
Public Opinion Quotes

There are 4657 quotes

"If you don't have haters, you're not doing something right."
"Having the experience is more important than consuming ourselves with other people's view of us."
"Politics is entertainment at this point. You have to win the crowd, as they say in Gladiator."
"The more you blow up, the more opinions people have about you. And that's fine."
"A Leader's job is not to follow polls, it's to change them."
"Most Americans would support a merit-based immigration system."
"The worst thing that can happen in politics is mockery and ridicule, much worse than castigation."
"Over and over again, the American people rise up and say the direction we're going doesn't make sense; we want change."
"What has by far been a clear outcome is that the people in Pakistan want a government by the people and for the people, and they are not so thrilled about these continuous interventions."
"What about the idea that we should think about democracy, think about the right of the people to elect candidates of their choice?"
"By doing this, what they end up doing is essentially showing the American public that they are willing to say or do anything about Donald Trump."
"I have not seen a single Zelda game where the consensus opinion on it has changed as much as with Twilight Princess."
"Regardless of the verdict, 50% of the world is going to be angry."
"In a way, Harry and Meghan are in the upswing because what I'm hearing is people saying, 'Well, Meghan was right. It's impossible being a member of that family.'"
"We need to talk about our relationship with morbid entertainment and our obsession with the public court of opinion."
"Every president is appealing to two constituencies: one, of course, the American public, but the other is history."
"Poll after poll shows that most Americans vehemently disagree with this."
"Somebody with strong views and somebody with the kind of views that are maybe a little bit unpopular, which may be right but may be unpopular, wouldn't necessarily have a chance of getting elected against somebody with no great brain but a big smile."
"If you were to go 10 years ago and ask people on the street does the news lie to you, maybe 20% would say yes... but I think it'd probably be around 50/50 now."
"Medicare and Medicaid are incredibly popular public programs."
"Malcolm X once said, 'The media is the most powerful entity on Earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power because they control the minds of the masses.'"
"Netflix is hit with four indictments, good. I'd love to see this move forward."
"If you hire four pre-pubescent girls and teach them to do graphic adult dancing and then put that movie out for people to watch, you should be canceled."
"The good common sense of the American people ultimately makes itself expressed."
"The American public does not seem to be falling for it this time."
"The American people are generally quite angry about how white-collar criminals do not go to prison."
"American politics is defined by the formula x minus y equals a big stink, where X is what people want from government and Y equals what they're willing to pay for government."
"Mash has managed to change the opinions of most of the students who once booed him off stage."
"The majority of people polled felt that it was important to continue to adhere to the principles set out in the U.N. convention."
"I've lost so much respect for Ellen specifically this year."
"The worldwide consultation process around the 75th anniversary of the United Nations has made clear that people want a global governance system that delivers for them."
"People are clearly fed up and they're ready for change."
"Quiet as is kept, our taxes go everywhere that we ain't got no control over."
"69% of Americans say they do not want the court to overturn Roe v. Wade."
"The answer is to expand Social Security, not to cut it. That's what the American people want, and that is what the right policy is."
"The willingness of an audience to forgive and forget is a powerful force in the dynamics between public figures and their followers."
"The court of public opinion often demands a high price for forgiveness, sometimes more than one is able to pay."
"Most important lesson for any content creator to learn is that the commenting public is not representative of the actual public."
"We're getting dangerously close to this point where you're not going to realize the opinion you're reading isn't from a human being; it's automatically generated by an AI."
"I call Andrew Tate controversial because while there are a lot of people who are outraged about a lot of the things he says, there are also a lot of people, particularly younger men, who think there is a lot of value in his message."
"The courts are going to be like, 'I'll just do what they tell me,' because the courts ultimately, in the end, are just enforcing popular opinion."
"The Prime Minister's actions have made a mockery of the British people's sacrifices during the pandemic."
"When asked about whether the monarchy was fit for purpose, Jeremy Corbyn said 'room for improvement' and actually got some applause for that."
"Most Americans want a higher minimum wage and think the rich aren't paying their fair share of taxes."
"Don't care about political opinion, I don't care what people's opinion of me online is... I want to be able to look back and say I did what was right."
"Democracy is actually pretty effective and that the leaders that you see are generally the people the leaders that people want."
"Since the referendum, the views of the British public on immigration have become more positive in terms of both its economic and its cultural impact."
"The majority of every voting demographic in the U.S., including Hispanics, opposes illegal immigration."
"The only way to look at that is to look at polling based on specific issues. And when you look at polling based on specific issues, the American people lean towards left-wing policy."
"The facts are not on their side and if we can get the American people to ignore the sideshows...and just pay attention to the facts, then I think that we can get this country back on track."
"Most people in the country...are cool with [abortion] less than 20 weeks."
"You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all the people all the time. So just do the right thing and be damned with the consequences."
"People will read a headline, they didn't learn anything, and that's their opinion from now on."
"A majority of Chinese people, when they're actually surveyed, say they consider their government to be democratic."
"Public opinion has been so strong that there needs to be accountability."
"When you're on target, they criticize; when you're off target, they celebrate."
"The overwhelming majority of this country does not want war and opposes it."
"I've noticed over the last year and a half that more and more people seem to want more honesty."
"Polling data on this point is very interesting because it tells me people want to have their cake and eat it too."
"The question remains: who will the public want as their next King, William or Charles?"
"Charles knows that the key to the public approval of Camilla as his partner is the acceptance of her by William and Harry."
"Ultimately, the people in this country are not well represented by their elected leaders."
"Ninety percent of gun owners support universal background checks."
"Banning of assault weapons and also expanding background checks, those are things that they can do. It's popular. This is what their constituents want them to do, is to act."
"If somebody on the left does something ridiculous and stupid, and other people on the left are like, 'yeah, that is kind of ridiculous and stupid,' and just moved on, I think a lot of the issues that blow up wouldn't be anywhere near as big a deal."
"If people want a clean break Brexit, there's a heck of a lot of them."
"This kind of ideological blindness will eventually undo social justice. The mainstream public... they want people treated fairly."
"These celebs are not paid millions and given massive platforms because they don't have influence over you."
"I am struck by the poll that found that a majority of Joe Biden 2020 voters say Israel is committing genocide."
"If Trump is such a criminal... and Biden is only up one, two, or three points, that is horrible."
"Double digits... that's a political death sentence."
"The claim that Navalny was murdered by the Russian authorities, whether true or not, is going to be believed by a large number of people."
"Americans have shown that this is not behavior that they support when people have the opportunity to vote and to say, 'This is not what I want from an elected official.'"
"The vast majority of Americans think that the police are doing their best in trying to do a good job."
"It is unethical for a psychiatrist to offer a professional opinion about an individual based on publicly available information without conducting an examination."
"You have to be hyper aware of what the hive mind is thinking, and if you say something outside of that, it can cost you your career, it can cost you your life."
"This matters because, to the extent that the connection is believed by the Russian public, the Kremlin will have an easier time building support to pursue the war with greater intensity than was possible before."
"Every lawsuit like this has two different types of courts: the court of public opinion and the court of law."
"The court of public opinion and the court of law differ."
"America wants this fixed; this is not complicated."
"The whole country hates it. 93% of Americans believe that politicians represent their donors and not their voters."
"As promised, the Raiden Shogun abolished the vision hunt decree. Finally, her people's wishes penetrated her locked heart."
"AOC... made it something legitimately considered by a large portion of the American electorate."
"Judicial decision-making must be based on law and sound jurisprudence, not subject to the whims of public opinion or clamor."
"The media has no hard power, soft power as more people just say we don't really care."
"A majority of Americans, nearly 60%, oppose overturning Roe."
"Our most recent numbers here at NBC finds 63% of Americans didn't think that the court should overturn Roe."
"This biomedical establishment...has shown its face for the first time to the public in a very clear way in this pandemic."
"During an awakening, all those institutions start out being as strong as ever but suddenly the public no longer demands order anymore."
"I think the vast majority of this trial was played out on social media. I think that this trial is an example of that gone haywire, gone amok."
"Blizzard is in a position where anything that they do is going to get sh*t on by a lot of people because people just don't like Blizzard anymore."
"If you're part of the 99% and you're pissed off because you think this is a taxpayer-funded bailout, the fact is that's exactly what it is."
"The more society drifts away from the truth, the more it will hate people who speak it."
"More than eighty to ninety percent of people do not support this decision. We want net neutrality, and we want to make sure that the net is protected from corporate greed, corporate interests, throttling, and censorship."
"People's opinions about my recovery and my life choices is none of my business."
"I'm hoping the reason why Trump's polls are actually going up is because the American people are not so stupid they're going to fall for this."
"This is a pretty ringing rejection of the defund the police strategy."
"Media is a tool that can enact change and influence public thinking at a global scale."
"It's hilarious how they've completely dismissed Joe Biden and Kamala Harris."
"Not only speaking out the agonies of 22 million members of the black masses but effectively voicing the guarded views and opinions of many of his detractors."
"If people had the choice...do you think they'd rather see across the valley a coal-fired power station, a wind turbine farm, or a modern nuclear reactor?"
"People are split right down the middle on it. They either think it's amazing or they're super angry."
"This smacks of governments over the world which have had the answer they don't want from their own people and then have just asked them the same question again."
"Nearly half of Americans believe that the federal government is doing a very bad or somewhat bad job of dealing with reports of UFO sightings."
"Justice is not often easy. It does not fit the mold of public opinion, and it does not conform to shifting standards."
"The populations of the world have already been crying out for change, and change is exactly what we'll get."
"The state rushed this case to indictment to appease the woke left mob."
"The greatest example that comes to mind is abortion. It was such an insane thing to do, and yet places like Kentucky...overwhelmingly voted in favor of codifying and protecting abortions."
"What difference does it make what people think about you?"
"It was over hyped and now it’s over hated, but really hype and hate aren’t so very different, and neither are especially helpful."
"People in China don't want war; they want peace."
"In the court of public opinion, truth is the only verdict that matters."
"I always had irrational confidence... if you believe what people say about you, you become that."
"It's been exactly one month since former President Donald Trump announced his 2024 candidacy, and voters across America are now sending a clear message to him and the Republican Party. They want something else."
"Exit poll data from the California vote yesterday shows that voters in the recall believe by a very wide margin that Gavin Newsom's vaccination and mask policies to try to stop COVID were either just about right or they should be even stronger."
"Fully 60% of the country says they are specifically in support of the Biden administration's new requirement that businesses with over 100 employees need to require either vaccination or regular COVID testing for all their employees."
"The American people are a lot more reasonable than Twitter would lead you to believe."
"Why not listen to this criticism, especially when it's getting millions of views?"
"People don't want to hear about the bearish views; they don't want to hear about anything that goes against the hype train."
"It is a circus, and I can't vote for a circus."
"It is sad that we live in a culture where you can't speak off the cuff or offer an opinion... without it being... turned without your consent into your die-hard mantra or fundamental belief system."
"46% of people, close to half the country, says that they're not either one of the two choices we have."
"I don't know what's going on in the world, everybody's upset about something, and no matter what you say, you can't please everybody. But for me, the only person I'm interested in pleasing is [my] wife, and I'm struggling with that most of the time."
"What the government says is in the interests of the United States is often quite different than what the people of the United States would consider to be in their interest."
"People want a limit on immigration but also want a fair immigration system... British people above all want an immigration system which is fashioned to support the economy, to help the country grow."
"We used those lists to go around and canvas the community in order to find out the desires of the community."
"The American people actually responded because guess what: the bipartisan infrastructure legislation, the American Rescue Plan, the Inflation Reduction Act – you name it – were popular with the American people."
"Say what you want about Stedman, but he can't be wack, because why would Oprah make that decision?"
"It's just the opposite, this keeps coming...when is it going to be the right time for Congress and the president to do what 90% of Americans want them to do?"
"The monarchy only exists at the behest of the people."
"Nobody wants to say no to a bill that says something about helping animals or helping old people or helping kids. You put a nice title in there, and everybody's got to vote for it."
"You voted, and we listened. This cannot be undone."
"It doesn't work. Kyle Rittenhouse should not have been in jail for 87 days. He was presumed innocent... Get him a nice comfy bed, queen size, four pillows, HD TV."
"People are not dumb. They can sit there and say that just doesn't make sense."
"The public wants transparency; they believe that corruption is something that should be investigated, including influence peddling."
"Most democracies work really well, and you will see policy track public opinion pretty closely."
"Most Americans agree that police brutality and rioting are both wrong."
"The vast majority of Americans, I mean like nearly all of them, believe that police brutality is bad."
"Every single person I have met ever believes that that police officer should go to jail for putting his knee on the neck of a man for nine long minutes while he says I can't breathe."
"The vast majority of Americans...believe that police brutality is bad."
"It's a battle for truth and it's a battle for the minds of the people."
"The overwhelming majority of the people of Ohio and the country do not want to force 10 year olds to have their rapist babies."
"The majority of Americans want to protect Reproductive Rights. They do not want the government to get in between them and their doctors."
"The majority of Americans do not want Roe v. Wade overturned. The majority of Americans want abortion to be safe, legal, and accessible."
"Politicians are not necessarily making legislation that reflects the views of the people in the state."
"The American people's voices in the most recent election could not be clearer."
"The consequences and the consensus of the American people demand that Roe should not have been overturned."
"People are led by the media to care about one thing and then another then another, as the media jumps from one lily pad to the next."
"The public needs to decide whether these programs and policies are right or wrong."
"The thought of Donald Trump as commander-in-chief scares us to death."
"Joe Biden's ratings collapsing, actually I'm kind of feeling pretty good about that."
"Great athletes are viewed differently based on how much they win."
"Seventy percent of voters support access to safe and legal abortions."
"It is now up to a higher court: the American people."
"At a certain point, you're going to have to trust the American people."
"Voters approved legalizing recreational weed everywhere it was on the ballot."
"Do we live in a democracy or don't we? Did you know that 74% of Republicans want Paid Family Leave?"
"The polls say Democrats are in trouble, but every time we have an election, the voters say Republicans are in trouble."
"Most Americans believe now is not the time to load a bill up with a bunch of stuff unrelated to COVID because we need every dollar to hit the mark."
"We are looking at a world where the establishment can no longer maintain control over the minds of the public."
"The country is incredibly progressive, 76% of the country says raise taxes on the rich, don't lower them."
"You're not a dictator; you're not a king. It's not inherent that I'm supposed to love you and acknowledge everything you say. You're supposed to earn it."
"That's the science they had, and they said, 'Look, people, this is what people want.' So that's not science."
"You have seven out of ten Americans supporting policies like Medicare for All...yet we get so little attention paid to those issues because both corporate parties aren't willing to do anything about those issues if they will negatively impact their corporate donors."
"Gallup polls are showing a significant increase in public support for labor unions."
"On so many of these issues, people everywhere, and certainly in Texas, are so far ahead of the politicians and the office holders."
"Most people believe in the JFK conspiracy theory."
"The American people don't trust the government... the percentage today is less than 20 percent."
"I think the country wants a change. They want a fresh start and a New Direction."
"Can we separate artists from their art? The short answer is not really. We try, but what we do instead is just counsel you completely or we find a way to justify your actions enough that we can deal with it."
"Two-thirds of all Americans believe that there is extraterrestrial life... that's more than the number that believe God exists."
"It's taking entertainment from being this thing where quality is decided by just a few people to it's decided by everyone."
"The majority of Americans think having assault weapons is bizarre."
"The overwhelming sentiment of Americans is that racism is bad."
"Imagine logging into your Instagram page and everything is nothing but hate."
"85 percent of Americans say social media makes it easier to manipulate people with misinformation."
"I'm outraged by the drama regarding Big Willy and this cacophony, this cavalcade of hatred towards the boy for no good reason."
"Legal Eagle says, 'Lady C, what do you think about New York Judge Louis Kaplan setting a date of January the 4th next year for Prince Andrew's legal team who will make a motion to dismiss the sexual assault case brought against him by Virginia Giuffre?' Well, I think the sooner the better."
"Trump himself is not really a problem; it's the idea that there were this many people in the United States willing to vote for him."
"This is an important issue. It's also an exciting issue. Public opinion will sway this."
"A rising number of Americans say political violence is justified. Survey shows a small but significant share of Americans believe in the use of force to attain political goals."
"Governments have grown much smarter...they don't want people talking about war; they want people worried about nuclear weapons because that makes you support your own government."
"Bringing Mega politics into Canada isn't something that's actually happening. What is happening is Canadians and people around the world are saying, 'I think you're ruining Canada and something needs to be done.'"
"The American people have had enough, thank God."
"Sovereignty in this house comes from the British people and the idea that we can overrule 17.4 million people is preposterous."
"I think people are more accepting than social media reflects."
"I think we're winning this one. I think regular people have had enough and are just saying, 'Yo, I'm sick of how crazy things have gotten.'"
"I think everyone's been surprised by the level of support that most people in these disputes are getting."
"There's something about the will of the people that we need to pay attention to."
"A Q score is a measure of how well a celebrity, it could be a cartoon character or a sports person, is known, how well they're liked, and how much they're disliked. It's an industry standard tool that's used. It's not just focused on the movies they're in but also what's happening in their personal lives."
"The American people are sick and tired of a president who lies all of the time."
"There's a silent majority that agrees with this type of stuff that has been repressed for way too long."
"National polls consistently show that the Canadian public supports assisted dying."
"Even if Chauvin could identify some minor fault, any error is harmless. The evidence of Chauvin's guilt was captured on video for the world to see."
"What do you say to people who don't want to give up their private insurance plans? Well, I would just say, first of all, that nobody likes their private insurance plan. What they like is their doctor."
"The press is terrible at telling people what to think but is very good at telling them what to think about."
"Most Americans are still not into socialism."
"It's the wish to be told what to do, is the adoration for strong and brutal and cruel leaders."
"That's amazing. So, Trump is one bad guy away from being, 'Remember that funny guy who used to tweet the crazy [expletive]?'"
"The thing is populism is sort of inherently inevitable because it's the will of the people."