
Speaking Quotes

There are 524 quotes

"Being the last to speak is you get to hear what someone has to say, and before you say something and have to take it back or seem silly, you get to understand their point and then you can speak in an intelligent way."
"Roger Goodell is like the greatest speaker of all time... but I have great admiration for the work that he's done."
"Try recording yourself speaking and play it back to hear nuances you might not notice while speaking."
"You have to be a public entertainer, not just a public speaker."
"Most people are really fine speakers; they can say sentences perfectly...if you think about writing as an extension of your voice, it might come way easier to you."
"We've found that the best way to learn a language is to speak it from day one."
"One of the most important parts of learning the English language is practicing speaking."
"Well again, it is a tremendous privilege for me to be here with you and today do something that I rarely ever do."
"We need to share hope from the podium. That's our one job."
"Speak your truth even when your voice shakes."
"I want to go back to speaking, inspiring, and helping people."
"If someone's like, 'Hey, will you fly to London to come speak at some event?' I'm like, 'They have to pay me a lot.' Like, they'd have to pay me a hundred thousand dollars to do that, and that does not make any sense."
"You are going to speak things into existence."
"He's probably one of the best motivational speakers in the world."
"Just keep talking until the examiner stops you."
"Conversation mastery is about listening well and knowing when to speak."
"When I spoke, I could get people to believe... in me."
"Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to kick the realness."
"If you ever go to a convention and you see JT speak... there's going to be like a family thing going on."
"I guess I should start wrapping this up after all."
"Instead of nine, I wish I could have been up here for 99."
"How long was that? Did I just talk for 45 minutes...? I know my stuff, right? I know my tanks, boys and girls."
"People don't necessarily understand this rapid fire we say as many words as we can fit into a minute conversation."
"Why did I willingly give myself a tongue twister knowing I would have to record this later?"
"If you're doing most of the talking, that means the other person, the interviewer, has to sit there and listen to you."
"My throat feels good and ready to talk for hours on end about video game news."
"I actually have two state titles in competitive speaking."
"You gotta call things that be not as though they are."
"You're going to prophesy to your world. Prophesy to your world, you gotta speak the truth."
"Saying less is always better than saying too much."
"When you open your mouth and speak in faith, God's miracle-working power explodes."
"The people do the speaking as the spirit gave them the utterance."
"I hope I've made some important points today."
"I'm just talking on stage, I'm just talking what I feel in my heart."
"The biggest mistake people make when speaking is they try to speak too fast."
"That's the worst, they always gonna let you speak."
"When you speak into the microphone, speak about a fist's length away for the best quality sound."
"This is how you improve your speaking skills and sound like a leader at work."
"Years later, I'm on SNL, and I went back to speak at my high school."
"Thank you for coming to my TED Talk."
"Adam Cole is one of the few guys these days who can deliver one of these scripted promos and sound like he actually means it."
"The quickest way to end the frustration and get the regular practice you need to start speaking your language well is to go out and find a bunch of speaking partners."
"Most importantly, it has an immediate impact on your speaking because you are now no longer thinking in single words but rather in phrases."
"Speaking, healing, and teaching the world that you can have everything, you are abundance."
"I'm just happy to be able to speak for people who needed to be spoken for."
"I greatly appreciate the opportunity to speak here today."
"How speaking can really be more about listening than it is about talking."
"...speaks from a loving but very honest place."
"I got me gift for the gab from now then."
"It's important to understand that within communication there's two sides of it, there's the speaking part and then there's the listening part."
"Give me a microphone and an empty room, and I can chat for hours."
"I feel like there's been moments in this Vlog where I'm speaking at 10,000 miles an hour"
"God's delays don't deaden the anticipation of his speaking whenever he chooses to."
"Speaking comes pretty naturally once you have a fleshed-out understanding of how the language works."
"Songs give you more confidence when you come to speak."
"They're just good wrestlers and they can talk."
"The experience, the feeling experience is what you fear, not the speaking itself."
"and you know i was always a good speaker i can get into a room and talk to everybody and you know i was always very um um diplomatic with everybody i can laugh and joke and then when the rules came up i could you know yeah you know enforce them and stuff like that"
"Every time we open our mouths... we're doing it to make a change happen."
"The best way to think is to think on paper we don't know what we think until we write about it or speak about it."
"The more connections you make in English, the easier it is to speak."
"The goal of doing this is trying to remove the doubts you have that stop you from speaking."
"If there's an audience, I'll be speaking. Okay, that's just a rule of thumb of knowing me. There's an audience, my mouth is going to be running."
"It's always flattering when you're asked to speak anywhere."
"That's what we're here for, speaking."
"Does Will only get one hour to speak a week because he just wouldn't shut up?"
"Tony Robbins is actually a motivational speaker. He's actually good."
"I honestly believe that as long as I keep talking, I cannot die."
"Don't speak unless you can improve the silence."
"He spoke affably of arrangements for release."
"There are no great speakers, there are only great audiences."
"Nothing happens till you speak. The miracle is in your mouth."
"Maybe I should talk less and do more."
"Thank you all for coming. It's my pleasure to offer this lecture tonight."
"Every time somebody invites you to speak in their church, you're a sinner."
"Speaking is a skill like any other. You eventually just have to start doing it."
"Just because I can speak well doesn't mean that I would be a good pastor."
"Your mouth was never created to be silent. Whatsoever, it was not created for food."
"Communication works two ways, it's important to listen as much as speak."
"I have a really big assignment that I've been given, a big opportunity that I've been given to speak at BYU Women's Conference, just 2 weeks, two weeks from today, actually."
"We're believing it and therefore we're speaking it. And when we believe something and we speak it, rather than just speak it in order to convince ourselves of something, we will know that we're in faith because we're gonna get the results that we're looking for."
"I just love doing motivational speaking with these kids."
"Feeling anxious in speaking is completely normal. In fact, it is abnormal not to feel nervous."
"There is more authority in your speaking than in your thinking."
"To see and not to speak would be the great betrayal."
"If you guys like this video, it's like, I speak looking at it into the rearview mirror."
"I feel like a little out of the game, especially with things like this when somebody hires me to speak and be myself."
"Speak things into action and fruition; don't underestimate the power of your voice."
"You have the gift of the jab and the gift of the gab."
"It's the stories that make good speakers."
"Listen, that's how you manifest your life; you speak it into existence."
"Speak little and well, little and gently, little and simply, little and charitably, little and amiably."
"Listening is just as important as speaking in communication."
"You can speak something into existence and you can omit it out."
"Listening and speaking are connected. They are both connected. The more you listen to something, the better you get at speaking. But it doesn't mean the fact that you shouldn't speak."
"Speak out loud to gain confidence speaking in English."
"If you spend your time understanding something you really feel confident, then when it's time to speak, the words just come out."
"Speaking is not what you need. It's not more speech."
"The actual speaking part is a very small part of the language learning process."
"When you speak, always remember you have an audience of one."
"Speaking about it is probably the most important thing to healing."
"He can talk non-stop for like four hours on one take."
"I'm confident. I don't think the truth speaking the truth that can never really be wrong."
"You're here to speak, to teach, to inspire."
"...you can start speaking with confidence in about three weeks."
"When he talks, it's like a warm hug for your heart, he's all heart, you know."
"You have to have something that you have desperate belief in, then you figure out the way to do it. Speaking is maybe a good way."
"Just start speaking, I know for me speaking is my weakness part."
"Speaking well is a superpower in your career. The good news is that you can get better at it with a bit of help."
"It's so powerful, it's not going to make you a perfect speaker, it's not going to make you flawless, but what it does is it gets you comfortable expressing yourself."
"This year I will be one of the speakers at the Homesteaders of America conference."
"The gift of jab is the ability to speak with eloquence and fluency at a high frequency."
"You can interrupt a thought simply by speaking. Jesus responded to Satan's temptations with the Word."
"Roy, you should be a motivational speaker."
"...I know I ramble on, I just kind of waffle."
"I must speak the truth so that I can be free."
"I've always had a passion about speaking and helping and entertaining, and I just really love it."
"Remember that if you're making mistakes and you're worried about those mistakes, that will stop you from speaking."
"You don't have to speak until you're ready."
"When you speak from your heart, you can't go wrong."
"Um, as I'll let you get started, wonderful thank you so much for having me and for inviting me to speak about this important topic."
"You were the first keynote speaker at the very first PyCon."
"Practice speaking it. If you do not practice speaking, you're never going to be able to speak that language."
"Speaking it is the most cliche tip you're ever going to hear, but it is the most useful one that you'll ever need to know."
"Literally speaking out your goals makes it more likely that you will take consistent action on those goals."
"You will not improve your speaking without speaking. That's a fact, and I'm sorry, but it's true."
"What's important about improving your speaking, it's fun. You're going to get to meet really fun people and talk to them about pens. That's cool, right?"
"This is, without a doubt, the most beautiful room I've ever had the privilege of speaking in."
"Speak slowly if you can't find a word, pause."
"I always love being asked to speak because I hope I can help somebody."
"It's easy to talk about something that you really love."
"One well-constructed, well-delivered talk can change your entire life."
"I guess it's better to keep your opinions to yourself but I'm never regret what I say."
"It's surprising the number of people that actually ask when am I going to be speaking or doing an event in LA or in California or in Southern California."
"Speaking is important because it forces your brain to do active recalls."
"I'm very thankful I started when I did... I was also going out there and speaking... literally just asking them, 'Hey, can I come speak at your sorority meeting? Can I come speak at your Young Republicans Club?'"
"Don't be overly focused on accuracy. Speak naturally and fluently."
"I'm trying to do this thing where when I give a talk somewhere I go around the place and take some pictures of where I am just to make every talk a bit of a Time cap show."
"I don't know why that was like diary of the mouth and now I just set myself up for this yeah you asked for it."
"My speaking will be the result of your seeking."
"Wow, the meme above this is really speaking."
"Improving listening skills will impact a student's ability to learn to speak a new language, showcasing the interrelatedness of listening and speaking."
"It's an honor to be speaking to you today so thank you."
"You want to listen twice as much as you speak. That's a pretty good rule of thumb."
"Speaking with confidence and with fluency comes from speaking practice."
"Learning is speaking, not just collecting information."
"You don't need to repeat after people in order to improve your speaking. What you just need is lots of examples, basically, you need other people talking to you."
"Understanding leads to confidence and then confidence lets you speak. So, speech is actually the result of really understanding something."
"Remember that along with content, you're being scored on pronunciation and oral fluency, so don't get too stressed about covering the content perfectly."
"Communicating effectively means what you say and how you say it, but you should also listen more than you speak."
"Speaking is pretty much the same exact thing as it's been since 2019."
"You just never know what platform somebody's gonna be able to speak on."
"One kind of thing for wisdom for life is we have two ears and one mouth so maybe we should listen twice as much as we speak."
"Things like that aren't things you regret saying; they're things you regret not saying."
"Speaking is consuming someone's time, a priceless gift."
"Rhetoric provides the trellis work for the language arts, giving structure to the art of speaking."
"Never give up. The fight of faith requires both speaking the word and holding fast to the word."
"Silence is not golden where faith is concerned. Speak the Word of God and hold fast to it."
"The core of speaking is not truth or lie, but right or wrong."
"How can we defend or fight for something, if we don't know how to speak."
"The healing is tied to speaking and somebody speaking into you."
"Nothing has brought me more fulfillment than speaking."
"Sir Roger Penrose is a very gifted speaker on all levels, both giving talks at conferences for scientists and also for his public lectures."
"Once you hear it here and you speak in the name of Jesus, it's created."
"Wisdom is speaking forth in a mystery, even when you don't understand it."
"All right, Jenna, I give you permission to speak."
"I am so happy and honored to have been asked to speak to you on this day that represents so much hard work, careful teaching, and eager anticipation."
"Anyone who is not taken seriously will not continue to speak."
"I'm deeply honored to be here to talk about my favorite topic."
"Every time I stand in front of a crowd, I have everything from homeless people coming out of the shelter to people who teach at universities and speak Greek and Hebrew."
"I was asked to be the commencement speaker at Stanford this year, which turned out, I was the first athlete in 120 years that did it."
"God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason."
"The excitement meter is going up as we speak."
"Let us begin by saying something about palaces because we're about to speak something about palaces."
"So because of this, I've been invited to speak at tons of universities across the country."
"Understanding like a native is how you speak like a native."
"It's amazing how much is discovered in being there and speaking it."
"The vocal aspect of speaking it is so important and vital and powerful."
"Good things happen when you say that folks."
"Speak freely and honestly using powerful collocations."
"it's just part of the journey and the emotion can come through me when I'm speaking but it doesn't mean I sit home thinking about ever sad about it"
"I felt compelled after that to speak things I had been holding back for a long time"
"Shob is like a guy who's talking before he's thinking."
"When you hear a great speaker, you want to immediately become a better person."
"Step two: speaking practice. Speaking what you have learnt in the video by imitating the method."
"When you understand, you eliminate the doubt, and that's when you speak."
"I am not a motivational speaker. I am a burning voice."
"You don't become a better speaker by speaking; it's the understanding that leads to confidence that leads to speech."
"Fluency means how well you can speak alright so I could know 10 000 words in Japanese but if I can't say anything then I have no fluency in the language."
"Listening to you talk is a very pleasant experience."
"If you learn like a native, you will learn to speak like one. That's how it works."
"Part of my experience of traveling and speaking is the opportunity of meeting so many friends who have never laid eyes on before."
"I love it here. I was just telling my students, you gotta speak what you seek until you see what you say."
"Everything I do is about helping you speak."
"It definitely is a privilege and an honor really to be here speaking to you."
"To me, it's an honor to go all over the country and speak to different people."
"If you understand this one idea, you can really become a fluent speaker very quickly."
"Speaking is the result of understanding, not the cause."
"These days I earn money in a variety of different ways. I write books, I'm a professor, I speak, I consult."
"If you think you're the best public speaker ever and you keep facing opportunities to do that, you keep challenging yourself to do that, that's how you become the best public speaker ever, right?"