
Personal Relationships Quotes

There are 3190 quotes

"If you love yourself, you will love everybody else around you at the degree to which you cultivate love internally."
"My entire self-worth is wrapped up in people knowing the truth of how I've interacted with them."
"We appreciate you one of my best friends I ever had in my life."
"When somebody has their mind made up about you, it's going to take time for them to either get over it or just leave it alone."
"Friendship breakups really break your heart more than romantic relationships, in my opinion."
"For some of you, there is someone from the past you get to set things right, and you find that harmony."
"The op-ed wasn't about my relationship with Johnny, but it alluded to him. It was unmistakable."
"I've dated a girl with mommy issues. It's actually worse."
"People will start to show you who they are very quickly, and pay attention to it."
"Anyone can get up and read a resume at a funeral, but only someone who really knows you can get up and give the eulogy."
"Everything you want, instant gratification, except job satisfaction and strength of relationships, there ain't no app for that."
"Setting boundaries and cutting people off can be different; cutting people off can be a boundary, but it is not the only way to have boundaries."
"I won't let some digital objective dictate my real-life relationships."
"For like 20 minutes there, I forgave Thomas. You guys know what I mean. Thomas could be anyone. We all have a Thomas."
"I love you more than I love anybody, and um, and I mean that."
"Your primary, your fundamental relationship should be your relationship with Christ."
"Create healthy boundaries with those around you."
"What really matters to most people is sincerity."
"One of the biggest regrets people have is not telling the people that they love how they really feel."
"Emotions are not permanent. You hate a person to death one day and you get over it the next day."
"If you can't be yourself at work, in a relationship with your friends, or around your family, it speaks more to them and their conditional love than you."
"When I first met Julie, I absolutely despised her."
"To be honest, I'm happy that someone as beautiful as you says she likes me."
"If you play chess at all, you'll understand, you move your pieces around the board... But in real life, which is not a chess game, it is personal. We aren't pawns and knights and bishops, we are people."
"You have no idea how much this means to me, honestly."
"He's the rock in my life, you know what I mean?"
"Focus on the friend you're being rather than the friend they're being."
"I might as well be morally accountable to the people who actually have to deal with me."
"Minimalism means getting rid of all the stuff that you don't need. So I did exactly that. I removed everything I didn't need from my life, including you and your mom."
"I've been under the weather, and it's not that I wasn't excited to see you."
"It's just amazing having the support group that I do have because these fools are like literally the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"I realized that you're the only close people who will always support me."
"I like knowing who I'm doing business with, why I'm doing business with them, do I trust them."
"I gave you $10,000 and I gave you twelve thousand dollars to pay your mortgage and I paid your credit card debt off, but I love you, I want it, I don't wanna cry."
"I loved him more than I think I've loved anyone."
"Communication skills are essential for good and productive interaction. They are important for our professional and personal relationships."
"My God, my wife, my kids and my fellow human beings."
"Hyperactive Earl is a sweet man and one of my dearest friends in all the world."
"You knew he had three kids when you started dating him."
"He says that I deceived him by giving him the impression that I was financially well off."
"Whenever I talk to this guy, I feel like we're just talking for 15 minutes, but it ends up being for just a very long time."
"If I'm going to listen to someone and let them have influence over my emotions and over my decisions, it needs to be people really close to me that love me, not people in the distant world of the internet."
"Just because everyone is equally valuable doesn't mean they add equal value to you."
"Would you trust me right now if I asked you for your bank number, like your Social Security? You would, I... yeah, I would for you."
"The gospel will not advance from a stage; it can only advance through friendships and through families."
"Your guys' love means more to me than anything money could buy."
"You're very special to them, especially when I see these two together, the King of Cups and the Queen of Pentacles."
"They did not expect to fall in love with you. It was so unexpected for them."
"You need dangerous safe people. Dangerous, by virtue of the fact that they can say everything that needs to be said; safe in that they're not going to abuse it."
"Spirit brought you into this person's life because they wanted this person to have somebody they could trust and have somebody that could be their cheerleader."
"You will never be a burden to me; maybe other people will see you as this evil person, but for me, you were just my dad."
"You have to make your relationship be the best for you."
"You can't make somebody else change. You can make them dinner, you can make them laugh, but you cannot make someone else change."
"It's about playing out. I have friends, and I consider them friends, they are globalists, and they are friends of mine...you realize you're just a person, you're a person, I'm a person, we disagree with our worldviews intensely, but I will still give you respect as a human being and as a friend."
"He seemed like the guy who presented his life as an open book. He was charming, witty, and he was wildly handsome."
"They clearly love each other, there's a great bond between them."
"I get some of you walking straight toward another connection. It's new, like the connection you're walking toward is new."
"I think the measure of a man is how the people who know him feel about him."
"Even when you make a boneheaded mistake or you do something wrong, I'm still going to support you."
"Never go into business with your friends...that rule also applies to family members too."
"This is going to be so nice to surprise Nazzy with."
"Everybody in your life is replaceable except you."
"You can't replace your mama with another mama, but you don't always have to replace people with people."
"I believe in second, third, fourth chances for someone. I want someone to give me the same grace I'm giving them."
"It must be very difficult to distinguish between people wanting something from you and people enjoying your company and liking you."
"I'm genuinely happy that I got to meet these two because they are two of the most amazing, genuine people I've ever met."
"I've now only known Laurel for a couple of weeks, but in the time that I've gotten to know her, well, I consider her to be a true and beautiful friend. She's so kind and so generous, and my father and I are lucky to have her in our lives."
"We're in this together, you and me, and we have to work as a team."
"If you're in my life, it's because I want you in there, and you're making my life generally better. But as a need? I don't need you."
"I think you should have this, Saline... You could never disappoint me. I'll always be there to support you."
"Don't do it because if you kill him, we could never be together."
"You have a handful of 20 people in your life that really matter."
"Our biggest environment that affects our biology, are our close relationships."
"To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world."
"I'm complicated in that way because I go 'I don't want to hear from that person' and then I'm like 'I just want to hear from that person.'"
"All of us can feel it when we interact online, how it bleeds into our personal lives and hurts friendships, it offends feelings, uncomfortable conversations at Thanksgiving, everybody knows what I'm talking about."
"You are one of my most favorite people ever."
"You have given me more than I have ever thought I could have in one life."
"If there are different types of soul mates, then you are one of mine."
"I didn't want to imagine him alone all the time so I was glad he had someone there for him when I wasn't around."
"I feel like this person has a lot to do with your success in the future."
"Our parents still haven't met and we're going to keep it that way for as long as possible."
"Surround yourself with good people, not bad people. If you're in a position where those around you are influencing you negatively more than you're influencing them positively, I think you need new friends."
"I adore how much her and Jamie kind of clicked very quickly. I don't know, I'm finding that adorable."
"We're committed to our family, committed to our kids, committed to Jamie as a co-parent."
"I can't be a part of that. I want to be in your life, I want to be able to help you with whatever you're doing, to still love and support you, but I can't be a party to these kinds of things."
"I think that this connection is divinely protected, your guides are watching over you, they are protecting you through all of this."
"Chicago isn't just where her ex-husband is from, it's the name of their third child together."
"Your action can't come upon him unless it first comes upon me."
"Are you in love with the real me or just my potential?"
"I just want to see the Sancho that I was going crazy about."
"Me and Paul have been staying on top of... we don't keep our personal."
"Maddie has truly been a blessing in our lives."
"Achieving deep understanding is indispensable to achieving true intimacy."
"Surround yourself with people who want the best for the best part of you."
"Don't let them treat you like anybody else, you gotta give each other space."
"He's offering me all this stuff he's like but at what cost? He's like I was he like you left me yeah that was powerful."
"Kevin's really into art and illustration, so I think he built that relationship with Ryan in particular."
"Now how important you are for me, it's hard to say in words."
"You're destined to have money success, and I feel like this person is going to motivate you to that potential."
"The President would often call his agents by their name in this instance, Colin Koop is as a good representation of that relationship."
"I appreciate that you wanted to do it for me even though you knew I wouldn't do it for myself."
"It's like you're trying to be romantic with his wife, goddamn he's trying to reconnect with her."
"For her longtime makeup artist Arielle Tejada's 24th birthday, she gave him the most extravagant gift."
"Black men want black women to think they can't escape to someone better."
"You've got me through an incredibly tough few years."
"It's impossible to get everyone to like you and to impress everyone. It's much more feasible to just get the people that you know to like you to want to be around you."
"As much as me and Doug had our little back and forths at times, I just want to say thank you, Doug, for always being a great friend."
"Beware of domestic conflict, watch your temper and words. Mental anguish may occur."
"LeBron left D Wade without giving him a heads up, one of his best friends ever. My takeaway is LeBron feels like he kind of needs AD for at least this year."
"This person never stopped loving you. There is no way this person will ever stop loving you."
"One thing that they both knew was me and how to get the most out of me."
"According to Beyonce's former bodyguard Jay-Z supposedly becomes excessively paranoid fearing Beyonce might walk away from him"
"I want people to tell me the truth not spare my feelings."
"There's a legal agreement with someone that I can't talk about why I dumped them."
"Their presence in your life, their friendship, their energy, just heals your heart."
"I wish that I could have experienced like the love with my partner that I currently have when I was younger."
"Thanks so much for loving me and supporting me even when I'm the messiest of Queens."
"Having personal relationships with people who are different than you makes you see things through other people's eyes."
"Double standards not only affect societal perceptions but also have a profound impact on personal relationships in the dating world."
"Don't settle for a life mate, a classmate, or any other kind of mate."
"Don't get involved in arguments on social media unless you know the person well."
"He's going to remember who his friends are and he's going to remember who weren't."
"The only thing in my experience that is going to pull people back from the brink is conversations with loved ones."
"When I'm with you, I can't help but find more things I like."
"He was the first person that actually felt... he was on my side."
"This week you're gonna come across this person for the first time ever."
"Is it just the girl who was butthurt that she got dumped or ghosted by a celebrity?"
"People can only meet another person as deeply as they have met themselves."
"It's important to have a very good and strong support system to back you up."
"His patience with me is wearing thin. He's not my father."
"So to be mindful of answering your question, we can only really work on ourselves, figure out where our hard line is, and then decide how we're going to honor those boundaries if they're not being met."
"Every little percentage point you can improve on over that 50% could end up being tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of dollars added to your bottom line."
"It's about the personal relationships of these people and the love that they have or the hate that they have towards each other."
"It really is about the personal relationships of these people and the love that they have or the hate that they have towards each other."
"There's always a joy when I see you, what a joy."
"If people don't really like you for who you genuinely are, you were never really meant to get along with them in the first place."
"Confessing your feelings to someone can be difficult."
"Marin reveals her heartfelt voice and says 'I like you' to him."
"I'll do anything anything you ever need for life."
"Everybody that's in your reality, everybody that's in your waking life is a reflection of you, and they were put in your life for a reason."
"They feel like they're in competition with you."
"This person is very prideful, they won't admit that they don't like you."
"You guys stopped being cool for a reason, you guys are just outgrowing each other."
"A soul connection showing up... making you feel empowered."
"We gotta learn how to set boundaries, even with the ones closest to us."
"There is this lack of tolerance for connections in her life that fall short of openness transparency and authenticity..."
"It feels refreshing knowing that I met my sister."
"More than anything I'm beyond thankful for my family, friends, partnerships, and supporters."
"But you cannot control that person. You cannot make their choices for them."
"Being somebody yourself that actually hypes up people you love in your life is so important."
"I love secret crush. I just think that's the cutest thing ever."
"You're going to have guys who actually respect you."
"When you start to lose interest in them, that's when they'll want you more."
"I think she loves Taylor Swift more than me."
"Everyone wants to be heard that they're favorite but when Tyler tells you that you're the favorite then you know it's true."
"Late in life, it's tough to deal with emotions and affection."
"I've worked a lot on my relationships, and now I'm happy in my life."
"I've just woken up and seen that I've got nine missed calls from you."
"Forgiveness is required in order for this connection to move forward."
"People don't understand... you don't have to hate that person because you don't agree with everything they say."
"They're willing to enter into conflict with a safe person."
"Their compassion was not compromised I knew that they did not approve of my sin ful lifestyle living with a woman but they continue to love me and to uphold me."
"By putting emphasis on you, it's the essence is that it's you that I love."
"This person does really have feelings for you... They definitely want to be with you."
"He was rubbing elbows with people... Dan was basically always gone."
"It's not about the pop and Circumstance it's about two people who have found each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together."
"It's better for you and God to walk alone than it is for you to allow people in your life who are not supposed to be in your inner circle."
"I don't want to play with people who aren't real."
"In every relationship, there's the Builder and the Star."
"I never want my friends to feel like that, that I would ever disrespect his mother, never, that wasn't where that was from."
"As soon as Julie came into his life, she wasn't thrilled about that part about him having a secretary."
"He sees the orphanage kids as genuine family."
"It's nobody's fault, but we do need to start being honest with each other for a true, honest transformation."
"No one is looking out for me more than my mom. No one wants what's best for me more than my mom and my husband."
"Deep connections with the people that you love."
"I want people to know that the person you're supporting talks [__] about you."
"They see you as someone who's deeply important in their life and would do anything for you."
"My circle is shrunk in size but increased in value."
"I feel like Connor potentially feels a little bit threatened by you because you got you know better hair and things of that nature."
"This person really seems to love you for who you are."
"You're very much a part of their soul, a part of their everyday thoughts, feelings, thinking about you a lot."
"When you tell the world what kind of a woman you're looking for with specific answers, you help everybody in your life find that person for you."
"Some people just want to like do their thing with the people they care about."
"You were dating a truck guy, you're now dating a camera guy."
"I think avoiding conflict is not it like that's 2023 like we're going into this year of like you fight for the people you want in your life"
"I'm not always there when you call, but I am always on time."
"The fact that you've been rooting for me for years means more than you know."
"Even if it's just one or two people, that's all that matters; quality over quantity."
"You're the only person they could be themselves with."
"I mean, it's loyalty. Dude, this man literally has, like, the biggest heart."
"I feel like new love coming in for you, this is receiving blessings, the four swords... So I feel like after a break, like you probably haven't had a love for a while, it's like you are receiving blessings, probably a new love coming in for you."
"I feel like you'll be attracting someone into your life."
"There's something beautiful about having someone who you're really close to."
"Dan Le Batard and I used to be very good friends."
"Have a movie on me. Thank you man, I appreciate that. Dude, I dig that. You're the dude. Thank you man, seriously."
"If you have a parent, tell them you love you, uh, you appreciate them so much. I got to have my mom for 45 years. I really appreciate that time."
"If I had to sum me and Dave's relationship down to, like, what's the foundation of our relationship, it's like gambling and watching Danny Boy KES, that's it."
"No reflection on you, it just might not be the right situation."
"You're just simply sitting down and having a heart-to-heart conversation with them will either make them realize."