
Emotional Roller Coaster Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"We're on a constant roller coaster ride of helpless and hopeless and many other emotions all in one, and it's a never-ending roller coaster. It doesn't stop and won't stop until he walks through the door."
"Life is good sometimes, what a roller coaster but life is beautiful in that sense."
"Relationships, man, they're like a roller coaster."
"You feel like a genius when things go well and like the world's greatest idiot and a fraud when they don't."
"It's a book that will simultaneously make you lose faith in humanity and then restore it again."
"I went from such a high to such a low and so quick and it was such a detriment to my identity and who I was in every respect."
"A roller coaster of emotions... an incredible start but a terrible ending."
"The highs and lows of this year are absolutely insane."
"Heroic overtime win after choking on a 4-1 lead."
"That was drama, that was agony to ecstasy, that was amazing, and that was my football team."
"For the people who were there, it was a rush, it was full of ups and downs. I'm glad to have taken the trip, but I'm also glad it's over."
"We're all on this roller coaster ride together, all the way to the top, all the way to the bottom, all the way around the middle bits also and back again."
"The anticipation of coming together prolongs the gratification. It's this until we hit this and it's this until we hit this. Things are going right, things are going right, oh no, everything's going wrong."
"Every high is followed by a sort of like crash down afterwards and it's extremely difficult to emotionally to handle this sort of like up and down."
"Never before has there been a greater jump from elation to absolute disappointment."
"There's nothing like the Premier League, like it, like it did us when it's not f****** you over it's the best."
"I just feel like I've run a marathon, or come off a fairground ride or something, and I've been asleep at the same time. But it's amazing."
"This roller coaster that this movie is doing is so good..."
"Yeah, undeniably, this has been a wild ride."
"It's like a roller coaster... you get a break from death, and then everyone starts dying again."
"My happiness down then back up right in that match!"
"This is why we love football so much—joy, angst, pain."
"It's been a real roller coaster first week but at least that means has been lots of ups some teams has just been like skydiving."
"When you're having a good game week it's brilliant. When you're having a bad one, it's like agony."
"The entrepreneur is the only person who can go from sheer terror to sheer exhilaration and back every 24 hours."
"There are enough good days to confuse you and enough bad days to break your heart."
"Holy [ __ ] what a rollercoaster ride."
"This past three weeks have just been, I've never run through so many emotions in our life."
"...I went with one that I as a fan would want to see that I felt like took me on an emotional roller coaster gave me like what I want in wrestling..."
"Monsters Inc, you already know, come on now, this is a top five Pixar movie. It is a movie that captures all the emotions. I laugh, I cry at the end. It's got this adventure feel..."
"This movie was a rollercoaster of emotions, from terror to relief to admiration for Batman's sacrifice."
"I think it was such a roller coaster of a film, you know?"
"His character is really, really [__] good dude for me, Reiner is just like a roller coaster, it's just up and down..."
"It's always a roller coaster. Sometimes you have highs, sometimes you have lows. Being an artist is having lots of ups and downs emotionally about things, but you just gotta go with it. It's part of the journey."
"...this book killed me...it was such an emotional roller coaster...there were some really tragic things that happened, some really powerful moments between characters, some really great plot developments...you will definitely find something to say and something to annotate."
"There's more highs and lows than a rollercoaster at Disneyland."
"Made in Abyss allows you to find beauty in the horrific, hope in the despair. You watch this nightmare unfold through an ethereal lens. It rips your heart to shreds, then gives you a warm hug and tells you everything's gonna be alright."
"It's a very... you're walking the line. The highs and lows are so intense."
"That whole last 80 pages was just an absolute roller coaster."
"I've never felt such ups and downs in my life."
"This show is like an emotional roller coaster."
"You're almost numb and then you go through ways where all the emotions come out, and then you don't want to feel it, and then you want to feel it, and then you want to ask questions, but you're like, 'But I'm above this.'"
"Sometimes when people listen to these things, because of the fact we're so frank and so honest, sometimes people like, 'Oh man, you give me hope then you take it away then you give it back to me, you take it away.'"
"...organizing your life around the pursuit of a certain emotional experience is always going to put you on sort of this roller coaster..."
"Oh my God, this is a roller coaster of emotions. That's amazing."
"It's been a roller coaster today."
"I never felt so many different emotions in my life. I was hurt, confused, in disbelief, glad to be in the presence of my sister, yet hating her all at one time."
"...this book is an absolute powerhouse in terms of being a book that's got so much heart and soul. It makes you laugh, but also is heartbreaking, horrifying, and really really unsettling and difficult to read in parts."
"I just kept tossing and turning, like I hate this kid, I love him, oh my god, I'm so worried for him, all of these, come on, do something, you know?"
"It's a rollercoaster ride of harrowing emotion when it's done as well as it can be."
"The Land Before Time truly is an emotional roller coaster."
"I feel like there's been ups and downs and I've definitely this week had a few moments where I was just like okay wow I'm really here for good."
"What a roller coaster of emotions this day has been."
"We've romanticized so much this roller coaster of emotions unhealthy unpredictable relationships."
"If you want your heart to simultaneously soar into the clouds but also get crushed this book is for you."
"For every triumph, the fans have had to suffer at least their share of despair, but always there has been the passion for the game."
"It's the best possible news in the world, but what we've been through the last 24 hours, you just can't even feel."
"We go up, we go down, we were right through the floor down, and now we're elated."
"Married life is sometimes a rollercoaster."
"One moment you're relieved, feeling like you've conquered something significant, then suddenly waves of emotions hit you all over again."
"It's keeping me on my toes; it's freaking bloody, it's freaking sad, it's amazing."
"The entire book went through such a solid period of ups and downs."
"It's so fine, sometimes people forget that when you struggle with weight your whole life and how it fluctuates, it drives you on this roller coaster."
"Football will have you riding the highest of highs, the lowest of lows."
"Sometimes we have really high highs and sometimes we have really low lows."
"Life is about struggle, life is about heartbreak; you win and you lose, you're up and you're down."
"You're gonna laugh, you're gonna cry, you're gonna be stressed out, everything is gonna be... you're gonna be nervous, you're gonna be having the time of your life."
"When things are good they're great, when they're bad they're really bad, toxic, but for some reason for some people, that really great feeling just always outweighs the toxicity."
"The highs and lows are crazy... you can go from the lowest of lows to 'life is good'."
"I don't think there's another sport where there's as many highs and lows... as there is in the sport of competitive fishing."
"My emotions can't keep up; I kind of want to cry, I want to laugh, I'm excited Christmas is coming."
"It'll make you sob, it'll make you laugh almost on the same page sometimes."
"Toxic people tend to ping-pong between the bad and the good."
"It's such a roller coaster, isn't it? Like some days you wake up and you're genuinely like, 'I'm fine, this is fine.' And then other days you wake up and you're that meme of a little cartoon dog sitting in the burning room going, 'This is fine.'"
"My emotions are going up and down this match."
"While playing the game of poker, you're going to experience the highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows."
"It's an absolute roller coaster of emotions; it's funny, it's sad, it's happy, it's happy sad."
"It's a really lonely feeling... and then like a few hours later you feel on top of the world."
"These are the highs and lows of sports."
"Big Brother gives you such high highs and then such low lows, but the high highs are just always so worth it."
"It's crazy, man, what a roller coaster ride."
"It's been a thing with this series, you know, we've had ups, we've had downs."
"Sport fills me with so much joy, but it can also be so cruel."