
Corporate Strategy Quotes

There are 1491 quotes

"That means the only way out of this hole is the long, boring, awful process that does not conclude a video about it well of just being better, in every way, on every day, from its leadership down to the factory floor."
"We're not motivating CEOs to run great companies, we're motivating them to be masters of financial engineering."
"Wealthy people are not working to climb the corporate ladder; they're working to own the corporate ladder."
"Performance with purpose is how we make money, not how we spend the money we make."
"Maximizing shareholder value isn't even good for the shareholders."
"For companies, bankruptcy isn't always the end; it can be a whole new beginning."
"Roy used the legacy of his father and his uncle Walt to his advantage, urging shareholders to preserve the magic of the company."
"Bob Iger is making it his number one priority to fix things to make Disney Plus profitable by 2024."
"Nike also announcing a goal to cut costs by about $2 billion over the next years."
"BP popularized the term carbon footprint... not because they wanted to balance their emissions checkbook after cashing in on decades worth of oil money, but because they wanted to keep doing it and get you off their backs about it."
"We have to invest in our people... if you invest in your people, then they'll be more productive and your company wins."
"Ford had to know when to let go, and if there's any silver lining in this for Ford, it's that they managed to recognize that point sooner than most."
"The reason companies are so eager to work with content creators and live streamers is that content creation is where such is the most effective form of advertising."
"Intel is doing this deliberately and it is bad for consumers."
"This is going to allow us to compare not only year over year, but we're going to be able to compare ourselves to other companies of different sizes."
"Amazon on everything possible, legal and illegal, to defeat union organizing efforts."
"It's not out of the question. We will address whatever limitations are on accelerating the world's transition to sustainable energy."
"It's a classic case of a big company not just surviving in tough times but finding a way to thrive."
"Stocks actually do well in inflationary times; they tend to actually have pricing power, and corporations do very well when inflation comes into the economy."
"This eventually is going to mean that Activision Blizzard will be a business division of Microsoft."
"Corporations do estimates like this all the time. Settlements and payouts are much cheaper than actually fixing the problem."
"This to me seems like a very good PR move as well as obviously being consumer-friendly."
"By spending the company's money to raise the share price and then I can sell the shares when it spikes, would I do that? Is that rational?"
"Researchers found that a lot of companies are calling their minimum wage workers managers when they aren't managers of anything, because that way they can deny them overtime pay."
"Letting your team take time to work on new and innovative ideas is the key to a company's longevity."
"Zuckerberg predicts that 50 percent of the company's employees could be working remotely within the next five to 10 years."
"Xbox is slowly... turning around. It feels like Xbox is outmaneuvering Sony for the future."
"Every company has to start with itself, to innovate, to develop, and at the end, to perform," said Oliver Blume at the auto show in Munich.
"They try to find loopholes so they can maximize their own profit, in my opinion."
"Life is constant PVP. You have to understand that a lot of these companies, like, they're paying an actively large amount of people to go against what you should probably be wishing for."
"If you're not profitably growing, what are you doing?"
"Microsoft said we kind of have a problem here. We want to move forward into this brand new world."
"I'm very happy with how Microsoft's approaching it. It's not perfect, but it is very, very good."
"Tesla we want to split this Thursday so if everybody is a shield in Tesla or it's not like three to one split and approved and it should be happening Thursday."
"Sony's approach is a huge win for consumer choice."
"AMD made the wrong decision, they listened to the community, and now corrected course."
"Virtual land fully belongs to you and you could choose to do whatever you want with it."
"Companies could stand to save billions of dollars by digitalizing products and services."
"Wizards of the Coast, you have lost; you tried to scheme and failed."
"Triple-A game studios might face consequences for their actions. Companies like EA and Activision might just start buying up all the indie devs and then ruining them."
"This is a deliberate corporate strategy to adopt the bitcoin standard."
"If Tesla localised the supply chain, that could reduce the global warming potential of synthetic graphite."
"Sustainability needs to be intimately integrated into the business strategy."
"We could choose one company and bankrupt them."
"Now, Blue Origin could not have telegraphed their intentions more obviously. They intend to use this test as justification that they are the company to provide the lunar lander for the Artemis program."
"Apple reportedly wants nothing to do with Mark Zuckerberg's metaverse."
"Disney is far more important and impactful to the World by avoiding politics and than it ever will be by embracing a political agenda."
"By the time the public learns about an AI product, the companies who built it have vetted their PR story, they've consulted with their lawyers, they've potentially lobbied Regulators."
"What exactly do you decide to do at that point if you happen to be Twitch?"
"Walmart hired 200,000 employees during the pandemic."
"Consistently delivering a good product... you get a reputation and then people want to work with you."
"Bioware needs to identify what they want this game to be and commit to it."
"Agility is just really, really, really important to companies."
"And we changed the company from the bottom all the way to the top and sideways."
"Facebook's effort to attract pre-teens goes beyond Instagram Kids."
"Are you willing to be a part of a vision to rebuild Disney?"
"Bridge 2.0 is the operationalization of Dei to be part of product framework, company DNA, and consumer transformation."
"Our goal is really about operationalizing inclusion as I said as a business practice not a philosophy anymore."
"In an inflationary environment as we are in right now, when highly profitable companies are using their profits to buy back shares and they are raising their prices at the same time."
"Instagram had near full autonomy to develop into a social media giant."
"Bitcoin could potentially transform societal norms and corporate behaviors... The integration of Bitcoin into that corporate strategy could align corporations and endowments."
"For every day that Apple doesn't add RCS support to iMessage, they're sending a subtle hint."
"Building community is everything to every company."
"David thinks um those go hand in hand with layoffs right in fact actually I take that back they didn't talk a lot about it but but David actually did put some um numbers around that."
"This is a monumental day for the video game industry."
"Our goal is to minimize the visual impact of the defect."
"Companies that did not innovate and instead leveraged up to buy back stock and distribute dividends to satisfy short-term oriented shareholders will pay a steep price."
"The whole company should be the growth team."
"BlackRock doesn't do things that aren't profitable."
"The remedy will provide the wholesale price of Call of Duty games offered to Sony."
"Denying working conditions issues, Amazon's PR push backfired."
"Microsoft is trying to really make this make smart play of giving a platform to all the kind of partners that they work with"
"Microsoft's awareness to this threat was the first step in preventing it from occurring though and one of the key ways they went about neutralizing it was by employing a three-step strategy on potential competitors: embrace, extend, and extinguish."
"Tesla has in its crosshairs trillions of dollars of industry. Big oil, legacy auto, utilities and more."
"When it comes to giving up the ability to innovate in Windows, that was something that, whether it's for Microsoft's shareholders or consumers at large, was not something I felt was right to give up."
"Microsoft had missed the boat, perhaps in part to their legal issues."
"This is a pretty big push for Microsoft to go into gaming. We know that they have the Xbox, they're already pretty big into gaming, but they're just going further and further into the gaming scene."
"This is a bigger push to put pressure on Apple to change their policies."
"Trader Joe's cares about quality. They don't waste money on diminishing returns like advertising."
"EA executives are passionate about making single-player games."
"Even if this is a marketing ploy, I'm glad they're doing something instead of nothing."
"Everything was about the business decisions, there was no real deep talk about the ideological issues."
"Sony's investment in Epic Games isn't just about PlayStation. It's a strategic move for various sectors. Plus, Aloy joining Fortnite shows Sony's willingness to expand its IP."
"They're shifting away from expensive acquisitions now to directly returning their excess cash back to shareholders."
"Elon said explicitly no new vehicles this year, so Cybertruck, Semi, Roadster, Teslabot, nothing this year."
"It's exciting to see the moves other companies are making."
"I hope they do that, that the company made fortune on Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse decide to go all in and have non-binary Mouse and see their share price plummet even further."
"She would probably be one of the best marketing individuals for any company trying to figure out how to maximize viewership."
"It's about the bottom line, it's about that money."
"The Coca-Cola culture actually needs people to be unhappy because unhappy people consume."
"Bob Iger's big final move in his previous tenure saying this is about survival."
"I really hate what EA is trying to do now and I bet you in the coming years you're gonna keep on hearing these like oh it wasn't that bad there was just maybe some little outrage that got out of hand and I swear that's going to end up happening."
"EA announcing a new Star Wars game and attempting to kinda rewrite the Star Wars Battlefront 2 online casino history."
"It's refreshing to see that for a big studio and publisher, there is some kind of post-legacy support here."
"As large companies like Sony that have really strong footholds in tier one and tier two markets start thinking about where the next billion customers and gamers are going to come from our pitch is that Africa is a prime market for that."
"Apple is gonna do the thing that's in the best interest of the shareholders."
"Sony's greatest asset was being open to listening and changing and then innovating really quickly."
"Why is it such a brilliant move for Nintendo to buy a movie studio?"
"Amazon shared that it now has enough Rivian-made Amazon delivery vehicles to transition urban delivery fleets away from ICE."
"Against all odds, Sony generated a massively favorable reception across the board."
"Success or failure, it is a sign that Ford is focusing its attention on a market it knows well and can succeed in capable trucks and SUVs built mostly for Americans."
"The corporation business model is: we're going to put you out of business. Your business model is more the mafia business model."
"Marvel wants DC to succeed because it's good for them."
"Microsoft will drain the swamp and kick CoD."
"Riot truly, truly are out for blood and out for growth."
"I think Apple should bring back their old rainbow logo because not only does it look better but also they'll be covered in June."
"They essentially want to own the whole supply chain."
"Subscription services are a corporation's best friend."
"All these companies think they can have their own streaming service, and it's just getting kind of ridiculous."
"It's not easy for Sony or Nintendo's done it once."
"If you can make a career and a living at the same time."
"Lindy espouses noble corporate goals for public relations reasons, but beneath it all, his desire is to see MillaTech become the most potent force on the planet."
"Despite Disney having so much more to their business including world-class resorts theme parks and a massive movie studio they're now planning to tackle Netflix in the video on-demand market with their new Disney branded service called Disney Plus."
"As soon as KPMG announces that they've bought crypto they get more likes and more engagement on their balance sheet on it on their twitter than any other time."
"Windows itself I think will continue the way many corporations do because there's no real Trailblazer there's no leader in in the Microsoft space that is improving."
"So when Apple sees a an iPhone get a software update and they see oh it has a two-year old battery they underclock the processor they slow it down a bit so that the battery can keep up and doesn't degrade too fast smart right."
"So between babylon's fall Chocobo GP their over saturation of the market the sale of items for nfts the Fourteen thousand dollar Tara statue and continuously baffling decisions it's been pretty disappointing to be a fan of Square Enix."
"They're competitive. They want to beat the other companies. They want to be the best."
"Apple just doesn't have an interest in building bridges with people that they can't, um, play by their rules."
"Following the failure of Battlefield V to meet EA expectations, there was a desire to right the wrongs."
"McDonald's grants Taylor exclusive rights, creating a monopoly."
"We're actually advocating for the company to have the same attitude as you—focus on making the game as fun as it can be."
"Maybe Hasbro need to accept that $150 million per year is actually pretty good for D&D, and that number will naturally grow if they focus on making great products."
"The last thing we do is end up back inside an office going against the developer's wishes of ending the franchise at the sequel and instead deciding to milk the franchise as much as possible."
"More than anything, I get it. Rockstar has to work on 'Grand Theft Auto 6.' Make your money, baby, but go back to making weird stuff like 'The Warriors' games, 'Table Tennis,' 'Manhunt.' I like those."
"Facebook has blocked all media content in Australia, it's a surprise escalation of a dispute with the government over paying for content." - Patrick Hayden
"Apple is just flexing on the rest of the industry at this point."
"I think the question is how will the company engage with this passionate community and do it in an effective way now."
"They're getting really good at putting out their fires, both companies."
"If you're an Xbox customer, the thing I want you to know is that this is about delivering great exclusive games for you that ship on platforms where Game Pass exists."
"It's worth it. They're gonna address these things. There's just too much money on the line, and now they know it. They learned that lesson as well."
"Nobody fails better than Nintendo. Something must work; they go back to the drawing board and keep at it."
"We're still getting a peach game next year too incredible man Nintendo absolutely positively delivered this is an incredible direct thank you once."
"Lucid says they're on track to achieve their revised 2022 production target."
"Apple TV plus plays as part of the company's wider Services strategy which is expected to eventually result in them charging a flat fee for not only Apple's services but also Hardware bundled in too."
"Maybe this is the phase where Disney should have just invested into Star Wars."
"Jobs started making steps to put back in place the Apple he had originally built."
"Walmart cuts workers hours but increases workload as sales rise amid the pandemic."
"Walmart cuts workers' hours but increases their workload."
"Microsoft buying Blizzard is probably the smartest thing that they've ever done."
"It would be a good guy move and it would be extremely positive press for Intel."
"This is not a company whose sole gimmick is narrative."
"Spider-Man has always been immensely popular and considering how big of a deal superhero movies are right now, you can probably imagine how desperately Sony wants to cling to Spider-Man."
"Pixar's dedication to its customers by appearing in places it has absolutely no business being in is something to behold."
"Disney wants to stay in the game, they're going to have to take a risk."
"If this is the direction that Square Enix is planning to take, if they're just gonna go full EA on us from here on out..."
"Elon has just tweeted Tesla has diamond hands. Probably to reassure the market that Tesla is not selling through this."
"Apple's cloak of privacy is mainly self-serving. This entire lawsuit fixes a lot of things you're holding onto."
"Position yourself in the biggest AI company on the planet which is Tesla."
"By the fall of 2019, we might already have had the fall of one of the biggest flops in Valve history."
"They're aware of the mistakes... They have analytics companies and really smart people."
"Disney at least tries to play the long game in a different way where they understand that keeping a franchise like Star Wars around and keeping the fans happy, that's how you make your trillion gajillion dollars for years to come."
"Wall Street bets want to destroy these hedge funds, figuratively and corporately."
"He's been a corporate animal... he has a skill set that Bob Chapek does not possess."
"Most companies cannot pull off what Pepsi is doing."
"Apple's not forcing you to buy a new iPhone by slowing down your phone; they're actually extending your phone's life, and that's something that needs to be commended."
"This is a presentation done right. Sony's marketing team and the people that understand their brand have done a fantastic job."
"Intel's approach: 'Openness and focusing on non-proprietary Solutions.'"
"Apple is going to make the biggest change really ever to the iPhone."
"Nintendo’s got a very special opportunity on their hands, and they need to get off their tooshies and SEIZE IT."
"The Adani Group has played the seams of the Indian story."
"The ingredients that have led to the adani short selling targeting are ingredients that are not specific to adani."
"Rather than just buying the company, you're getting a collection of 15 or 20 other companies that are connected at the hip."
"I actually do believe Microsoft is going to go all out this year, preparing consumers for the future of Xbox."
"They broker the deals before the heavy hitters get there."
"Maybe Sega kind of feel like if they put out a bad product and it doesn't sell well they'll kind of be like 'oh console gaming doesn't work for us anymore' rather than just maybe we should make better games."
"Although I did not plan to return to Starbucks, I know the company must transform once again to meet a new and exciting future where all of our stakeholders mutually flourish."
"The system doesn't know it's putting them in a tough spot, it's just doing the thing that's going to make it the most money."
"The future of Apple's health initiatives look positive."
"Do you remember when Microsoft thought that augmented reality was going to be the future?"
"Tesla's goal is to ramp their production from their current rate of around 2 million units annually up to 20 million units annually by 2030."
"It's about the vision of the club and the way it's run."
"Downsizing isn't necessarily A Bad Thing, but sometimes you have to do what's best for the company."
"This is a big card that Microsoft has in their back pocket."
"The only option the management at Sam Bankman-Freed's firm had was to buy out CZ."
"If Nvidia wanted to get involved and make it face that would be pretty phenomenal, that is where that's where I would go."
"Coke's, they can't change their recipe. So what are they gonna do?"
"But there was another form of media exploding at the time, and Coke was not gonna be left out: television."
"Why don't they do that? That's what Netflix does but Disney's not doing good and their streaming service has been successful."
"With its latest investments, Disney will be positioned as an even stronger household name."
"The VW Empire wants to strike back with electric vehicles."
"Ultimately it comes down to this: oil and gas companies are flopping hard at every opportunity, and the answer is to kick them out so we can go back to trying to enjoy the game."
"These kids were little kids when I came on the show and we watched them grow up to be excellent adults."
"The layoffs at Humble are not coming from the same place as the layoffs at EA Games. All of these troubles start at the same starting line: how these companies engaged with the big Tech hype cycle."
"Epic is suing Apple to establish Apple's app store as a monopoly."
"Twitter's board is reportedly considering a poison pill defense to prevent Elon Musk from buying the company."
"It seemed like this was a desperate attempt to fit into the woke narrative, either that or PayPal was just trying to increase their control over their users whilst virtue signaling to increase their EST score and look good to the public."
"Disney execs began working with Favreau more and more. Kennedy would help develop some minor Star Wars properties going forward."
"If anything, Microsoft will simply invest more resources into the studios to enable healthier workplaces and better games."
"Kind of what we've been getting at here is that the real reason Tesla built their semi truck is because they are the only company in operation right now that could actually make this vehicle properly."
"Tesla's world, and everyone else is paying rent."
"Tesla announcing their plans telling us how they plan to scale battery production to multiple terawatt hours per year."
"It feels like a bold move for a French company like Ubisoft to take."
"I sincerely hope one day the companies will start to experiment on product design again."
"EA Sports became famous for its slogan 'It's in the game.' Over the past decade and a half, it's become clear that the entire company's focus has completely shifted away from creating quality products."
"Blockbuster's failure to recognize the potential of Netflix cost them their crown as the king of sofa-side cinema."
"Coinbase intends to function normally without an official or unofficial headquarters."
"Something's going on behind the scenes, and it would fit the bill for what Sony's trying to do, right? Expanding that portfolio outside of the games that they're most well known for."
"We're really starting to see a lot of companies backpedal and realize that it's just not a worthwhile financial investment."