
Unanswered Questions Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"But there's answers to questions that have no answers, you know? Or questions, excuse me, questions with no answers right now that we are searching for desperately."
"For now, all we have is a cautionary tale and a ton of questions that only Jack Ma can answer."
"Unanswered questions about dark matter and the early universe unsettle our understanding."
"A declarative challenge that still has yet to be answered by the rest of the world today."
"For some, there remain unanswered questions about the Well of Barhout, details yet to be filled in, which leave the mystery alive and well."
"Dan Brown encourages us to contemplate but really doesn't provide any answers."
"It's a good question because we don't entirely know the answer yet."
"You don't get any answers, you just get more questions."
"This case is very infuriating because we still don't have answers to a lot of questions."
"Human history is replete with unanswered questions."
"What's wrong with just having a million questions and not having all the answers?"
"The caves of Qumran have given us some amazing secrets from the past yet while answering many questions these fascinating writings still hold many mysteries today."
"Unanswered questions become the bane of your existence."
"I think what we saw on January 6th is not necessarily a big name Pastor inciting people to go to the capital... it's a question that they haven't answered."
"I cannot believe he could have caused this devastation. There are too many unanswered questions and loose ends."
"We're not getting any answers, and we're not gonna settle for that."
"You are never going to have every single one of your questions answered."
"There aren't going to be answers here tonight, just deepening questions."
"The key to unlocking it lies in the questions neither side is asking."
"Avengers infinity war left us with some big questions about the future of the MCU."
"There are just so many unanswered questions."
"No solid explanation has ever been put forth to explain Gef's existence, leaving the question of who or what Gef really was, unanswered."
"There's just plenty of questions that need to be answered."
"Cartoons sometimes pose questions that would change everything and yet they're never answered."
"After all of this there are still no fucking answers."
"The Bermuda Triangle has always been mysterious... but many questions remain to this day."
"Are we alone in this universe? Well, despite our ever increasing technology and knowledge, we do not have a definitive answer to that question."
"This press conference somehow answered all of my questions while also leaving me with even more questions that need to be answered."
"How can a coroner say so many times that there would be unanswered questions... when the reality was that they didn't even answer the most basic ones?"
"We live in a vast galaxy with a lot of unanswered questions."
"There is still a lot of unanswered questions regarding many characters."
"There are so many questions in this game that get no answers."
"Address all of the things Reloaded and Revolutions posited but didn't prove."
"Questions we'll never know the answer to unless we can actually time travel back into different dimensions."
"The world has so many questions and Gabby's family deserves answers."
"Unfortunately, there's been no answers given at all, leaving this to be one mystery you'll have to answer for yourself."
"I had these unanswered questions and these deep feelings that I just couldn't quite place."
"It's important to give this theory an airing because... critical questions... have gone unanswered."
"One can only sincerely hope that we get an answer finally as to what happened in this tragic event."
"It leaves us with more questions than answers but it's all very interesting and very mysterious."
"Despite how much mankind has advanced in the field of science, there's still a lot of things we haven't uncovered in this world. There are a lot of questions about the past and the future that are still unanswered."
"Some questions are better left unanswered." - Bells Bob
"This series of videos just raises more questions than answers."
"Unanswered questions do not mean a false model."
"Each time we find something new, it brings out many questions, most of them remain unanswered."
"Many questions remain unanswered, perhaps more than we have answers for."
"Despite all our efforts, there are still all sorts of scientific questions that remain."
"Nothing is creepier than a story that leaves you with more questions than answers."
"You find so many families left with unanswered questions."
"Last chapter opened up more questions than it answered."
"Even after the bodies of these missing hikers were discovered, investigators, friends, and families were left with unanswered questions."
"Sometimes you get a case that there just aren't any answers to."
"Questions pile up unanswered, and the ghosts become real."
"it's my hope that maybe one day all of these questions might be answered in some capacity but for now they remain huge what-ifs for the show"
"So for him to send that last text message from on the mountain at 8:30 p.m., nowhere near the campsite, begs some questions, yeah? His phone could not be reached. It was either dead, turned off, or broken, so there was no way to trace him that way."
"We didn't get an answer to three jokers."
"Sometimes we don't get answers because there is no place for God to put the answer."
"We may not ever get the answer to our 'why, God?' question."
"For every answer that you do uncover about this case, it seems like a hundred more questions are then brought up."
"Why is there something rather than nothing? It's the key question, and it's one that we really have absolutely no idea how to answer."
"I still have no answers for the events that happened to me."
"Throughout your formative years you were educated you were made aware of certain philosophical problems that remain unanswered so far you were given by your teachers the conventional methods and science and philosophy that people have used to solve problems in the past."
"It's good that not all the questions are yet answered because that leaves something for you to say in your next book."
"The questions that are still unanswered today are, you know, why wasn't Christian able to re-enter South Africa?"
"Maybe some mysteries are just better left unsolved."
"this story was extremely sad and it's especially sad when you don't have any answers"
"Here we are in this world with these great existential questions that don't have any definitive answers."
"the mystery would only deepen and the big question has still remained why why did any of this happen"
"I don't know one thing about unanswered prayer."
"Until we have answers to all the questions surrounding this case, this case will never go away."
"There are just thousands of questions that still haunt her family."
"Ashley Summers' disappearance remains a heart-wrenching example of a child lost too soon, leaving a void filled with unanswered questions and a community's sorrow."
"His memory loss and the lack of clear evidence have left many questions unanswered, leaving the true nature of what happened to Philipus during those 6 days in February of 2018 remaining a profound mystery."
"There are Mysteries Left Behind waiting for answers."
"The mystery took a tragic turn when skeletal remains were discovered in a remote ravine, leaving many questions unanswered."
"I had so many questions about Marion and Peggy's relationship."
"I also feel like these experiments answer some questions but spark even more questions in return."
"Watching them trying to find out why, trying to understand, trying to make sense - all questions there were just no answers to."
"If those are your questions, just save them, okay? Because I don't have the answers for that."
"I loved all of the mysteries and all of the things. I think you're digging for didn't need to be answered in this."
"I'm afraid we'll never know. It's hard to get answers from a dead man."
"There will be no answers to all my questions and I still have nightmares about it. I'll never get closure either."
"Vanishing without a trace like these individuals leaves so many questions unanswered."
"There's so many questions that come with this movie, so that's why I'm ready to watch."
"One question that has never been answered is just how much money was taken unlawfully from thousands of innocent men and women."
"...none of those arguments have been answered."
"...having to live with questions that don't get answered even though they deserve answering and and then also having to live with guilt and having to live with you know responsibility we're loving to live with the failures that you've had which we all have..."
"You just might never get the answer."
"But as I grew older, I asked deeper questions, questions he would answer with 'It's not time for that.'"
"There's always going to be questions you know yeah that no one will ever answer why was he out there you know why do you do this why do you do that."
"They don't feel the questions as to why a boy can walk up to a teacher in a classroom and stab her with a knife seven times has satisfactorily been answered."
"As soon as you get to the detail, there is no answer to this."
"Unfortunately, it sounds like there are a lot of questions to that experience that you're never going to have the answers to."
"All of my burdens were lifted, even if not all my questions were answered."
"As for the questions, we might never get answers."
"You don't have to have your questions answered to move forward in faith."
"The book explains so many of the unanswered questions that I had."
"His reasons for climbing onto the airplane remain a mystery."
"All our family ever wanted was answers, and nothing has ever added up."
"Science does not provide answers to all our questions."
"The world turns, years pass, auroras streak across the sky, and many questions of men swallowed up in Alaska's vast interior must go unanswered."
"Even if there are questions we don't have answers to at the moment, I have faith that they will be answered by Jehovah in His due time."
"It was a great question, a very good question. I think it's the best question, but we don't have an answer."
"I miss him so much, there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of him and wonder why."
"If there are any questions that remain unanswered, send them my way."
"There are occasions when discoveries actually leave us with more questions than answers."
"The answer to the question of how the image was produced or what produced the image remains now as it has in the past a mystery."
"We still have more unanswered questions than answered questions."
"...it would be great to be able to not only answer some of the questions that remain open but also some of the Thousand new questions that came up based on the data we collected."
"The mysterious disappearance of Michael Leagus in Grand Canyon National Park presents a narrative filled with unanswered questions."
"I have so many questions and so little answers."
"However, I still believe that even with the passage of time, the answers we need are still there."
"Why are they here? What do they want? These may be questions that we are never able to answer."
"This is the constant problem with archaeology; even when you think you've come up with an answer, it leads to more questions."
"There are still huge open questions in science that haven't been answered and yet which could be answered."
"Amanda's loved ones are still searching for answers."
"It was tantalizing; it's all the things that we hadn't known before but left so many questions unanswered that we just had to go back."
"One of the challenges that we have discovered is that this millennial age has a lot of questions and they're not getting a lot of answers."
"The existence of extraterrestrial crafts or the mythical city of Atlantis remains elusive, leaving us with a disquieting question."
"It was a dazzling symphony of silence, but no answer to my worried question."
"When a Jew is faced with a question that they cannot answer, they dance. Why? Well, because they know that one day the Lord will answer their question."
"Like so many true crime cases, some questions will likely never have answers."
"It's a tragedy with many more questions than answers."
"So many questions that will probably remain forever unanswered."
"What is gravity? We have no idea. Okay, next question."
"At last, he lay at peace, nothing troubling him except the buzzing questions that needed to be answered."
"It's one of those mysteries of life that you'll never get the answer for."
"We have no shortage at all of unanswered questions and mysteries throughout the solar system and beyond."
"Life is full of mysteries, most of which never get answered."