
Morale Quotes

There are 782 quotes

"Morale is very high...because the casualty rates have stabilized."
"A small team with high morale is really hard to defeat."
"Higher morale and more fun. It's just going to be more fun, you know, hanging out with someone, maybe in Discord, you're talking and stuff. Again, we're playing an MMORPG, right? Where we play this game so we can interface with other players. There's a social component there, right?"
"The morale for New York was just decimated after falling down in the series."
"This incident suggests a certain degeneration in the organization, that perhaps after the collapse of the caliphate and all of that, the morale has drained away."
"The Commissars were usually extremely charismatic and fearsome warriors, units that had one attached to them rarely ever broke in the face of an enemy onslaught."
"It's all about increasing morale in a crappy situation."
"Without morale, the soldier is a dead man; without morality, the military is a dead machine."
"It's essential that we build this base camp for these soldiers; it's going to be good for them, improve living conditions, and sustain a very strong morale."
"Zelenski has won the morale war in a manner which cannot be undone by the Russian government."
"Small victories are just as important as the grand ones, Commander. We saved lives here, and that is the important thing."
"All of the above has had an understandably acidic effect on the morale of PLA soldiers."
"The camaraderie is at all-time high right now."
"Is morale going to absolutely desecrate and slaughter everyone?"
"nothing is going to kill people's enthusiasm about returning to the office quicker than showing up and realizing that it's exactly the same as working from home"
"The morale of the British is to be broken by mass bombing under cover of darkness."
"Team by boosting the morale of the team, a project manager sends a clear message that they care about the well-being of the team and want to see them excel in their respective fields."
"Bread gives us more morale than dried meat. Who would have thought it?"
"We'll continue to win because we have something the enemy does not: feelings."
"It's all about morale, it's all about combat, it's all about timings."
"It's going to be a huge moral and confidence victory."
"We're all kind of looking for a bright spot right now, are we not? Well, I got one for you."
"It's profoundly demoralizing to people to say things they know not to be true."
"Ukrainian morale has been simply unmatched and has just been an incredible credit to the Ukrainian society."
"Your answers will have an impact on player morale, which in turn affects their performance during the match."
"The world isn't so simple. It makes people hopeful and creates a morale boost."
"We have something the enemy does not: Heroes."
"It really is demoralizing to constantly self-censor and feel like you can't say what you want."
"The Ukrainian morale seems relatively undimmed."
"Morale wins battles, it's really, really, really nice."
"The lack of clear and achievable goals makes soldiers feel adrift."
"A rousing speech could do much to shore up morale."
"Little instances like this in a year where you can't really perform that well on track must really help."
"Best of luck to Chelsea tonight, we need a morale boost in performance tonight."
"Morale has thrived over the 68 days since my inception."
"The reaction and morale are the two biggest tools that you've got in your toolbox."
"Big shout-out to everyone on this team, they've done amazing jobs."
"A happy work environment is gonna make everybody else that much more happier to be there."
"A lot of people, they resumed that hope in Ukraine, which is a very, very, very good sign because this is a morale boost for the Ukrainian soldiers."
"Despair is not just the sin, it's also bad strategy."
"The quality of cuisine matters; it can affect morale."
"Winning cures all as we like to say in this business but it's a beautiful thing."
"We appreciate that it might be a little bit novel at first, but we really think it will help morale."
"Colonel Johns translated his love for his men into one thing that would save them when he was not there to wield the sword himself: good realistic training, esprit de corps, and high morale."
"Secrets supported the resistance and destroyed the morale of the enemy."
"The crew of cruiser Aurora kept their chins up."
"The effect of this gesture on the morale of the entire army was as if every man had been refreshed by a drought."
"The blow had an immediate shattering effect on British morale."
"His mere presence on the battlefield is enough to inspire courage, hope, and affirmative action in even the most morale-starved of allied forces."
"Sometimes in survival, just something to boost your spirits is all you need."
"Candy in the apocalypse could be a very good morale booster."
"He deserves all the praise, so he gets a little boost to his morale."
"Menu fatigue is real. You're going to get tired of eating the same thing for breakfast, lunch, and dinner day after day if you don't have that variety in morale."
"The difference between having a steak for dinner and having another bowl of oatmeal would just have a tremendous benefit."
"The teamwork and the cooperation and the enthusiasm has definitely gone back to a good place."
"One man can carry the entire morale of a team with Alonso at the helm."
"Success in the area of Bakmut will also provide Ukraine a tremendous morale boost and deal Russia a severe setback."
"This patch rocks! That's a lot of morale boost."
"We're gonna make this work, we're gonna get everyone, everyone's gonna be happy-ish."
"The best captains make everyone feel special in their own way."
"The Australians have seen more fighting against the Japanese than anybody else and are morally absolutely on top."
"Delivering for people to be excited about the journey, that's a very important thing for morale."
"If you believe your leadership does not have your back, nothing else can redeem it."
"The Confederates' defeat at Gettysburg cost them the North and served as a major blow to morale."
"It's easier to work with excited people than depressed people."
"Everything that happens on the front line is our morale boost because we have this very dark sort of humor."
"The feelgood factor is most definitely back."
"It's incredibly good to know that the morale is still incredibly high."
"It's more than a moral Victory; it is a true Victory."
"Even in the toughest situations, there's always room for humor and camaraderie. Laughter is our best survival tool."
"The brain drain, it's not just what it does to the businesses and everything else, it's what it does to the human spirit."
"There's a great unity, great spirit, great esprit de corps."
"That's the end of my fight phase, I don't think you've got any morale left to take."
"The Ukrainian military, based on volunteerism, has the ability to repel forcibly conscripted Russian soldiers."
"She helped win the war by breaking the enemy's morale."
"All these negative nuances developing in the Russian army are a sign that our Ukrainian Fighters are doing a good job."
"Killing these people is to give everyone mood bonuses which is nice."
"We're redefining work... and it had boost morale by revaluing skills that the market no longer values."
"This ritual of rejuvenation is often used in wartime to bolster morale."
"The whole world is pretty doom and gloom so far in 2020 and sport has an amazing ability to lift up people's spirits."
"Pike’s presence on Discovery not only brightens the tone of the show a bit — which it desperately needed after a dreary and bumpy and kinda grim first season — it also gives it a moral center."
"The higher your morale, the stronger you become."
"The Ukrainian triumph circulated rather well and boosted morale across the country and among the Ukrainian Armed Forces."
"The enemy will endeavor to intimidate by show and appearance, but remember that with so just a cause, victory is most assuredly ours." --General George Washington.
"It would be such a morale boost for the Russians to take out a US Patriot system."
"Beating Atletico would be a huge injection of morale for all the players."
"But it is annoying and it must feel so demoralizing to feel underappreciated by your peers."
"Morale in the United States soared, and the crew received a hero’s welcome upon their return."
"The Russians are under a lot of pressure... morale is really low."
"Being 2-0 is special... you're playing for something. It's much better to learn from wins because your team has good morale."
"The mood on the ground here is not good, soldiers are severely underequipped, morale from what I can see is very low."
"Our morale is probably one of the highest in the world right now, literally up there with Burgundy."
"Counter-battery fire is not just a tactical need, it's also a psychological boost."
"At the end of the day, battles throughout history were won by numbers, tactics, and ultimately morale more than anything else."
"Troop morale and unit cohesion: essential for the success of any campaign."
"An army’s 'spirit' provides the motivation and energy to engage in combat." - Lesson number 14.
"Backstage morale following this week's Dynamite is in a far better place."
"Humans are not robots. We are empathetic beings and especially in a remote setting, a fabric of that the culture of that is really important for morale to stay high."
"Most businesses are in situations where they would benefit from treating people better, higher morale, like higher contentment, lower turnover."
"Morale is kind of it's what keeps you in the battle sure being able to deal damage is great and it weighs down manpower but morale is what allows your men to stick around in a bit of a conflict and make sure that your reinforcements arrive."
"Keep the morale game up. Be optimistic. Celebrate all of these things not because you value the violence but because you value the effectiveness with which the Ukrainian people are protecting themselves against the onslaught of fascism."
"This is the most potent weapon in war: fighting spirits."
"The twin failures of Stalingrad and the Caucasus were enormous psychological bombshells for German morale."
"Victory boosted French morale and helped to turn the tide of the war in their favor over the next several months."
"Zen Shin felt really bad about deciding to work extra hours, so she thought she'd cheer up her co-workers by getting some snacks and drinks from the store."
"The Wi-Fi has been a huge help to boost morale, keep people connected to their families."
"When they left the deck of that carrier in the nearly gale force winds of an early April morning, the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders would do far more than boost morale."
"It's all about just never giving up, keeping the pressure on, and keeping the morale high."
"Be a good captain because a happy crew is going to make a happy captain."
"He told the Macedonians of their valour and Philip, the Greeks of the injuries Persia had inflicted upon them in centuries past and the loot-oriented Thracians of the booty that was waiting just for them."
"I'm going to lift her morale, I'm going to make her feel part of the team, and we're going to do it together today."
"In order to win a battle you only have to ensure that the morale of your men always stays higher than that of your enemy."
"Good vibes justify everything that we've been doing around here."
"Morale is a strong factor in keeping a community functioning."
"The importance of staying calm and retaining high morale in the face of heavy odds was to remain with Churchill until the end of his life."
"It's one thing to beat somebody, it's another thing to demoralize somebody."
"Employees are reporting low confidence, low optimism, and a lot of anxieties about their careers and finances."
"We actually moved buff chicks from a Wednesday meal to a Friday meal this semester to kind of boost the morale going into the weekend."
"For the developers working hard on this game, on this vision, whether it's a vision you agree with or not, this really sucks."
"Video game leaks can be extremely damaging to the morale of developers and the success of their product."
"I feel great, to be honest, this is just really what I needed to boost my morale."
"He believes that a lot of people's spirits are crushed by our culture."
"The victory at Pontvallain gave a great morale boost to the French, who had finally defeated the English in a pitched battle."
"I think making people feel valued is the key."
"That free meal could be the difference between an employee that really enjoys working for your company and an employee that absolutely hates working there."
"Delma had set up a bogus radio service, the German Soldiers Station, which broadcast fake news in German to shatter the morale of the verar."
"High employee turnover is usually a red flag that people are miserable working there and soon leave and that management is also bad."
"The lack of equipment and sense that the US isn't there to support them is dampening people's willingness to fight."
"It's amazing what it does for your morale."
"Friends lift their spirits even in captivity, they are not bored together."
"Making pars instead of bogeys helps my morale."
"The number one driver of morale and engagement is whether a person feels they are winning."
"The Greeks celebrate their first great Victory against the Trojans," the conquest of the Trojan beaches was strategically important; achieved with few losses, it raised the morale of the Aan Warriors.
"Honestly Lada is real good like it sounds dumb but like people are having a bad day, they come in, a lot of like Wiggles over them and you can see it change someone's mood. I think Lada's really good for the team vibe and dynamic."
"Success down to Lada, like yeah, big up bringing the Viber, you've had a bad day, all of a sudden you're happy again."
"His morale was boosted by news of parliament's difficulties which convinced Charles that all was not lost."
"Having them on hand is going to be good for a morale standpoint and it'll help you get through little short minor things with without a whole lot of disruption."
"Sarah's dead... momentum. We go 1, 2, 3. It gains momentum and we get plus one morale."
"Morale and keeping morale keeping your will to live keeping your survival Instinct intact is very important."
"Keeping a crew happy is very important, the extra space for the crew to relax and have their own area makes a huge difference in keeping everybody happy."
"Every business, every organization, needs a leader. Contrary to popular belief, you do not raise morale in an organization; it filters down from the top."
"I'm more of a morale guy. You know what I mean? I'm there for the jokes."
"We need not just good morale but a good mission and it's the same with marriage."
"It hurts morale, congressman, and that's why it is so important that law enforcement leaders continue to communicate the nobility of the law enforcement profession."
"The victories kept up the spirits of the people cast down by the defeats on land."
"In 1915 he prepared a document in which he advocated the bombing of civilians during the war in order to crush the morale of the opponent."
"Big plays like that, especially that early in the game, is going to fire our team up."
"We win as a team, we lose as a team, and right now we're confident and feeling good."
"We saw the value in the little extras. Keeps morale up."
"Strength is not the only important thing but also morale. Rocky never knew what defeat was, the concept of defeat just didn't fit in his brain."
"Don't ever hang your head, don't ever have a bad day in front of the troops."
"But if we try to cut the water down much below that, then it does, in fact, start interfering with morale in a serious way."
"...if you're in a survival situation just to up your morale, just to give you that last-ditch 'hey we've got this let's enjoy it'."
"...this just really makes life a little better, in a survival situation it could mean the difference between life and death and definitely give you a lot of morale."
"...leave your idea of iron rations, that last ditch, that same feeling you get when you find that twenty dollar bill in your jacket pocket like we talked about."
"The method of nonviolent resistance exposes moral defenses and weakens morale."
"You do not raise morale in an organization, it filters down from the top."
"This development, as you may imagine, was not good for morale."
"Morale is a key element in warfare."
"Getting in first place on the first event is always a huge morale booster."
"Bottom line thinking generates high morale."
"It's hard for me to, like, muster up the morale, because, I mean, it's true, like, here I am. I'm just supposed to do all this gross, hard stuff for people that I can't trust."
"Fires great for morale but it's important to have enough firewood so that it doesn't go out at the coldest point in the night."
"When you know every kilometer you ever skied is one more in the bag and it's out of the way, definitely boost your morale."
"Even then I still get hit by that morale side things. I'm like, 'Oh, it could be better.'"
"Morale compounds via work. High morale helps you do good work, which increases your morale and helps you do even better work."
"An audience is a critical component of morale. A small but dedicated audience can be enough to sustain you."
"That right there, it's called a morale booster."
"It's all rot that they put in the war news about the Good Humor of the troops. We don't act like that because we are in a good humor, we are in a good humor because otherwise we should go to pieces."
"A happy crew means a happy boat and this is vital."
"Makeup became crucial for morale and were encouraged by everyone from Vogue magazine to the British government."
"Makeup became crucial for morale."
"Man when you find stuff like this, it just raises your morale."
"... all while demoralizing our foes just like the best Battlefield commanders always do ..."
"Who would have thought that after this their morale would skyrocket?"
"To encourage workers in maintaining production, the BBC's Home Service ran a twice-daily program of catchy tunes called 'Music while you work.'"
"You always want a player you can look to in the dugout when things are down that can say the right thing, do the right thing to keep the morale up."
"War has a peculiar effect on people, and just as the Luftwaffe had not broken the spirit of the British when they had bombed London, the morale of the people of Cologne had actually strengthened."
"I love cooking for my nieces, I definitely needed this morale boost."
"The Battle of Agincourt not only reinforced Henry the fist own position as king but also made the English people feel good."
"If the job was awesome and everybody was treated like a human being, then you'd have people wanting to join rather than people wanting to leave."
"Sometimes a big win can be more of a morale booster than a big loss."
"Can somebody stop over to good energy? We've got people employees that are hiding in the bathroom over there."
"The sun just boosts morale quite a bit, I would say."
"If someone does something great, let them know. Paying a simple compliment to your team members can go a long way for the overall morale in the workplace."
"The impact of drought is evident, but the spirits are high."
"When fall comes, watch out for morale. Shorter days, longer nights."
"He talks about how they usually don't gain you anything tactically, but it's interesting what it does to the morale of a platoon, isn't it?"
"Having it simply for the morale boost that it offers in terms of being able to listen to different things and also being able to charge your cell phones that allow you to stay in contact with whomever you need to stay in contact with."
"Major League Baseball carried on, helping to lift the spirits of the downtrodden."
"Good morale within an outfit is usually reflected by good conduct away from it."
"Breaking the morale of the enemy is as important as breaking their bodies."
"It affects other people. It demoralizes those who have to listen to your complaints."
"Shiloh Consolidated the northern victories at Fort Donaldson and Fort Henry and hit Confederate morale."
"The team morale has improved, it's gone up."
"But I think for me, the biggest component of Blitz Spirit is high morale in the face of desperate circumstances."
"Morale was surprisingly high on both sides."
"The miracle of Dunkirk boosted public morale and was thereafter referred to as the Miracle of Dunkirk."
"The kalamorph is there to prop up and expand the morale of the forces around it."
"You come to work happy. You don't come to work depressed."