to everything the worst entitlement snowflakes you've ever met in your life are elected Republicans super pathetic."
"The title Prince of Wales is not a title that someone gets automatically."
"You're entitled to the fruits of your labor but you're not entitled to ill-gotten gains."
"Being entitled to an opinion is not the same as being entitled to the respect of others for having shared it."
"Your right to an opinion does not mean that your opinion is right."
"Your opinion is rooted in something beyond just the entitlement of being able to say whatever we want to say."
"The fail-sin is often looking for someone to blame because they have been told that they are extraordinary most of their life and it hasn't amounted to something."
"We're not going to jump through hoops to get what's old to us. These people know that they owe us our damn money."
"Salieri declares him his enemy, an enemy who unjustly endowed a lesser man with the talents that he believed that he deserved."
"You deserve the best, you deserve what you're asking for."
"I'm so finished with a white man's entitlement lately that I'm really not sad about a two-year-old being eaten by a gator because his daddy ignored signs."
"No matter what I say in this video... you're all entitled to feel any way you want."
"There's so many great qualities of Americans, there's a ton of entitlement that I find exceedingly irritating that Aussies simply don't have."
"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?"
"This endless entitlement is ruining our country and the world."
"Sometimes you just know when someone walks with a certain energy, a certain strut, you already know that they're kind of like, at least entitled a little bit."
"It's not a privilege, it's a right, it's a god-given right inherent in your creation."
"I deserve the last cupcake. [Expletive] Wolfgang, [expletive] Lopez, both of those idiots. They don't deserve my love on today of all [expletive] days."
"I would like the United States of America to purchase property for me on Nantucket Island as a reward for all the countless lives I've saved."
"I don't give a fuck what anyone says, they don't deserve this win."
"Respect is not an automatic entitlement; it's earned."
"Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but they're not entitled to their own facts."
"It's wild the entitlement that's displayed here, like you hear your audience, your supposed fan base, saying no, we don't like this messaging in games, please stop, just give us good games."
"Everyone has an opinion, everyone's entitled to one. You may or may not agree with my opinion or another person in the comments, and feel free to express your own opinions."
"I'm a homeowner. I pay taxes, so I think I am entitled to know how my hard-earned tax dollars are being spent." - Eloise McDaniel
"You can't just give out free fish all the time. No, it's not free. They worked for it." - Commentator
"Do you recognize this ring? It's not yours anymore. I deserve this goddamn [__]."
"I really miss when we could just enjoy games without everyone feeling entitled to be mad about something."
"Given what his contribution was, given what he had sacrificed, there was a sense of entitlement."
"Maybe the problem isn't that America isn't worth defending... maybe the problem is that lots of people today are entitled whiners who have no perspective."
"Having hype and expectations is not entitlement."
"You don't have a right to something someone else's made."
"I think everyone is entitled to their beliefs and their opinions."
"It's okay to be successful. I deserve this, I deserve to be successful."
"They accuse you of being entitled. They accuse you of being narcissistic."
"This defense that he's launching comes at this issue from such a profound point of entitlement and privilege"
"Nobody is owed motherhood, and your sister is wrong to expect others to hand it to her."
"I want to live, that despite everything, I believe this world is my birthright just as it is yours."
"Just because I couldn't afford VIP doesn't mean I'm not next in line."
"Some people are just horrible human beings. There has to be something mentally wrong with them. They have to have an excuse. They just can't be entitled. They just can't be elitist. They just can't be people that were never told no."
"You deserve to be and have all that your heart truly desires."
"For this list we'll be looking at the most entitled, rude, and irrational people who got a sweet taste of Justice nearly immediately."
"If you want something you've got to be relentless... I deserve this and I'm going to have it."
"You deserve to eat foods you enjoy, hard stop."
"Her level of entitlement is through the roof."
"Karen's inflated sense of self leaves her expecting special treatment."
"Gareth is right, absolutely right, well within his rights to sit there."
"It feels bad to read stuff like that from your own mom. She really feels entitled to a lot of stuff."
"When you're a queen, you understand that the good life was your birthright."
"We deserve to go through... we deserve to go through."
"These are basic needs and expectations that you are entitled to."
"You're creating a generation of entitled delusional women who think all they have to do is show up in the world."
"You deserve to be happy in your relationship."
"You shouldn't feel entitled to someone's children."
"People no longer have gratitude for their country, for their family, for their God. It seems like we're in more of an entitlement society than a grateful society."
"Who in the [__] is owed a space in entertainment? Who's owed recognition?"
"Black folks have earned the right to have the things that we believe right from what we've contributed in front of the camera, what we've done behind the camera, the things that we have done and changed the narratives and we've taken the rain."
"This belongs to the people... it belongs to me because I pay my taxes."
"Criticism makes all creations not just Pokemon better and everyone is completely entitled to their own views on the subject."
"You're behind that desk to serve me, sir. You tend to my needs until I break the law, then you can act like a little prick."
"Life is just about capitalizing. That's why I be so mad at [__] that feel entitled."
"I hate the entitled aspect of this, entitled so much."
"He's criticizing a religion; is he not entitled to do that?"
"Re:Zero represents the logical extreme of otaku obsession and entitlement."
"It starts with the attitude of entitlement which then, when people go into that attitude of entitlement, then it's a very short distance for them to also say, since it's all about me, I need to control you."
"I didn't get what I don't deserve. I got what I earned."
"No one owes you or your family anything, I'm sick and tired of people looking for a damn handout."
"I hate people that feel entitled. Look at me crazy 'cause I ain't invite you." - Kendrick Lamar
"I just want my story out there so I and others like me can get the help that we are entitled to."
"Entitled aunt kicks out family, asks for money, and loses her house."
"We deserve to win in the new camp and we deserve to win last night."
"You are greater than your circumstances; it's your birthright to have joy and abundance and love and fairness."
"They want free stuff. They want to hand out free stuff."
"Complacency and entitlement are not a recipe for success."
"I think people on SSI and SSDI social security benefits deserve every penny of hazard pay." - Chuck
"You're not entitled to health care if you don't even care about your health."
"Everyone deserves better, too. Padme deserves better."
"First of all, okay, time. Are we talking about caviar yet? No. And you gave this. You gave him caviar. No, no. Let me say something. He does not deserve."
"I personally think it's one of the worst things that happened to women - over inflating your ego because women actually believe they're entitled to something that they're not."
"Men have this ownership or entitlement over a woman's body."
"I want the ownership now. I want what I deserve."
"You deserved better, you deserve the Super Bowl."
"You're entitled to that, no yeah well, I'm entitled to my opinion."
"They think they're entitled to be in there, and they're not."
"It's a weird position where when you purchase something, it should be yours."
"Abundance is your birthright and the universe is ready to lavish its blessings upon you."
"You just deserve a relationship right off the bat. You deserve a ring. You deserve to be treated like a queen."
"So many men feel entitlement over women and haven't learned how to have healthy boundaries."
"They really do be feeling entitled to a dude's money though after the breakup or during or whatever like you should be taking care of me this is how I came into relationship this how it should be."
"If they're giving it out anyway, what's the problem? You guys create the problem."
"It's not a divine right to win something, we got a divine right to challenge."
"I'll take all the money. Yes, I deserve this. I deserve all of this."
"You've worked hard your whole life. You deserve success."
"You should absolutely be demanding that you get something back for your money..."
"If you're so right, just relax and talk to people and you'll be right."
"This entitled dad was ready to risk everything—jail time, a misdemeanor—all for that bucket for a stupid kid to eat out of."
"This is a family where they believe it's okay whatever they do because they're special."
"You don't have a right to other people's stuff."
"Happiness, joy, and peace are your birthright."
"You deserve abundance, you deserve happiness and love."
"Everybody should be entitled to the profit from their labor."
"I should not get any less than Taker, Brock, Triple H, Rock, or Cena."
"The world owes you nothing, start taking responsibility for your life."
"Fanny just took it and ran with it, was not entitled to do that because that's just what Fanny does."
"Entitlement is actually what we should be moving towards."
"You have to change white people. That's why I go after the entitlement."
"We claim our birthright of health and prosperity, of beauty and of joy."
"Every believer has a right to ask the Father for healing or any other blessing."
"You don't own that seat, I know you're acting like you do but you don't own it, your name is not on it."
"You're allowed to have the things that you desire."
"Applying pressure means to dynamically demand what is just what is due, and what is rightfully yours."
"Everybody is entitled to at least safe food and safe water."
"We've raised a generation of people that think the world has to bend to them."
"Success comes from realizing that you deserve it first and foremost."
"Ultimately, I think that it is. All American kids deserve it if they put a key in, but Australian kids only deserve it if they're smart enough to then flip the switch too."
"The entitlement of some people is seriously astounding."
"People who see themselves as victims feel they are entitled to compensation and special treatment."
"I deserve this. I am meant to have this special moment."
"Black people will watch the things that reflect them culturally."
"They want instant gratification, they think they're entitled."
"I believe it's considerably more prevalent now. People are steeped in it from the time they're born and they develop this entitlement which is actually antithetical to societal success."
"I deserve joy and wealth, we all deserve joy and wealth."
"Healthcare is labor, and no one is entitled to my labor by virtue of their existence."
"People are getting very entitled and you know that can be the fun part."
"You have a right to it, it's laid up in your heavenly account."
"Not all rules apply to me 'cause I'm fuckin special."
"That land which belongs to you doesn't belong to you... I think that does leave a bitter taste in your mouth."
"The audacity of some people, the entitlement... it's truly mind-blowing."
"We deserve a hell of a lot better and we should actually demand a lot more."
"You don't deserve that shield. It doesn't belong to you."
"Just because you like a celebrity or artist doesn't mean you're entitled to their whole lives."
"There is absolutely a massive entitlement amongst many in the Star Wars fandom."
"You don't deserve, you don't owe, you're not owed anything."
"But in every context, the world doesn't necessarily owe you those options."
"I'm just going to arrive on this island and people are going to give me what i want and if they don't i'll take out my mighty pencil lid and you'll destroy the town."
"Just take it man why you trying to not get stuff for your hard work."
"That's the only way you get the permanent change. That's the only way you can really break free."
"You deserve everything that God outlined for you."
"This fight is a formality, they've just got to go through it, take what's that truly belongs to them."
"You're not entitled to forgiveness, but it's okay if you never get it."
"Social Security is not an entitlement program."
"It's not like I want it or I need it, I deserve this."
"You have the right to success, the right to prosperity. This is your right."
"Don't you think everyone deserves to feel that way?"
"I deserve it. I'm basically unstoppable now, so I could do whatever I want."
"This brings me joy and I should be allowed to have this joy."
"Rockefeller felt entitled to control all of the oil; he was outraged, saying, 'Why, it is nothing less than piracy!'"
"Power is not about control, it's the most maligned thing everybody thinks power is a sense of entitlement, it's a tool. Please don't let that."
"Do I believe that some people deserve things? Absolutely."
"You deserve it. It's yours. And the Republicans are going to try to take that away from you."
"He's saying I'm not going to let you start off at the bottom and work your way up to the top because your mine."
"If you're a ten, you can do whatever you want honestly."
"The less entitled I am, the more I'm grateful and the less I complain."
"That is such an offensive inversion of who is the victim in that scenario."
"A girl doesn't have to [ __ ] like you. They do not owe it to you to give themselves to you because you're a nice guy."
"Every Canadian deserves a secure retirement. Let's ensure that."
"The unfortunate and ugly unspoken truth of it all is that other people aren't responsible for your success and you aren't entitled to their time or attention."
"You're owed a paycheck... but that didn't suddenly make this property belong to you."
"We as a black community deserve nice things, black women deserve luxury."
"People have so much entitlement in today's day and age."
"It is time to step up. Serve the world by being you."
"It's your birthright to be looking good and feeling good."
"Expecting proper treatment is not conducting himself poorly."
"The collapse of the entitled is going to be so so beautiful."
"You deserve a baseline level of kindness." - Comparison
"There's a stereotype that we are entitled lazy snowflakes."