
Customer Focus Quotes

There are 777 quotes

"Biggest thing is benefits, not features... don't talk about what you do, talk about what you're going to unlock for the reader, for the customer."
"I am consumer-centric, which is why I'm a great salesperson. I don't think about me trying to sell this basketball card; I think about why would Jason want this basketball card."
"Think about what the other person needs and wants...focus on the customer and how can they help the customer improve their life with their product or service."
"We're trying to maximize for the customer experience."
"What's going to give the user the best result is ultimately what will resolve to the better business model."
"Successful invention is inventions that customers care about."
"The primary learning from QFD includes which customer requirements are most important and where an organization should focus their efforts."
"What matters most is what customers care about, and then building all your strategies and tactics backwards from there."
"Stay focused, don't worry all about money, worry about your customers, worry about something that's going to sell and creating a brand that others like and are willing to get involved with."
"Our employees are really critical to this operation; our customers are and for Newegg, our customers and our employees are the most important parts of this brand."
"We've really gone out of our way to not lean into FOMO marketing, to try and accommodate the customer and limited edition is used sparingly."
"The company remained unprofitable for many years by always putting their customers first. They had made many decisions in the past that were extremely pro-customer, even if it meant leaving money on the table."
"You don't have to do things that scale. In fact, you can purposely do unscalable things to try and get early customers."
"Listen to our customers and not our competition."
"We're not in the shoe business; we're in the customer happiness business."
"Your customers should not be everyone... if you have a product that appeals to everyone, that product will likely only appeal to everyone a little bit."
"Tesla is constantly working to improve their cars for their customers; it's always great to see them address these criticisms head-on because at the end of the day, it's all in service of building a better driving experience."
"Your job is not to sell; it's to inform, it's to educate."
"It's not that your product has more features than anyone else; it's that your product does that one thing that one job they're trying to do better than anyone else."
"When you're lost and confused, focus on the customer and what's best for them, and then everything else will follow."
"Whenever you see a CEO that is so customer obsessed, typically there's good outcomes."
"At Apple, we put the customer at the center of everything we do with products and technologies that are designed in the service of humanity."
"Once we sort of relaxed and said no, let's stop trying to do what other people do and just see what our customers want us to do, we managed to find things where it's pretty clear that customers are very happy."
"Customer obsession is essential for day one defense."
"Find the best people that you can continue to serve by 80/20ing your existing customers."
"You can't start with the technology... you've got to start with the customer experience."
"So I'm waiting to see if these new younger faces associated with Kohl's can put new life into Kohl's and stop catering to those loyal customers that aren't gonna last forever..."
"It's not about getting rich, it's about growing your customer base."
"The customer is the one that decides what the market wants."
"Start with the customer and then work backwards."
"What we care about in the end, we want to make sure we convey to our customers is what it does for them."
"Only release products that your existing customer base wants to buy."
"Helping not selling, that's really a mantra that we try to live day in and day out."
"Privacy is more and more crucial to customers using digital devices these days."
"We're no longer in the efficiency game; we're in the customer satisfaction game."
"We're really excited with where the Raptor R came out, what it does, how it works. We're really innovating with what our customers want from us."
"It's supposed to be about helping our subscribers."
"It's not about hating on Windows 10, it's about hating on the tactics that Microsoft is using."
"Frugality: try not to spend money on things that don't matter to customers."
"Give the people what they want, that's what Conkey told me yesterday."
"I don't care about being cool or unprofessional. I care about our product, our program, and our customers."
"It's not about how you go, it's not about food. But it's always been about our customers, isn't it?"
"Every single business in the world needs only two things: a product and customers."
"So if you don't truly think it's something that you would yourself be a customer of, don't try to pitch it."
"Focus on giving, creating great products, and taking care of customers for success."
"Write the top ten problems your ideal customer is facing."
"I genuinely do believe that people can change, you know, to an extent and with the right effort and the right intentionality."
"It's not about you, you're not the star, it's about your customers."
"You want to think like Amazon because the one thing that Amazon has relentlessly done is prioritize customer experience."
"It speaks to something more. An earnest desire to create a game that responds to what their target market actually wants."
"Nobody gonna say forget my big customer base, I'm trying to do something for other people."
"Businesses are built one customer at a time, one sale at a time."
"The success of Po World proves that the only thing customers actually care about is a good game. AI slavery, bestiality, copyright infringement – it's a video game. These are pretend problems that people don't actually care about."
"The number one thing that has made us successful by far is obsessive compulsive focus on the customer."
"The beauty of a driving concept is that the customer is empowered."
"The most critical mistake: It's not about you, your product, or your service. It's about the customer."
"Looks like the problem is Omega and Omega they're really strong in the area that customers are caring less and less about."
"Your biggest drive is to solve problems and provide value to the customers of your product."
"We make it easy on people to get our [ __ ] don't we?"
"This is what you get when you sit down and say, 'Hey, listen, we are going to make one specific product to do exactly what gamers want.'"
"The most important person at the Keating is the guest, and I think it's all been forgotten about."
"Paint a picture for your customers with compelling bullet points that solve their problems and speak to their needs."
"We're not in the business of theaters... we're in the business of pleasing our members."
"You gotta start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology."
"It's not about you, it's only ever about your customers."
"We believe in organic growth through true product innovation and obsession towards our customers' success."
"The essence of strategy is to find a unique position in your business that delivers unique value to the customers you choose to serve."
"What great strategy does is it doesn't please every customer. If you're trying to please every customer, you don't have a strategy."
"The essence of a company is the product and the customers."
"Customer doesn't care about Microsoft needs. It cares about not what Microsoft can do to help with the customer needs."
"Customer centricity is fundamental; it's about getting closer to our consumers."
"Focus on your customers – the press will follow, eventually."
"Customer collaboration over contract negotiation... Find the best solutions through collaboration."
"Instead of building something nobody wants, go find out what people want and go build that."
"Innovation doesn't stop there for companies like Singapore Airlines."
"If you're not on the side of the customer above corporate interest regardless of the reasons you have to always choose their side over theirs."
"Making a customer is more important than making a sale."
"We have focused like a laser on customer experience and that really does matter."
"It's nice to see a publisher actually stick to their guns and work to fix a product rather than abandon it."
"How can we make it more protective? How can we make it more user-friendly?"
"It's about making things that your end-users will enjoy, not what you want them to enjoy."
"It's all about the fundamental tenet of building any business which is creating value proposition for the customer."
"The primary success factor for Amazon.com has been an obsession over the customer and a focus on customer service."
"Customer obsession is by far the most protective of day one vitality." - Jeff Bezos
"You end up not trying to find customers for your products but finding products for your customers."
"The most important thing within the business is knowing your customer and satisfying them."
"Stop worrying about commissions, start worrying about educating your customers."
"When you look at your digital marketing strategically and wholistically through the eyes of your ideal customer avatar, everything gets a lot easier."
"My job isn't to take care of the brands, my job is to take care of you."
"It's all about the customer. When I'm creating a product, I don't care about me, how can I help you?"
"We're going to finally get towards filling that ultimate mission of connecting our customers everywhere."
"You need customers and you need a product that you can Market your customers to."
"Find something people are complaining about and fix it for them."
"We think for the most part, the end users are gonna be customizing these."
"To live and the result of that is you get to spend the next six to 18 months building a better product getting closer."
"We always like to listen to our customers... that's why there's a gearbox in the car that's manually."
"If you're not there to serve the customers, sooner or later you will have no customers to serve."
"Innovation starts by intimately observing your customer."
"This company was founded on the determination and a relentless passion for giving our customers and consumers what they want, and we will continue to do so."
"It needs a lot of hard work and understanding that your customers are important, nothing more than that."
"He wanted to make the stores an experience again."
"Hold the problem you're solving tightly, hold the customer tightly, hold the solution you're building loosely."
"How can I increase the value versus the cost of what it is that I'm delivering?"
"Serving them is the most important part of my job."
"In a market that is more or less constantly changing and riddled with uncertainty, Subaru has a strong brand, a loyal following, unique products, and perhaps most important of all, a history of listening to its customers."
"Understanding that your customers are [important] nothing more than that."
"The goal hasn't been what is best for T-Rex Arms, it's what did we do for you guys."
"It's just quarter our strategy is putting the gamer at the center of everything that we do."
"A business is simply an idea to make other people's lives better."
"Make products that appeal to customers, not you."
"He focused on making the best products, not on market reactions."
"You gotta give the people what they want. It's Christmas. Christmas is here."
"The goal you should have as an early stage founder is to get a product out into the world quickly, minimum viable product."
"Build your first version for customers who have their hair on fire."
"Until they solve this problem I mean we're going to be back doing this again soon but again customer needs the box operating so I'm going to do what I can do."
"Define your customer and let that be the backbone of your whole company."
"To explain what once again makes the new S-Class one of a kind, we want to show you what really matters to us and to our customers."
"Nothing more, all we're concerned with is your results."
"Secret Lab went out of their way to give a setup that sort of addresses all those issues and works from the ground up."
"Leveraging technology, not for the sake of technology itself but for the sake of our purpose and our customers." - Volvo CEO
"Despite the unprecedented market conditions, at the end of the day what happened is unacceptable to us, to our customers. I'm sorry and I apologize."
"Chime is like, we want to do business with you. We want to make it easy for you to do business with us."
"Focus on being good, provide a good service."
"We're very, very focused on solving one problem... real customers... doing real things with the technology." - Daniel Rondo
"The care that they have for their community."
"Mr. Customer, you told me performance is your number one priority. Let me remind you of all the performance features in this car."
"Daniel Defense has done a really great job of listening to their customers."
"It's not about selling, it's about teaching and providing value."
"You have to love your customer so much that you're willing to go wherever they are to meet them."
"Fit and Fine Gym is based on professionalism, affordability, customer service, and tailor-made programs."
"They carved out a very special niche for themselves by catering to the little guy."
"As you can tell, I am obsessed with giving you as much value as possible."
"Focus obsessively on value to the customer and the customer experience."
"I think it boils down to one thing: customer loyalty."
"Nobody's walking in the tank right now saying hey I've got a great idea for retail, they're focused on direct to customer."
"Every day is day one. You have to focus on your customers, solve their problems, and as long as you do, at the end of the day, they will decide what you're worth."
"We're not traditionalists, we don't look at like Cycles because everybody else does Cycles. It doesn't you know what's what's right for us and our you know in our you know customers."
"These extras highlight just how customer-focused and watch-obsessed Vario is as a company."
"When you are 100% focused on the customer, that's success."
"Just tap into what no one else is doing and think from the perspective of your customer."
"When you do the right thing by your customers, it helps you grow."
"Anybody who is offering advice about what parts to buy should first listen to you and hear what's important to you."
"It's about them, not you... They don't care about you, they don't care about your offering."
"People don't care about you or your products, they only care what the product will do for them."
"Serve them what they want to learn. Don't sell them what you want to teach."
"The disney brand has always been about going above and beyond to create the most interesting attractions possible."
"Don't worry about making money. Focus on delivering utility for your customers."
"The best companies... are the ones that are the most customer oriented."
"Dealerships are going away, it's the right thing to do for customers."
"Best fiends treats the games like a service for their players."
"It's always been our vision at Tesla to improve the customer experience."
"Banks don't actually care about you; they only want your money."
"Companies need to start putting clients and customers first."
"Human-centered development philosophy." - Mazda's commitment to customer satisfaction.
"Puget Systems: a company that really listens to your specific needs."
"Know your customers, tailor the marketing, tailor the menu."
"We're listening to what people want... we're offering customers what they want and how they want it."
"If it doesn't have value to the customer it has no value, get rid of it."
"Tada! This is my super secret display, it's my best suits that I see for special customers like you two."
"We put a lot of thought and value into our Fan Experience."
"If you focus on delivering utility to your customer... your market share increases during bad times, doesn't decrease."
"Unique approach: do a little bit of research, find out what the target customers are actually looking for, and then deliver."
"It only matters what the customer is going to do."
"Add value... stop thinking about you and your dollar, and think about your customer and the value they need."
"I want it to cater exactly to my specific lists of desires hype. I think that's reasonable, don't you?"
"It's a little nod to how well thought-out the products are."
"If she had just focused on who are our customers, what do our customers really want, how can we make more of these customers, how can we support these customers..." - Adam Post
"Your job is to get really clear about what the customer is trying to achieve."
"Tesla is offering car insurance for its customers."
"Our commitment to be the best place to play remains strong."
"It's okay to be afraid but don't be afraid of our competitors because they're never gonna send us any money... be afraid of our customers."
"Customers don't care whether you have AI, don't care whether which infrastructure you're using, they don't care whether you have containers or not microservice. They only care what they get." - Meryl Temple
"Obsess over your prospects' problems more than they have."
"What I would hope Amazon's legacy would be is earth's most customer centric company."
"Simplify the product to meet the real requirement of the customer."
"It's really key to have that thinking where you're putting customers at the heart of it and you're going through all the processes that you would as a product manager."
"We're going to get us to the Star Trek future."
"Celsius has chosen a business model that always acts in the best interest of its customers."
"The game isn't won in the ads manager; it's won by camping out in the mind of your dream customer."
"I want every individual within the organization to do whatever they do on behalf of the customer, on behalf of the company, excellently."
"Our goal is always to serve consumers in the best way possible."
"Movie theaters need to focus more on customer experience."
"You know, great companies are relentless at putting the customer at the center of everything they do."
"Your customers actually don't really care about you, they only really care about them and how they can use you in order to get the results."
"We want to make sure we're giving you guys what it is that you guys are wanting, and we're going to continue to deliver."
"Making a great product that is high quality, that is the best thing for the customer."
"Agile focuses on increasing the value delivered to customers."
"The core problem you're solving is always going to relate directly to your customer."
"Positioning defines how your product is the best in the world at delivering something that a well-defined set of customers cares a lot about."
"Agile places emphasis on the needs of a customer and quickly developing and iterating in our solution."
"Define value means identifying and focusing on what the customer wants and including the customer in the process."
"Customer collaboration over contract negotiation."
"It's allowed us to innovate and focus on people who just love our products."
"Don't feed the algorithm, feed the customer."
"Don't get distracted by what is hot and what is trending at the moment; focus on your readers and your customers."
"Focus on the customer and not the algorithm."
"The only thing that counts is the customer, the man who pays you must satisfy him, and how do you satisfy him? By giving him an exciting fight."
"Agile aims to solve that problem by getting customer feedback more quickly to make sure that the team is building what the customer really wants."
"By focusing on the needs of the users, the team can deliver value to the customers."