
Military Service Quotes

There are 717 quotes

"The first time I felt somebody people being proud of me is when I joined the military."
"I was born in West London, but I was made in the Royal Navy."
"As a veteran, I want you to be a leader and serve this country before you tell everybody else they got to serve."
"His love for his community and country led him to make a decision about joining a branch of the military."
"There's something really beautiful about our military being voluntary."
"Democracy is what this country was built on. I served in the military so I can run as a Judicial candidate in a free country as long as I'm qualified."
"That's what the medals indicate to me: a bunch of guys came together...and if America could capture just one bite and see that little picture of their sons, America could never disown those sons."
"Benavidez said of his actions, 'The real heroes are the ones who gave their lives for their country. I just did what I was trained to do.'"
"It's like a common belief, especially back then, that if you don't go to the military service and serve your two years, then you'll never be a man."
"It's almost like you don't go through puberty; like you're still a child in people's eyes."
"America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. We fought and died for that slogan, right beside our white brothers, and doesn't that make us worth something?"
"I had a great mother and father in the home. My dad was a corporal in World War Two. My mother worked with the Marine Corps headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia."
"As a grateful nation, we stand in collective remembrance of all who have fallen in the military service of Canada."
"It doesn't hit you until they come back, and the guys are crying because they felt like they didn't do enough to bring everybody home."
"It seems like this is the plan: if folks have the courage to raise their right hand, swear an oath to protect and defend this nation, and put their lives on the line, then they sure as hell deserve the opportunity to become an American citizen."
"Preserving the past is not just about saving an object of wood, steel, brass, and bronze. It's about preserving the stories, the struggles, and the experiences of those who served. That's what really brings these ships alive."
"I'm not going to become just a soldier; I'm gonna be me first."
"I marvel at their capability and... how many lives of our brothers and fellow countrymen that they've saved."
"We send men and women to die for our country; they do it selflessly. So what they deserve is us taking care of them and at the very least providing them the health care that they certainly deserve from their service."
"Thank you so much for your service and your sacrifice to our country, man."
"Black people literally fought in wars before they could vote."
"I've never been prouder of you than I am right now, brother. It's been a pleasure serving with you. Ad Victoriam, brother."
"My grandfather was a Light Horseman... They were fearless. My grandfather went to war with a total disregard for his safety to fight for my freedoms."
"Despite the grave threats from the enemy and the widespread skepticism or harassment from their male comrades, women have served in the Ukrainian army with distinction."
"Less than 1 percent of the population of our country chooses to serve our country in the military. Less than 1 percent risk everything to defend our nation, our values, and everything we hold dear."
"When you raise your right hand and swear the oath to support and defend the Constitution and you join the United States military, you certainly give up some of your freedoms. But you do not give up your religious freedom when you serve this country."
"Being forced to choose between their faith and serving this country, and our clients, these 40 U.S. Navy SEALs, collectively have more than 350 years of military service, more than 100 combat deployments."
"I'm sick of War. My last friend from enlisting post 9/11 died yesterday. We were all so eager for revenge."
"Military service offers an unparalleled value proposition."
"The military is a great opportunity to either start a career, carry out a career, or launch a career."
"This issue gives bright young students from Guam a fair opportunity to serve in the military, which I continue to advocate for."
"Every man should serve in the military at some point."
"I think actually that people that join the Army are fantastic and bold and brave."
"The reality for a volunteer military: you have to compete with the rest of the economy."
"You shouldn't take advantage of somebody like that because I'd understand if I was trying to duck child support and I was trying to get over, but I'm a soldier coming back off of deployment."
"I respect all the service that the men and women of our forces put forth."
"Veterans Day commemorates the men and women who served in America's armed forces."
"Kino is my second bias and my current bias, I guess, since Jinjin was in the military."
"I think we have to really shift already... and talk about agri-business... to make farming and agriculture more attractive to new generations."
"This is serious, not only to me but to my fellow service members and Veterans."
"Hundreds of thousands of courageous African Americans defend our flag today, we salute your tireless devotion and all of the great work you do for our nation."
"We greatly appreciate your service to the country and thank you so much for being here today."
"Over 180,000 Americans gave their lives in the European theater during World War two... Thank you to all of our veterans, you are truly truly our heroes."
"Miller was in his 30s when he joined the army and became a major, putting on musical performances in Europe to boost soldiers' morale."
"The ones that didn't come back are the real heroes."
"Your captain would have given his life selflessly and unconditionally in the service of the emperor but your sacrifice was Hollow."
"I think what's important is to recognize their service and the contribution they make every day."
"We owe those who are willing to lay their lives on the line for our interest a great debt of gratitude."
"The Word of God brings us hope at this time, none of this is outside of God's hand, God's got this everyone and you don't need to worry you don't need to panic."
"Wood asked, 'Have you ever effing served this country?'"
"Possibly caused by his memories of serving in the military."
"Women played an important role in the military, with some serving in units which shattered gender stereotypes."
"I am forever grateful for your service and your sacrifice."
"I received the Army Commendation Medal for my tour in Iraq, which meant a lot to me."
"In World War II there was no question... that one had to go and join the Armed Forces."
"My son was in Iraq. He spent a year there. He got the bronze star. He got the conspicuous service medal. He was not a loser. He was a patriot."
"It's always interesting navigating the different military cultures."
"Every young man knows that he will go on to serve his country, so they prepare in the mindset of if I am to do this then perhaps it is best I'd be as good at it as I can possibly be."
"The United States military service members are doing just amazing work, and they're brave, and they're doing dangerous things on our behalf."
"I think the drinking and smoking age should be the same. Yeah, yeah, if you can die for the country, you can have a beer. Like, that's crazy."
"Anybody that voluntarily goes and puts on the uniform and serves their country and goes through their training, no matter what they ended up doing, they become part of something much bigger than themselves."
"The bad news is that the most difficult part of your service is about to begin."
"What they did, what the Obama administration did, is unprecedented. It's treason. So I'm very happy for General Flynn. He was a great warrior, and he still is a great warrior."
"Everybody who has served, thank you for your service."
"I answered the call to duty, dedicating my life to supporting and defending those freedoms."
"When I got out of the military, at age 26, I decided to try and change my brain."
"He was attached to notable units, but the details remained secret."
"Crazy world we live in. Well, thank you for coming on brother, and I hope you have a wonderful day and good luck over there, hopefully you get to come home soon."
"Not quite, Grant Young served his country in three conflicts."
"I'm truly humbled and honored to represent the Navy and the Naval Special Warfare community. My only desire is that my representation is something my brothers who I served with would be proud of because the deed is all not the glory."
"At the start of World War II, 20,000 Chinese Americans served in the US military, despite nationwide anti-Chinese sentiment at the time."
"The military is an exchange... you serve your country, your country looks out for you."
"I think the making of Prince Harry was without a doubt serving in the Army for 10 years..."
"You fought bravely, that’s all anyone could ever ask."
"He joined the army; it was a childhood dream of his to be a soldier, and he was a damn good officer."
"We volunteered to do this. We're trained to do it, and we were paid to do it. That does not make you a hero."
"They should be quietly proud that when our country needed them in the wake of the 9 11 attacks that they volunteered to step forward and serve our country at a time of war."
"This whole thing was a tragedy and people's lives were ruined over this."
"It's not sustainable for this country to ask men and women to raise their right hand if at the same time you're teaching them the constitution is racist."
"We are a nation at war, but serving this nation is truly a call to duty."
"Taylor is a incredible guy not only uh served our country and continues to just blow my mind with what he's been doing not only in real estate but just as a as a dude in general love the guy."
"I think if a man is willing to put his life on the line to learn how to protect our country and to protect me I think that that's not a red flag."
"Everyone that voluntarily chooses a path in life where they on their own walk into a recruiting station and raise their right hand to give up to their life for their country... think how really amazing and powerful that is."
"Adam and Bruno became recognized as one of the best dog handler teams serving in Iraq."
"The calm Blaine's never have served in the war."
"Your father's actions were in keeping with the highest positions of military service."
"The whole debate was fueled by a lot of negativity, and ordinary citizens were getting angry that while they served their time in the military, celebrities would get Exempted simply from promoting overseas."
"Remembering all of the men and women who have served our country."
"Young Russians who were required to serve in the military began to abandon the country at airports and border crossings."
"No, I don't want to fight for this country anymore because they've betrayed me. That makes sense."
"It's our sacred duty to support America's servicemembers every single day they wear the uniform and every day after when they return home as veterans and heroes."
"They fight at the behest of the Emperor, no matter the task or scale of difficulty."
"The USS Allen, Sampson class destroyer, was the longest-serving vessel on the US navy's register and one of the very few US Navy warships to be built and see combat during World War one as well as survive and sea combat during World War two."
"He is not a colonel. While it's true that Haron Sanders did serve in the Army, he wasn't that kind of Colonel."
"If you risk your life for America you pretty much win at everything like there's no like you are an amazing human being immediately by default."
"I'm trying to become a man. I might join the Navy."
"By the end of Roosevelt's time in office, nearly 15 million Americans will have fought in this World War."
"He fought for our country and he's the best."
"Heroes proved in liberating strife who more than self their country loved and mercy more than life."
"Major kudos to this guy for fighting in the front lines for our freedom."
"I will do all that I can, all that I must, to prevent more of my brothers and sisters in uniform from being sent into harm's way."
"Why do you fight...sergeant? It's the right thing to do." - Gen. Baron
"I'm forever grateful for your service and your sacrifice."
"Increasing the amount of people who can serve I think is a good thing."
"I think all soldiers if you go fight a tour you should get paid for life."
"We should never forget the sacrifice that these Afghans and these American citizens we left behind have made for our country."
"I served for them and I don't think that I could ever say you."
"Thank you for your courage today and for your service."
"Tulsi Gabbard's optics are arguably quite a bit better... she's a major in the US military."
"He became one of the few soldiers to serve in five battlefields - France, Norway, Italy, Yugoslavia, and Burma."
"I don't care who you are, what your identity is, or what you believe, if you want to serve in the armed forces I respect that 100%."
"To paraphrase Admiral Bishop, when people ask, what did you do in the development of Squadron 42? You can look them in the eye and say, I held the line!"
"Dwight Powers was a stand-up guy. He had served as a rifleman in the United States Marine Corps and had a tour of Vietnam under his belt."
"For those who fought and died on all sides, risked their lives for their country, who showed bravery and courage, they shouldn't be forgotten."
"A soldier came back after a year-long service in Kuwait to surprise his girlfriend during the game."
"This nurse did not expect that behind her was her sister who served in the military."
"Japanese American serviceman Hoichi "Bob" Kubo was determined to serve the US, seeing a cultural parallel to a Japanese story about a conflict between family loyalty and imperial loyalty and served with conviction."
"The best decision I ever made in my life is joining the army, ever. It's not even close."
"I defy you to find anyone who was not granted the medal after three years in the guard. The rule is that it rewards the length of service, period."
"When I decided to get married, I took some time in the National Guard Reserve."
"If you're old enough to make the decision to voluntarily serve in a foreign war, why aren't you old enough to defend your own home with a rifle?"
"Thank you guys for your service, thank you for your sacrifices to our country."
"History will attest, the soldier 'does not bear the sword in vain.'"
"I didn’t serve overseas in the Marine Corps just to come back home to watch politicians and career criminals attack our democracy."
"I survived an attempt really lucky to be alive so I mean prisoners will be, I guess when it comes to it I'll go to it but if I don't fight for my country who will be killed."
"Bob Ross was in the military before Don't Ask Don't Tell was repealed so there's no way he's trans."
"I was actually able to get an associate's degree while I was in the military."
"Americans, fighting for their country while half a world away from it."
"Fighting for their country, and for more than their country."
"As Vietnam veterans, we want to know that our service and sacrifice for our country will always be remembered."
"Heroes are how we regard the service members."
"Every piece of him wants to be with his Corps fighting alongside them."
"I fought in Desert Storm, but then made Sonichu. Something's not right here."
"Tolkien did not join as quickly as most young men were at the time and even faced backlash for what was considered cowardice."
"Every single person in the Ukrainian military, man, woman, young, old, are all doing their part to defend the country."
"Fuck belts and medals and citations and parades. Fuck the public who are bored with returning GIs."
"It was a fitting end for someone who wanted nothing else but to just be another French soldier before his life was completely derailed."
"We're gathered here to honor Detective Cole Phelps, a war hero who led his men with true valor."
"The Ukrainian Army's ranks included common workers, business leaders, parents, children, teachers, theater performers, and fresh college grads."
"He immediately stood out among his fellow conscripts."
"The Tunnel Rats were amongst the bravest and most courageous fighters in Vietnam."
"He was a good dad, he was a good soldier, he was loved by his family."
"10 years of outstanding service was needed just for the recommendation to join the Cataphracts."
"He and I are alike. We both were serving our country, honorably, we thought. We both were schooled in tradecraft. But there's a big difference between the two of us. What's that? You got caught, and I didn't."
"This is America. This is the country I've served and defended that all my brothers have served, and here right matters."
"Virginia's role in the south of France cannot be understated."
"He joined the U.S Army in 1940... he actually was a combat veteran of three Wars."
"You're going to be in either one of those two you know situations either you're gonna you know wish you had some more army time or you're gonna be like this is a good balance of you know military and civilian lifestyle."
"The F-18 has been in combat for over 25 years."
"My real love and passion was in the Air Force for 27 years."
"Thank you for your service, it was an honor to serve."
"I think that that Americans kind of romanticize military service because of that time in World War II."
"Tulsi Gabbard is a decorated, dare I say, American Hero."
"I deeply respect and I thank you for your service to this country."
"He was a pioneering American aviator, he was a naval officer, he was a polar explorer."
"Veterans Day honors those who serve, who live."
"You put on the armor, you stood in the gap, you defended our freedom."
"Every veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States is a hero to the American people."
"Veterans benefits are not entitlements, they are the ongoing compensation for services rendered in the uniform of the United States."
"Old enough to serve in the military should be old enough to watch this stuff."
"I did get a Purple Heart for that." - Honoring sacrifices made in service.
"And we are so sorry for your sacrifice but thank you for your service uh Mrs Moffet thank you both for being here tonight and God bless you and our condolences."
"Prince Andrew was a genuine war hero who put the interests of strangers and his fellow naval officers before his own welfare and life."
"If they came back and let the world know Adam, yeah I'd go live bro, that's a bad Soldier right there."
"Nearly 60,000 Hispanic Americans serve as police officers, more than 300,000 Hispanic Americans serve in the military, over half of the border patrol agents are Hispanic, and they're incredible."
"I grew up in a trailer park, I joined the military, served many years, got out, made smart decisions, and now I make enough that my son will not have to work."
"I cherish the memories of a question my grandson asked me the other day when he said Grandpa were you a hero in the war grandpa said no but I served in a Company of Heroes."
"Gurkhas have sacrificed so much for this country, and they still have to beg for equality."
"It sickens me that I sat in a foxhole and fought for people like this."
"Serving your country is actually pretty easy... the real struggle is learning how to live with everything you've seen and done."
"His last mission as the SEAL commanding officer of SEAL Team Seven was to make sure that I become the admiral's aide."
"If not for you, then for all the guys who didn't make it home."
"Pat Tillman... voluntarily gave up NFL career... a life of sacrifice."
"Is the reason why I'm not allowed to enter because all the young men will not want to go to military service just because of me?" - Yoo
"One of the biggest benefits when you join the military is the benefit of getting to serve your country."
"Working with this, she's apparently former Marine, she badass."
"Major hats off and I appreciate the ultimate sacrifice that uh John Chapman gave for our country."
"Follow your enthusiasm; embark on new adventures."
"Every one of us deployed, because I know it's like to be there in the armpit of the world somewhere in a foxhole and just appreciate America and just freedom and America. America, I love America man, what a special country."
"If you're still interested in Special Forces down the road, get some time in the army."
"I remember PBD being deployed to combat tours and I always told myself, 'Listen Lord, I must pray, God, if you just bring me back home away from this, away from this, I promise I'm gonna do something.'"
"You did everything your country asked of you. You should be proud that you helped take the fight to the enemy and you prevented a major terrorist attack from happening on our own soil."
"There's no question in my mind that serving as a sniper in Vietnam and performing the way I did saved lives."
"Do you think BTS should get its military exemption and if so, the way to do it is basically through the National Assembly by passing a law and they will only pass a law if public opinion overwhelmingly says that we should do it."
"Combat fatigue and PTSD is no joke and arguably we should be taking care of the people that served and are now suffering with these disorders rather than what we're doing now."
"The belief is the big part... there's a belief in a young boy or a young girl that walked into recruiter's office and said I want to do this."
"It's one thing to die, it's another thing to die for Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken."
"I enjoy my current career, you know, I'm still able to give back to the military."
"You don't need an AR-15 to defend your home, if you want to shoot that type of weapon, join the military."
"He's a little smart on top of that he also graduated from Yale and from there he went went into the US Navy to work in intelligence."
"Different social classes come together in military service."
"An honorable man who did amazing service for the United States, he deserves our respect and our prayers."
"Women have been on the front lines in Ukraine defending their country from Russia for years."
"When you choose the Air Force, you choose the noble road of service and duty."
"Accept your freaking self for who you are, what your service was, and enjoy the good times that you had."
"The freedoms that we enjoy today were won and have been preserved by generation after generation of Americans."
"Every American will reflect on the exceptional nation for which these warriors fought and died so that we can live and enjoy the fruits of this great country."
"Any person that raised their right hand to defend this country should be given that opportunity to be taken care of the right way."
"Deacon Lee St John, a former soldier in the U.S Army's tenth mountain division..."
"So my son is not, he's not an idiot, he's not a sucker, he is not a loser. The President of the United States is lucky that there are young men and women in this country like my son." - Jennifer Horne