
Market Size Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"The video game industry is a $200 billion plus industry. It's bigger than music. It's bigger than movies."
"The gaming industry is now bigger than film, music, the NFL, the NBA, and the MLB combined."
"The foreign exchange or Forex market is the world's largest financial market."
"Forex market is the largest financial market in the world today, with a turnover of almost six and a half trillion dollars."
"Forex: the largest financial market in the world, with a daily trading volume of five trillion."
"Gaming is a really exciting category for us... it is the largest entertainment category in the world."
"The entire crypto asset ecosystem hit somewhere between 2.9 and 3 trillion dollars."
"I think that the PC appreciation market is actually bigger than people realize."
"The size of this bubble is just beyond anything we've ever seen prior."
"YouTube gaming is literally five times bigger than mixer."
"Gaming is bigger than it's ever been before."
"We are near a two trillion dollar market cap for the entire cryptocurrency market."
"The NFT market just hit 2 billion on OpenSea in a month."
"It's transformative and disruptive capabilities, we would be remiss to ignore a now 2 trillion crypto market."
"Consumption is higher, 2.6 billion people is an astronomical amount."
"To break even, you need about 3.7 million customers for the rest of the world."
"The industry of gold selling is much bigger than you think."
"The Indian gaming audience is one of the world's biggest gaming markets."
"The global launch industry is about a $5 billion/year industry."
"In 1994 more Americans than ever before were drinking non-carbonated juices and teas, a $5.3 billion market."
"This is a very tiny market... and most of the people out there that you all love, well, they're going to be caught completely blindsided."
"Crypto is still so small as a market compared to the others out there."
"It's estimated that the global air conditioner market size is about 78 billion dollars and is growing at around 10 per year."
"The American economy is by far the largest in the world."
"The gold market is about a 14 and a half trillion dollar market worldwide, that's all forms of above-ground stocks."
"The world big enough for a bunch of different kind of games."
"This is the biggest whale of all time, estimated to be $150,000 over a year ago."
"China is on the verge of becoming the largest retail market in the world."
"Forex trading is full of opportunities... it is the largest and most liquid market in the world trading over five trillion dollars every day."
"If you are investing in Bitcoin or Ethereum it's going to be a lot harder these days for these investments 250 or 100 times their original value because of how big they are already."
"It's a 400 billion dollar industry right now and it's on the way to targeting towards the trillion dollars and I suspect it'll get here faster than we think."
"125,000 units sold, a huge number for the size of the market."
"Nobody's gonna ban Bitcoin, all right? There's a two trillion dollar asset class in crypto that's not gonna go away."
"Gaming is big. It's much, much bigger than you probably think it is."
"Fact number one: the forex market trades 6.6 trillion dollars a day."
"Public storage that is their business here look at that a storage company has a thirty-seven billion dollar market cap."
"Gaming is the biggest market in the world when it comes to entertainment."
"Video games are a massive market, one that's mostly targeted at young people, of course."
"Look for market cap under maybe a few billion dollars."
"Everybody wants to improve themselves; the self-improvement market is gigantic."
"Do you know the cleaning industry is a billion-dollar industry?"
"...with a market size of about 34 billion dollars globally and expectations to reach over 55 billion dollars by 2026."
"this currency trading happens every single day I'm talking trillions of dollars yes trillions not Millions not billions trillions of dollars that are being exchanged every single day to they have the exact number it's actually $6.3 trillion is moved in the market every single day"
"The entire global energy drink market for 2022 was worth about 58 billion dollars, and people's taste for this stuff does not seem to be drying up."
"The total addressable market for Bitcoin is orders of magnitude larger than people understand."
"Pick a clear market that's clearly big."
"Most markets are big enough, there are few markets that are too small."
"Don't worry about competition. The market is big enough."
"Your ability to exit something that is a trillion dollars should be give or take a hundred times greater than something that is 10 billion dollars."
"I think what our league has proven is that you don't have to be a major market to win a championship."
"Amazon is seriously massive, with something like 300 million Prime members in the world."
"You want to make sure that the founder is targeting and addressing a large market."
"With a 67.2 billion dollar market size and nearly 7% annual growth, the Sporting Goods industry has become one of the fastest growing industries in the US since 2018."
"The global social commerce market is estimated to be around $90 billion right now."
"The excitement about a big market stems from profit opportunities for businesses."
"Big markets don't matter anymore... you don't necessarily need to end up in one of the bigger markets to have a successful off-court career."
"In today's world where TV deals mean more than attendance, these places really can't be called small markets anymore."
"The global USB phone charger market is indeed pretty significant; there are 1 to 1.2 billion non-Apple smartphones sold each year that could push some volume."
"In 2020, the global Drop Shipping market size reached $128 billion."
"The size of the non-consumption market is actually a lot bigger than the market for consumption."
"The online greeting card market is worth 1.6 billion pounds in the UK per annum."
"Houston is home to one of the most thriving wedding videography markets on the planet."
"The marketplace is so big and so massive that if you just find the right product, it can be more than a full-time income."
"This daily figure is more than the annual GDP of all but two of the largest nations on Earth, China and the USA."
"The heavy metal removal market in the United States is 1.8 billion dollars."
"The coaching and consulting space is ginormous."
"...the global market is so much bigger than we understand that none of us were ever competitors."
"The database market was always one of those markets that was incredibly large and that could get to these mature margins."
"The Indie gaming market is massive."
"The translation industry is a $40 billion a year industry."
"This could be the catalyst for one of the biggest markets we've ever seen in the history of the United States."
"The biggest incentive in a market economy is the market size."
"The crypto market cap over one trillion dollars."
"The total addressable market is essentially the larger market to which any particular buyers for a product or service reside."
"Let me demonstrate to you just how big of a niche this ASMR niche is."
"Young company plus big market and a big player in that market plus narrator, you've got the ingredients of a story stock."
"Education is actually a five trillion dollar space."
"China is by far the biggest market for autos, the biggest market for movies, the biggest market for almost any product now."