
Ordinary Life Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"The hero starts out just in ordinary life, basically just doing mundane stuff stuck in a rut, then some new trigger comes, which is a call to adventure."
"Somehow in the world we live in today, an ordinary life has become synonymous with a meaningless life."
"I'm an ordinary person with an extraordinary job."
"I prefer to work with ordinary people because I'm interested in what I call the mysteries of everyday life. You know, the things that ordinary people know about."
"These are ordinary everyday hard-working Americans who are just trying to make ends meet."
"Ordinary Americans care about their lives improving, their financial stability. They don't care about whether or not you can be friends with the Republican Party."
"Ordinary people simply doing their jobs... can become agents in a terrible destructive process."
"Most people are out there living their lives and not obsessing over this stuff like we are."
"Home sweet home, I guess. Considering everything that happened, it's impressive how ordinary it turned out."
"Life-changing experiences can happen in the ordinary moments."
"I'm up here today not because I'm extraordinary, but because I've survived so many temporary difficulties."
"God often does his best work in ordinary situations."
"Even making the most mundane things remarkable is a gift."
"Of all the great heroes and dramas pursuing our wills, it had never occurred to him that being born, going to school, getting a job, settling down with a family, and living a fine life might be just about the perfect way to do it."
"Is it possible for somebody living an ordinary life to write a book that will entertain other people who already have ordinary lives?"
"I always believed that I was ordinary, until one day I sat and reflected on my life and my past experiences."
"An ordinary healthy life is just as noble and worthwhile."
"It's just a regular Thursday around here guys."
"Dolores just wants an ordinary life, which is such a reasonable thing to want."
"Her husband's behavior remained entirely ordinary, if it weren't for Viola's phone call."
"I am simply an ordinary man pursuing extraordinary knowledge."
"Putting the bins out at night time without a weapon in your hand or walking out your front door knowing that no one's about to jump out and you know try and kill you is is a really Pleasant thing."
"Everyday ordinary people are the ones paying the price, they just want to live a decent life."
"God takes an ordinary life and uses it for extraordinary impact."
"God will use common situations to invite you into extraordinary callings."
"It's time to kick back, relax, and well, just try and live an ordinary high school life."
"The painting ends up looking amazing, featuring Nagatoro doing ordinary things."
"He's basically a normal guy living an extraordinary life."
"So in 2019, don't just be ordinary, no, no, we're not here to be ordinary."
"Living in that ordinary life is very compelling, it draws people into those routines."
"To a tourist, Elizabeth is a queen, a ruler of lands and the star of a Netflix original. But to me, she's just my friendly old lady neighbor."
"It feels like a regular day, but they know something we don't know."
"Harry walking around acting like he still represents the crown is unacceptable. He needs to realize he's just an ordinary citizen."
"What makes a great story is a story about a very ordinary human being who's faced with extraordinary challenges."
"...seek happiness and live as an ordinary person."
"She was a young woman simply going about engaging in ordinary activity and died in that process."
"The Senate guard was made up of men who lived ordinary lives. They had families, hobbies, interests outside of their professions."
"I just try to live every day as if I've deliberately come back to this one day to enjoy it as if it was the full final day of my extraordinary ordinary life."
"I guess it's really the essence of it is ordinary people dealing with extraordinary circumstances."
"To me, that's one of the great joys of this painting, 'The Stonemason's Yard' - this very ordinary, daily life that it depicts."
"It's about just appreciating the ordinary and the mundane. Life's simple pleasures, yeah."
"I am not spectacular, there's nothing extra about my ordinary. I am living."
"Jesus calls everyday broken messed up ordinary people and in fact Jesus actually calls ordinary people to an extraordinary life."
"Ordinary days need a beam of light."
"Everything about our ordinary lives is where we become holy."
"These are the scariest monsters in the world for a regular person."
"What I wanted to do is try and write a film about a woman, an ordinary woman, and how an ordinary woman might take revenge in the real world."
"In the middle of an ordinary life, magic happens."
"It's sort of a depression for ordinary people."
"My life has been nothing extraordinary. Not academically gifted nor athletically talented. Not the type to stand out."
"I think what 'The Waltons' did and continue to do is to celebrate the nobility that is inherent in the ordinary person."
"The ordinary is just doing so well."
"I want stability ordinariness the little humdrum things of life."
"People are incredibly inventive about you know how they manage to operate but it's there's a limit they're Ordinary People they're not some kind of like superhumans."
"It's about an ordinary woman grieving for her ordinary son."
"...she wanted to be an ordinary girl in the next life."
"Exceptionally ordinary, brilliant."
"I just want to live an ordinary life with you, even if it is just a simple meal, it will be fine with you."
"Thank him for that ordinary day, and live it and enjoy it as much as you can."
"We have to continue to live, so we have to raise our children, we have to earn money, we have to work, we have to drink, to eat. We try to make our life as ordinary despite the war as possible."
"He was just an ordinary man who happened to have lived an extraordinary life."
"We had three years of what could loosely be described as an ordinary life. But for what little it was, they ripped it away from her."
"Creating a big painting about ordinary people and ordinary topics really was kind of revolutionary."
"Life is pretty good for our ordinary family."
"Finally attained this utterly ordinary day-to-day life, I intend to savor this happiness and live each day with gratitude."
"Imagine being present to each and every ordinary moment."
"I'm not an explorer," said Anne, "I'm an ordinary person, and I'd be just as pleased if things didn't keep happening to me."
"God wants us to live ordinary lives in an extraordinary way."
"I can relate to the teacher who lives an ordinary life that has an extraordinary experience."
"On an ordinary day when nothing is happening... people as they pass one another exchanged glances."
"I would rather receive ordinary love for the rest of my life."
"These artifacts... give us a direct look at the lives of ordinary people, not just the thoughts of a few."
"A whole new sort of concept of the Vikings as ordinary people doing ordinary tasks."
"Take an ordinary life in ordinary circumstances and make that a home for the divine presence."
"We all have a mundane life pretty much."
"Most of the best people you meet are those who don't have purpose and goals; they're just your ordinary person who is very humble, innocent, compassionate."
"We are two ordinary people; we don't have a lottery win, we don't have huge investments to go back on, but this, if you manage your life and your finances, is achievable for anybody."
"...the written word... could best represent and convey real ordinary life."
"Sometimes I wondered why I never had the ambition to be great like other people did growing up, but I figured it must have been because my parents were also just fine with ordinary lives."
"I'm just an ordinary man who has a boring office job, but what I'm about to tell you is something incredible."
"He's living an ordinary life here in Katakura town."
"I've come to appreciate the ordinary."
"Adding just a little bit of magic to people's otherwise ordinary lives."
"It's about relationship, it's about family, it's about friendship, it's about what we do with our ordinary life."
"Ordinary people can be heroes to some people."
"...he's always able to find something really unique and cinematic about ordinary life."
"They can't find any energy in the ordinary."
"You see, not too long ago, I was just an ordinary girl."
"If you do these ordinary things in the valley, can you do them with love? That is everything."
"It seems like he was just a regular guy that wanted to make it."
"I'm just an ordinary dude from Long Beach just hooping and doing what I love."
"It's about trying to make extraordinary out of the ordinary."
"My father is the greatest man of God that I know... he's also the most ordinary person I've ever known."
"The only good guys in Star Wars are those poor saps who are trying to make a living on their planet, no matter what kind of authoritarian autocratic government is currently occupying their planet."
"The day I asked Christ to save me was not a day that I could say there was anything horrendous that had happened; it was a very ordinary day."
"God will do the most outstanding amazing things for you just while you're living your ordinary life."
"It's a great escape actually for kind of ordinary people."
"Every Australian with a disability deserved a right to an ordinary life."
"Just an ordinary man with an ordinary family."
"The ordinary is extraordinary because it's what God expects; that day-to-day glorifying Him while we're doing the dishes or mowing the lawn."
"I'm an ordinary salaryman living a reasonably fulfilling life."
"Every ordinary person who loves life and treats others well is his own hero in the end."
"We want to talk about ordinary people."
"Embrace ordinary life and the power of God transforming us in ordinary life."
"I just want to protect the lives of ordinary people that my brother enjoys."
"Living an ordinary life is the most precious thing."
"Nothing can change what we've done, but there is nothing left for us to do except to try to live ordinary, decent lives."
"And the other a path that reflects how most men live in the shadows, untouched by divine light."
"We always talk about Pirates, the revolutionaries, and the Marines, but what if you were just a regular citizen in One Piece?"