
Historical Figures Quotes

There are 952 quotes

"If I could beat the shit out of anybody, I'd probably go back in time and beat the shit out of Genghis Khan."
"Alexandria created a buzzing environment where men like Galen and women like Hypatia could meet like minds and begin to reveal the workings of the universe."
"Vlad the Impaler couldn't be chill; you don't impale from chillness."
"I can deal with Stalin. He is honest but smart as the devil."
"Socrates's belief separated him from others of the time and defined true wisdom."
"Thomas Jefferson is one of my heroes because he never took credit for writing the Declaration of Independence."
"Madam C.J. Walker... the first female self-made millionaire in America."
"Even Isaac Newton fell for a Ponzi scheme because it was an emotional trigger."
"The greatest figure of history didn't fear death...if they didn't fear death, I know it's an option for the rest of us not to either."
"You and I have a date with destiny, but so it is with assassins and emperors."
"I always look at people of the past who have made huge names for themselves because they are examples of people who have rose to the heights of greatness."
"I would have loved to have had a little red wine and broke a piece of bread with Jesus."
"At their best, all four were guided by a sense of moral purpose."
"Mahatma Gandhi, whose real first name is Mohandas, is generally seen as a good person. He’s almost a saint really, and is famous for preaching non-violence."
"I was born on February 12th, 1809. My parents are Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Lincoln. I was the 16th president of the U.S."
"I feel motivated and listen, these are the stories that make me believe in the dreams of Kwame Nkrumah, that a black man is capable of managing his own affairs."
"He said, 'If I were to take a close friend from amongst mankind, I would take Abu Bakr, but Allah has taken me as a Khalil, as His special and exclusive friend.'"
"Before you lie to us, remember Rosa sat on that bus. Before you tell your tail, remember Mandela sat in that jail."
"Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor?"
"Comedy could be a weapon and one of Brooks's favorite targets happened to be history's greatest monster heckler on high."
"America's founders were excellent men... You don't judge people based on the worst things that they did... you judge people on the exceptional things that they did that made a huge difference in the world."
"There are a few exceptions, historical figures that give some level of credence to this theory, people like Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, but above all, Genghis Khan."
"Where would we be without you? You brought us Martin, Malcolm, and Obama... and Jesus too."
"Two-and-a-half thousand years ago, a man was born whose ideas would shape the lives of billions and the thinking of a nation. The country is China, and his name is Kongzi, known in the West as Confucius."
"Frederick Douglass is my pick; Frederick Douglass, the guy who essentially connected the promises of the Declaration of Independence with the hope of black Americans living in slavery."
"People are nuanced; there's good with the bad. It's true of Trump, it's true of Thomas Jefferson, it's true of everybody."
"He deeply admired Mahatma Gandhi and his non-violent opposition to British rule in India and the two became correspondents."
"You want to talk alpha male? Winston Churchill, five-foot-six on a good day... he was an alpha male. And in the process, he saved Western Civilization!"
"The Count of Saint Germain is still alive today."
"Jay-Z knows damn well that Fred Hampton and the Black Panthers were anti-capitalist."
"Abraham Lincoln, when confronted by a perplexing problem, used to make a habit of dismissing it to his inner mind and then going for a short walk."
"It said that Henry Ford ate literal grass sandwiches."
"Jimmy Savile told reporters that he was introduced into the royal family in 1966 through Lord Mountbatten."
"The way forward for Africa is to produce men like... Toussaint Louverture and Malcolm X."
"If we're going to talk about historical figures, we need to apply historical criteria and not simply advance views that would be convenient to our own belief system or ideologies."
"The queen was one of the most famous, notable figures in history, and she passed away."
"If Martin Luther King Jr. was around today, he would be despised by the Republicans. He did not stop with saying that the Civil Rights Act should be passed. He believed in reparations; he believed that whites needed to better educate themselves on racial issues."
"Mussolini's rise, like that of Hitler, had its roots in World War I."
"Just 400 years ago, Giordano Bruno argued that the sun was just another star, similar to all the others. He was imprisoned for years and ultimately burned at the stake by the church."
"Marcus Aurelius points out how trivial the ambitions of most emperors and powerful people actually are."
"We need to liberate our imaginations and explore historical figures without fearing the complexity that comes with their depiction."
"From mistress to queen...she looked terrified...very human."
"It's got to be us, but it was one person that was able to have the courage to go against Hitler."
"Queen Elizabeth II claims two other top spots: she is the oldest monarch at 95 in 2021, and she has the longest tenure, having reigned for 69 years."
"We need to remember heroes like this, people who took steps in the right direction to make positive change."
"Sultans, presidents, and ayatollahs come and go, but there's a beauty out there that can always be relied upon."
"What if I told you that the secrets of our future, our fate, may be found in the work of Leonardo da Vinci?"
"Behind every great man, there is a great woman and, perhaps, there is no better example than Bertha Benz."
"Galileo had been both condemned and humiliated."
"Thomas Quain is really more than anybody else in the tradition."
"Here's the truth about the Wild West female outlaws: beautiful, refined, intelligent."
"Props to the outlaw queen. Don't let the facial hair fool you."
"Rose of Cimarron: beauty and grace under pressure."
"Few have maintained such an active presence as Hermes or Mercury, as the Romans knew him."
"Jeff Fort was once seen as a real political force in Chicago all the way up to President Nixon's White House."
"The Gilgamesh flood myth was clearly a major influence on the later mythologies of the eastern Mediterranean."
"Examine the success of any titan of industry, whether it be Carnegie and his mountains of steel, or Rockefeller and his sea of oil, and you will find a coveted green commodity fueling their industry ... Money."
"Narmer was successful in his campaign and unified the people of Lower and Upper Egypt under his command. He was the first pharaoh of Egypt."
"Hatshepsut understood this better than anyone."
"Queen Elizabeth was more powerful than any female role model or leader that we've ever had."
"Himmler's delusions demonstrate his ruthlessness and lack of empathy."
"Jackie's awareness of her husband's Affairs is a topic of curiosity, while some biographies suggest that she anticipated such behavior in their social stratum."
"When discussing everyone from Hewlett Packard to Thomas Edison, we adore the idea of a lone genius. We even romanticize it."
"Fugger wielded a great deal of power and influence, and that can be the most valuable currency of all."
"Leopold and Loeb have separately been lauded as prodigies since they were toddlers."
"While I may disapprove of Caesar's actions in his early career, I abhor his assassins."
"Jesus Christ is easily one of the most important figures in human history."
"I don't want to be Malcolm X or Martin Luther King Jr."
"These were the real men and women of Arthur's Britain."
"Hitler appoints his second in command, former World War One flying ace Hermann Göring, as minister in charge of the new government air ministry."
"You don't have their version of Assata Shakur..."
"There was one place where the Great Khan was known to frequent."
"Dr. King was one of the most radical revolutionary figures who ever lived." - Dr. Pineal Joseph
"We're not going to try and get Socrates and Jesus or Socrates and Kierkegaard to agree. In dialogos, both people move, emerge, give birth to themselves."
"He was one of the first people that wanted independence from Britain, right? Absolutely, yeah. And it was that just he wanted personal freedom? So, he wanted freedom from the old world, yeah."
"Besides, if you had the chance to kick Hitler to death, can you honestly say that you wouldn't?"
"Newton would sit there and shock and say I have no idea what you're talking about."
"The only man in the world that could have pulled off alternating current was George Westinghouse."
"Shayba, known for his whitish hair, was the grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."
"Years ago she had unashamedly fallen for his political opponent Benjamin Disraeli whose One Nation tourism was her kind of politics."
"Ezra, the scribe and priest, became the spiritual leader of the people of Israel, and helped them to preserve the divine word of the Bible at the center of their lives and at the heart of their faith."
"You're the influencers, you're the Harriet Tubmans, you're the Frederick Douglasses right now."
"Justinian is really sort of a paragon of a ruler."
"Nelson Mandela showed forgiveness and tolerance to the world."
"These Knights Errant came from all throughout Central and Western Europe and America, and were collectively known as Philhellenes: romantic lovers of Greek culture."
"Let them say I lived in the time of Hector, breaker of horses. Let them say I lived in the time of Achilles."
"It's heavy lies the crown, it's a lonely position. Aegon needed someone like Orys Baratheon, the Ned to his Robert."
"It's basically like a murder mystery detective escape room that you can play at home."
"Blackbeard, the scourge of the colonies, had died no older than his late 30s."
"At the end of the day, they persecuted Jesus, Martin, Malcolm, Paul, Peter... But the reality is, once you get that individual strength, you're no longer worried about the Tom, Dick, and Harry's."
"Luis Cyr: Legendary strongman, gentle giant."
"Whether they were heroes or outcasts, senators or slaves, they were among the most celebrated athletes in the history of the world."
"Ronald Reagan's reputation as the man who ended the Cold War."
"Reagan was really about this bootstraps meritocracy colorblind individualism."
"Both of them showed that a woman could do the job just as well as a man."
"Hitler himself was envious of Crowley's infamy as the most evil man in the world as well as his magical prowess."
"That aha moment, epiphany... you'll have a Nat Turner effect."
"I think if MLK was alive today ... he would be villainized and slandered by the corporate media."
"Marx’s daughter once made the salient comment, 'If only Karl had made capital, instead of just writing about it.'"
"He was sometimes known as Der Wunderman, or The Wonder Man, and has been considered a prophet, a charlatan, a healer, a spy, and a visionary."
"The purpose of going through this study of Pharaoh is to highlight whether or not you and I have something of Pharaoh inside of us."
"Jesus Christ himself was someone who fought against the religious conventions of his time."
"Thomas Edison hardly invented anything; he actually screwed over Nikola Tesla."
"You have to decide, are you Lincoln enough or do you have to be the Cadillac?"
"Who actually was Pontius Pilate when we cut through all the noise?"
"An emperor who killed his empire, a soldier who may become a saint."
"Margaret Thatcher is one of the great leaders who has arisen in a thousand years of British history."
"Appearances are deceptive. Behind this well-known image of Victoria lies another story, one of the heartbroken widow."
"Hero or tyrant, a great modernizer or a ruthless killer, there can be no doubt that Stalin was one of the most influential figures of the 20th century."
"For almost 10 years, the Cambridge Five had escaped detection."
"Cromwell was a natural born leader, who inspired men to follow."
"People have been... like Dr. Fauci, right? I mean he's been there, he's been at the government since the 80s."
"Lucifer, the Light Bearer, is it he who bears the light." - Albert Pike
"Augustus approached his death and future deification with a sense of humor, with Suetonius remarking that his last words were 'I think I’m becoming a god.'"
"Her life was marked by political alliances, marriages, scandals, and the challenges of navigating the intricate web of early medieval European politics."
"Cicero also displayed the ability to show empathy, build relationships, and speak knowledgeably about the game."
"The genius Nikola Tesla was fascinated by the Great Pyramid and its potential to produce Limitless energy."
"The eventual ascension of Henry VII to the throne was due, in large part, to his mother, who was as ambitious and strong-willed as her son would prove to be."
"Jane quite possibly despised Anne, just as more and more courtiers did throughout Anne’s tenure as Queen."
"It may be fair to say that Jane captured Henry using exactly the same playbook Anne had used years before, to seduce him away from Katherine."
"To play a woman who not many people know even existed let alone still exists was a really powerful thing for me."
"Eva Peron was finally laid to rest in a fortified tomb at Recoleta Cemetery in Buenos Aires."
"Ashoka can still be considered a great emperor."
"He treated both his crew and his captives with fairness and mercy."
"The Prince of pirates... dressed in fancy clothes and exhibited polite manners."
"Like the strong female rulers who were her ancestors, Anna had found herself in control of her own life."
"Fusee chain makers...unsung heroes of longitude."
"He was powerful in speech and action," describing Moses' charisma and capability.
"Churchill might be the most impressive 20th-century figure to me...yet this chapter is murky and dark."
"Saint Ambrose, who moreover came from a career in public administration and was acclaimed as a bishop when he was still a layman, would have never had a scruple about intervening in political questions."
"But Franklin approached these subjects with one key difference: whereas Puritans thought of egalitarianism and freedom in the context of godly Christianity, Franklin rejected religion almost entirely."
"She went from being the suffragette hero to revealing beneath the pasteboard masks."
"We're supposed to be a nation where Jefferson and Hamilton can have each other's politics."
"Skull and Bones at Yale... its deep pockets and its blue blooded membership including former presidents George HW Bush and George W Bush."
"Albert Einstein is one of the most misquoted and over quoted people in history."
"Charles Darwin is one of the greatest thinkers in history."
"Hamilton tended to favor the wealthy; Jefferson the common man."
"What do you think of Ulysses S. Grant? should he be primarily remembered for his role as a general in the American Civil War, or is his legacy as President of the United States, one which has been unfairly dismissed and forgotten?"
"Frederick douglass is an example of somebody who's done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more."
"Hitler's destiny would be intertwined with the German chemical industry."
"Morale found himself amidst Hitler's inner circle, navigating rivalries."
"This Queen of Scotland got the axe, literally."
"Martin Luther deserves a theme song if he has one."
"I think America could use bluntly a little less Chamberlain and a little more Churchill."
"Mao Zedong died on this day in 1976 the time said he began as an obscure peasant and died one of history's great revolutionary figures..."
"Anne must have been a breath of fresh air to the King, she was much admired for her cosmopolitan air, her style, wit, and charm."
"The man who fought to preserve the nation and never gave up in the darkest of times stands as a symbol of honesty, empathy, humility, perseverance, and courage."
"The days of Florence Nightingale, the lady with the lamp, had arrived."
"It would do us well next time we come across one of his statues rather than to accuse and vandalize to instead pause and reflect on the staggering personal achievements that are possible by any one of us."
"Nikola Tesla's Knight of Terror by Nina Matavir."
"It might not be as obvious to some people how involved and ingrained in the music business Charles Manson seemed to be."
"Kennedy was really a glamorous figure, poised, handsome, tanned, and all of a sudden the impact of the visual became very apparent."
"All hail his most respected and magnanimous emperor Pedro II of Brazil."
"William Buckland's work on Megalosaurus in 1824 revealed more about dinosaur bones."
"The absolute mysteriousness of the man will perpetually provoke people's imagination."
"By the time John D died, his assets equaled out to 1.5 percent of America's total economic output."
"Trump's statements parrot many of those from Adolf Hitler and Mussolini."
"The deaths of so many of her children no doubt shaped clara's close relationship with her only surviving son."
"In return clara was perhaps the only person that adolf hitler ever truly loved."
"If Galileo comes back he shouldn't get banned off Twitter."
"Sarah Winchester herself was a truly interesting person, even without the tall tales about her supposed guilt and haunting and despair."
"At this point, the myth of ghosts and seances is inextricably linked to Sarah Winchester's story."
"Every inspirational leader, Gandhi, Mandela... They always have their critics."
"My favorite characters in history are women... their stories are very endearing to me."
"Abraham was a migrant. Moses was a migrant. Jesus was a migrant. Muhammad was a migrant."
"Point one: we all have a lot to learn from Master Sun and his book."
"Welcome to Empire of Sin, the pleasure is all mine." - Al Capone
"When you tear down Thomas Jefferson, people get mad. When you tear down or desecrate a religious icon, people feel that in their heart." - Tim Pool
"Absolutely you should draw from the great men and women of history."
"But the reality is more complex, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar was a strange and fascinating character."
"Gladstone and Disraeli labored long and hard to bring these problems under control."
"With Caesar's help, Cleopatra was the winner of the war. Once reinforcements arrived, there was a decisive confrontation. Cleopatra's enemies were routed, Caesar installed her as queen."
"Thomas Jefferson is capable of writing a God-inspired document despite being flawed himself."
"How can someone be hugely popular, hero worshipped as a brilliant general and reformer, yet hated enough to be killed by the people who knew him best? That's the enigma thrown up by the mythic figure of Julius Caesar."
"For well over 2000 years, the story of Moses has both inspired those who have been oppressed and instructed those with power."
"Sarge's character has also been compared to Moses..."
"Nathan Rothschild became the most successful after establishing NM Rothschild in London, providing credits to the British government during times of crisis."
"Hugh Glass did so much more badass stuff than just the Revenant."
"He enters this whole world of politics post-World War II in the '50s."
"History has seen few men as loved and respected."
"His death, like so much in CS Lewis's life, was almost a secret."
"Adolf Hitler is rightly known as the world's greatest villain, a sick twisted dictator that almost turned our planet into his kingdom. And he did it because he lived without fear."
"Jesus Christ admittedly was not perfect when he was here on this earth so why are we deifying the founders of this country many of whom owned slaves."
"She helped the Union win the war. She freed, like, at least 1,000 slaves in her lifetime."
"Despite what we see in politics today, when you get into this and Bobby Kennedy and Jack Kennedy who Hoffa hated are involved there could be lots of motivation for the F.B.I. to say we want this to go cold."
"Even in funny ways, like a sickness can unlock your fortune, as seen with Nikola Tesla."
"Mary Magdalene was an extremely important person in the Jesus movement. So important that I think she actually is the real founder of Christianity."
"Torrio left the United States with his wife, moved to Italy where he reunited with his mother, and left Capone now at the age of 27 in full control of a criminal empire that spanned most of the city and brought in millions of dollars a year."
"Now he himself wasn't able to solve... father-and-son team of William and Lawrence Bragg."
"Many of our ancient spiritual figures meditated or prayed on these lines."
"Seventeen stone head sculptures thought to represent Olmec rulers have been found along the Gulf Coast of Mexico."
"Moses and Jesus were simple persons who discovered the power of the individual to be right."
"Khadija believed in him even before he believed in himself."
"The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said, 'The worst day of my life was Taif.'"
"Miraj was the greatest personal miracle to the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam."
"Jesse Owens was the hero amongst all the participants and the spectators."
"Anyone who loves India, anyone who loves Ambedkar."
"I don't think there was a man of God who wasn't involved in politics in the Bible."
"King Edward was one of, if not the best commander in medieval Europe at this time."
"Alexander himself, as well as close friends and Companions, suffered all the same hardships as the army."