
Interpersonal Skills Quotes

There are 775 quotes

"Empathy is being able to share in someone else's feelings and emotions and show concern towards that person."
"We spend all of our time dealing with people. You can't succeed in this world if you don't understand people."
"Empathy is the most powerful tool that any human could possibly possess."
"Our number one big thing is communicating with each other."
"Empowerment is making the other person feel stronger after they speak with you."
"The three-second look is all about helping you get to the truth and uncover things that might not otherwise be revealed."
"If you want to be interesting, be interested."
"I am so good at telling if someone is lying when they are talking to me."
"One of the most important qualities a human being can possess is empathy."
"The best skill is to make people feel good when they interact with you."
"How well do you know yourself, how well do you know other people?"
"Empathy is the ability to see things from another person's perspective."
"We cannot influence unless we first connect and it's such a rare quality in this world that when it happens it's pretty magical."
"Emotional intelligence is not about being extroverted or confident; it's about recognizing and understanding your emotions in yourself and others, and using this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships."
"Communication also it's 50/50, it's also about listening."
"Communication and interpersonal skills are crucial for a business analyst to ensure clear understanding and conveyance of requirements."
"Empathy is a thing that sort of underlies all of these points I guess too."
"Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply."
"You're an incredible human being and like it's just you're so easy to speak with you should do this for a living."
"Communication is always a good place to start."
"Whether you wanna win over a customer service rep or maybe a new client or even a significant other, being able to influence another person, of course in an honest, ethical way, is a key to success."
"The number one word used to describe the most successful people in sales or business is 'nice'."
"Understanding how to recognize when people are lying and understanding how strangers can deceive you is going to be sadly a useful skill."
"Charisma is not solely reserved for extroverted or outgoing individuals; it is a trait that can be developed and enhanced through self-awareness, practice, and the cultivation of effective communication and interpersonal skills."
"Communication is 70-80-90% nonverbal; we've stripped all that out."
"Your tone of voice automatically can do a lot for you."
"Treat everybody like you never know who you're dealing with."
"Interpersonal intelligence could have been called social intelligence, but many introverts wouldn't resonate with that, despite the fact that they might be excellent with people but in smaller groups and in a one-on-one capacity."
"Bill is tough; he runs a military system. It's a different generation. Bill is a great, great, great coach, three greats, but his interpersonal skills are horrible. That's the bottom line."
"You might think, 'No, that's not me. I'm really good at spotting someone when they're lying.' Yeah, that just might be you engaging in self-deception."
"You have huge empathetic abilities towards others; you understand people very well."
"Being smart is about emotional intelligence, common sense around how we understand people and how we use our words and actions to bring out the best possible impact in others."
"Our success in life depends on our ability to get along with other people and also defend ourselves from other people that are trying to harm us in whatever way."
"Just be nice to people. When you're cool and nice to people, people want to do business with you."
"Always try to leave a conversation better than it was when you started."
"It's very easy to disarm 90 percent of critics just by kind of taking them, giving them the opportunity to be nicer about what they're saying."
"Learn about active listening...you've got to listen to people."
"It takes a strong individual to sit in front of a person that doesn't like you and listen to them."
"Small talk is a huge part of etiquette, course it is one of the most important aspects when it comes to socializing, making friends, making business contacts, and really being there out and about and meeting people."
"Be interested, not just interesting. It's very important to be an interested person, so you're really curious to get to know the person you're having a small talk with better."
"Yeah, it is. I think being able to read the customer... Everyone's different. I think that's super important..."
"People who practice emotional intelligence were found to be highly effective in their interactions with others."
"A smile is a valuable tool, my dear. That's you, Alistair."
"My greatest asset, I feel, is IPC skills, which is interpersonal communication skills."
"Compliments show that you're paying attention and have a genuine interest."
"Understanding others' perspectives is crucial in becoming effective."
"You need to make someone's job easier for them, they will instantly like you."
"His talent was in manipulation, not technology."
"Don't just talk to her in a friendly way; make her feel sexually attracted to you."
"You have to be forthright in your speech and you have to be honest when you talk to people."
"You almost always will do better in life if people like you, truth, number one, only truth in this video."
"You're able to read between the lines of people."
"Among Us taught me a lot about learning when to be clear."
"One thing I definitely learned is communication is super key."
"Some people come along and know how to connect with people."
"Grandma's greatest talent was making other people feel important."
"Body language can tell a lot about a person. It is a huge component of communication."
"You just made them feel very secure, comfortable, safe."
"Every single person requires a different approach in how you talk to them, voice criticism, partner with them."
"Charisma is cultivated... Power, presence, and warmth."
"There is something so intriguing about a person who is confident in themselves and can listen to you and learn about you."
"Maybe more times than not, it's good to just shut up and listen to people."
"You have a great ability to connect with other people and to really share your passion."
"This career field requires individuals who are personable, mature, effective communicators."
"There's an easy way to do it... there's a polite way to do it..."
"She had a way of making everybody feel comfortable, even a person who's an introvert and shy. She'd bring that person out."
"A great closing line for a difficult conversation... 'Can I count on you?'"
"Communication is the key for everything and everyone."
"Good communication begins with understanding the message and understanding where the person is coming from."
"Interpersonal skills are the fastest track to your goals."
"It's a good thing to lean on those great diplomatic skills that many of you have."
"Durst really did know how to interact with people to manipulate them well."
"Making people feel like they were the most important person in the room."
"He was particularly good at reading people and knowing what made people tick."
"What it does mean is that you've indicated to them that you actually heard and understood what they had to say and that works."
"He was particularly good at reading people, making people feel like they were the most important person in the room, and capitalizing on surprise with the defense."
"Guys, this is a real game that will test your ability to work with other people."
"Your goal is to figure out what questions you can ask to get them to talk about the things that they like."
"Sticking up for yourself when it's necessary, while also showing empathy towards them, love, patience, kindness towards them, can actually get you more of what you want and deserve."
"Persistence and just being all-around cool person to chat with can go a long way to getting some attention and hopefully a phone interview."
"One thing that I've been very proud of in working with you is how good of a listener you've been."
"Seek to understand before you try to be understood."
"Empathy is a talent worth learning. Learn how other people feel and react, and you will gain trust and influence over them."
"Things are going to be intriguing, interesting, heated. It's so critical for you to be diplomatic."
"When it comes to the way you interact with individuals, you are so conscious of other people's needs."
"No one really cares how smart you are if you cannot get along with people."
"Creators of deep emotional intimacy. INFJs can quickly establish rapport with people."
"Megan has this unbelievable inability to be able to talk to other people or about anything that's not herself."
"Conversations make people feel comfortable and connected. I can't think of a single area in life where that won't be useful."
"Andrew was genuine, he could talk to the top people in their fields about anything."
"They are often perceived as being the strongest people person as they are capable of creating friendship with all personality types."
"I feel like people skills are very important. You gotta put yourself out there, and talking to another person is dangerous yet well."
"When you were listening to someone, really let them know that you're listening... there's something really important that could come through and you're only gonna get that if you're really, really listening."
"It's time for us to be patient, kind, and to listen."
"Learn to ask questions and take an interest in who the person in front of you is. That's what they're going to find attractive."
"This person fits into any social gathering, they fit in with any crowd, you can take them anywhere and they just kind of blend right in and they truly know how to connect with everyone."
"Kindness and communication are the biggest things I've learned."
"When interacting with people especially people that you hire I would only try to ask questions you're genuinely interested in hearing the answer of."
"The more research you can do before you meet somebody, the better."
"And if you can introduce yourself clearly and confidently, you'll make a great first impression with people that you meet."
"You have to be personable, you have to be able to adapt to situations that you're put in."
"A word of advice to the management: a smile goes a long way, fam."
"A lot more is relying upon that person's talent as a listener than I think we normally give credit to."
"Communication is key, beyond the internet and formalities."
"Empathy is an integral part of emotional intelligence."
"You've got to make sure you are communicating with him and not just talking at him."
"Sometimes, you will see a dude who maybe is not the most high quality dude, but he gets fine ass girls because he's very good at being in a relationship."
"I've been one of the more understanding people who can find reasons to counterbalance any kind of personality issues they have operational issues with what fantastic unique rare players they are."
"Find the courage to communicate everything that you're feeling to someone directly in the eyes."
"You can really listen to somebody and respond."
"We need to teach people to listen to each other, which is the key to caring."
"It's emotional, it's a negotiation. You have to showcase the ability to compromise."
"Learning the names of routine visits, making people feel appreciated."
"The ESTJ at their best, however, realizes that in some situations you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar."
"I can usually tell if somebody is going to be good faith or bad faith based on like hypotheticals or examples I give them and see how combative they get with points that they shouldn't be combative for."
"If you know how to communicate with people... a lot of these basic like 'tricks' are going to carry over into real life conversations."
"Communication is foundational to everything."
"Communicate, that's like the big thing in every relationship you do period."
"Communication is key. Whatever it is you're trying to resolve, whatever it is you're trying to figure out, be it questions or answers or both, communication is key."
"I don't think there's a single person in existence who I couldn't sit down with and within a couple of hours have them agreeing with me."
"Having that mindset and foundation of understanding how women operate can go into so many different things in life."
"Communication is key in all human interactions."
"Libras know exactly what to say to you in order to make you feel good, they're really intuitive when it comes to knowing what makes you feel like you just have been charmed."
"You've got to be good with and good to people, because good people have options."
"Tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves."
"I have a great deal of compassion and empathy for people."
"You're a good leader and an expert in friendship."
"She always seems to know just what to say at just the right time."
"The number one thing you can do is to smile at people when you meet people in life."
"That's the key to success: Always have nice things to say and smile."
"Passion is good, passion can get in your way, so you want to make sure that you are reading correctly the people around you."
"It's still hers because read the room, right? Like you gotta read the room."
"Control your mental attitude and make yourself friendly and agreeable with everyone."
"Adjusting your body language can make you more attractive and sexually appealing to any woman."
"The good politicians, the good magicians, the good salespeople, and the great con men have all got one thing in common: they know us better than we know ourselves."
"So the first thing to do to start fixing stuff is to exercise our empathy muscles."
"This is what I respect about you. You're able to put words to thought very well."
"I'm extremely empathetic. I basically hear anyone out."
"Sophie has a special gift for relating to all generations."
"What matters is people being able to understand what you say."
"What I need to see from you tonight more than anything is just warmth with the customers."
"People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care."
"The fortune is in the follow-up, and remembering names can change lives."
"Be silent, really listen and that's really the key."
"Just politely shake hands thank them for their time walk out the door and you've been a proper polite negotiating bastard."
"Diplomacy is when you do things with people you don't like... if you're only going to do things with people you like you're physically pathologically incapable of diplomacy."
"Customer service representative... if you're a really good people person who's good at helping people out, this can be a fantastic job for you."
"They are very expressive, they communicate what they're thinking straight up."
"Approach people who look down on you with a diplomatic, fascinated mindset."
"You can come across as being warm to light up situations fantastically well."
"Being overly nice, smiley, happy, genuine, kind, etc., when beginning a patient history goes such a long way."
"They're saying you're a really good listener."
"Sometimes you have to be diplomatic... when people want to be right give them that right."
"If you don't have a good enough argument, if you are such a bad person people won't sit down with you and you can't figure out how to actually communicate and request aid even if it means paying somebody well, then you've got a problem."
"I thought Nina Turner said it best: 'You just shake your colleague's hand.'"
"Making people feel like they matter is a core part of being a leader."
"Who gives the best life advice? You're pretty good with emotional advice."
"He had the art of giving without arrogance and of receiving without loss of dignity."
"You have a gift for communicating with people different than you."
"Haruka's best quality is in her ability to see the best in others and talk to that part of them, drawing it out in the process."
"She was renowned for her personal touch and her good sense of humor."
"Be respectful and kind while still being yourself. Some people might like it, some people might hate it, but that's none of your business."
"Communication is always the most important thing."
"Your people are everything, bro. You gotta know how to handle your people. That's all part of being a boss, you know what I'm saying?"
"Patience is important because it's the only thing that keeps people away from being straight fuckin' assholes."
"The art of interacting with another human being is the most valuable lesson."
"You have to look people in the eye when you talk to them."
"Body language is the management of time, space, eye contact, gesture, facial expression, stance, movement."
"Empathy, compassion, negotiation, compromise."
"Can you work with people, can you display a level of competence, can you make sure that you are compassionate?"
"Being able to verbalize and communicate is a game changer."
"The most important thing when introducing someone to anything is to know when to shut the fuck up."
"Those are the skills that people need. How do I interact with people? Communicate." - Grant Cardone
"Understanding another's viewpoint is an imperative skill to have."
"Making someone feel seen, valued, and heard is incredibly powerful."
"Communication is everything, if you can't communicate, you can't date."
"Be friendly, courteous, and empathetic with end-users."
"You can be that person, the healthy person who can spot another healthy person."
"Remember a person's name when you're introduced to them, say their name, make sure you get the pronunciation right."
"A charming person sets boundaries, a charming person lets people know when they're not interested in something, a charming person challenges people."
"I love when people can acknowledge the fact that I'm easy to talk to."
"It's important to know who you're dealing with."
"I feel like if you can make a girl laugh I'm like always like good to go I'm like in you're in baby."
"You can teach people how to show up for you."
"Your ability to listen to people and make them feel heard... incredibly powerful."
"Confidence, humor, kindness - build yourself."
"Communication effectively is a hard thing because you need to communicate in a way that people are receptive to."
"He always seems to be able to read his audience."
"Understanding the status games we all play can help us navigate social interactions."
"Curiosity is the absolute power tool of building intimacy with another person."
"It's all about learning how to deal with and talk to and communicate with and ultimately from our perspective secure human beings."
"Saying no is a skill; it takes practice and you're gonna have to get used to disappointing people."
"You have to understand how to talk to men about something."
"Sometimes the best way to engage in these conversations requires understanding and patience."
"I never noticed, you have a good hearing and you're sensitive to what's going on."
"Never boss people around. It's more important to click with people than to click the shutter." - Alfred Eisenstaat
"Emotional intelligence stands as a key pillar of understanding and compassion."
"Literally able to look at other people... you can size them up instantly like that."
"I think this is a great example of seeing somebody who thinks they're a good liar but they're not good liar at all."
"You have to speak to them in a way that they would hear you."