
Segregation Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"The best way to take a look at this is anytime you get rid of segregation or apartheid, you usually see a general increase in the standard of living."
"Greenwood was an island of black prosperity in a sea of racism, situated in the heart of a strictly segregated city, in a segregated state, in a segregated country."
"Gordon Parks...there is a part of his canon of work that covered the African-American experience with segregation. These are powerful images."
"The walls of segregation are crumbling in Birmingham and they can crumble anywhere."
"Segregation, it's such an ugly word, isn't it? It conjures up thoughts of racial discrimination and unfair social and housing practices."
"This is what you get from living in a segregated society: instead of knowing Black people and Black culture, you've got white folks interacting with Black people like they're making contact with E.T."
"He says if America doesn't want us to go back home among our own people, and at the same time they want to keep us here, since we can't stay here and get along together in peace, he says what America should do is separate part of the country and give us a section where we can live."
"Liberals have always been passionately committed to racial integration, while the left is increasingly committed to racial segregation."
"Right now our schools are more segregated than they were prior to desegregation. It's a problem nationwide, not just in the South."
"I always feel that America, being one of the leading parts and so well educated, they should not have the segregation problem."
"Residential segregation affects... problems we face in society."
"The wealth difference... arose because of a history of state-sponsored segregation."
"It was the official policy of every real estate broker in the country."
"Unlike Martin Luther King Jr and other civil rights activists of that time Malcolm did not advocate for the integration of black Americans in white America."
"It's the least democratic place in the United States, a couple of other things when they one of their demands is de-gentrification, yes how do you do that without segregation."
"They came by bus, plane, and train from every corner of the United States to Mississippi -- men and women of every age, every race and religion, determined to fill Parchman prison and overthrow segregation."
"Black people are the most segregated people on the American continent... yet we still hesitate to drop our buckets where we are."
"Nixon didn't win because he appealed to the South. They broke off and did their own thing because they said, 'I hate you all. We just want to segregate.'"
"For years many of our runners came primarily from Georgia in their segregated schools... while Tennessee didn't have anything period."
"We are not the ones calling for segregation. We're not the ones making lists."
"Wokeness is re-segregating. Identity politics is re-segregation."
"Suburbia represents privatization, consumerism, and segregation."
"We didn't need desegregation, we simply needed proper funding. Imagine what could've been with just that."
"You cannot segregate classrooms. You can't do it and they're getting away with it."
"You stay with your own there's not a lot of people talking back and forth between other races and whatever but there was nobody nobody's gonna steal anything from you and nobody's ever gonna there's no disrespect at all."
"Women are kept apart from the men in a separate passage, an area reserved exclusively for girls who died still virgins."
"They've got separate roads in the West Bank for Israelis and Palestinians."
"Segregating people might not even produce a benefit, it might produce net harm in addition to the harms that are caused by locking people out of society."
"The great tragedy of segregation is that it prevented us from knowing who the other person was."
"It sucks that we may be headed back towards segregation."
"What a part of that don't people understand if you work together to do matters what divided work with these segregationists to do to continue segregation?"
"Chicago is called one of the most segregated cities in the United States."
"Affirmative action is now banned Nationwide from the College admission process, we will begin to see a kind of segregated higher education landscape."
"It's really a question of social segregation. It's a question of socially disadvantaged areas."
"The separation of races was something that Americans had been doing for centuries."
"Racial zoning gets struck down by the Supreme Court."
"Judge Garrity ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, and he found that the school committee was guilty of maintaining a dual school system, one for Black students and one for Whites, that was unconstitutionally segregated."
"...he was kept in in segregation and he was kept in the hospital, wouldn't he and then that's where he spent the majority of his time."
"For Kofo, Mississippi, with its long history of segregation and rabid racial hatred, was the hardest target for change and the biggest prize."
"For the next 75 years, it was slavery by another name: Jim Crow."
"I'm the only black person on the court. I'm the only person who went to segregated schools. I'm the only person who went through integration."
"Even within immense segregation, folks are creating culture."
"Segregation is a cancer in the body politic which must be removed before our moral health can be realized."
"Atlanta's so segregated you better wear the wrong colors across the street you mean gang Affiliates yes that's what I mean."
"It highlighted how absurd segregation was, how absurd racism is."
"I've fought too long and too hard now against segregated public accommodations to end up segregating my moral concern."
"Chinatowns are created because of racism."
"Chinatowns were built out of necessity, migrant laborers pushed into ghettos by racist laws."
"In Queens, we have a melting pot. But it wasn't until I kind of went to Los Angeles where I realized, like, it's almost segregated like jail."
"The white residents of the town were basically got on the ballot a measure to split the city in two between the white part and the black part."
"They have areas that are only for adults."
"What the longitudinal data shows is that when the Supreme Court ruled in a nine to zero unanimous ruling to overturn segregation in schools because segregation in schools solidifies racial caste, it knew exactly what it was talking about."
"Black people didn't create the segregation, we don't want the segregation, we didn't benefit from the segregation, that's for white people to figure out a way to fix this."
"The problem of the 20th century was the problem of the color line."
"There was no inclination to allow Union and Confederate wounded to intermix with each other."
"I'm also asking Congress to authorize the federal government to participate more fully in lawsuits designed to end segregation in public education."
"Black baseball players no matter how great had been exiled from The Game's biggest stage."
"Negro League players could now play in Big League parks and even help fund them, yet still couldn't play in the Major Leagues."
"I don't like segregation. Music is something which should be available to all people."
"Essentially we can look at cqrs command query responsibility segregation and apply that same kind of idea to private versus public data."
"Omega men actively worked to dismantle segregation in America."
"District 9: In an alternate reality, extraterrestrial refugees are segregated and mistreated in a dystopian South African society."
"They always put the footage in black and white too to make it feel like it was so long ago but thinking about that it's like oh like great great great grandparents it's like no like senators in congress today that like went to segregated middle schools and high schools"
"Never in the history of Nations has any government prior to this ever attempted to use its coercive power to force racial integration upon an unwilling free people."
"I advocate segregation to this extent: we should have freedom of choice as free American citizens."
"In the North, segregation has to be subtle, covert... the Negro can only see retrogress."
"Segregation meant not only the hardships and the terrible anxiety, but it was also a sharing time, a sense of community, and a sense of collective accomplishment."
"The line around Detroit that used to separate blacks and whites now segregates by economic class as well."
"Sadly, that is not the case. Major League Baseball was not truly a league of the best of the best as many of the best players in the country played in The Negro Leagues and never got a chance to play in what was supposedly the top level of baseball."
"Different communities live side by side, often divided by invisible lines."
"There's something strange about this desire for segregation or status but it's not really linked to happiness... it's not really linked to fulfillment."
"Before integration of the schools."
"How is it that we could have the Brown decision, that landmark decision Brown one and Brown two and still have schools more segregated than ever?"
"The entire logic of the notion of a ghetto, which was not a black phenomenon originally, is actually a construction."
"...that final scene with that Park and that lovely little boy who was separated reminded me of the horrors in the United States when many communities rather than share their public pools across races cemented them over they preferred to have no pool than a shared pool..."
"These three are sitting at a white only counter at Woolworth's Five and Dime Store in Jackson, Mississippi while being assaulted by an angry mob."
"We are segregated in America by social class. Most middle-class people don't know someone in poverty by first name. We're not sitting down to dinner together."
"The Civil Rights Act legally ended the segregation institutionalized by Jim Crow laws."
"Black Americans were denied access to justice and the ability to defend themselves."
"Jim Crow laws made it illegal for blacks and whites to share public facilities."
"It was a culture shock to come to LA because it was so segregated."
"Whites like Norm Bitner who moved to the suburbs the year of the riot: 'I went to school with colored I didn't want my wife being around colored why who wants them next to him everybody sees what they've done to Detroit.'"
"Separate but equal... that's the thing that sets Jim Crow fully in motion."
"see, this is why we shouldn't integrate race and class."
"You have to realize these segregation is only 50 years old. So you got a lot of people that was raised up with a different belief system."
"This city, which had these incredibly divided schools in the past, began to be more riven apart after 1979."
"When it comes to elements of segregation, redlining, sex work, and the War on Drugs, the truth can sometimes be Stranger Than Fiction."
"The aftermath of redlining and even Hoover's segregate committee that took place 17 years before it also continues to impact education, specifically the Public School Systems across the country."
"We've sorted ourselves out into these essentially class and race-based bubbles."
"We consider the underlying fallacy of the plaintiff's argument to consist in the assumption that the enforced separation of the two races stamps the colored race with a badge of inferiority."
"Oh, but now these [__] put a sign on Blakes and say they don't want y'all black asses down to they white establishment."
"Children were kept apart in their own wing out of earshot of the main living areas."
"What you have in effect in the city of Chicago is any number of segregated populations white as well as black."
"You had white schools and colored classrooms, white water fountains and colored water fountains."
"The ruling provided a legal foundation for government-approved and supported separation of the races in public recreational facilities."
"We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of separate but equal has no place."
"The Supreme Court has said segregation is unconstitutional... The movement took off from that day."
"Jim Crow laws were segregation. Any of the laws that enforce racial segregation in the U.S."
"Redlining mapped out our country. Green was for white Americans, blue was still pretty good, yellow was tainted, and red was automatically black neighborhoods."
"If white people can get together and let other whites help other whites to establish an independent nation, why should they be so much against The Honorable Elijah Muhammad's solution?"
"Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal."
"The mere fact of separating school children by race labels one race with a badge of inferiority."
"You pick a side, and you're gonna live this life. If you're black, you're with the blacks. If you're white, you're with the whites. Mexican, so on. That's the rule."
"The idea of The Green Book is to give the Negro traveler information that will keep him from running into difficulties, embarrassments and to make his trips more enjoyable." - THE GREEN BOOK 1948
"They didn't find white people in that area because they just didn't come there."
"The reason for the strong difference between the city and the suburbs, in my opinion, is mostly due to a long trend of segregation."
"Until 1954, the Supreme Court ruled that it was completely legal to provide segregated education for black children as long as that education was equal."
"The Supreme Court had for more than 60 years sanctioned racial segregation."
"Ruby Bridges was in her classroom alone because every single white parent pulled their child out of the classroom."
"The North actually was also implementing illegal and unconstitutional segregation and ruled that busing was going to be needed to accomplish integration because housing was so segregated."
"The issue of school segregation and racial inequality is an ongoing struggle."
"Put the blondy ones with the blondies and then the brownie ones with the brownies."
"Separate but equal, putting people in different places, putting black people in one place, white people in another, that was against the Constitution, it was against the equality of people."
"Tampa's got a big Cuban influence, but it's still the South. So, it is semi-segregated."
"I'm as much a Nigerian, I'm as much a Haitian as I am an African born into Jim Crow segregation in the United States. I'm an African."
"Very low levels of prejudice will segregate neighborhoods simply by the voluntary choices that people make."
"The US remains very racially segregated... but we're starting to see more mixing."
"As soon as you get into a large city, the segregation that we’ve all talked about is so extreme that the schools act as a bubble, particularly for the elites, that is I think very destructive."
"We can segregate our teams by religion."
"...the sacred is sacred because it is set apart and kept segregated from the profane."
"Passing was no longer simply about escaping slavery but now about escaping Jim Crow segregation."
"The legal team won a landmark case, Murray versus Maryland in 1936, and Missouri ex rel. Gaines versus Canada in 1938, both of which whittled away at racial segregation in professional and graduate schools."
"It was magical in that I was growing up in the Jim Crow South, segregation everywhere, and I could have been in the situation where it would have been easy to have worn that differently, but I was very lucky to grow up in a loving community."
"The way it went from simple segregation to industrial extermination remains a warning to us all."
"As someone who strove for unity in understanding between races... discovering that magical humans in this world live entirely separate from non-magical ones was a sad sight to see."
"The Buffalo Soldiers had a long, proud history, but they couldn't continue to exist in a world that was finally starting to recognize the fundamental injustice of segregation."
"Our schools are segregated because our neighborhoods are segregated."
"The law of segregation: the two alleles for a heritable character separate during gamete formation and end up in different gametes."
"The alleles of one gene segregate into gametes independently of another gene's alleles."
"You can't conclude, just because you see segregation everywhere that necessarily people want segregation."
"Her unwavering determination led her to establish a thriving numbers game business in Harlem, providing economic opportunities for her community during a time of segregation and limited financial options."
"This is one of the great contradictions of the United States: fighting against fascist tyranny with a segregated army."
"When in the name of progress, young school children as young as kindergarten are being separated in public schools because of their race, and that is called progress rather than segregation, the world has gone mad."
"Laws passed between 1876 and 1965 that mandated separate but equal segregation in the southern United States were known collectively by the colloquial name Jim Crow."
"The elder Warrens are typically race-specific... segregated by race and then within those... each one is kind of aspected to a physical form, a natural kind of element."
"Marshall prevailed in Brown versus Board of Education, the 1954 case outlawing segregation in schools."
"A sinister shadow looms over the city, tracing its lineage to a racially segregated system that has plagued the city since the very beginning."
"I always thought well segregation was something of the 50s and 60s, it's not a problem we have now anymore, but lo and behold, there still is a lot of segregation by law."
"The inability of white people and black people to be integrated in neighborhoods never eroded those fears over those boundaries and exacerbated the hostilities."
"Some people thought that segregation was Godly... that is a perversion and a twisting of the scripture."
"Racial segregation in the United States is not a condition of mere separation but of inequality."
"The nation is moving into two societies, one black, one white, separate and unequal."
"The two alleles for a heritable character separate or segregate during gamete formation and end up in different gametes."
"You want to check those roles and responsibilities as well when it comes to that segregation of duties component."
"If you could statistically eliminate segregation, you would completely erase black-white differences in America in income, education, and unemployment."
"Segregation of duties forces people to commit fraud through collusion, which is a lot more difficult."
"Segregation is per se inequality."
"Take a culture built on coal camp survival mentality, introduce racial segregation as the base level of living, then make sure one side of the equation fully understands that they are considered expendable."
"White Americans kicked and screamed this entire time, fleeing deeper into all-white enclaves."
"Black people were not allowed to vote and as a majority of the population of the country, about 70% of the country were forced into these harsh segregated zones."
"The life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination."
"Segregation is so abhorrent and so bad."
"Occupational segregation plays a big role within companies around wage discrepancies."
"Born Into the harsh realities of the segregated South, Charles's Journey was marked by early tragedy."
"...if in fact residential segregation was created unconstitutionally by racially explicit federal, state, and local policy designed to create racial boundaries in every metropolitan area of this country, then we're obligated to undo it."
"The story of Cape Town and South Africa's racial segregation starts far in the past but it's very much entangled with the present."
"Segregating any class or race of people apart from the rest of the people kills the progress of the segregated people or makes their growth very slow."
"Segregation ended, that's a lie in itself. That was a strategy to make us think that we're trying to help."
"I will not work in front of a segregated audience."
"I realized that the problems in every state... we had segregation in the south."
"The courage and professionalism of the first African-American Army armed unit to enter combat paved the way for the ending of racial segregation in the US military."
"It's the tale of basically lovers that can't be together in a time period where racism and segregation, Jim Crow, all that was very high."
"My parents grew up in Florida under lawful segregation."
"As he used John Lewis, who fought tirelessly to end segregation."
"Separation of duties means different people doing different jobs."
"Once the condition of leprosy had been established, the patient was so segregated and excluded from the community."
"Black people couldn't live in the same areas as white people and, most importantly, had no political power; they could not vote."
"Separate remains unequal, as schools with concentrated poverty and racial segregation are still likely to have less experienced teachers, high levels of teacher turnover, inadequate facilities, and fewer classroom resources."
"Roughly a third of all black Metropolitan residents live in extremely segregated or what researchers call hypersegregated neighborhoods."
"Residential segregation continues to be the structural lynchpin in America's system of racial stratification."
"Racial segregation limits access to the helpful social networks needed for successful employment."
"Brown v. the Board of Education... said that [school segregation] was inherently unequal and it was a violation of the 14th amendment's guarantee for equal protection under the law."
"He jumped at the chance to represent Claudette. He wants a chance to prove that segregation laws were unconstitutional."
"That's a really secure way to keep your data segregated."
"That's the reason why we had to have [our own leagues]... because baseball was segregated and we could not get any love in regular... leagues."
"The segregation of public space served a number of purposes beyond ensuring that social association did not take place."
"Extreme segregation breeds perversion; that's the general rule."
"Everybody pulling off into their own worlds and becoming hyper-segregated into their own ideological groups just causes them to get further and further into the extremes of their beliefs."
"Education has never been desegregated in America."
"Plessy versus Ferguson... upheld a Louisiana law requiring separate but equal accommodations."
"The Civil Rights Act of 1964 explicitly outlawed legalized segregation; that was a major step."
"Segregation of duties conflicts... may lead to conflicts of interest."
"Are so drained of self-respect and a sense of somebody-ness, that they've adjusted to segregation."
"The racial segregation that exists in every metropolitan area in this country is not de facto... it was created by racially explicit government policy."