
Target Audience Quotes

There are 371 quotes

"If you write something for everyone, you write something for no one."
"A marketing strategy defines which customers you're going after and how you'll change their beliefs about your products and services."
"Satire is supposed to exaggerate the worldview of those who agree with you, to speak specifically to those who don't, with the purpose of preventing them from becoming the characters that you have created."
"If you’re trying to create messages for everybody, you end up speaking to nobody."
"Define your Crux: Niche, target audience, and positioning - the heart of your business."
"I think for us, it was like the change was going from 'Oh, we're gonna make anything' to 'We're gonna make content for this audience that gives them this value'."
"Artifact is the kind of game that is going to appeal a lot to a very specific type of card game player."
"It's an antidote to the idea that your message should be targeted at groups."
"All you have to make sure is that when it comes to winning product that it has a wow factor solves a problem or it has a wow factor then has a passionate audience."
"It's an Assassin's Creed game made for Assassin's Creed fans."
"Listen, man, to all you all, to everybody watching right now, man, we're preaching to the choir. That's the challenge."
"It's like every game, the target audience is like sensitive 14 year old girls."
"Define your target audience before you start creating. The key to failure in business is trying to satisfy everyone."
"Research your target demographic for a better UX."
"This album is for rap fans, it's for hip-hop fans."
"Barbie is the first movie that's truly and unapologetically delivered for its target audience."
"Yeah, man, I [__] loved this movie. This was made for me."
"Right wing news for right wing people; sour apples for sour people."
"Who is this policy for and that's what I always wonder about."
"I suspect that the audience that was attracted to a Donahue interview with Doug Casey probably wasn't representative of the United States."
"It was edgy, dark, and made just as much for adults as it was for children."
"So that's the number one thing you gotta figure out. Is what is the niche that you're going to be serving?"
"Legos made a ton of these especially for the Lego friends and girl-oriented themes lines."
"Placement targeting is the absolute best type of targeting if you can do it."
"Testing different marketing angles allows Facebook and Instagram to find the perfect audience for you."
"For most people that I am talking to with Facebook Ads, until you're spending like over $2,000 a day, you probably don't need to really mess with anything over a 1% look-alike audience."
"We are going to make 'Destiny' for people who love 'Destiny,' period. That is really exciting and invigorating for us as our company and our team."
"Knowing your target audience is one of the most important elements of building a successful fashion business."
"Brand awareness is really about being aware of your target customer, understanding and clarifying your brand story, and ensuring alignment across the marketing mix."
"It's hard for people to realize... it's a film for 12-year-olds... brings out the kid in all of us."
"Our rationale was, on one hand, we can create content for the internet first, and then the people who will see it will be the people who will want us to come to their campus."
"For a show that was clearly aiming for kids and younger fans, MTV Spider-Man carried over a lot of these good storytelling elements."
"I'm building a company for people that have either been watching my content since they were 12."
"They know what they're doing and who to sell it to."
"I just don't understand who is the target audience of artifact."
"It just resonated that way and the hope is always that it uh resonates in the hearts and the minds and the spirits and The Souls of of young black and brown girls across the world."
"Having a good understanding of your target audience and creating messaging around what they can relate to will exponentially increase the amount of sales that you make."
"To get more views by the morning, you need to understand who your target audience is and what they are really interested in."
"Your job is to work out what your target audience is really, really interested in."
"If I could start again, there is one thing and one thing only I would focus on more than anything, and that would be working out who my target audience is as fast as I could."
"If you make stuff for everyone you're kind of making stuff for no one that's a bit of a cliche but it's absolutely true right."
"They know that most people aren't their target audience. They're only targeting people who are vulnerable."
"Strategy is fundamentally about choosing who exactly you are trying to please and then engineering a value chain in order to deliver on that."
"Modelo is brewed for those with a fighting spirit."
"The target audience is unclear... the market is already occupied."
"How did Green Book win Best Picture? It's only evidence of who this movie was really made for."
"I feel like this project is not just trying to reframe the way white people think about this history but really I wrote this for us."
"The best way to enjoy Immortals Phoenix Rising is to be a kid who doesn't know what Devil May Cry is."
"Sniper Elite 5 is a game that a certain type of person is absolutely gonna love the hell out of."
"It's clear that due to its consistent gameplay and storytelling styles that eleanor was really trying to target a specific audience."
"Apple has done an amazing job of creating products that appeal to that group of people."
"You don't need a lot of people, but you need the right people who are actually going to get the proof for you to validate your offer."
"You want to optimize things. This video is mainly for the latter."
"Connect with the 18 to 24 age group on YouTube, they're not on TV."
"So now you know the secrets of the new Pepsi logo, why it matters so much to Pepsi, and exactly who it was designed for."
"It's appealing to like a different market, and that market is valid."
"Usually, the worst creative crimes are made when you're trying to make a game for someone else, some perceived demographic that in all likelihood doesn't actually exist."
"Just because people from outside of that target audience come in and tell you that you should be making the game or developing the game differently, that doesn't mean that you should."
"Nobody's really backing it, and it's because they're simply catering to a demographic of weirdos that are broke as [ __ ]."
"The beauty of Instagram ads... put your message in front of your ideal target market."
"The kind of men I target are men who are busy with trying to be the best version of themselves."
"Providing value to your target audience is crucial."
"It's a functional game that has the potential to be fun for certain crowds but a lot of things just do not come together properly."
"Focus on that target audience. Don't get mad if your stuff doesn't grow."
"Classic WoW is going to appeal to a specific audience, a niche audience, a niche audience doesn't necessarily mean a small audience."
"Zul is trying to shape Classic Offensive into something that will appeal to two different types of people."
"Our core demographic, the group of people that we really want to touch in this discussion."
"That's how you market things. You find something that works for a group and then you use it."
"The problem isn't really the legality of gambling... it's the aggressive marketing of the betting companies and their target audience."
"Toei's big idea was to go way younger but also way retro."
"It's almost like it's designed specifically for certain type of people and that's certainly you."
"Warhammer fantasy used to be a really hardcore boys game, built and designed for teenage boys."
"God's promises are always for his intended targets."
"There are people in the middle that are kind of undecided and these are usually the people that I look for."
"We're not meant to serve all people, we have our style and philosophy."
"He was already catering to children, y'all. He was already all up in it, catering to children. Real talk, real talk."
"Octopath Traveler has a powerful draw for those who grew up in the heyday of JRPGs."
"Direct marketing reveals people who want to patronize your product and see you successful."
"Confirmation bias refers to one's tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of a prior existing belief."
"The review is less aimed at those who have already owned and played the game and more aimed at those who have not played it yet."
"Aim for one audience... Make the thing for that person."
"Having a target audience in mind is a great way to keep your design on track."
"Not only do we never need to question the target demographic of a cat sanctuary now, we also know who our prison pen pals are."
"Define your customer and let that be the backbone of your whole company."
"Fishing with the wrong bait will not get you the right fish that you want."
"If you watch, laugh, and go do something, you are my target audience."
"Facebook returns to its roots with a campus college student-only social network."
"A game made for everyone is a game made for no one."
"High value videos for your audience avatar, that's what ultimately drives views."
"At some point, American comics stopped being for everybody... they stopped being widely available."
"This company is not what most people think. Gamers are not its target audience."
"Particularly like a strong woman viewer base especially those who might find themselves as moms who feel like they've lost parts of themselves as they've entered motherhood."
"This movie is targeted to African Americans."
"Mid 20s to late 40s is kind of my audience, and that's awesome."
"Since I treat this channel as a business, targeting the US viewers gonna benefit me in the long run."
"It's not made for adults, it's made for the young and young at heart."
"Identify who's already looking for the information you have in your head."
"I know why I'm making this and who I'm making this for."
"Too much versatility can create volatility. You're not talking to anybody. Your marketing strategy is for a specific person in a specific time."
"Mazda is going after a different audience, a more mature and upscale audience."
"So here's how you enter the market: figure out what you're going to sell."
"It's a shame that there are no temperature gauges here but also the kind of person this was aimed at i don't think they really would have cared."
"If you try to make a game for everyone, you make a game for no one."
"We created this show because this is the show that we wish that we had."
"I'm enjoying it a lot more than I ever did... I think it works to attract a new audience."
"Forget your friends and family. If your audience is your friends and family, you're screwed."
"They want to get that nostalgia dollar with this, meaning they want to bring in an older audience."
"They know exactly who their supporters are and that's why they're catering to them."
"My videos are mainly geared towards the people that's on offense, people who are looking for information and people who just want to learn more."
"The target or the most offended group of people from this particular tweet probably isn't Burger King's core customer."
"If you are 11, a girl, and have no siblings, and have always dreamed of having siblings like a secret twin, and you dreamed of having magical powers, and you dreamed of driving a Porsche Boxster, this is the movie for you."
"I hope you guys are as well make sure to stick around towards the end of the video we'll go over who I think this bike is for and other than that let's get this thing going."
"They made this for the critics and not the fans."
"Describe what you do, the problem, and who you're solving it for." - Clarity is key.
"The biggest reason your irresistible offer doesn't sell is you're selling to the wrong people."
"If you try and make something that's for everybody, you end up with something that's not for anybody."
"The guys and girls who are going to be really attracted to this boat are probably coming out of sailing."
"He changed the target market of the company to young women who were notably less shy about buying lingerie."
"To build the most successful product possible... you need to know who you're talking to and who the product that you're building is for."
"You're still selling a widget. Are you selling a widget that only appeals to one out of every 5,000 people? Or are you selling a widget that everybody kind of needs?"
"...if I was advising them as a brand, I would say if you want to do that really fun packaging, elevate it a little bit to be for the a little bit older demographic."
"We knew that we were making an extremely premium product that was not going to make sense for everybody."
"A target audience includes General details about your target market and a buyer Persona is a specific fictional character from within your target audience who is most likely to make a purchase from your brand."
"Disney shifted their focus to specifically children."
"Identify your target Avatar's problems; solving them is the core principle for building your audience."
"Choose your overall Niche or audience that you're going to be targeting."
"I think the audience for this and for the 59 are folks who are really, really into Gibson guitars, folks who love these guitars love their Gibson counterparts."
"One of the best audiences to Target are people that have already engaged with your business."
"Not everyone is going to be your customer and that is okay."
"Who the hell is this series for? This show has a massive identity crisis."
"It's aimed at The Young and the young at heart."
"Producer: Okay, so we need a poster that will make our Target demographic of boys excited for this movie. Any ideas?" "Marketing Guy: Star Wars."
"The Leica Q3 isn't for everyone, and it doesn't try to be."
"If your client comes to you and says, 'Hey, run my social media, but I have no idea who I want to reach,' or 'I want to reach everybody,' that isn't a great sign."
"It's made for specific people that are going to absolutely love it."
"Know who you're marketing towards. Identify your target audience. Talk as if you are talking to that person directly."
"One of the main demographics of One Piece are children, they're little kids. Luffy's not gonna really care too much about... the really deep complicated geogra Murphy of the world he's in."
"I think there's a target market for this that's really going to love this but I don't feel like this product is universally appealing to a lot of people."
"But I feel like this new movie was really geared to like really like young kids just in my opinion."
"They've picked up on a very targeted niche of young girls and focused on self-empowerment."
"For 10 generations, the Civic has targeted a very niche audience: the human race."
"Subaru should consider doing a WRX version that will really attract even more younger buyers and more male buyers."
"Your goal is to find those perfect people and to ideally avoid and repel everybody else."
"To make money in the wine business, you need to sell the product to people who have money but no wine themselves, and for us, those people are in northern Europe because of the Rhine."
"I'm an ageist, but they're gonna try to target the kids that have no idea about this story, be like, 'Wow, this is the greatest [ __ ]!'"
"The GLA is designed to be sportier, a little bit more style-forward, a little bit younger focused."
"Sometimes you appeal to a small segment of the population because those people give way more of a [ __ ] than everybody else."
"The Sequoia is really targeted at someone that wants to tow more than you can in the average 3-row crossover in America."
"It was very much from the very beginning our idea was to focus on the teenage part of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."
"They will bring in new buyers that never really considered buying a truck before."
"The more specific you get with who is this for and what problems does it solve the better the response is going to be to This I Promise You."
"So, for example, you might have a preference of working with smaller companies, people who are self-employed, solopreneurs."
"Everybody knows that if you try to sell to everyone, you end up selling to no one."
"Figure out who you're selling to and exactly what it is that you're selling."
"Your target client is you. Your previous or your current self."
"If you create something that's too expensive for your target audience, then it's not for them."
"If I create something that's too expensive for you, you're not my target audience."
"...really understanding your target audience down to a T is super crucial..."
"Spend more time marketing your services on platforms where your ideal clients spend their time."
"You don't make stuff for everybody, you make stuff for the people who will love it."
"Your market or your ideal customer avatar or perfect fit client or prospect, well they're really the cornerstone."
"Audience research is one of the most important things to understand. Who is your target audience? What do they really want?"
"What you really should do is not go after more customers but instead go after only the best customers."
"You have to be aware of who your clientele is and who they aren't. And you can't waste your time or your energy or spend any money, certainly marketing towards people who don't want and can't afford your stuff."
"A game made for everyone is a game for no one. That's Hell Divers."
"They're out there, that quirky pirate romantic that loves your product and can sell it."
"...but I will say at most events you're going to get a lot more of my second pumpkin lady than first pumpkin lady okay you don't need to sell to every single person who comes to your Market you just need to find your people."
"What are you wanting to increase sales from? Who specifically are you wanting to increase sales from?"
"Know your ideal client like the back of your hand."
"It's not just about selling, it's about selling the right things to the right audience."
"If you're somebody that's hopping in from a rival brand, the Mercedes-Benz GLC is speaking to you more directly than it was before."
"I think the biggest mistake that a lot of companies make is they try and cater to everybody and then they just get eaten up by the competition."
"Ultimately what we're trying to establish here is who this particular product is for."
"Email marketing is not dead, it is the number one way to reach your target market."
"We are rebranding. Mostly ladies and gentlemen, but mostly ladies."
"It requires reaching out to people who are your target audience asking if they want to buy it and then getting that thing off the ground from there it's all about getting consistent sales for the thing that you have."
"Know who you are marketing yourself to."
"It was really about building that brand. We know exactly who our ideal client is. We speak to them specifically. We go out and search them. We go to events that they're going to be hanging out at."
"Who is this for? It's for coaches, consultants, authors, and experts who are currently in business and making some sales."
"Your ideal customer is someone who wants a formal gown that fits them beautifully."
"What are they offering, who is their target audience, how do they meet their needs?"
"Find your tribe of people and just market to those people."
"Who is the Venza for? Well, simply put, it's for anyone."
"If you've got a broad appeal product that lots of people a large percentage of the population are going to be interested in Broad targeting can work for you."
"To survive, the marque knew that it had to reach the younger buyers fueling the spectacular rising sales of crossovers and small SUVs."
"Who is this Venue 2S for? Well, the answer to that question might be really obvious if you're really big into fitness."
"If the entire concept as it's been presented thus far excites you, I think that that is the customer that it is for"
"Selling to the wrong people is worse than not selling anyone at all."
"The best way to sell anything is to Define your target audience and then figure out what the problem that you can present to them."
"Most of our videos are geared towards beginners."
"I don't make content for everybody because I speak for a kind of man."
"Unlike Curse of the Black Pearl which would earn a rare PG-13 rating for a Walt Disney Pictures film, producers wanted the Haunted Mansion to be geared more towards kids and families."
"So, who is this product for? Number one is for people that know they already love EL84 and the sound that those amps make."
"Lisa knew to target the youth as they were the future."
"The transformation from here to here, to do this, you do have to really hone in on your target market and figure out what their problem is."
"If you try to serve everybody, you serve no one. So it's about honing in on who you're actually building your product for, who your persona is."
"Our pedals are for guys like him."
"So, as you can see, we have a research question. It's very clear who we're going to be studying, college students who are getting their bachelor's degree, who are enrolled in online programs."
"You're answering the specific question for a specific buyer, directly for that perfect client that we just did all that research on."
"You'll attract people from outside of this specific target market range, but your product suits a specific type of person."