
Influential Figures Quotes

There are 418 quotes

"The real question is, do you think that people like the Ayatollah or Donald Trump or Kim Jong-un are happy? Not that they're powerful, we know they're powerful, but are they happy?"
"Enoch becomes a luminary figure, a conduit for divine wisdom, and a herald of eschatological events."
"All the greats agree that we should all love one another: Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi, Martin Luther King."
"Jesus was someone who got everyone's attention."
"Every so often, we find ourselves with a scarcely believable opportunity to speak with an ornament of the game."
"Muhammad Ali was the greatest human being I've ever met."
"The surprising thing to me is that Tony's snap, I think it's a demonstration maybe of how powerful Santos is."
"To understand the vast scope of Pierpont’s influence, we must first rewind to a time long before America was an economic powerhouse with a 21 trillion-dollar GDP."
"The very top titans we've discussed today, people like Bezos, Bill Gates, and even Warren Buffet have all taken left of center stands on various issues."
"He’s a very imperfect instrument, but he’s an armor-piercing shell."
"The life and career of Duras Akos is an answer to the question of how Rome was able to create a global state that lasted over a thousand years."
"We've lost an enormous figure in our lives and in our country."
"Probably one there to pick five people in the world I can meet."
"Just to give you one illustrative example, Edward Snowden... on Joe Rogan's YouTube program and already within five days more than five million people have watched that program."
"Terrorist is dead, the architect and chief engineer for the world's most active state sponsor of terrorism."
"Question the sources by which we have learned or mislearned about Malcolm and Martin."
"Hitler is the rare individual who really did make history - specifically he made it worse."
"She had just this incredible impact beyond measure, yes on dignitaries, on politicians, but also with the people."
"It was actually Prince William and potentially Prince Charles who were instrumental in removing the titles."
"Michael K. Williams, someone we gotta remember."
"Here you have this guy from the line of Cicero, starting really kind of the founder, you could say, of rabbinic Judaism today."
"Paul is considered by Jews and scholars to be the founder of Christianity, while Akiva is considered to be the founder of rabbinic Judaism."
"If the world's richest man cannot oppose these forces, who can?"
"Debates between Malcolm X, Bayard Rustin, and James Baldwin is some of the most insightful intellectual conversation you're ever going to hear."
"The MCU wouldn't be where it is today without the Trinity."
"Daniel Horne Right was Machiavellian in his method."
"My father had a button on the desk that he could summon Hoover, and one day we were mischievously pressing that button."
"Bill Gates or Elon Musk, they literally changed the world."
"It's always amusing to watch people who have never built a thing criticize people like Elon Musk."
"No single person has done more damage to Ukraine than Victoria Nuland." - Professor Jeffrey Saak
"Elon Musk shares the same goal as Nikola Tesla in using cleaner energy sources."
"Elon's mom is from my hometown, so there's a small bit of trivia for you: Regina, Saskatchewan. Elon is a fairly amazing dude, so there are a lot of questions I would like to ask him if he had spare time."
"It is bigger than one man, it is bigger than me, it is bigger than Donald Trump, it's certainly bigger than Ron DeSantis, it's even bigger than the Republican party."
"Good luck with that. The man's platform is massive. He cannot be censored. And he should be engaged with, given credit for the fact that and I will give him a lot of credit, he's willing to talk to people with different ideas."
"Coinbase reveals dogecoin bombshell as bitcoin and crypto price fears grip the market."
"I absolutely love Ed Mitchell for doing that."
"He's the Godfather of all this, it's literally been the adventure of a lifetime. I get a little misty thinking about it."
"I'm excited. Elon Musk is the bravest most creative person on the planet."
"Skump, the king, the beast, a gamer so popular that four years ago a baby named Seth went from two percent in the United States to 48 percent."
"The composer and conductor leonard bernstein gave a series of lectures."
"He is indeed one of the sport's true giants."
"Greta Thunberg terrifies me and I love her for it."
"I think Crowder is extremely important... he can create a cultural Force like change my mind, a meme."
"Bitcoin will survive, crypto will survive without Tesla and Elon."
"I definitely feel like his impact will be a lasting one as he hit the stage."
"Our rights are given to us by our Creator... no George Soros, no Rothschild can take our rights away from us."
"Henry's the man who changed the way we all live."
"Steph Curry having Dr. Fauci on his Instagram feed was amazing."
"The most powerful men in the world saw massive increase in endurance just from taking this NMN."
"I would avoid the fall well of atheism because that would, although, you know, don't be wrong, I am not fond of Billy Graham."
"There was no Tesla without him, there was no master plan for electric cars."
"Spielberg that's the name that would do it if Spielberg walked in and was just like let me show you guys how to f*** I need to Studios."
"Lucille Ball changed the game in a lot of different ways, in a lot of different ways."
"The great great grandfather of Wall Street bets: Timothy Dexter."
"They will always be remembered as extremely important figures in the animation world."
"If we're doing something that's impressing Carol Burnett then maybe we're on to something special here."
"I believe Muhammad Ali wasn't just the greatest boxer, but one of the greatest human beings."
"He is without question the most powerful voice in our party."
"All great people that have changed the world put action. They didn't complain that it's unfair. Martin Luther King Jr. didn't go, 'The world's unfair on black.' He went out and organized and he thought it through how to do it in an effective way."
"I think as this plays out and we see these smaller guys moving up, I think that we're going to learn a lot. I think that we need to be open to the idea of changing our mind if we're confronted with new evidence."
"That brother had an embodiment of cosmic light that was unprecedented, almost Christ-like in my pantheon."
"He is my all-time all-time favorite preacher and dead or alive."
"It's just an honor to be able to, you know, me getting a chance to know you a couple of years ago."
"The most powerful people on earth are those figures that won't acknowledge any boundaries to having things their way."
"He's a generational talent, a generational talent."
"Choosing these four men who all greatly shaped America speaks volumes about the legacy each of them imprinted on the nation."
"Every inspirational leader, Gandhi, Mandela... They always have their critics."
"I am one of those men who struggled pretty badly with depression... Jordan, not enough yourself, Carl, and my own dad were probably three of the most prominent men in my life."
"Vitalik Buterin makes Time magazine's 100 most influential people in 2021. He is on the list with Prince Harry, Billie Eilish, Olympian Simon Biles."
"Powerful, tragic, and nuanced, this is the life of Haile Selassie, Africa's king of kings."
"Henry Kissinger is one of the most fascinating figures in history."
"Someone like Kissinger is unthinkable as a powerful figure in the United States 30 or 40 years earlier."
"He could snap his fingers and win the culture war."
"The big thing in 2019 there was three things that won as the election it was nothing to do with me uh it was it was brexit it was Boris it was Corbin and it was as simple as that those three things together was a great campaign great ingredients."
"The only thing that might save them honestly is Joe Manchin."
"Mary Magdalene was an extremely important person in the Jesus movement. So important that I think she actually is the real founder of Christianity."
"Some of the greatest writers some of the greatest journalists some of the greatest artists smoked their faces off."
"This isn't a popularity contest; the suffragettes were famously hated, Martin Luther King was voted the most hated man in America when he was alive."
"Jerome Powell realizes he has the power to change his mind."
"Malcolm X kind of called this out, you know."
"I hate to say it, but Elon Musk tried to warn Congress and the president about AI and the dangers of it."
"Epstein made all his money from his business connections to Three Men: Leslie Wexner, Donald Trump, and Bill Gates."
"Content is how Gandhi broke through, content is how Martin Luther King broke through, content is how Hamilton broke through."
"Anyone who loves India, anyone who loves Ambedkar."
"I still you know I I don't want to be disrespectful TD Jakes but if you do anything listen to this video and listen to the people Oprah listen to the people all right you guys I love you."
"Chartwell was home to a man who was indisputably one of the greatest Britons of the 20th century: Winston Churchill."
"The fact that the Democrats have Joe Rogan and Elon Musk... and they're too stupid to pull them into their party."
"Know who BlackRock is, know Larry Fink and when he speaks, take a note."
"He is still one of the biggest faces, I would argue the biggest face on Twitch."
"If he was still alive today, our society would be in a much better place."
"The honey badgers are the most important people in the men's rights movement."
"Corruption among influential figures is a serious issue that requires greater attention."
"I'm glad get him the [ __ ] out of there that's the only reason that show had any notoriety was because of him in the first place."
"So Trump's going to keep doing his thing... I think Wall Street is starting to creep higher."
"Trump and his supporters have moved to neutralize."
"His headquarters were on a ninth-floor suite at the Ritz Carlton Hotel... 'I can’t find anybody in the first half of the 20th century who was as dominant a boss in his community.'"
"I was related to arguably the greatest black leader in American history."
"What's clear is that Henry Ford was not just anti-Semitic, he was incredibly influential in spreading anti-Semitism all around the world."
"There is so much to learn from this situation because it's actually bigger than one Kevin Samuels."
"TotalBiscuit had a hell of an impact on a lot of people."
"Bill Gates actually reports Richard Feynman as being the greatest teacher he never had."
"Tucker's not going to go away... Tucker might run for president now."
"Sanders is the second most important socialist in American history."
"Absolute legend of the community, and I hope he knows that. Absolute legend."
"Who is your ultimate Idol or inspiration? Taylor Swift, Meghan Trainor, and my mom."
"We are watching a hostile takeover of Twitter by the richest man in the world."
"Issa Rae is pretty [ __ ] amazing... just how dope you have to be to get where she's gotten under 40 and all by herself."
"Russia has truly become a superpower of crime. And Vyacheslav Ivankov is just one figure in a country riddled with criminals."
"Elon really cares about facts, he doesn't necessarily care about how people are perceiving those facts."
"Google Kamala Harris record and then these the things that came up."
"We need more people like today's guest... maybe one of the best and most daring."
"Here is William Green’s interview with Ray Dalio."
"Sir Isaac Newton and James Dolan CEO of MSG the developer of the sphere all great men with ball-shaped dreams."
"Michelangelo had defied the Duke in life, but it was Cosimo who had the last word."
"Rita Marley was a good-looking woman in her prime. Without Rita, we never would have had Bob Marley, let's keep it real."
"But one thing that's left out of a fair amount of conversations and I actually think you know it's very much to Bernie's credit, I think Bernie's actually been doing some really significant things on foreign policy."
"Elon Musk is very clearly a system disrupter."
"I think about guys like you and Kiyosaki as an example."
"Always remember that when it comes to people who shaped wrestling the most Eric Bischoff remains one of the greatest of all time."
"John Carmack is one of my gods of the gaming industry."
"Because we can't forget our feminist king, he is the reason why we have rights in the first place."
"Who will be the world's first trillionaire money manager Ron Baron thinks it could be Elon Musk and Baron is putting his money where his mouth is."
"That's how that works, he's one of them, absolutely."
"I actually think Mark Zuckerberg is the most dangerous person in the world."
"Milton Levine will always be the godfather of ant keeping."
"They've learned from Trump, and it's a strategy that the Boris Johnson government, when their Cummings era, pioneered."
"He's honestly one of those guys 20 30 years after he's gone people are going to go damn this guy saw something and we should have taken it more serious."
"Bill Gates is singularly, I would argue the most consequential individual of our generation."
"Prince embodied a change in our culture that, in retrospect, seems like it was inevitable, but he was riding that wave before a lot of us recognized that coming."
"Ever since the beginning, there have been many different people who made a name of themselves in the field of animation... animators like Chuck Jones, Tex Avery, the nine old men, and more have somehow stamped themselves in history..."
"Let's start at the very beginning... Donald Virgil Bluth was born on September 13, 1937, in El Paso, Texas..."
"I don't think that two years from now, four years from now, eight years from now, barring Trump, I mean Trump is a wild card in all this."
"Mainstream media is going to make the conversation about DMX's life simple but you know that's not how we do this on the platform for intelligent black people."
"Throughout her career she left a lasting impact on the entertainment industry, particularly remembered for her captivating performances and her unique blend of athleticism and artistry."
"Elon, the most hated man does the most for the planet about 100x more than any other human on the planet."
"Reverend Billy Graham, one of the most inspirational spiritual leaders of the 20th century, he was a giant. He won't see his likes again."
"I think it's a lot more than Trump again frankly."
"Tattoo culture is evolving, and Wiz Khalifa is one of the pioneers of this era."
"She served 27 years on the Supreme Court and she was its most prominent member. She was five foot one but she was a giant."
"Harley Race, the first-ever United States champion, became one of the most influential wrestlers of all time."
"Here is this person who is... one of the most important figures... not to be elected president... somebody who has shifted... realities... and there are very few people who have insight to who he is..."
"Elon does what he wants to do... He's doing the things that he needs and he wants to do."
"Elon presents this unique character... and he's proven over time to make a lasting impact."
"Nothing is going to change... until Biden can deal with Manchin and Sinema."
"I think one of the great questions that we raised in the interview is this whole aspect of the dawn of Elon Musk as the savior of social media."
"If Elon Musk just buys Twitter and then just turns it off and that would be like, next to like, the Gutenberg press, that would be like the greatest thing that's ever happened in human history is to get rid of that completely disastrous platform."
"Imagine if Elon had this technology in his hands, what he would do with it. I'd be scared."
"They made big bags for everybody. Man holiday is greater on the way, so you gotta salute a man like that."
"The whole of world politics feels different without him. Many people will say that it feels better."
"You need both. You need Colin Kaepernick and you need Jay-Z. You need somebody that's going out and sometimes you're right, LeBron can be, you know, front center and say what happened to Ahmaud in Georgia is, you know, a travesty."
"When it comes to activism, that's easy, that's an easy Dick Gregory."
"A Sinatra with a cold can, in a small way, send vibrations through the entertainment industry and beyond."
"Stan Lee is the man, the myth, the literal legend."
"Aguada the ACMA comentary loss under a massacre on Andreas idea as a bill gate culturally so many top witnesses I know Salma tactical few."
"Americans are starting to finally wake up to this Uber narcissist grifter."
"she has provided so much for internet culture and will be forever cherished for her contributions."
"He left a tremendous legacy as one of the most important figures to ever touch a football."
"There may well be no one more important to Modern Treehouse dwelling than Michael Garnier."
"Someone like Elon Musk could be a massive ally."
"One of the amazing things that I found out about you when we interviewed you last time is that you're basically a protege of both Warren Buffett and Milton Friedman."
"Shinichiro Watanabe is a name that I think all fans of not just anime but animation as a whole should know."
"A culture was not just changed but defined by him."
"It's not the story of a guy just trying to cause trouble it's the story of the guy who made what you and I consider the number one Discovery in science so far."
"Despite all of his ups and downs one cannot deny how much Dawn has impacted the world of animation."
"Keith was definitely looked at more than just this inspirational leader, he was pretty much considered like a god."
"Mark Cuban is a bitcoin bull. He's a big bitcoin bull."
"Every Tuesday, our goal is to bring you somebody in power that's had the experience of doing something extraordinary."
"He was called the godfather of human rights."
"Oppenheimer is one of the most important figures that has ever lived."
"Rhodes’ genius had an enormous impact on the development of South Africa."
"There is no Ken without Barbie, there is no Barbie movie without Greta Gerwig or Margot Robbie."
"No one perhaps besides Zelenski has played a greater role in helping to defend Ukraine than Elon Musk."
"Frank Zane, many people regard him as the father of aesthetics or the Godfather of aesthetics."
"Despite being remembered for her untimely and gruesome death, Meline Murray O'Hare remains one of the most influential figures in the Crusade to enforce a separation between the church and the state."
"Matthew Smith's talent defined an era of British game software."
"The Ark of immoral universe is long but it bends toward justice but it only bends if there are people like John Lewis and Rosa Parks and those men on the beaches at Normandy who insist that it swerve."
"Jushin Thunder liger leaves behind an incredible legacy as a wrestler of all seasons and all eras on the measuring stick for the juniors who follow him to look up at in wonder."
"The world is stopping to remember a woman who changed her country and the monarchy forever."
"Why do so many people hate Elon Musk? Because he's really rich."
"There are some really brilliant people who are ADHD, you know? Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein."
"Phil Spector was one of the most influential people in the music industry."
"I think Rich Piana was probably one of the best things that happened to bodybuilding."
"Few men have ever had such an impact on the course of history as Alexander the Great."
"Betty White, Disney Legend and beloved television star, has passed away at age 99." - Tom Corliss
"I wanted the top model agent. That was Eileen Ford."
"Seeing her this weekend on tremendous form proved that she isn't going anywhere from public life any time soon."
"Solitude, thoughts. I mean, I love this story. I mean, every morning you would, I do, I mean look, if it's good enough for Einstein and Steve Jobs, it's good enough for Adam Salazar."
"Our guest today needs no introduction. In the Forbes innovation list for 2019, he was code number one."
"To understand who she really was, we first need to understand the role that Nefertiti played."
"When we look back, I generally have an extremely positive opinion about him."
"The real moderate, you don't, I mean Elon Musk is a real moderate."
"He deserves his place as one of the greatest Britons in history."
"Diana's tragic end marked the loss of an influential figure."
"Almost 500 years after her ascension, people all over the world recognize her name and image even today..."
"One of the greatest characters in anime period."
"Right now, Zelensky is arguably the leader of the free world."
"Jose Bustani has arguably done more in the past five years to promote world peace than anyone else on earth."
"We need people like George Soros who are fearless."
"California was a red State dude like California gave two major Republican presidents two of the worst."
"Lewis will help you grow in your own faith but he'll also help you to talk about your faith to other people because he kind of way has that enabling dimension."