
Political Participation Quotes

There are 231 quotes

"Being only moderately happy allows one to want more in one's life, and that this wanting more is a major motivation for income, education, and political participation."
"Young people could literally turn out and destroy old people in the polls."
"Mutual Aid -- People band together to meet the needs that the government is not satisfying; mutual aid projects are a form of political participation in which people take responsibility for caring for one another and changing political conditions."
"We have to turn up and vote because it's so important our voices are heard."
"Freedom of speech and the right to choose, the right to vote, the right to voice our views."
"Vote. I don't care who you vote for, just be active."
"Real political participation coupled with meaningful political debate is crucial for democracy."
"Every U.S. citizen has the right to vote; every U.S. citizen has the right not to vote. Those who chose the latter lose their right to complain."
"Democratic leaders are encouraging Democrats and freedom-loving actual Patriots to go out and vote."
"Vote, vote, vote! When you allow people to change the world, vote."
"It's clear the way the world consumes politics and participates with it has changed irreversibly."
"The only way to defeat them is showing up and voting."
"If everybody who could vote voted, we could build a dramatically better world."
"Not voting is taking action. It doesn't make you morally superior to those who make hard choices. It might do the opposite."
"Looking backwards it's a poor form of memory that only works backwards." - Lewis Carroll
"A person's ability to vote is a say in their own future, however they choose to vote."
"We're gonna need the largest voter turnout in the history of the United States." - Bernie Sanders
"We need to make sure everyone shows up for Joe Biden; he will show up for us."
"Democracy is more than showing up at the voting booths every four years; it is a lifestyle."
"We need to start running for office and stop hiding from responsibility."
"Please vote, especially if you're a Democrat because Democrats tend to not show up for midterms."
"If black people just went out and voted like hell just one good time, we'd see a change."
"Even if I wasn't sure, I think it is the democratic thing to do."
"Let's stop thinking that our voice don't matter and vote, not just vote for the president but for the preliminaries, vote for everybody."
"Georgians, you've got to come out and you've got to show up."
"Young people voted historic numbers... to continue addressing the climate crisis."
"If voters don't have confidence in the process, that's another reason they won't vote."
"Volunteers in this election will be able to look in the mirror and say to themselves, I did this."
"We have to actually do just the opposite. If you don't vote, the socialists and the communists win."
"It's not a situation where you just vote and do nothing. Once they're in, then you can advocate on your behalf."
"Ultimately, we're special enough, our resolve is strong enough, our appreciation for democracy and participation in democracy is strong enough that I do think ultimately, like you do, numbers decide that we will prevail."
"I pledged a long time ago that I'm never again gonna vote for someone that I don't believe in." - Brent Welder
"Vote vote vote if you're able to vote early in your state."
"There is no different than having you vote for whoever is the least worst and then you push them in the directions you can."
"If you don't vote and if you're not active the democracy ceases to exist."
"Of course we want everyone to vote red but at the end of the day it is so important that you educate yourself."
"They should be voted in. People should vote on Supreme Court Justices at this stage."
"Registering to vote, getting your voice heard, is more important than any time."
"Voting is like everything else, a meager way by which you can guide the course of the world towards a slightly less shitty direction."
"If you want to change what's going on in this country, then you have got to vote."
"I just decided to vote in the Republican primary just to get the least evil people to win."
"If it's anything like 16 and 20 the election will be decided by fewer people than attended the most recent Taylor Swift concert."
"If they're trying this hard to stop me from voting then maybe my vote is really more powerful than even I thought it was."
"Our power is when we show up and when we are engaged."
"2018 has seen huge growth in the amount of people getting registered and voting."
"Women this year the US has a record number of women running for office."
"The youth turnout is actually currently exceeding 2018 numbers."
"Your vote does count, and there is something you can do."
"Once you have undermined the public's confidence in any elections... it's a system that will turn a lot of people off from participating in politics."
"Whatever your political affiliation, I just want to make sure you listen to what folks are saying, get informed on the issues, and then most importantly, go out there and vote." - Barack Obama
"It's just a straight up free MMO, that's pretty awesome."
"It's a dire sign for the Democrats, but ain't nothing gonna happen unless you go out and vote."
"I never advocate staying home simply because as a person of color, people literally die for me to have rights like voting. So I have voted in every election that there has been since I became of age and I will continue to do so."
"One of the great things about our democracy is that every citizen can decide to run for public office."
"When it comes to our democracy, it matters in the voting booth."
"Everything comes down to voter turnout and who actually shows up at the polls."
"Conservatives don't vote, so the city council is dominated by woke far-leftists who do whatever they want because the right does not organize."
"Voting is a vital first step in ensuring that the voices of women are heard by our governments."
"It's about discrediting the political participation of people of color and also I'm sorry like half the time and someone goes oh we're that person doesn't speak English it just means that they have an accent a lot of the time right."
"The ultimate check on autocracy is in enlightened people."
"Voting is not the most you can do, it's the least you can do."
"Voting for what you don't want is throwing your vote away."
"The goal should be to put as few roadblocks as possible between you and actually voting while still maintaining the safety and integrity of our elections."
"But the first step, and I know this is going to be infuriating to hear, is for you to vote."
"I encourage every Christian and everyone listening to do their civic duty and go out and vote."
"If you can be discouraged to not go vote as Amir just said, if you don't vote you're giving the vote to Biden."
"Voting's a little bit like that. Just by virtue of one single election, things don't become perfect, but you get yourself on a pattern on a habit of being better represented and getting better served by your government."
"You vote for who you believe in and you will never waste your vote."
"I think young people are just really ready to like I think they're ready to vote and they're already organizing so like I'm very hopeful."
"We live in a different and arguably a better place because of their participation in 2020."
"We're all in this together, so let's talk about it and see what kind of trouble we can get into."
"It's America, babies. Go exercise your right to vote."
"I've always believed in free speech and the right of people to throw their hat into the ring and for the right of people to be heard." - Larry King
"We better vote as if our jobs depended on it."
"Democracy in action: people have a right both to vote and not to vote."
"The most important thing is that young people get involved in the process."
"When you don't vote, you are still voting. Your decision to not make a decision is a decision and it's going to affect the outcome of the country."
"All of us have to use our power, our voices, and our votes year-round to ensure our communities, our families, and our stories won't be silenced."
"We need a democracy where anybody, any working-class person, middle-class person, low-income person can run for office and win based on his or her ideas."
"If we all vote, there is nothing Facebook, Fox News, and Vladimir Putin can do to stop us."
"You voted in record numbers in November. Your voices were heard, your votes were counted. The will of the people prevailed. We won three times here."
"You should have a say in what's going on in our country."
"Can't keep me out of the voting booth this year."
"Voting is easy and convenient this year. We cannot sit this one out."
"We have to have a level of non-compliance as a large majority of people, and then also we have to vote and be active in not letting these things happen."
"If that doesn't motivate more people to vote quite frankly I don't know what would."
"Last question for you: what do you want African-Americans and others to be doing?"
"We've never come close to seeing what it would be like if everybody voted."
"Our generation actually has a voice to say who we want for the first time ever. We are the biggest voting block in America."
"People need to talk to their elected officials."
"It is we who have been perfectors of this democracy."
"We need to get out and vote. If you care about your second amendment rights, you need to vote."
"Allow the people to vote. Allow the people to vote."
"Vote, sign up to vote. I see there's a lot of people here trying to get you guys to register."
"I think it actually celebrates our democracy so well that literally anybody can run if they would like to."
"Yes gen Z showed up the kids are all right they cast their ballots and they made a huge difference in this election."
"We really need to help good people run for office."
"Vote for that person that is how you can help them."
"Your vote matters, regardless of whether or not it's a perfect system."
"Politics affects every single human being. You don't get to gatekeep who can speak out about it."
"The goal of an election is to convince the losers that they lost and to participate."
"Never give up on voting, never give up on organizing, never give up on persuasion."
"We have to be engaged. If we sit on the sidelines, they're just going to do it."
"We're asking for in that regard that he be allowed to participate in the campaign and participate in the political process without being Shackled and hampered by the criminal process but that's not immunity."
"Let's use our voice and our power, let's use it."
"It's about agitation, it's about voter registration, it's about voter participation."
"Women came out record numbers in the primaries they said you'll be lucky to get one candidate we now have 12."
"We do, the American people are the final say that we get to vote them in and vote them out every every two years for the House members every six for the senators."
"I disagree with that wholeheartedly. I think that she should be allowed to participate in government in any way that she wants to."
"We want to make sure that you're enfranchised as well."
"Women have been a majority of voters for decades now."
"Believe in your own power... all people have power in a government of by and for the people."
"I voted for what I wanted. I didn't win. You can stay and keep fighting, and that's respectable too."
"It shows the intent, it shows that the Nigerian people are involved in this whole electoral process and they want justice."
"Everybody wants everybody to vote, but if you don't pay attention to politics, what the hell are you voting for?"
"People who voted in the 2016 referendum thought their vote would actually count for something."
"If you opt out of democracy, you opt out of all of it."
"Your vote is your power, and so I say, don't let anybody ever take your power from you."
"Maybe it's time to get out the voting ballots."
"Vote; don't leave it to people who like Donald Trump."
"I was at a get out the vote event over the weekend."
"You don't have to be an expert. You can talk about your confusion, what you're worried about." - Encouragement for political engagement.
"Apathy loses let those polls scare you a little bit."
"One of the reasons Brexit was pushed over the line...is because about two and a half million people who don't usually participate in politics came to vote for Brexit."
"Democracy is not the act of voting. Democracy as a system of government, yes, but the act of voting is how we determine what the people want to do with their power."
"I hope everybody will register in this country; I hope they will vote."
"Please, please, please, please guys, don't want to get all political on you but get out there and vote."
"I believe in the system that we have set up here. If your leaders are not working for you, the only way that you can get them out is to vote them out. There are other ways, but I don't condone that."
"Elon Musk does it the way Elon Musk does but we do it by voting in the primaries and supporting people like Elon Musk when they make these moves."
"Vote the states where you can still register and vote. Take advantage of it. Our ancestors died for it. You bet not waste your vote and your opportunity."
"Trump voters are willing to risk lethal pathogens to vote."
"We have to play the long game. If we want to have democracy, we have to do democracy."
"We need to be actively involved, you can't just defer that to them."
"Vote... it's the number one most important thing you can do." - Gen Brian II
"Empowering we the people to select the candidate we believe is going to represent us and address the issues that are most important to us."
"I urge you to vote in the proposition. Thank you very much."
"You only have one vote, use it. Everything that's going on right now, I think we have to look at this in a different way."
"All of y'all been told to get out and vote... but they never told us to inform ourselves."
"We get to have a say in who our leaders are."
"Young people are turning out in such great numbers right."
"Black people in particular should sit this one out and basically say we're not going to sign up for more of the same."
"A lot of people don't understand that they can go and run for these local seats."
"I understand why you don't like the people running. I get that part. But when you say that somehow voting is not effective, that voting doesn't matter, why do you think they work so hard to keep you from doing it?"
"Populism is the radical notion that if you are paying for a government, you should get something out of it."
"You gotta ensure that you are registered to vote all right."
"The way we prevent that from ever happening is by ensuring that everybody goes out to vote in 2024."
"We gotta vote but we also gotta fund our candidates we gotta do more than vote it's more than voting voting is great but we gotta do the full we gotta participate in the political process the entire world yes."
"Democracy is the only thing that's going to potentially get us out of this."
"The reason why we keep telling black people that they have to come out and vote...is because if we keep losing people and not building a stronger base we just have this sort of circular loss system that we are stuck in."
"If you don't read you can't consider yourself a citizen you can't consider yourself worthy of voting even."
"If more young people voted, then the results of the election would be drastically different."
"Our democracy is as strong as our participation." - Maria Teresa Kumar
"Voting is only a starting point, not the end-all be-all."
"It's a democracy, everybody gets to run, make a case, and we get to vote."
"Tomorrow is election day, y'all. Go out and vote."
"I'm voting for the future of my country. What are you voting for?"
"More than 27.1 million votes already according to the CNN count."
"Direct democracy is where every citizen is participating directly in the lawmaking process."
"You should vote... even if you're in a state where both candidates are garbage."
"How should a Christian vote? Tony Evans answers this question and many more in his best-selling booklet 'How Should Christians Vote?'"
"Hortensia was hinting at women entering politics! Revolutionary stuff!"
"The most important thing... stay in touch with your representatives."
"Democracy isn't just all of us being treated equally and having equal opportunity democracy is about us sharing the burden of the responsibility for other people's participation in public life."
"Politics isn't just for people with fancy degrees."
"This is it. There are no do-overs in this election. We have to believe that our communities are stronger than the challenges we face."
"We do care about our vote, our dignity, and we're going to preserve that."
"Not voting is accepting whatever happens and losing the right to complain about it."
"Voting is not the only answer but it's a powerful tool."
"The most important message that I can leave with people today is please get involved. The institutions aren't going to defend themselves, so put your name on the ballot, get involved, and get engaged."
"Democracy counts - you guys can't complain if you didn't vote."
"If we all do this, if every single person who is part of our campaign opts into this, participates, we will be stronger than ever and we will be unstoppable."
"Thanks to all of you for either joining or rejoining the majority we're rejoining so it's good to have all of you back."
"Vote, you gotta get out the vote, we can do this if we vote."
"Individually, you can vote for political parties that have policies supporting gender equality."
"I think Americans take democracy for granted, and that's a very dangerous thing."
"The individual act of voting is an existential affirmation of one's voice."
"Voting is like the most minimal form of political participation you can have."
"We have living grandchildren. Some of those living grandchildren are this week, next week, facing a chance to vote for an African-American for president."
"We need to have more people involved with our political process, and more good people running because we need more competition in the marketplace of ideas. It's the only way we're going to make things better."
"You don't have the money, you don't have the resources... but I do see a lot of people... participating in politics. It's quite amazing."
"I feel entitled. I roll up to Washington DC with my neck like because I'm a voter and I'm a donor."
"There's no bigger threat to our democracy than making people's voices not heard on a ballot."
"Women should honestly be running for office more often."
"If Muslims do not participate in local politics, we may lose a generation. It's not a small issue. Don't blow it off and say, 'Well, I'll just teach them proper sexual ethics when he comes home.' Right? It's not going to work that way."
"Even if you hate Biden, you should just vote for him just so you can vote again."
"Saying you're not gonna vote doesn't mean that someone's not going to be selected; it just means you have no role in the selection."
"Democracy suffers if you're too sick to participate in a political process."
"I voted for the first time in this election."
"Voting does work, but it should work a lot more than it does."
"If it feels like the state is working for them, then they feel like they had something to say; they feel like they participated."
"The flames of democracy flicker brightest when we empower individuals to vote not just on their leaders but on the very borders that define their political existence."
"It’s up to us to do our job as citizens and if we don't like something, you know, let them know you don't like and you got another election in two years get out there and vote. Change it."
"You have to repeatedly give your consent."
"Every single bit of it takes courage."
"They voted to shape a brighter future for our country."
"Activism provides a good balance and working relationship between being a political participant in a society and feeling as if one is making an impact on their context."
"I registered to vote because I believe that some good can come out of the political process for black people."
"Your vote does matter, what you do does matter, and it affects others."