
Confrontation Quotes

There are 14181 quotes

"If I could beat the shit out of anybody, I'd probably go back in time and beat the shit out of Genghis Khan."
"The best pathway forward is to face the things that challenge, confront, and threaten you voluntarily."
"In order to live fully, you have to confront life fully."
"It is only by confronting the devil that his grip on us is weakened."
"You are not much of a foe anymore, you smelly knight."
"You're going to ruin my life for trying to talk to a cop?"
"I'm a front stabber. If I don't like you, I tell you."
"We need to confront the thing, but we don't want to go into the repetition compulsion."
"Face something that you've needed to face for a while."
"Did you think did you did you think it was going to be that easy to get rid of me?"
"This show forces us to look back at the enemies we loathed, the heroes that we loved, and the conflicts we cheered on, in order to make us confront and re-evaluate our own thoughts and expectations."
"Kirito dons his Black Swordsman attire and faces off against the Pontifex alone."
"I have been burned at the stake by insecure, narcissistic, impotent little men like you many times, and yet I'm still here. You effed with the wrong witch."
"To actually step into the promised land, but first, it will require of us to confront our ghastly failures, to tell the truth about who we are."
"You never defeat me. And now I will take your dad with me. Good luck finding us in the sky."
"The only way to deal with all this is by facing up to the reality of extremism on both sides."
"When I finally got this, it changed my life. So often, I would come from this ego place...instead of just being very calm and self-loving to tell someone, 'Excuse me, what you just did was unacceptable, and I will not tolerate it.'"
"This eclipse is about confronting and being courageous, having strength, and expressing your anger in a controlled way so you can fix and improve the situation."
"These are keyboard bullies; they wouldn't say that to you in the elevator."
"If you think for a second that you know me, that will be the last mistake of your life."
"This made it all the more terrible when he finally got back to the top and found his shadow waiting for him on the other side of the wall."
"If you get people to voluntarily confront what they're afraid of, they get bravery."
"The Spirit of Christ will confront to comfort, not to condemn."
"Dangerous is the man that understands his only enemy is the one that he sees in the mirror."
"The only way to overcome fear is to face it head-on without flinching."
"She's easily annoyed by those who fall into the trap of toxic masculinity and is not afraid to call them out on their behavior."
"I'm here to stop you, and I don't care what happens to me."
"Don't rely on fancy gear or weapons. Your skills and basics are what truly matter in a confrontation."
"I'm Awakening right now. You're done. You can't even trap me with your barrier."
"Put on your big boy pants, your big girl pants, and walk into the confrontation. Be classy and treat somebody to what you would want to be treated."
"This is the last taste of victory you'll ever get."
"Itachi admits to having made many mistakes and how he's handled Sasuke, but he promises to tell Sasuke something after they've stopped Kabuto."
"Not only do you need to meet Goliath, Goliath needs to meet you."
"The cape buffalo...unafraid of any form of confrontation."
"The long-awaited face-off between the Uchiha brothers does not disappoint."
"He tells Frieza that he created his own worst nightmare."
"Don't ever disrespect my name again. Subscribe."
"You're one less rhino in Congress once I'm done with you."
"Fighting confrontation with confrontation is only going to cause more confrontation."
"Confrontation is not inherently bad, or mean, or aggressive. It's just seeing a situation and putting some pressure on others to make that situation more in line with what you want it to be."
"The first one who I saw actually was the only person who really pushed back on this."
"I'm telling you right now, you don't know who you're messing with."
"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
"Confronting other people is self-care 101 because you cannot suppress what it is that you really feel."
"This is not a safe space... I'm going to make absolutely no effort to protect your feelings."
"If you've got enemies, it means at some stage in your life you stood up for something that you believe in."
"T'Challa rejects peace in the afterlife and confronts his ancestors with the mistakes that they made, which in many ways resemble divesting and taking themselves out of the issues of black people."
"I've always noticed that when there's conflict, it's the confrontational one who is advised to walk away."
"Josuke should just be able to walk around and like, find Kenny and just be like, here's a punch in the face, you loser."
"You're on thin ice, and I'm about to break it."
"I'm sorry to tell you but dude, you're an alcoholic."
"Our style is not to be confrontational, but when you're dealing with individuals who are promoting hatred, they need to be confronted head-on, intellectually."
"This person is attracted to someone who isn't afraid of confrontation."
"I am not here to debate your ideas. I'm here to demolish them."
"Conflict is ways people grow. Conflict is ways people get places in life. Confrontation is actually not a bad thing."
"I'm here to send you and your gang into retirement. Got any last words?"
"If there's a real problem, you have to face it and address it. What you don't face, you can't fix."
"I'm more upset that you lied to me. You are not stupid, Chris; don't act like it."
"He confronted a scammer at their home which requires massive balls of steel."
"I do not see how we will ever solve the turbulent problem of race confronting our nation until there is an honest confrontation with it and a willingness to admit the truth when we discover it."
"You lie. You had strength to spare. I never stood a chance."
"It's not about winning or losing. It's about me taking you on, right here, right now."
"Every time you confront something painful, you are at a potentially important juncture in your life; you have the opportunity to choose healthy and painful truth or unhealthy but comfortable delusion."
"To be a ninja means that you must confront hatred."
"It's time that you face the full force of what lies behind a God of Destruction."
"The more radically you accept the necessity of confronting what you're terrified of and wish to avoid, the higher the probability that you'll move forward and recover."
"I'm not scared of you. You're scared. No, I am stronger than you."
"Do you still feel in charge if I just happen to do this?"
"It's clear that this Ulysses is trying to lure us somewhere, and it's probably not to play patty-cake."
"You brought me here to talk. If you wanted to kill me, you'd have waited until I came for the chip."
"What are you doing? I caught you red-handed again."
"I agree with every word you said. We are the future. Unfortunately, you killed my mother."
"I will never back down; you have to kill me."
"The Void Shadow, we have to kill the Void Shadow."
"You cannot get rid of a problem by pretending it doesn't exist. You have to address it."
"How can you fight something that you've got no control over?"
"After Naruto and Sasuke finally have their long-awaited confrontation, ultimately leaving both ninja battered and exhausted."
"Punk rock at its core has this ethos of confrontation, this ethos of activism."
"I'll never forgive a monster like you; Pan, you killed her like a mere worm, you're nothing."
"It's a matter of facing the thing you least want to face."
"CNN is wildly influential, so we're all getting sucked into... the Maelstrom where we all point the finger at each other and we slowly spiral down."
"It's basically a metaphor for a guy running from his problems and then, when pushed to the very literal edge, he has no choice but to confront to overcome it."
"We can't avoid difficult conversations on the grounds that we're afraid to swim into that big ocean just in case we drown."
"Child, I'm never afraid to put a [expletive] in her place."
"The dragon realizes that the girl in front of it must be the strongest opponent it has faced till this day."
"I'm mostly nice, but if you chose to throw your shots then I'ma have to drop you all like clothes at Dobhi Ghat."
"Ironu, realizing the monster is playing with her, decides to use the hidden blade in her shoes to defeat the enemy."
"If you say really dumb shit, I'm going to say it's really dumb shit and that doesn't make sense."
"I didn't come here to stop you. I came here to tear you limb from limb."
"Take a good long look, Cell. I'm going to beat that stupid grin right off that annoying face of yours."
"I'll find Jiren sooner or later anyway. You were both a complete waste of my time. You won't be missed."
"You dare treat me as if I'm one of you. When this is all over and done with, I will make sure that I have you watch the destruction of your universe before I tear your head off your shoulders."
"Why am I the one who went rogue? Because I don't like you."
"The Brotherhood of Steel has actually faced the Enclave before, back west, more than 30 years ago."
"I don't care if Eric falls out with me. I'm not going to sit here and wipe your ass. I'm your boss. I want you to work and I want you to do well, but to make you better, I will sometimes say no."
"There is nothing that pulls up someone's attention as quickly as a quick rattle around the chops."
"They call me old like the Dalai Lama. But half y'all [BLEEP] I could have [BLEEP] your mama. Picture that."
"You tried to come for me. But that wasn't the plan. You been on your knees so long you forgot you could stand."
"You wouldn't know a controversial subject if it slapped you in the face, mate."
"Why is your phone in my house, you're gonna have to explain it to the cops."
"Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster. And if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
"If we do not unite now, we are gonna be in serious trouble for this is the quickening where the forces against us aligned so plainly and clearly."
"What you deny or ignore you delay, but what you accept and face you conquer."
"It's here the penny drops, and James finally comes face to face with the truth: his wife didn't die of the illness but was killed by him with a pillow while she was bedridden."
"Monique Samuels came out guns blazing. She brought her binder, she came with facts, she brought out receipts, exposed Gizelle, and passed a holy [expletive], and left no survivors."
"Sutton deserves massive respect for standing up to Erica while questioning her story."
"I could never become you. I'll prove it by taking you down right now."
"Challenge them politely if you see someone post something on Facebook, or if you're at a bar and somebody says something idiotic; challenge them."
"No one messes with my mom and Auntie Sophie and gets away with it."
"My mom... jumps on this dude's back and is just screaming at him to put her son down."
"This guy... almost you know looks like... when that lady said she was gonna call the cops... this guy turned as white as a ghost."
"Hello, Kakarot. Don't you look pathetic. What, did that Ultra Instinct of yours turn out to be worthless after all?"
"Frostbite, stop! Put my mom down, you creep."
"We won't let Kokichi do whatever he wants anymore. You better be ready, the remnants of despair end here and now."
"If you're gonna diss someone, you got to bring your A-game. And your A-game means bring all the guns, man."
"It happens that Kore operatives come face to face with guys they knew from their years in the Army."
"There's no cruelty in it... He's lying to himself and he's the one who put his identity on the table for discussion. I'm not going to lie to these people. I will tell them the frank truth and I'll tell it to their face. There is no other way."
"I hope you break your foot trying to kick that door down."
"You're ready to face whatever is going to confront you."
"You going to let him call you out like that?"
"Sometimes you got to face the music. That's most of the time."
"Do not mess with somebody like me, a guy who is cut from a different cloth."
"I'd like to introduce you to your fate. Meet the powerhouse, Mr. Hobbs. Hangman, go ahead, put down the whiskey and ask yourself this question: Do you really think you can kick my ass?"
"With all three nether stones in our grasp, there was only one thing to do: confront the Elder brain and either end it or control it."
"I walked in your recital, got right on stage, and danced with your Elite. Days later, they were kicked out. You want to watch your mouth cause I ain't the rest of these dance mamas."
"You got the wrong mama this time cause I don't back down to nobody. You don't scare me."
"You can't conquer what you don't confront, and you can't confront what you don't identify."
"I'm taking off my eyelashes. You don't even have eyelashes. You're bald."
"The best thing you can do is instead of calling somebody a name, it's just go and prove them wrong."
"We cannot take this lying down, you know, we gotta stand up and fight."
"You think I don't know you, what you're about, what you came here to do? Wake up. I used to be you."
"If you're gonna deal with race, deal with it."
"We can all learn moral lessons from looking evil in the face."
"The type of person that will actually sit down and confront those monsters in front of you and put in the work to actually learn, to actually DO a finished product, even if it's a bad finished product, it sets you apart from everybody else because you had to learn those lessons."
"It's important also to have a thick enough skin that when someone kicks back at you, you can take it."
"You're out of your depths," he says, as he's staring down the barrel of his own defeat.
"Maleficent is cool as [__]. You deal with me, oh Prince, and all the powers of hell."
"If all you desire is an atmosphere of confrontation, you came to the right place."
"When you ain't got hands ain't even a smart move."
"We are not permitted to run from the devil, we are to fight back."
"I'm richer than you and I'm more fucking relevant." - Theodore
"I'm telling on all y'all! It's up and it's stuck!"
"I heard bro he got packed out though nah let's nine Elizabeth crappy he had to roll it up."
"These people are not warriors, they are vampires. They melt in the light when we show them we are not afraid."
"If facts hurt your feelings, that's a you issue."
"Once the bell goes, then we're gonna be fighting each other."
"I disagreed wholeheartedly with your characterization it's not true Mr Brooks."
"Recognize the hazard, find your courage, and confront it."
"If you're gonna go in on these folks, you gotta go in with your chest."
"I don't think there's anything wrong with publicly confronting bad people."
"Anonymous isn't out to make friends, they're out for a fight."
"You don't want to give them an advantage. You want to look them in the eye and tell them, 'I'm just like you but better than you.'"
"At the end of this movie, Cornelius Fudge finds Voldemort. He stares directly at him and he's like, 'Oh my god, he's back.'"
"I don't have to take off my shoes to come on your level tonight."
"That's when you know [expletive] is about to go down."
"If she comes out and starts dragging and attacking me in this video, this is going to prove my point."
"It's hard not to respond by saying, 'Oh, you cowards, you don't even put your name and face to it.'"
"Shut up, no, no shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, go away, no one was asking for your opinion Tom."
"This is the truth. I will take it further. Please just stop."
"Get over yourself, those are the two choices."
"You're the only one who can bring a tank to a fist fight, you're just the only one afraid to use live rounds."
"You will face all your fears, all things that ever haunted your dreams."
"I would love to grab Bill Barr by the arm and say, 'Dude, if you think Giuliani is full of it, tell that to the president.'"
"Our show's probably the first time a lot of girls ever been held accountable or been told hey you're not as good as you are and for that for them it's like how dare you but at the same time it's like yo we're keeping it real 100."
"I guess part of my question would be if it was a girl who pushed over a boy in that clip would it have been a problem to anyone?"
"Petty Petty is a compliment Petty means you're like you are pissed and you are saying something about it."
"We're all defeated and he's got the actual charm now. You happy?"
"Chamberlain is not afraid of anyone he says why have you brought me here if that was what you wanted."
"That's a rude thing to say, I should beat you up just for saying that word."
"Obviously you cannot, this time I break you."
"Your life is often defined by the number of uncomfortable conversations you're willing to have."
"His eyes... his evil eyes, that's when she knew it was him."
"I'm exhausted. Who cares if you're not with me, you're against me. F off."
"I said, 'You watch. They’re going to bite hard. And they’re going to bite hard and blow this up.'"
"It’s time to take on the elites in this country. Take the torch to them. Hit them with a blowtorch."
"The nightmarish creatures can be felt, they can be beaten."
"You may think you've got me worried about what you're going to do. Dude, you're about to find out what I'm going to do, and that's going to worry you a lot more."
"Sometimes the best way to fix a problem is to face it head-on."
"Let's call a spade a spade, let's address this head-on."
"If it's dominance we're talking about, Jeff just took everything the cops had and dumped it in that garbage can."
"Here comes this guy, I'm sure this git's gonna jump out and attack."
"Did you see the way that they freaked out in there? Did you see the way that I was unlawfully trespassed from city hall?"
"You would think that after David showed up in the same cave... Saul would have been like, 'All right, okay, fine, yeah, all right.'"
"And for the love of god, if someone you know is saying COVID is a hoax, please slap the shit out of them."
"I wanted them to attack me because by doing that I was able to show the world how vile they are."
"What are you getting at? Why why are you doing all this [__]?"
"Speaking truth to power is pointing out the faults or calling out the mistakes of powerful people who could harm you if they did decide to take insult."
"I'm not gonna let anyone get away with lying."
"I don't think many people think about that, no that's good because I don't like being sexually harassed by people like you."
"Now he needs to die, so I've got this unit of warriors which are gonna unload everything into him."
"When somebody attacks your character, you have no obligation to sit there and take it."
"We have to have a reckoning, and the reckoning is, 'Shut up.'"
"What did I just say, you dumb boy? 'Cause I know none of you got me a birthday present."
"Honestly, I'll give you one more chance dude but if you are actually lying to me I swear I'm going to do stuff that I would never do to a camera."
"Your words are as empty as your soul." - Dracula
"Preaching the truth sometimes angers people."
"Foundation and uh that scene just contributed to that yeah I mean Damon obviously calling out his brother for being weak but him."
"It's to slice you up, it's to bring you down, it's to demean you."
"Listen, Liz, okay? I'm getting a little heated, a little petty, just a quick moment, but I'm pretty sure that pissing off and insulting like the whole general public... this is just silly."
"Kim Klasik wrecked on this. She absolutely wrecked. He had no response for her."