
Unemployment Quotes

There are 400 quotes

"Unemployment has a strong but well-defined negative effect on life satisfaction."
"The Millennials are facing extremely high pricing of houses as well as similar high disparity between poor and also extreme all-time high youth unemployment."
"Unemployment rates in the United States have reached an all-time high at 16 percent."
"Shu Fong, a lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, believes that the record high youth unemployment rate is affecting marriage rates."
"We have created over one hundred thousand jobs during that period with unemployment being the lowest it has ever been in history."
"If you've been up at three in the morning because you've lost your job... self-love personal care requires that you rest, recover, and do what you need to do."
"We're a long way from a full recovery," and "I'm much more worried about falling short of a complete recovery and losing people's careers and lives...than about the possibility of higher inflation."
"Our nation is experiencing an incredible time period where unemployment is low, and job creation is high."
"Every day more and more people go without work and paychecks, propelling the debate of how important the stability of the economy is to public health."
"We know that extended periods of unemployment can mean lasting harm to workers and to the productive capacity of the economy."
"Fun employment is a term for embracing joblessness as liberating and empowering, prioritizing personal pursuits and self-reflection."
"There's a huge disconnect. You got 30 million people out of work, and the stock market and the Nasdaq is at record highs."
"On the unemployment side, a long time. Certain businesses aren't going to come back, and people are gonna have to retool."
"In the United States, the effects of this action were painfully felt in April 2020 when the country lost twenty-point-five million jobs, resulting in an unemployment rate that ballooned to fourteen point seven percent."
"What happens when millions of people don't have jobs... and literally computers and artificial intelligence are running society?"
"You don't realize how quickly you go through money until you lose your job."
"We've shown that we can over the course of a long expansion we can get to low levels of unemployment and that the benefits to society, including particularly to lower moderate income people, are very substantial."
"The share of the labor force experiencing long-term unemployment or involuntary part-time work has fallen dramatically in the pandemic recovery."
"The overall objective is to make sure that those who are currently going without income, they have lost their job, they have lost all ability to pay for their expenses, including for food on the table, these are covered."
"People are suffering, millions of people are out of work, people don't know how to put food on the table. These challenges are real."
"Unemployment in 1999 was at 15%; today it is at 5%."
"When people don't have jobs, they don't have purpose and meaning...they're going to resort to violence."
"We beefed up unemployment insurance in a huge way that has never been done before."
"Increasing the minimum wage does not dramatically impact unemployment, except for small groups of people."
"We're seeing booming job growth with the lowest unemployment over 50 years that has benefited working-class men and women."
"I see enormous pain in this country... folks out of work, folks going hungry... folks trying to figure out how to keep their jobs and take care of their children."
"When unemployment is at the highest rate since the Great Depression, when millions of people have seen their hours and pay slashed, Joe knows it's not enough to rebuild the economy the way it was before. We've got to build it back better."
"Unemployment can be a traumatic event for anyone, even puppets."
"Waiting in line for unemployment just after giving birth is already appalling, but the very phrase 'pop-up unemployment office' is truly alarming."
"Your best bet is to always double check with your state's unemployment website for the latest information."
"The discrepancy sheds light on a broader debate over whether the official unemployment rate is the best measure of joblessness in the U.S."
"I got a few jokes about unemployed people. Oh wait, none of them work."
"You reduce the amount of credit flowing through the economy, your sales go down, your profits go down, unemployment goes up."
"One percent increase in unemployment, you get a five percent increase in psychiatric hospitalization."
"Solving the problem of technological unemployment is a far better problem to have than the one that haunted our ancestors for centuries."
"So people are hurting right now, they don't have work, and there's no income coming in."
"Tackling youth unemployment is crucial... for every sort of mission."
"27 million jobless claims, and that's just the tip of the iceberg."
"Low wage growth is faster now, and unemployment is down. It's all really interesting."
"He said this year could see the fastest non-war-related one-year fall in US CPI inflation in a century, with unemployment rate that never gets above 4%."
"Know your worth. You will be jobless, and that's great."
"Stagflation is simply where you have inflation and yet at the same time you have high unemployment. You have economic weakness."
"In just a year, the unemployment rate in the nation's largest state tripled."
"We're looking at over 30 million people who in the last several months had to file for unemployment."
"Let's not disturb that. I know he doesn't have a job, he was laid off, he's most likely here."
"We're talking about the loss of millions upon millions of jobs, and that does have a pretty significant impact on people's lives."
"When you don't have a job and you sit at home smoking weed, playing Xbox in your drawers all day, that makes you look like a [__]."
"Our economy is lifting up citizens of every background, you saw the new reports coming out on unemployment, they're the best in the world, best we've ever had."
"Black unemployment and underemployment was still well over 20 percent under the Trump administration."
"Unemployment is actually down, a lot of this stems from the fact that unemployment was so high during the pandemic."
"When President Biden took office, millions were unemployed and there was no vaccine available."
"If the government shuts down again, one million additional people will file for unemployment."
"When there are not enough people working, you do get price inflation."
"The biggest indicator about the strength of the economy is just the unemployment rate."
"Wages were kept artificially high early in the depression and the result was a big increase in unemployment."
"Unemployment just reached its lowest rate in over 50 years."
"If you lose your job you would have more of a safety net and a savings buffer."
"The number of unemployed Americans reentering the labor force rose by 43%."
"There are 17 states out there posting their lowest unemployment rate on record with data going back to the mid-1970s."
"When these companies just decide at some point it's time to pull the cord, what happens is that the unemployment rate in America historically it tends to shoot up very very fast."
"China's unemployment problem may become long-term and unable to be completely resolved."
"This performance may portray the unemployment of superheroes in the digital age."
"You want people and their savings to be destroyed by inflation or do you want them to lose their jobs and go down that path."
"Unemployment: Some days are like summer vacation, but hanging out in your underwear with nothing to do is unbearably boring."
"You cannot have a society that continues on this path where you have millions of people unemployed."
"It's going to make everything cost more money at a time when they're already paying 16 an hour in unemployment incentives."
"Once people get out, too often they return because they can't find a job. These aren't bad people, they're people who are trying to survive."
"My outlook for growth and unemployment is much more positive today than it was a few months ago."
"We've done absolutely the worst thing we could do to stabilize the economy: we have incentivized people not to go back to work."
"So even though the official unemployment rate has come down uh somewhat if you look at say the number of jobs in the economy uh you know we're still very very short of what the total number of jobs were pre pandemic."
"The number of deaths from poverty and unemployment... will enter into something worse than the Great Depression if we're not careful."
"The numbers are staggering, 30 million Americans have filed unemployment claims since mid-March."
"Unemployment happens when a capitalist, an employer, finds it more profitable to fire a worker than to hire one."
"Every single time we're at the beginning of a recession the unemployment rate is very low just like it is today in 2023."
"We want there to be more unemployment, what that means for minorities is that they're going to have unemployment rates twice that and for minority youth, minority four times that."
"Spain's official unemployment rate was stubbornly high in the 80s and 90s."
"The numbers just came out this morning: 3.8 million additional people have filed for unemployment."
"Real unemployment in this country is not what you read in the papers at five percent. It's really actually double that when you look at people who have given up looking for work or people working part-time."
"Unemployment for African Americans is at the lowest level in history."
"And for women, the lowest level of unemployment in 21 years."
"The prosecution contended Alexander shot his family after his father told him to get a job or move out of the house."
"We achieved the lowest Hispanic American unemployment rate and the lowest poverty rate ever recorded."
"This is a government completely failing them. The unemployment crisis is a true national emergency."
"Let's come together and help shift the way people think about business entrepreneurship and capitalism because the true vision and mission of value tainment is to one day have a world unemployment of 0%."
"Unemployment has been driven down to previously unthinkable lows and we still didn't get inflation, so economists were wrong."
"The market bottomed in March of 2020 right, we still had so much bad news we still had so many layoffs that were coming the unemployment rate kept skyrocketing during that time."
"The number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits has fallen steadily since May of last year."
"The danger with AI at the moment is it will end up leaving lots of people without work."
"The real unemployment rate is probably 10 to 12%."
"High-speed and complete manufacturing has displaced a load of people doing the same thing as the machine now does."
"The government has already spent nearly 800 billion dollars helping the unemployed throughout the pandemic."
"No monetary policy is going to get those people back to work so that's silly."
"Thanks to the American Rescue Plan and I would also say the hard work and grit and innovation of Americans, the unemployment rate has dropped to just 3.9 percent which is really a remarkable and historic recovery from the beginning of the pandemic."
"Black workers amongst black workers the unemployment rate remains stubbornly high at 7.1 percent more than twice what it is for white workers."
"It's unfortunately a necessary evil... but I realize there are people who worked in costume... now they also don't have jobs."
"By the time FDR became president, the unemployment rate peaked in 1933 at 25.6 percent."
"Mass unemployment is a policy choice and we can choose differently."
"Unemployment goes way way down, that's a success."
"The Federal Reserve is truly looking for unemployment to rise before they start to adjust their interest rates."
"Good news for the new year: fewer Americans are applying for unemployment benefits, but the number is still incredibly high."
"There's a growing game of chicken between buyers and sellers."
"Unemployment benefits are expiring for over 7.5 million Americans."
"We've got to figure out a way to deal with the economic crisis that the pandemic caused that is massive unemployment, that is hunger, that is hospitals running out of money." - Bernie Sanders
"When the economy tanks and people become unemployed people start dying. It's not just about suicides which is sad and scary but it's also about people losing access to resources, people losing access to insurance."
"Weekly unemployment claims fell for the 11th straight week, it's a good sign."
"I think if you go ahead and continue with slower Economic Times that unemployment has to go up and I believe that's what we're seeing now."
"Mass production, unemployment growth will increase."
"Bank credit deflates the economy, causes unemployment, and that's how the Federal Reserve manages the banks to make sure wages don't grow."
"70 million people have moved from urban areas to villages because they can't find jobs anymore."
"No, I actually lost my job several weeks ago."
"That's really good news for unemployed people."
"Having robots replace human labor and then all of us that used to do the work being left out of a job, that's not something that can happen."
"You can get fired and chill for a year and still be okay."
"Thousands of people die when unemployment rises, and many more people could lose access to health care, housing, and livelihoods during even a minor period of economic turbulence."
"A trade policy that collapses our industries like farming, fishing, steel, and so on will mean more unemployment."
"Unemployment numbers are going to rise quite a bit in both the United States and globally."
"During the period 1861 to 63, four-fifths of the factories were closed; it was mass unemployment; it was called the great panic."
"Unemployment is one of the strongest indicators of a healthy market."
"10 million job openings but 8.4 million unemployed. How's that for a crazy number?"
"Politicians love to point to the record low unemployment rate of 3.7% but that metric is kind of wrong."
"There is zero shame in filing for unemployment benefits if you're eligible for them."
"Unemployment is now at 3.4 percent, hitting a 53-year low."
"It's normal to feel punched in the face when you get laid off."
"Being unemployed does not make you evil."
"Unemployment is so low, below the natural rate of unemployment, that you've got that room to do it without pitching us into recession."
"Everyone is unemployed... most of them are either looking for work or preparing to look for work."
"If unemployment is going to rise, they have two mandates: inflation, unemployment."
"The American unemployment rate now sits at 3.4 percent, a level not seen since May of 1969."
"Unemployment rates for educated youth suggest deeper problems with the Islamic Republic's economic growth model."
"It's just brutal to see people get laid off."
"Finally, after almost 6 months of being unemployed, I was offered a job making my former salary plus my wife's salary."
"Well, the good news is there's a lot of people be looking for jobs. Excuse me, I shouldn't laugh."
"I could not believe cuz bear in mind I was still unemployed at this point so when I saw that number I was like yeah that's it the trifect it was mental."
"You're out of work, yeah, and you're not getting a lot of vitamin D, and vitamin D biologically helps improve your mood."
"There's still a significant demand for workers. There are more job openings than there are unemployed people."
"One of the more interesting things I think is that as ironic as it is to say this whole community and channel was really built off of a group of people that were unemployed coming together to be able to share information."
"Two straight years of unemployment 4% or lower."
"It's just the coolest relay race in the history of unemployment for my money."
"...multiple rounds of stimulus checks mailed out and on April 20th of 2020 the federal pandemic Unemployment Compensation Program launched kicking in an additional unemployment insurance benefit of $600 per week."
"...this additional stimulus paid people actually more money to sit home than they were making at their job."
"I want to shout out to all the people that listen from work. I think because all of us are unemployed with the exception of Rory who just got his job two weeks ago so it kinda doesn't count."
"I'm trying to enjoy this kind of unemployed era of my life and use it for self-improvement."
"First of all you know in the recent um few months we've seen really high youth unemployment rate um and um that tells you one thing apart from the psychical economic problem there's a big mismatch between education and skill."
"I haven't had a job since, yeah, like I got out."
"Several million truck drivers will be out of work... perhaps within our lifetime."
"There's no excuse for all the people that live five minutes from the boardwalk for them to be out of work and standing in food lines."
"When you tell the unemployed steel worker in Pennsylvania or the unemployed coal miner in West Virginia, 'I'm sorry, globalization really was good for you because you can buy those cheap goods now at Walmart,' that message isn't getting through."
"a growing number of people just flat out can't afford their life anymore and uh well let me note that that's happening at historically very low unemployment right so obviously any kind of spike in unemployment just makes the situation way worse."
"It was the year I found the most Morels I've ever found... mainly because I was unemployed for the entire month."
"They don't tell people they've been laid off, they just stop giving the money and wait for them to figure it out themselves."
"Unemployment gaps don't mean that your career is over, but it's extremely important to show employers how you are using that time to stay relevant."
"This person is about to be forced to get a job this i feel like for a lot of you this person is unemployed or they refuse to get a job or they think getting a job is beneath them or either they're lazy."
"Their jobs, which though not highly paid, were hitherto regarded as the safest available, they were suddenly deprived of their livelihood."
"Maybe they don't have money, maybe they don't have a job."
"You may still have poverty, you may still have hunger, but you can solve the unemployment problem."
"At some level of sales, you're going to get some level of unemployment."
"Chronic youth unemployment and broken ladders of social mobility are signs that capitalism isn’t working as it should."
"One of the most robust findings out of the world happiness report from 2017 is that unemployment is destructive to people's well-being."
"Not even a year after I left, the owners suddenly shut down the hotel. Not sure why, but all of the employees were told to not come back the next day."
"I've noticed like guys, when they don't have jobs, their attitude be different."
"The leading cause of homelessness in this country is actually job loss."
"So unemployment is affected by two things: there's the availability of jobs and then there's the availability of skills."
"Robotics and AI are also homogenizing the world and putting people out of work."
"Efficiency wage does create an involuntary unemployment in those models as well."
"The purpose of the model is precisely to explain why there can be involuntary unemployment even in economies with zero friction, no minimum wage, no institutional constraint, perfect markets."
"Germany had an incredibly high unemployment rate."
"It's heartbreaking...the hardest thing is coming into a new world with absolutely nothing and nobody wanting to hire you."
"All the times I've been unemployed were absolutely necessary."
"It's because I don't have a job, my bed is coming to an end of you short."
"We ended up getting evicted because two or three months into the apartment he ended up losing his job."
"If the unemployment rate comes back in next week and instead of 3.9% or 3.8% what if it comes in at 4%?"
"I began to realize that one, people were losing their jobs as you kept raising the minimum wage."
"I don't think one should feel any sense of either envy or of condescension towards those people who want jobs and can't get jobs."
"Those jobs might be gone, you know?"
"These people don't even have a job, they live in their mother's basement and they basically spam you."
"Tough times are even harder when you've known what it's like to have a job."
"So just when we're working with people, to really remember that it may not be that they don't want to work, it may be that no one wants to employ them."
"How many unemployed people are there right now in the United States? I think there's a lot of people out there who would like to grow some vegetables who have a world of time on their hands."
"The trend points to footballers on the dole."
"...the government should spend more if there's unemployment. If you have unemployment, it means government spending is too low. You need to spend more."
"Continuation of what we have seen, which is the labor market coming into better balance without a significant increase in unemployment."
"Every time you finish a gig, if there isn't something immediately after it in the book, you go, 'It's over, I'm unemployed.'"
"Every time I'm out looking for a job, I feel like I've got a knee unseen, around my neck, that says unemployed lazy bum."
"I have no doubt that this has the potential to get worse and I have no idea how many people are gonna be out of a job and for how long."
"You can ask for in the severance agreement in writing that the company not contest your unemployment claim."
"Michael was out of work for years and so there were financial troubles that placed a strain on your marriage."
"Unemployment is not making people lazy. It's providing more money than some jobs."
"There's nothing more diminishing, more mind destroying than being out of work."
"We did just put these people out of work and massively disenfranchised them."
"I feel like you have to slowly unveil that type of technology out because you could put so many people out of jobs or jeopardize a whole industry."
"Thank you for doing this I lost my job due to this virus so you bring me a lot of entertainment at home I know you on the job hunt."
"The focus of Economic Policy now is not just getting inflation under control, it's ensuring that unemployment doesn't get too high."
"Give us employment for our youngsters so they've got some future to look forward to. I feel sorry for any young couples deciding to get married now, and all they've got is life on the dole. How can they possibly have a mortgage and pay things like that? It's just impossible."
"Austerity measures have pushed a whole generation of young people out of the workforce."
"This is the bad kind of unemployment where there's not enough jobs to go around."
"The higher the unemployment rate, other things equal, the worse off the economy is."
"The unemployment rate measures the number of people in an economy that want to work but aren't working."
"Most unemployment observed at any given time is long term."
"It's a strange time on planet earth with the pandemic, and so many of you have written that you've recently lost your job."