
Self-identification Quotes

There are 501 quotes

"I'm a lifelong student. I've already ingrained that in my personality."
"It's so important to identify within yourself what really matters and then find a way to accomplish it."
"You are the pain body. You are the old emotion that lives through you."
"We're going to be celebrating our own holiday, starting this year. We're creating and acknowledging our own culture, which is what we should have been doing for a long time."
"Live people ignore the strange and unusual. I myself am strange and unusual."
"I'm the most American person because I want to keep improving America."
"After all, 'gamer' is simply a label that people self-identify as to show that they are gaming enthusiasts."
"Gender should be seen as and treated as an identifier that can be self-declared."
"The journey towards self-identification and acceptance is deeply personal and should be respected by all."
"I may not be the hero you want but I'm the one you got right now."
"If you identify with some of the characters or some of the traits sound like they kind of feel like you, I would strongly encourage you to go see a licensed mental health professional."
"A woman is anyone who identifies as a woman."
"I just don't see the value in categorizing myself. It doesn't seem like there's any power in doing that."
"I consider myself an artist, and I went to college for fine art."
"I'm performing at the VMAs... I'm a pop star too, bro."
"It's very appealing for people to want to put a label on something to say, 'Oh, this explains it. Now I understand. Now there's a reason why I am the way I am. This validates me.'"
"Finding it so much like myself — so like a brother, really — I felt that I had been happy and that I was happy again."
"Girls want to see someone fit wearing the product; that way, they can look at themselves and say, 'Hey, this could be me if I buy the product.'"
"I like making things. You can call that a creator, whatever, I like making things."
"I think we can all agree that her self-identification matters, and I'm happy to and only have referred to her as a woman."
"They don't call me Mr. YouTube for nothing; I'm the only one actually innovating on this dying platform."
"Arizona, this is exactly where I need to be, this is what I do, I'm the Destroyer."
"If a person says that they're a woman or they're a man, then that's them telling you their gender."
"Find your significance, find your lane, find your niche."
"Tyson Fury is a character, he calls himself the Gypsy King and he projects himself extraordinarily well."
"Thanks for joining us today. If you're watching this, you are Generation Tech."
"I'm clever! You should know a thing or two about that, Hacker!"
"I'm the baddest man on the planet." - Tyson Fury
"My mission is Earth, you see my name right? Earth angel. I am an Earth angel, so I'm a healing guy, right? I don't want to tell you guys what's going on."
"This is it. This is the moment. You are stealth. You are the knight. You are Batman."
"Anyone can wear the mask. Anyone can see themselves in Spider-Man. If you didn't know that before, I hope you do now."
"I'm the new bantamweight champion of the world, sugar Shan Ali."
"But that what's really remarkable about this is that even reasonably well-off people think of themselves as victims."
"I'm a wizard too! What, I've got... yeah, I don't know how we've managed to do this but I'm also a wizard. I guess it's because we said we're a wizard so that's probably how we've done this."
"Do you know who we are? The most dangerous morning show."
"The entirety of Reddit: I guess I'm a couple of those things."
"I try my best to be super nerds just like all of you."
"If somebody says they're a woman, they're a woman."
"It almost makes you feel like Batman or some kind of superhero."
"I'm a self-made I like to say holistic healer."
"The best way I've been able to categorize myself... I'm a liberal in my compassion for the vulnerable, I'm a Libertarian in my love of freedom, and I'm a conservative in the sense that I think you need civilization to protect both of those things."
"Identifying as an introvert... that's gonna hurt you in the long run."
"If you see yourself in those images, it's easier to swallow. It's easy to go forward."
"He talks about what it took to be the underdog... he felt like he was the underdog like I was."
"I've got Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander blood. I claim my Torres Strait Islander blood."
"I consider myself both of those things. I consider myself also a thriver."
"He identified himself as the killer of Rebecca Payne."
"I fully identify as Korean after undergoing my final transitional surgery."
"We are the god we were looking for, we are God having a human experience."
"Identify with your purpose, your true self, your true identity."
"Identity politics is people going 'Oh yeah, I recognize this category is me so why doesn't it tell me everything I need to know about myself?'"
"He put me on his team because I was an alpha wolf"
"He's a brave little boy, it's a brave, brave little boy. That's me."
"Louis summed it up best himself with his famous rhyme, 'L'état, c'est moi!' 'The state, that's me!'"
"Consciousness identifies with your good and makes it part of your being."
"Identify wholeheartedly with the African race."
"I'm outing myself as old, I don't think the kids say steez anymore."
"The struggle for self-identification is clearly evident in each of their stories, providing a reflection of the differing paths we all take."
"We are explorers, historians, scientists, traders, and doctors just like you."
"I am the first and with the last I am he." - Isaiah
"I'm guessing I'd be most like Beckman, Rayleigh, or even Katakuri."
"I feel utterly fearless. I am alpha female all the way."
"I don't get why people that are unable to make friends or find a partner call themselves lone wolves while they should be named lone pandas instead."
"Who has the biggest sweet tooth?... definitely me..."
"When he says the scriptures speak of me right the scriptures speak of me."
"I am that I am sent you, the self-contained eternal existing one."
"I'm playing Minecraft live on YouTube. Yes, I'm a nerd."
"If skit and pump are your favorite characters... you probably see yourself in them with your friends or with your relationships in general."
"Having a word you can attach to yourself and a word that you can self-identify by, because in a lot of ways gamer is a positive way of self-identification and of labeling yourself."
"God never called us into the realm of assumption. Many people have called themselves what they are not called into."
"I ain't nobody's boss, okay? That's what I meant when I said 'the rebuke.'"
"Maybe that's just you, like you have the [ __ ] spirit of a warrior."
"You're telling me you're an independent journalist."
"It's important for us to see ourselves on the big screen."
"Self-identification is the only definition that's possible that's going to make it so that all women that identify as women are women and all men who identify as men are men."
"It's important for people to be able to see themselves when they look up on screen."
"You are an artist when you say you are an artist and you are a good artist when you make someone feel something deeply and unexpected."
"I'm Lord Dan Hardy as you can see, officially now."
"All the things written about the messiah in the books of Moses and the prophets and in the Psalms, those things were written about me."
"He admitted to the murder and referred to himself as a thug."
"I am officially Lady Lori, why yes, officially!"
"These people are insurrectionists, they'll call themselves revolutionaries."
"Individuals will declare themselves to be the primar returned."
"Some people are going to excel at this, some people are going to love it, they're like yes, this is my game, this is me."
"Yo, you know I'm so lucky I stumbled across this category because I am the perfect person to speak on this."
"I am an American, not a damn African American."
"I guess I can officially consider myself a part of the Avengers." - John Campea
"I have a new favorite nickname... 'apostate decadence,' the arch atheist of Austin."
"If you don't identify with the gender you were assigned at birth, you are trans."
"The moment you identify yourself with something, you have subjugated your intelligence to just self-defense and protection."
"It is Thursday, April 27, 2023. My name is Emma Vigeland."
"Because I'm a freaking Guardian of the Galaxy."
"Honestly, I just feel mostly like not straight and queer."
"Are you a member of the press? Absolutely, you are too."
"It's a bit rough around the edges. It doesn't give a [ __ ]. Just like me. It's perfect."
"One thing you can't take away: I am Iron Man."
"Love thy neighbor as thyself. The real meaning of this text is that your neighbor is yourself."
"I believe people have a right to self-identify as they wish."
"I'm a boy or non-binary and I'd like to note that you can be a non-binary boy and you can be a boy boy."
"Welcome to the end of the world, congratulations, you're a survivor just like me."
"Maybe there are parts of us that we can see in some of these characters."
"I'm now calling myself a comedian, I mean if people like Amy Schumer can do it, I can too I guess."
"I am it, and I know it. It doesn't matter if right now in this reality I don't see it."
"If loving Jesus Christ, following his message, knowing about him, if that means being Christian, then I'm more Christian than most of the people who call themselves Christians."
"When I say see God saying 'I am' in Scripture, I just smile and say I am too."
"That's just the older man thing, I identify with more and more as the days go when I get older."
"I am also an aspiring writer, just as you are."
"I saw myself more in the role of an advocate."
"Yeah, that's me right here. Oh hell yeah, oh my God."
"It's nice to find other weirdos who are as weird as you."
"These are the two kind of screw-ups, and we're the only ones like this, you know?"
"They see themselves in it, that's real, you feel me? That's real."
"Mission accomplished, I like it. I like being a rebel myself."
"Jesus doesn't reply back to Nathaniel with son of God, king of Israel, or rabbi, but refers to himself by the title he referred to himself most often in the Gospels: the Son of Man."
"She said she was a woman, so she is a woman."
"Who's talking? That's me, that's literally me."
"I'm Puddle and I think I'm your horse, and you're beautiful. [Laughter]"
"Do not conform, I am something to a disrupter."
"In order to become the best at anything you have to literally be that thing."
"I'm the leader of the Free World, tell her you're the president."
"Identify yourself with your aim in life and do not permit any person, place, or thing to deflect you from your inner sense of peace, tranquility, and radiant health."
"If I had to self-insert, it'd be as Aqua because Aqua's me."
"Isn't this just so me, especially these stairs?"
"Ego is basically a self-identification with the stream of thinking. Ego is the story of 'me' that people identify with."
"Judith Butler has abandoned that performativity view altogether because of the implications it has for self-identification."
"I refer to myself as a recovering atheist."
"I'm Kenny JD, you can find me on virtually every platform as Kenny JD."
"Identifying as that person is what closes the gap between where you are and where you want to be."
"Tiny But Mighty 32 ACP. Tiny But Mighty. I'm sure a couple of you guys can relate."
"If you want to watch a dude that's willing to piss in the overflow tank in his basement, that's who I am."
"Believe it or not, I'm a bit of a nerd."
"I'm one of the weird ones that's terminally online."
"Why'd you do this? I'm the fat ass in the Hat and gray hoodie."
"I do 100% regard myself as an anarchism."
"I'm 280s something, 280s, that's all you gotta say."
"He is me. He's better behaved than I am, but he's me."
"One of my proudest moments was taking the DVD from him, pointing to the cover and going, 'That's me!'"
"I'm like Abed, I like liking things."
"I don't respect gender as a construct one needs to adhere to. Therefore, anyone who self-identifies as whatever they want to can act in that way."
"That's the most me thing ever. Ever."
"I'm a problem child, a problem child, aah!"
"Son of Man is Jesus' favorite title for himself."
"I identify as a female so that's fine to me."
"I am the love and the peace and the abundance."
"The fact that you can already infer that from this is impressive and also, yes, that would be me."
"That's me, y'all, that's me at the age of 18."
"At first, I didn't feel like I belong, I felt lost."
"Always start your day with a positive attitude. Me: It's me, that's me. That is a picture of me every morning."
"I think that identifying which of the characteristics between vertical, width, curve, and petite you can relate to the most or not relate to at all, and then ruling out the image IDs that you for sure can't be, is a good way to narrow down the options."
"I'm going to turn Bella into a little baddy and like a teenager, basically turning her into me."
"Nobody is going to give you that title... I invite you to claim it."
"If you say you're this kind of man too, let's continue the discussion."
"Something spoke to me as I saw the bottle. Number one, oh my God, if this is not me, like if I were a bottle, this is what I look like. This beautiful, like Dusky Rose, and it's beautiful."
"I still call us black. Black, it's not wrong."
"You and I ourselves are rescue dogs."
"Ladies and gentlemen, that man, is me."
"I like going um, Bowser. Reminds me of myself, you know big back angry sometimes."
"That's awesome because that means that more people are going to find little pieces of themselves throughout the song."
"My star sign is a Gemini. Literally, I am such my sign like every aspect of a Gemini is me."
"I'm often sort of remind myself of David Brent from the office, if you watch The Office."
"Yeah, that's me, I am the Game Nerd."
"I must be learning, I'm now calling myself a master."
"I'm comfortable with being called a black woman. I'm totally good with that."
"I don't consider myself a pro, I'm a hobbyist at heart."
"I don't ever plan on labeling myself in terms of food because it just puts you into this like box that's too much pressure."
"I decided to be unlabeled and no longer call myself as straight."
"I think people everybody is invested in fantasy want to see themselves in that."
"I'm a baddy till the day I die, babe."
"...I see myself in every portrait I take literally..."
"I'm not going to call myself a full-blown pro."
"The cause was always the movement of his own thoughts. Therefore, he had made it a habit to identify himself immediately with the divine presence within him."
"What do people say for YouTube? I don't know, Sam Heard Photo I think that's my YouTube channel."
"Angelo, I'm 16 years old and I'm an ACy boy."
"There are plenty of self-identified Christian nationalists who are straight up racist."
"I'm just like the main character, and I put on my current playlist and current songs and kind of pretend like this is the soundtrack to my life."
"Identify yourself with the creative power that's within you."
"It's been it's out there forever. Oh, this is for me."
"I am definitely a [__], this is what I want to do."
"I knew early on that I was an entrepreneur and it's not dying anytime soon."
"I'm Evan Rowell, and this is critical thinking."
"I am the Lord coming in the appearance of that which I am conscious of being."
"They dress it up like this, this dude rocking two hay bales. Um, you know, they just do a good job at making it look appealing, right? Like you look at this guy, you go, 'Ah, that could totally be me!'"
"I just became the People's Champ."
"Love is an existential stance. It is a mode. It is a way of binding yourself in deliberately, mutually participated co-identification and reciprocal opening."
"Call it a power or call it a gift. I call it persistence."
"You are the universe means you appear as the universe."
"When one realizes, 'I am that,' then is peace."
"Stand back sir, I'm a level 72 wizard."
"I am transcendent to the thoughts and thus have the ability to choose the thought processes that I identify with as I automatically identify with the thought processes that are in harmony and in contribution to my vision from the perspective of peace, love, and flow."
"Whales and dolphins have the ability to name themselves as babies."
"What is essential right now is that we identify ourselves with the tremendous revolution which is sweeping across the world."
"I know that you all know this because you're familiar with the term that we use to refer to ourselves as a species, Homo sapiens."
"I feel like Isaac Newton. He was a genius too."
"Maria's a beautiful intelligent woman just like me."
"Jesus identified himself as the one who brought up the Rapture."
"You're my favorite 'cause you remind me of myself."
"I could die for the touch of a woman like me," he said.
"Blacks in New York are actually taught by Jewish rabbis and this man begins to identify with what he's reading and believes himself to be the people of the book."
"I am the vampire Lestat, and I'm immortal more or less."
"Long ago there was a prophecy about the human race giving birth to the ultimate duelist, and that's me. I fulfill that prophecy."