
Hypothetical Scenarios Quotes

There are 939 quotes

"If I could beat the shit out of anybody, I'd probably go back in time and beat the shit out of Genghis Khan."
"What would you want to do for free if you didn't have to think about bills and all this other stuff? What would you happily dedicate your time to?"
"SCPs should never be able to escape their cages, but what would happen if they do?"
"I think the only place he would have ended up was Man City, but I would have loved to have seen him in the Premier League."
"If you had a button in front of you... that if you push that button, it would take away all of the struggle... would you become who you are today?"
"It's wrong to torture babies, even if there are no babies."
"One wonders what would have happened if, right at the outset, he'd had the courage to speak his mind and not pretend."
"With such an explosion of that magnitude having to happen at such close range, that would have vaporized you."
"If the Earth was actually in a binary system with the other planet being life-hosting as well."
"America, the four-state treaty, or basically after a civil war 2.0."
"With Bias being groomed to take over a dominant Celtics team at the same time that Jordan is bringing up the Bulls to one day be a dynasty, these two forces clash in epic battles that truly are missing from NBA history."
"What if all life on Earth died and now we fast forward a billion years, what would be the traces left?"
"The entire premise of Earth 2 is that they're making an exact replica of Earth 1."
"If we would have joined LCS, LCS would be the most watched league in the world."
"The Pacific Northwest would be very wealthy in this world."
"If we had to design a country from scratch, it would be so different."
"What if he mates with a goose or something? You'd have like a Dino-Goose."
"If it were to collide with our Earth, the resulting explosion would be tantamount to about a thousand megatons in TNT equivalent, which would almost certainly cause major catastrophic disasters all over the planet."
"Extra-dimensional evil chickens straight into S tier, no explanation needed."
"Sharks are the most powerful predators in the ocean, but what if they could also roam on land?"
"Had the Athletics had Mark Mulder when they played the Yankees, they would have beaten the Yankees."
"Had COVID been worse, just enough worse to really get our attention, to really be undeniable, we would have had a different political conversation around it."
"I often wonder if our entire planet is also a huge sacred garden of a vivarium that a bunch of aliens, God, or some other immense entity out there is caring for, and observing."
"Vault experiments were testing hypothetical and extreme scenarios that a long-distance space-faring voyage could encounter."
"But you know by now this definition wasn’t accepted. Bush won and subsequently became the 41st President of the United States."
"If you knew in advance that a child would suffer horribly and then die, most people think you should avoid bringing that child into existence."
"Our best scientists and health experts assess that today we have a sufficient amount of testing to meet the requirements of a phase 1 reopening if state governors should choose to do that."
"Humanity may be guilty of it's logical to believe that if creatures like Pokemon did exist we'd see these organizations naturally evolved to take on those who profit from their exploitation."
"What do we want to do? Blow up Earth? Save Earth? Turn Earth into something else?"
"If every nation on earth was run by women, you would see a significant improvement across the board."
"What if Jupiter swallowed every planet in the solar system?"
"If you ever had to kill anybody, could you do it under the right conditions? Dad: Yeah, I can do it."
"Without the mass extinction event, all this probably wouldn't be here at all."
"Why can't he change the law so Cinderella can live in luxury with the person she loves?"
"So these situations are not real, but it's kind of fun to ask these types of questions, right?"
"In their world, my parents would never have gotten together."
"Patriotism on both sides of the Border might have wound up different."
"Even if they're not doing it, the fact that they have the ability to do that and they could literally, if they wanted to tomorrow, change the algorithm to feed you 'hey, don't vote for this guy because he sucks'... is the worry right now."
"Maybe it doesn't matter what John would have thought because maybe John is dead and maybe you guys are alive so maybe if you want to do it in a shed during a rainstorm you can do it in a shed during a rainstorm."
"If the jew did not exist the anti-semite would invent him."
"If obesity in America completely disappeared overnight, it would have roughly the same effect on the recruiting pool as adding roughly 70 million people to the overall American population."
"Can we imagine Bill Gates or anyone like him being so privately wealthy that he could feasibly fund a successful invasion of Russia?"
"If they had continued the development of their radar without interruption..."
"If MGS 5 had employed a narrative structure more akin to MGS 2's..."
"If the Holocaust had never taken place, you know, it would still be wrong, Jew hatred that would still be wrong."
"If I was a Russian general, I'd be more interested in the possibilities of pushing from the South."
"Would people actually go and help? If I saw a shark attack, I'd probably go ankle deep and say, 'Go away, go away.'"
"Rap would look so [ __ ] different if a lot of those people were still here."
"It’s hard not to speculate that, in a hypothetical skirmish against US soldiers, the PLA troops might once again fold under the pressure."
"We're headed for a hopefully peaceful separation where two Americas or three Americas or four Americas will exist."
"Imagine the benefits: no need to eat or sleep or perform other functions, walk underwater, crush the heads of every opponent. The possibilities are limitless."
"You could go to another planet and you could actually visit an ET civilization."
"This is so Kobe's supposed to have two more rings by now."
"I think about that so much, how different the world would be if I got bit by a radioactive blue spider."
"Besides, if you had the chance to kick Hitler to death, can you honestly say that you wouldn't?"
"You think you're gonna fight the government with nukes and drones? 100%."
"Florida would do extremely well on its own as an independent country."
"If Shaq had your work ethic, we would have won 12 Rings."
"The scary thing about this coincidence is how different the world could be right now if the allies lost the battle."
"Expressions such as 'I like you'... would become a reality if we both died."
"If we lose 65,000 people and instead of that going the other route, we would have lost a million or a million and a half or two million."
"Bernie Sanders frankly he would have beat Donald Trump I think he would have killed Donald Trump I think that the exit polls and the data support that."
"Imagine what that could have accomplished maybe maybe if the Poor People's campaign had taken place we would have Universal Health Care right now."
"Is that their fault? In another world, the humble Irish would be the ones making up such a disproportionate amount."
"I'd be a horrific dictator, I'd be a great president, a king."
"If people actually did adhere to the morality in the Bible, it would not be a pretty world."
"I feel like this thing is gonna accidentally create a wormhole."
"If the world was ending and I could pick one fight that I could see, I honestly, I think I would, uh, I would do one. I would, it'd be simple."
"If Mexico started firing 150 rockets into the middle of San Diego, do you think the United States would let that regime stand?"
"When you're in the grocery store and you wish you could just eat the ground beef right there, you can't. This is if you did and you were rewarded for that behavior."
"If life were more like video games it would be better."
"Would you pee your pants for a million dollars?"
"That's the nice thing about sports, because like, actually you can try writing the description, if you write this you're like 'ah, it's pretty easy', like, uh, it did never happen."
"If such an object struck Earth, the impact would be devastating to Life as We Know It."
"Just because I'm a YouTuber in this universe doesn't mean there's not an alternate reality where I'm a car salesman or a beet farmer or Batman."
"Vision's Shakespeare quote seems to be suggesting a dark fate, a glorious return, or maybe both."
"Wanda could have easily defeated Thanos on her own given the opportunity."
"We have no idea how much better things would get if people stopped really, really trying just to make things worse."
"The James Harden trade would go on to be one of the biggest what-ifs in NBA history."
"If any of those circumstances broke differently... we would have been almost certainly in a full-blown constitutional crisis or worse."
"If you could leave and have no consequences, would you?"
"Spaceships where you go into a cryogenic sleep that can preserve you for 22,000 years... they are completely hypothetical, the technology does not exist yet."
"China won't see that, there won't need to be a war if America collapses from within."
"A machine civilization may be even more violent... destroy, destroy, destroy."
"Should this take place today no one on earth would be safe from the ramifications."
"Imagine yourself, you're Vladimir Putin right now..."
"I think Bernie would have won if it was Obama."
"I don't have any access to any of my money, so if my wife got hit by a bus tomorrow..."
"Hulk can clobber Superman if he's angry enough and not even just punch him lightly but send the last son of Krypton into outer space."
"What if we ourselves are the artificial intelligences and the programmers are testing us to see how we would behave, letting AIs who exhibit good behavior advance to the real world while the misbehaving ones are shut down?"
"If he got the drop on you, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now."
"Therefore, similarly, one motivation for an invasion could be to actually end the suffering on Earth by destroying divisive concepts such as governments, politics, religion or even greed."
"They would have absolutely sent people into a frenzy."
"A false flag event, the next one that we would see that would change the world guys would be a nuclear detonation."
"If this technology didn't exist, I feel like we'd have a war every 20-30 years."
"What do you think would have happened if she had proper treatment for her mental health?"
"What the hell would you do with that? Um, I don't know, why don't you reboot Weekend at Bernie's [__], drive around with that thing?"
"I just can't help feeling that it would be a thousand times more fun to play."
"All of us can agree that if we were to just hand craft our own casts, it probably would have looked differently than the final."
"Can you imagine if we didn't have Twitter, if we didn't have Facebook?"
"How much more impactful would it have been if Third Sister didn't reveal that Anakin was alive?"
"Imagine if you didn't get Dion and Nunez - suddenly three players ain't enough."
"Imagine another way to frame this question: if whatever you write down, you have to live that day every day for the rest of your life."
"The only worse news is that he was dead, like if he woke up dead, that would be worse news."
"If Trump were to shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue, he would have to be impeached."
"If they didn't get injured, they would have won a ring every year they were together."
"A super AI may see humans as a threat to its own existence and take action to eliminate humanity."
"It may be that the decline we see in our bodies from age 50 to 80 maybe that would happen between age a hundred and 150 and 200 for example."
"What if you had added education after you already had real data in there?"
"I mean right how do you know also if you can go back you can change him you can be painting scholarship you don't have to kill him he's a baby just make him a painter yeah yeah and then he's all lovely"
"Imagine a charismatic Mike Pence, like, imagine somebody like that."
"Imagine an island called Fredonia... as long as it doesn't infringe on the freedom of others."
"Let's hope not, but I mean like for like in the future when people ask me the stupid q and a's what would the last meal be it would be that."
"What would he be like today, some kind of out-of-control psychopath, a child trapped in a man's body?"
"If you tell people they're aliens, they become less racist."
"I think maybe Mr. Rodgers is interesting, the two guys you could tell, maybe Jimmy Stewart, you have a certain guys, he just went, 'Well, if that guy was president, I would trust us.'"
"Could the inside of our planet be a luscious Paradise or a hot hellish dump?"
"I don't think Russia would have invaded Ukraine if Trump was there."
"If NATO didn't exist, there's no doubt in my mind that he would have been sending missiles into striking those weapons delivery points in Poland."
"It's a misleading hypothetical because you can't foresee these things. It's a misleading hypothetical because you can't foresee these things."
"Millions of people would have died not 200,000 and one person is too much."
"If you didn't have to work 40 hours a week, what would you fill that time with?"
"If this was a Hollywood movie, you know what the ending would be? Ronaldo ties the game, that's it."
"Politics is not a stand-up comedy, but if it was..."
"Would you debate the alien? Yeah, obviously I would debate you about it."
"But if they're already attacking us or threatening to, I don't know of any other time in history that the country and the world, in general, will have been more united than if this happened."
"Imagine Bielsa with the quality of player that Chelsea have got or Arsenal, and that's when you'd see what Bielsa is really about."
"There's only one thing that could stop me from supporting Tottenham, and I've always said it, is if somehow my club just turned into Saturn."
"Trump could have been so much worse if he actually wanted power to do power for powers sake."
"We're not going to find out that if President Trump had not been president then all this would have magically been solved."
"If you knew what the future held, what decisions would you make today?"
"People getting offended on behalf of people's hypothetical children, I find bizarre."
"He lost 300,000. Yeah, me and 21 would have had to do some London night sparring or something."
"If men could get pregnant, we wouldn't even be debating abortion."
"Imagine if Mark Zuckerberg censored MLK or Abraham Lincoln. The course of history would have been altered forever."
"I really wonder what this country would be like... if the American people actually got an honest assessment."
"Tucker Carlson engages in a thought experiment exploring a hypothetical strategy for controlling a country, emphasizing the hierarchical prioritization of armed forces, federal law enforcement, and bureaucratic agencies."
"All hypothetical matchups showed that Bernie Sanders would have whooped Trump's ass."
"What if Senna had lived to compete with Schumacher?"
"If you can pick any player in NBA history that you've never had on your team to play for you, who would it be? Well, Chamberlain."
"If there was any Credence to the [__] that they were talking about then it would be a matter of National Security."
"If God feels 100% certain that he knows 100% of things, but there is in fact one more thing to know, he wouldn't know because he doesn't know."
"The power of the next generation, one of the first things we learned about this game is that it arose from a simple question: What if Sonic the Hedgehog lived in the real world?"
"Could you imagine if this was like the biggest moment in history and it was just a guy on Kickstarter who was like, 'Yeah, so if you just give me like a million bucks, I can give humanity infinite electricity forever.'"
"If 80% of men were getting laid, we'd have no [__] problems."
"Wouldn't it be cool to have a lightsaber fight between Ahsoka and Darth Raven?"
"Would you trust Mr. Beast to catch you if you fa yes sir yeah I would too."
"What would have happened if they never made that announcement?"
"If I am ever being chased by a murderer, I can promise you I'm going to take the stairs at a really sensible pace—quick enough that I'm."
"What really happens to all the things that you lose over your lifetime what would you do if at the end of your life someone gave you a box full of all that stuff all the stuff you lose."
"If those two teams were in the mix, dude, we'd have like five teams deeper than here."
"Oh man, that would have been awesome, right? Don't you think like that would have been better than any of the [ __ ] we got after X-Men First Class?"
"If it were to happen, it could have significant implications for the Global Financial system."
"Would you rather have unlimited money or live forever?"
"Would we tell superman not to stop a bullet or a doctor not to save a life? Would you tell a nut don't even go there?"
"If it's a binary choice between people being allowed to say anything or moving towards a world where we get handed a laminated sheet at birth of the things we can say and nothing else I'm gonna have to go with anyone can say anything."
"The Kardashev scale is a purely hypothetical scale based on our human understanding of technology and energy production that is the better your technology the more energy you'll be able to consume."
"Had the battle gone the other way, Islam would be the dominant religion on that continent."
"If Taylor Swift tickets were zero dollars, how many people would go? Probably one billion people."
"It would have been a good movie even if it did have a different good actor in that role."
"In 2040 it's actually a crime to make a fake person out of an AI."
"He never had to drop off, they didn't trade Ryan, and he kept playing well, you know who knows what would have happened." - Speculating on alternative outcomes and what-ifs.
"If the world was only home to a billion people then things like housing crises wouldn't be a problem."
"If you fall into a hole where you can't see the bottom and all that's there between you and certain death is a pile of chicken nuggets, can they save your life?"
"Had Obama been like put people in jail regulation kept people in their homes brought money and jobs back to America."
"Can you IMAGINE the media and social media to-do if it had been Chelsea Clinton who had been spat on? We would never hear the end of it."
"Some of the technology they got in UFO disclosure, they could literally chop your head off and then zip you right back together."
"What if the internet never existed? In this alternate timeline, we imagined a world without the World Wide Web."
"Imagine you and I decide to solve the Ukrainian problem, and the DOD gives us $100 million."
"If men could get pregnant, this wouldn't even be a conversation."
"If Arsenal had got a forward in January... they would have walked forth."
"I mean if people are falling out of the world, sausage, then you know maybe they could be traveling through more Rifts. What if there are more Rifts out there? There could be more Rifts."
"What if Joe Biden held a everybody chill meeting after he's elected? I think of how brilliant that would have been."
"Can you imagine if Joe Biden held a everybody chill meeting after he's elected?"
"The most effective way to truly understand how much of an impact this illness has had on us all is to explore what the world's largest economy would look like if it never happened."
"If one event in the past didn't happen or ended differently, things would be different."
"But if you are like me and want to impress the alien overlord so they don't eat you into the sun like they will eat this person who's trying to decriminalize incest..."
"A slam dunk if that were in fact shown to be the case."
"If Connor becomes a banker, then everything wrong in the world is happening."
"If Martin Luther King had a YouTube channel, he would be demonetised."
"In today’s world, though, that is just an invitation for a quadcopter to fly over you, drop a grenade, and then … well, that’s the ballgame."
"If you could choose any pop culture weapon to take with you in battle what weapon would you choose? Portal gun."
"If you could see the future, would you do anything about it?"
"This LR Tapion and Minosha unit should have been built... they would have been a must-run on every single team build."
"You can see all of these are impossible because you cannot change the past—impossible past condition and their impossible result."
"It would have been so funny if they had crossed paths."
"If the British had lost the war of the Atlantic, if we had been cut off and starved into submission, the Americans could never have launched the D-Day from America."
"If you put Dak Prescott on the 49ers, are they better or worse? I believe they are far better."
"If Russia loses and their soldiers are driven out, many of them killed, you can see protests coming up there."
"If we'd have taken action and sacked Ollie when they did it with Lampard, we would now be riding at the top of the league."
"Letting 682 sit in an acid bath most of the time and occasionally munching on some people is a far better situation compared to some of the alternatives."
"If Rolex had starred in Taken instead of Liam Neeson the film would have been over and the daughter rescued in about 5 minutes flat."
"If the clocks could somehow be altered and each of these performers could be placed into the era where they would have had a chance to succeed the most, it could change so much about wrestling as we know it today."
"What if we go to Mandalore and all this bombing created a Mythosaur Godzilla who now rises underneath?"
"If all men took the day off, the world would come to a crash."
"Could armies of criminals thrive in New York if they were all in jail? Probably not."
"If ranked choice voting existed, I think Andrew would have finished top five, possibly top three."
"You can't tell me you would take that trip." - You can't tell me you would take that trip.
"If we all basically lived... twice our current length... I don't think I would ever have wanted to argue with anybody about canonical matters."
"Even if we rejected their advancements... this would probably unite humans across nations."