
Restaurant Management Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"It's time to make some serious changes in this restaurant. I know I've been part of the problem, but I'm ready to go forward and make this restaurant successful."
"There's no communication between the bar and the dining room, so people get served drinks but no one remembers to charge for them."
"Kytch introduced the industry to the revolutionary notion that these industrial machines should be controlled by the restaurant owners and artificial intelligence."
"My dad ran the restaurant with an iron fist, and we were the best that you could be."
"If you're a restaurant and you're not negotiating your terms with your landlord, you're crazy right now." - Derek Falcon
"Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure Karen eating at their restaurant when it's closed is probably the last thing they want to do."
"Michelle finally learned the cardinal rule of being a restaurateur: you serve your customers, not yourself."
"It's amazing what he did. He taught me to stand up and be the owner."
"I think my customers are gonna rave about it to everybody."
"Opening up over 100 restaurants, being able to keep nearly 50% of those open for an extended period of time, and then maintaining a high level of quality across all of them, that is a nearly impossible feat."
"Owning a restaurant is hard work. However, with proper management, skilled employees, a delicious menu, and a little plasma sweat and tears, your restaurant MOT just might succeed."
"You have an amazing opportunity now to really turn this restaurant around."
"When Gordon walks back in here, whenever he comes back in months from now and sees this restaurant buzzing, that's going to be my proudest moment."
"Service has stepped up. Food is going out on time. And most importantly, the customers are happy. Bloody well done!"
"It's incredible. You have the most amazing looking restaurant and a great tasting menu but if you haven't got the right staff to put it off you're screwed."
"Laura, the future success of this restaurant is in your hands. You don't extract out of her everything she knows about cooking, you're mad. It will never ever work if you step backwards to your old ways."
"I'm going to run it like a restaurant. Next time you come you're going to see some staff changes. Promise me. I give you my word."
"This restaurant is back, it's peaceful, it has a great menu, and overall you should be proud of yourselves."
"This is your restaurant, you played a really big part."
"It was amazing. I was like all these people are eating our place, you know what I mean? So look, I think it had to do with the chef, the food was phenomenal, his steak and fish dishes were amazing, the plating was amazing."
"How do we know what seafood to put in here? Well, if we know that seafood is the third option down here..."
"It's not the result Alex was hoping for, but with Lanterna in desperate need of a revamp, I want to show him it's possible to change the look of the restaurant without spending lots of money."
"Enough pasta for close to 400 portions on this table here and we've got how many customers tonight? 53. 47."
"This is not about a chef and the owner's daughter falling out; this is toxic."
"Listen, relax. Yes, work together and send one table at a time, okay?"
"The Olde hitching post is on its way to becoming not just a successful restaurant, it's a perfectly perfect."
"I think the new menu is going to make the kitchen faster."
"For the first time since Gordon's arrival, the back of the house is in sync with the front."
"Oh man, we should start getting more money per table now because there's a larger variety."
"All the food that we do over here, there's nothing that we can make on the fly."
"It was important to us when we opened our first business that we wanted to narrow that pay gap between the back and the front of house."
"It's the most dysfunctional family restaurant Chef Ramsay has ever encountered. Can he save this family from ruining the restaurant?"
"You're not guaranteed a table. There's lots of people dining there, they have to keep things moving."
"...it's almost pure profit for the restaurant and helps them bring food costs as a percentage way down while bringing sales up."
"The most successful restaurants are relentless recruiters."
"So, if you go in there and you're trying to be like, 'Hey man, you gotta move your house outside of my restaurant,' and they'll fire on you, move this."
"Can Chef Ramsey help turn things around for Greek at the harbor?"
"One of my favorite examples is a scenario where you try to implement a system for doing restaurant reservations."
"The secret of a successful restaurant is first of all the way you buy, try to buy good stuff."
"The experience gave me everything, not just the cooking, but also taught me how a top restaurant should be, how guests should be treated."
"In the restaurant industry, much like in life, it's important to learn from your mistakes."
"Food safety is the number one thing when working in any kind of restaurant."
"The bottom line to owning a restaurant is servicing your customer."
"He was incredible, he kept that whole place rolling."
"I am absolutely ecstatic that Sandy is out of the kitchen."
"Service is crucial, today customers are prepared to wait, but they're not prepared to wait for now to get their order taken."
"If the menu is too large, the guest starts to lack in confidence relative to how well you can execute all of those items."
"The menu is the heart of your business."
"Make sure your restaurant is a place that they want to come back to."