
Times Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"Weak men create hard times. Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men."
"We are living in exceptionally good times, but this is absolutely not the norm."
"We're living in crazy times, that's for sure."
"Rest assured that we are all living in very interesting times."
"Either way, I think we live in fascinating times."
"May you live in interesting times because most people prefer to live in boring times."
"These are signs of the times we're living, you know, truly some tumultuous times."
"We are currently living at a time Jesus refers to as the birth pains..."
"Strange, interesting, disappointing times that we live in."
"We're kind of living in different times."
"We gather at a time of political turmoil and also bewilderment."
"Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures."
"it's really wonderful in these times"
"We live in modern times, not traditional times."
"Really strange times we're living in."
"The spirit of the times considers itself extremely clever, but wisdom is simple-minded, not just simple."
"Let our lives be good and the times are good; we make our times such as we are, such are the times." - St. Augustine of Hippo
"There's a great shortage of wisdom in these times and a great abundance of information and data."
"He's feeling the pressure, anxious times."
"It's Times Like These that boost positivity for the internet."
"It's just representative of the times. One video representative of the times."
"The world is very evil and the times are waxing late. The judgment's drawing near."
"We are warned in Scripture that even the elect could be led astray if that were possible (Matthew 24:24), underscoring the profound and perilous nature of these times."
"An unprecedented spiritual hunger in our times."
"You can discern the signs of the times."
"We're living in a time where it's hard to be a decent man in indecent times, you know?"
"I've lived the [__] life, seen some good times and bad [__]."
"This gives you the best chance to purchase the home of your dreams during challenging times."
"It has been quite simply the best of times."
"It matters what we believe in these times."
"We live in the best of times and the worst of times."
"To be able to be prophet in these times and spell it correctly and not PR Oh fi t."
"We live in the best of times, we live in the most critical of times."
"Nostalgia, whether it's real or imagined, can connect us to simpler or happier times."
"We're living in supernatural times and this has been a supernatural week."
"You're right, in these unprecedented times we have to learn how to live together and communicate, and this is a prime example of that."
"It felt like a reflection of the time that we were living in."
"It's a great thing to see people back in the semblance of normality in this strange time that we're living through."
"It's very appropriate for the sort of the times we live in and just how quaint it is."
"I am blessed beyond measure in the times that we are living in."
"We live in unusual times, isn't that true?"
"Right now are the most uncertain times in history, and it's kind of crazy."
"We are shaped by the different demands of our times."
"We are living through upside down times."
"Don't feel strange about strange things because we're in strange times."
"I mean, we are living a fascinating time."
"These are times of creation, these times we are in."
"These are mad times we live in. Mad!"
"Very soothing in these slightly more interesting times."
"It's the best of times, it was the worst of times."
"We live in difficult times brought about by some forces of our own making but certainly also by forces that are beyond our control."
"See that hate is nothing good in sight, sign of the times."
"We're living in a crazy time, gotta think for yourself."
"We live in times that are difficult but not impossible."
"The whole point of art is to try to use something to reflect what's going on in our times and try to make it interesting."
"You need to be vigilant in the last days because we're living in perilous times."
"Interesting times we're in and even more interesting conversations."
"What a time we live in right now, yeah, what a wild time."
"There's no better times than these for a little music."
"What an interesting day and age we live in."
"I just want to wish you guys all the best. I know this is a pretty crazy time."
"The Bible says that God commended the sons of Issachar because they discerned the times in which they lived."
"We live in unique times and we're facing unique challenges."
"Interesting times to say the least."
"We are living in times without any context."
"Why the urgency to all this? Because we're living in an amazing time."
"We have to see the times we are in and say, 'God and Holy Spirit, in my heart discernment, what is it that is happening now?'"
"It's a message that never gets old because we're always going through troubling times."
"We are living in a remarkable time."
"Fashion is a reflection of our times."
"It's like the perfect song for such gloomy times, the times we're in right now."
"We're living in very interesting times."
"We're living in dangerous times, I think we've seen nothing yet."
"Hope you guys are doing well, keeping safe in these crazy times that we live in."
"Strange times we're living in, panic in history."
"In many ways, this world feels quite upside down, a very anxious time."
"Crazy, strange days we live in, gentlemen."
"It's like something out of Roman times, medieval times."
"We all know we're living in extraordinarily intense times, the most intense most of us have experienced at least in our adult lives."
"It's a time to be kind of sober but really active because we live in super dangerous times."
"Stay safe in these rough times we're going through right now."
"Musicians create the soundtrack for the temper of the times and provide the nourishment, if you like, through the noises that they make and the words that they create."
"I hope you're all safe and well, especially during these challenging times."
"This is a wild time that we live in, folks."
"These are exciting times that we are in."
"It's really crazy times we're living in, guys."
"What a crazy time we're living in."
"We live in unprecedented times compared to where we were 10 years ago."
"I hope all has been well with you and your family, especially during these times."
"Nobody is a hundred percent prepared right now; these are strange times."
"We are definitely living in very interesting times."
"I hope you're all doing well and staying safe, because I know these are crazy times."
"We're just so proud that on a night like this in times like this we are living in historic times."
"We're living in such crazy times."
"We are living in very turbulent times."
"I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy right now in this crazy time."
"It's a crazy time to be alive right now."
"The men of Issachar were men who had understanding of the times."
"I think we're always at a time in the world where a lot of people are looking for something that makes sense."
"We live in a very turbulent time in my opinion."
"It's a really weird time right now, but we hope you're staying safe."
"We are living in very, very strange times."
"To be a truly important artist, it's not enough to be talented, you need also to live through truly important times and your work needs somehow to embody those times."
"Be sober and be serious about the times in which we are living."
"We're living in some very, very interesting times."
"The art of living is the challenge of our times."
"It's a really cool time, there's like ebbs and flows with it."
"We are living in troubled and uncertain times, and if there was any time that our eyes should be open, it should be now."
"We live in dangerous times, man, so you know, everybody stay safe out there, be careful."
"It seems so important in these times that we're in, where there's so much violence and so much uncertainty, that we deepen the pathway home."
"Inspired by the times, not plagiarizing them."
"With all of our worries and anxieties, we live in incredible times with incredible opportunities."
"We're living in times that nobody expected."
"We are living in very serious and very solemn times."
"These are very important times for us to be alive."
"It tells us that we're living in extraordinary times."
"We're living in a very dangerous time today, and we have to know what to take serious and what not to take serious."
"Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days."
"God raises them up as the need of the times demands."
"Strange times often make strange bedfellows."
"Lamborghini had created the symbol of excess in excessive times."
"It's an exciting, very exciting time right now."
"He appeared in his different persona to capture the mood of the times."
"They would have these deep social messages that reflected the times around us."
"I hope everybody's doing as good as they can do in these times."
"We are not living in normal times; we're living in a very special brief span of time immediately prior to the close of this present age."
"The reason they're wearing makeup is because these are the good times."
"These are extraordinary times, and we should expect some unexpected turns coming up."
"Moreover, Novak's response to the scandal was a reflection of the changing times."
"How shall a man judge what to do in such times?"
"It says, 'I will not be ignorant brethren concerning the times and the seasons.'"
"We're living in very pressing times at the moment."
"I think it's just like a sign of the times."
"We are living in extraordinary times."
"We currently live in some uncertain times."
"It's like we living in the craziest times in the world right now."
"It's such an exciting time to be alive."
"We are living in a time when a great deal of condemnation and judgment is made."
"It's such an interesting, it's a different time, it's really a different time."
"We live in such a strange, strange time."
"They say have the best day available to you, and I think that's the perfect phrase for these times."
"Life is [__] romantic, and we're living in romantic times."
"Interesting time to be an artist."
"We need a message for this mess age."
"It's an honor, Lord Jesus, we're living in perilous times, we're living in dark days."
"We truly are in a fascinating time in our society."
"Hip-hop is a reflection of the times and what's going on."
"Times are always uncertain; these for sure are some real weird uncertain times."
"Those are the good times, you are all sitting at the best of times."
"We sure are living in interesting times."
"It's definitely... we definitely live in exciting times."
"We're living in Revolutionary times."
"We live in tremendous times and we need to be able to rely on something to help us to recognize where we are, where we're going, and what is coming ahead of us."
"I've been looking for the signs, but all I can find is a sign of the times."
"Interesting times we live in, right?"
"We're in a time where it's really important to be able to read subtext."
"We truly live in amazing times where thousands are coming back to the Most High with a zeal that hasn't been seen in centuries."
"I don't think I could be a teenager in this day and time."
"We are living in literally Messianic times."
"A wise choice for wise people in unwise times."
"It's always sort of hovering over the feeling of like, wow, we're in strange times."
"These are extraordinary times we're living in."
"I have a pretty unusual background in some ways, which I guess is appropriate for unusual times."
"We live in interesting times, fascinating times."
"I hope that you're all doing well during this crazy, unprecedented time."
"We live in the most interesting times."
"Crazy times we live in, but still lots of fun."
"The order is rapidly fading, for the times they are a-changin'."
"I think you're a reflector of your times if you're a writer."
"What exciting times for the city."
"We certainly live in difficult and challenging times."
"It's funny, it's just, you know, in many ways we're not being asked to do a lot, so it should be fine, and we should be fine, but it's a weird time."
"These are crazy times, but I know we're gonna make the best out of it."
"Our duty as artists and as human beings is to reflect the times."
"I'll never go against the times, and it'll be fun."
"My art has been featured in the Times for dinner art section, front page, three times."
"Stay safe during these uncertain times."
"You know we're in such a crazy time in this world where you got all these people on both sides that are all crazy."
"We live in pretty volatile times; things change so quickly."
"Sign of the times was very much like that."
"The times in which we live call for aggressive Evangelistic effort."
"It is the best of times and it is the worst of times."
"This is definitely a strange, interesting time we live in."
"My job as an artist is to reflect the times."
"Let's just take a moment and acknowledge what extraordinary times we're living in."
"That's what support's about, the good times and the bad times."
"It's a very interesting time we're in."
"What exciting and somewhat unpredictable times we find ourselves in."
"I stand before you here today in the midst of gnarly times."
"Exciting times and I'm loving it."
"I believe this is the most dangerous time that we've faced for generations."
"We are in extreme volatile times."
"I think I was born at the best of times and at the worst of times."
"Hope you're doing well in the crazy times we're currently experiencing."
"We live in dark, stormy, and perilous times, but we need not be overcome by them."
"We're living in interesting times, as the Chinese proverb says, and we are interesting."
"We are living in wildly interesting times."
"It seems like the crazy times are getting better."
"It's wonderful to see that kind of stuff in times like this."
"I believe that we're in a time of deception just in general."