
Career Choice Quotes

There are 700 quotes

"You've got to find what you like doing because you're going to end up working so much. It's so much easier to work hard when you like what you're doing."
"No one expects anyone to make their full career choice and stick to it at 18... No one would be surprised if someone worked for something throughout their time at uni and worked to something else from when they graduated."
"If you're genuinely enjoying it and everything's going well and you're happy comparing your other jobs, that's the right thing for you."
"Io... made me become a planetary scientist. It's the first thing in the solar system that really deeply captured my interest."
"Becoming a YouTuber and a streamer is the best thing I could have done for my life."
"The reason that I'm a marketing major is because I'm excited about it and I want to do that for the rest of my life."
"We have a finite number of years here on the planet, and to live them working a job for decades just to afford a fancy car, or a fancy house, or maybe to go out to dinner a couple of extra times a week wasn't a trade-off that I was willing to make."
"Don't pick this degree just because it has a high salary or anything like that... Make sure it's something that interests you."
"Don't go into this one just because the pay is high; make sure it's something that you would actually enjoy doing."
"No one wants to make a bad game; game development isn't a career people choose for the money."
"Choose a career that you don't mind waking up to the majority of the time, and you will never work a day in your life."
"I'm a full-time ER nurse with a family of four, and I'm the sole financial provider. I did nursing school as a single mom. I want to be a homemaker. Feminism made me believe homemaking was less."
"My decision was 'do I want to stay at a company that's going to require a lot of non-creative time' or 'do I want to continue to make music?' So continuing to make music was what I wanted to do and what I decided to do."
"To choose one's profession based solely on the availability of work is to take a short-term perspective that will likely backfire."
"Many of you listening to this shun the path of your greatest creativity, joy, and aliveness, thinking you'll not be able to make enough money from it."
"I think I'd make a good journalist because I'm good at writing."
"I am very privileged because I chose a major, computer science, which gives you a higher package in tech as compared to other fields."
"There is a simple solution to choosing work that you are going to love for the rest of your career, but it requires knowing something about yourself that most people don't know."
"This isn't just a time for you to be selected and to be chosen by them; it's for you to choose and select them as the career you want to be in."
"I chose medicine because it kind of magnified my reach to be able to impact more lives."
"Nursing pays more than most architect jobs, but I'm not going to school for money; I'm going to school for passion."
"I'm going to school for cybersecurity... a lot of cybersecurity jobs are remote, which inherently makes them flexible."
"Imagine for a moment getting offered by Manchester United to pay you 22 million pounds a year to stay at their club. I mean, we'd do it for free, wouldn't we?"
"The passion comes from me realizing this is what I want to do."
"If you want to build longitudinal relationships with patients, work with feet, and want to improve quality of life without the pressure of life or death decisions, podiatry may be a good fit."
"The shuttle is grounded, it's got hydrogen leaks. The space station spent all their money and all their time. They have nothing. Galileo is deaf on its way to Jupiter. Hubble is blind. And the weather satellites are dead. Are you sure you want this job?"
"I did not go into journalism to be rich... I went into journalism because it's a job that allows you to pursue your curiosity."
"You should try to find an occupation or profession that maximizes your happiness."
"I have my literal business marketing degree which put me $80,000 in debt, and I make more serving sushi rolls."
"Imagine you got to work on what you actually wanted to work on, whether that's be a musician or make an AI product or become an athlete."
"These things have consequences. So now we're 20 years later, and you have a bunch of women who are going to school specifically for jobs that will make them a lot of money and give them a lot of power in corporations, not culinary arts."
"The problem is that when you make a move towards normalization, de-stigmatization, and presenting this as a perfectly valid career route, you are going to end up with people going down that career route, for whom it is an absolute disaster and it ruins their lives."
"The awakened talent will decide the choice of profession."
"I became a cop because when I was a kid I was really into comic books and superheroes."
"Becoming an influencer is actually one of the only ways that young people in this country can buy a one-bedroom property."
"There's nothing in the world I'd rather do than what I do."
"Stop picking a career based solely on money, you have to pick a career based upon your why."
"Pick something that you're passionate about you don't want to just pick something that makes the most money that is not going to lead to a fulfilling life."
"Remodeling old homes is kind of job security."
"Psychiatry is best for those interested in how the mind works and how to treat the emotional disorders."
"I applied to get a job at a zoo because of you."
"Agribusiness is what I wanted to do. Like Pricewaterhouse provides services in accounting, finance, and management."
"I decided to become a vision teacher to do that as my profession and my mission and my vision in the world."
"I'm glad I never pursued a career in comedy because by this point I'd be like the stereotypical sad clown."
"Any career is actually fine; you can just pick whichever one that's exciting for you."
"It's an awesome field and I can't imagine anything more fun than studying human nature for a living."
"That's when it really kind of hit home that that's what I wanted to do."
"You're in a fabulous field, nursing is a fabulous field."
"Only then will Americans be free to choose a career that suits their tastes and talents."
"More young men should look at the trades as an honest real career."
"There's nothing wrong in choosing a career for its financial advantages; that is called making informed life decisions."
"If you were doing a job that can be replaced by ChatGPT at this point you're probably doing a job that you don't want to do for the rest of your life anyway."
"I act because I love it so much. I don't know what else to do."
"Don't pick a job just for the money... your life is golden so don't let it go to waste."
"I skateboard for a living, what I do to get paid."
"What inspired you to become a YouTuber? Money. I wanted to become rich and famous."
"I don't see a point of doing what you hate every day."
"One of the main reasons I got into image consulting: soft skills."
"If I invest in more years into option one, a job that pays the bills, I don't like, eventually... it won't bring me any more joy."
"Maybe I'm not good enough for this... maybe I shouldn't be doing stand-up, I don't know."
"Regrets probably getting the janitor position that was really stupid and irresponsible"
"I'm an intelligent woman, I could go out and get a marketing job, I could do it, but I don't want to and that's my choice."
"Honestly, the biggest selling point about the job is the lifestyle."
"I knew that I really liked stand-up, and stand-up really liked me."
"People always try to get whatever job they can get that gives them the most money. Whereas what they should be thinking about is what job gives me the most experience and the most relationships."
"That's the goal that we're aiming for, you're not choosing something by how much money you're going to make, you're choosing it by what you want to do, what's fun."
"I hope my kids... get the drive to believe you can do what you want for a job."
"Once you choose investing as a profession or as a means to supplement your income or your wealth over the long run, you'll never be bored in your life again."
"I never took a job with Reagan because once you become an employee, then you serve the employer."
"If I can't be successful entertaining people with the videos I myself want to make than I should be doing something else with my time."
"OnlyFans isn't a job you decide to do for money. It's something you fall into because everything in your life aligns with it."
"Freelancing really gives you a lot of flexibility in many areas such as where you work."
"If you don't have what it takes to become an entrepreneur, then go back to having a nine to five."
"I can't imagine looking at everything that's been in the news and going, 'Yes, that's what I want to do, I want to do Lularoe.'"
"You do this [comedy] because you absolutely love it or you have no options."
"I think I'm too much of a rebel to work as a full-time employee."
"I think that career would have taken me away from creativity I think because it was kind of splitting this way. So I picked up my camera just started experimenting taking videos shooting photos all that stuff and then I got super invested into it."
"The last thing I want to do is to be a politician if it kills me inside."
"If you're going to get put off a career in science because of an offhand comment from a Nobel Prize winner, how committed were you really?"
"Being a game designer is like one of the most exciting, one of the funnest jobs."
"I want to study law because I think a lawyer had to protect the people that hasn't voiced." - Spain
"Don't follow the money. Find what you love and stick at it."
"Maybe it should be more like volunteer work as opposed to a career."
"Work for your dream or someone will hire you to help make their dream."
"Would you rather have your career as is or would you rather have Phil Heath's career numbers? I chose you because I love you."
"I decided I wanted to become a rapper because I liked the thrill of the stage."
"I'd be like a fitness influencer. I'd just go to the gym and like just record videos and like do stuff like that."
"I just sort of fell into it because it just brought me joy."
"We're doing it because this is what we love to do."
"Do you want to be a travel agent that tells people where to go, or do you want to be a tour guide who shows them?"
"This connection may also have been the driving force for her to pursue a career in animation herself."
"I was driven only partly by money. I believed I probably could have made more money in finance but that didn't interest me."
"Find the thing that you love and that's probably going to be the thing that you should try to excel at."
"My mom's a doctor and my dad was a househusband."
"I could either quit my job at the only news organization that allowed me to speak my mind without fear of censorship." - Ana Kasparian
"Paul Lee was going to major in psychology because he was passionate about helping people, especially those who are struggling with mental illness."
"Chefs can feel pretty good about their job choice now. Let's look at the largest job decline, the predicted largest industries that will have the most decline in jobs."
"I was just like, why wouldn't I want to do this? My first thought was like, I'm doing that for the rest of my life." - Bill Burr
"You can love your job, even at the entry position, if you're in the right industry doing what you're meant to do."
"It's better to do something that you enjoy... at least decently and enjoy doing."
"Actually, I don't wanna race cars or climb mountains because I'm a stand-up comic. I wanna make people laugh."
"I realized I could actually do that for a living and I could become a professional game developer."
"Why should you work at comma if Google pays 3x? Your Google equity is not gonna 10x."
"People are willing to give 40 years at a 9 to 5 sitting in a cubicle. If you love that job, awesome, but I didn't."
"Allow them to have the true luxury to pick the career that allows you to follow your passions without fear of putting food on the dinner table."
"I mean who wouldn't want to be a Forex prop trader it's the best job ever."
"I wanted to pursue freestyle motocross or something on motorbikes as a career."
"I'm going to ride my dirt bike for a living and that nothing was going to stop me."
"If I started again tomorrow, I would go back and join the police service."
"I started tattooing when I was 14 years old, and then I just knew it in my heart. I'm like, this is what I want to do."
"I made up my mind. I decided that when I grew up, I'd become a scientific investigator."
"Women are free to go into science, engineering, technology, and math."
"My future is YouTube...I love what I do still...there's stressful days and times but overall I love my job."
"I wanted to become a sanitation worker mostly because I wanted to be able to support myself and I wanted to work for New York City."
"If you could do anything else, go and do it, but if this is all you can live and breathe then okay."
"I want to be a doctor or a nurse. Why? Because they help sick people get better."
"Isn't stuff like this the whole reason we went to medical or nursing school in the first place?"
"I'm better as a video creator rather than a live streamer."
"Life's just not for me man. I got too much personality, it's kind of to be working behind the desk."
"I decided what I didn't want to do was sit in an office. I wanted to do something that was exciting or certainly challenging."
"A career as a freelancer might be the right path for you."
"As long as you're tracking that this isn't a field of complacency, you can get into this field. It's one that is very welcoming, has tons of great resources, and it pays well."
"There was an engineering job for me in motorsport."
"eSports being a legitimate career choice for some people."
"I probably wouldn't have been a rapper if I had my dad in my life."
"Convinced me to be a math major instead of computer science."
"Being a flight engineer is a really cool job if you like airplanes and you like flying."
"The choice between front-end and back-end engineering depends on your skills, background, and interests."
"The fastest way to generate infinite quantities of millions is not to invest in stocks and shares or become an accountant, no, it's to become a truck driver."
"Choose your right life work for fuller enjoyment of life."
"He's there because he wants to be a fighter, not because he wants to be famous."
"Do I want to be an actor or do I need to be an actor?"
"Entertain the concept when you ask your child what they want to say and say I want to be a content creator entertain that concept don't shy away from it don't don't shun them don't make them feel bad."
"What got me into tattooing was art in general."
"Women aren't encouraged to go into fields like construction."
"What makes me really uncomfortable is how many young people want to do YouTube and don't understand that it's like saying I want to be an Olympic swimmer or gymnast and give up my childhood."
"I'm really passionate about the stuff that I do. I choose things I'm really passionate and excited about."
"You can make more as a computer programmer or doing something in a creative arts industry."
"He could probably work a really light schedule, cherry-pick what he wants to do."
"Electrical engineering is something that is evergreen."
"I think I'm leaning a little bit more towards that psychology field and neuroscience studies."
"The project or the career path that gives you a feeling of Peace deep down is what's going to make you successful the most."
"Step one, if you just can't even imagine wanting to spend one week every month learning something new in your business, probably you're in the wrong business."
"Entrepreneurship is not for everyone, and that's okay."
"Let's applaud anyone who leaves social media and works an actual job."
"If you're good at something, might as well make it your living."
"I didn't do it to make a ton of money... I did it because it was my dream to be a YouTuber."
"YouTube is something that I could literally see myself doing for the rest of my life."
"A back-end developer usually makes enough to not go bankrupt easily."
"I wanted to work for myself. I had a mission and a purpose through clever girl finance and I told myself I was gonna pick my job."
"I did not go to law school and rack up six figures in student loans to become a vigilante. That is for billionaires and narcissists and adult orphans."
"Hiring is not the company choosing you, it's you choosing the company."
"Take the job that pays one-third where you're going to learn the most. You're going to learn about the business. You're going to learn from the ground up."
"Being a physician is an amazing career if you want to do it."
"Balance your skills, ability to learn, and passion when pursuing a job in programming. It's about finding the right fit for you."
"You can fail at something you don't like, so you might as well do what you love."
"I'd probably be a waitress or behind the bar, because I love that. And it's a very social part of hospitality. It's really good fun."
"People saying they wanted to go back to school to be or they wanted to become teachers now."
"It's a simple knowledge that joining the Izzet League means an exciting job with lots of hands-on experience."
"Should I chase the money or should I pursue my passion? Pick the passion."
"So many people seek out porn work because it allows more autonomy."
"But somehow that stuck with me, and when it sort of came time to make that decision of jumping back into visual effects or jumping into visual effects for the first time, it felt so right."
"Nobody wants to, but that's why plumbers make like $120,000 a year."
"I went on when I went to go to college, I was just going to get a business degree and then I took a business class and I was like, every time I walked in, I was like I want to leave immediately."
"She chose her job to try to make the world a better place."
"I knew that the thought of missing out on some career that I really wanted to have would be so much more painful than pursuing it and then potentially being very poor and having nothing."
"Why would anyone want to ruin their lives by getting into politics unless they were a total sicko?"
"Don't pick your career based on money." - "You don't pick your career based on how much money you can make."
"Science was something I wanted to spend my life on—like a detective story."
"In the end I feel like now that I've gone through a lot of my rotations I do find that pharmacy is the career that I would have picked if I had to pick all over again as a health care provider."
"I thought that looks awesome like that's what I want to do and so from that young age, from 14 when I came across that book was when was the catalyst for me that I thought this is what I want to do."
"If you're one of these people who has a choice whether to work at these companies and you know there's another job, take the other job."
"It is work that can be as honest or dishonest as you want it to be."
"I just finished priming my boy... I think I never want to spend a day of my artistic career making things that make me feel miserable."
"While he has made occasional returns to the entertainment industry, his deliberate choice to step back from the spotlight has left an enduring legacy of beloved comedic performances and a respected career."
"Game programmers tend to get paid more; on average, you'll probably start at double the pay rate just as a new developer."
"I'm gonna be a luthier like of course, I'm gonna be a luthier."
"If I could be a YouTuber, a Twitch streamer, a content creator for the rest of my life, I would do that not because it's a lazy option compared to being an engineer, but because I genuinely have a passion for this."
"I'm never gonna be that car salesman. I don't want to be that way."
"If you're going to get into the trucking industry today, you have to have a passion number one, you have to love being gone, you have to love traveling."
"Ryan really was Heather's inspiration to pursue a career in counseling."
"Honestly, I probably would have said youtuber even before I started YouTube."
"Pick something you like. High-paying doesn't necessarily mean you'll be happy."
"The final option is to just live as a self-employed artist."
"I kind of feel like the side chick thing is a career path now."
"Passion over profit was important not meaning I can't make money doing what I do but you can't pay me to do anything that I don't love."
"I think there's no point in being an investigative journalist if you're going to be afraid. You might as well get another job."
"If you don't want to join someone's company if you see a company and it's not for you the opportunity is not for you you have your own reasons not interested in the product the crazy thing you don't have to join it."
"I'll never consider getting out of farming unless it is truly unprofitable unless I really have no other option otherwise you know this what I'm doing right now is what I'd like to be doing for the rest of my life."
"To all the young girls out there who dream about science as a profession, go for it. It is the greatest job in the world."
"I'd rather be unsuccessful doing something I love than successful doing something I hate."
"Would you like to act in action movies going forward?"
"I can't ever remember not wanting to be a writer."
"I just remember the day that I decided to be a professional artist it's really well was that I was a sophomore in high school so I'm sorry I was a freshman in high school."
"Make sure you choose a career path you love; don't just do things for the money."
"But the way that I picked my food systems and nutrition major was that I noticed whenever the subject of nutrition came up, I always found myself a lot more engaged with the material."
"Sales is a great career path for a lot of different people. It can provide you financial freedom that a lot of other professions cannot."
"The civilian life is no longer the right life for me, and I'm ready to join the United States Army."
"I didn't choose the YouTube life, the YouTube life chose me."
"You want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life or do you want to come with me and change the world?"