
Content Strategy Quotes

There are 697 quotes

"There's really only two types of paid newsletters that work: You either have timely newsletters, where the benefit is you're saving me time...or you go, I want access to quote-unquote 'Insider information.'"
"Optimizing your content so that search engines recognize it as relevant to search queries related to your products is what we mean by SEO."
"Mixing searchable content with connection-building content is key to keeping your audience engaged."
"Ask yourself, how is this helping someone? Your video needs to educate, motivate, or entertain."
"Having done this for now for four and a half years focusing on quantity, we can now shift to focusing on quality."
"Carousels are amazing. If you're not putting it on your content strategy, you should."
"I think what made it do well was a lot of the other videos, 'Day in the Life' videos, there's a lot of people kind of talking and not showing."
"How's that possible? How can you retain an audience 130%? It means that on average, people watch the video 1.3 times."
"The thumbnails are really important. We find that bold graphics with bright, strong colors and high contrast usually draw people in."
"In the digital world, you provide value, value, value. It's the three E's: you're putting out content that is either educational, encouraging, or entertaining."
"Generally, those are pretty good for like PvE content."
"And then eventually I shifted my approach to caption writing to really think about how I could provide value to other people."
"If you want to grow your channel, try to maximize the number of new people who are stumbling upon it."
"Your goal isn't to beat the YouTube algorithm; it's to build an audience on YouTube."
"What the algorithm is designed to do is follow the audience and make them happy. That is exactly the same as what you need to do."
"Decide on what audience you want to reach on YouTube, and start talking to them, and I guarantee you the subscribers will take care of themselves."
"Modeling success and modeling viral content is extremely powerful and crucial in order to make sure that your account grows extremely fast."
"Did I just kill my Golden Goose by switching content?"
"You have to separate yourself from everybody else. Have your own style. Collaborations work. Top ten lists usually do well."
"The earlier it is in your title... the better it is."
"Quality content allows other sites to link back to ours."
"Chores should be account-like. Content should not."
"Your bio should be informative, captivating, and engaging."
"The game is won by relentless content over big splashes."
"Timing matters, both in regards to the actual time that you are going to post your content, as well as the frequency and schedule."
"You should literally get an intern... and you should put out a piece of content every single day."
"Stick to the big five content kings: educate, entertain, inspire, inform, interact."
"This is one big game of having enough content to match the 30 to 80 different psychographic and demographic cohorts that are potentially doing business with you."
"Do you think our objective should be to grow the audience or should our objective to be talking about the things we want to talk about?" - Chamath
"If I upload consistently and I keep making content people enjoy watching, the YouTube algorithm will work in my favor and I can grow the channel."
"Give me the Chris, Chris is so paranoid about this and he's right."
"Keep it fresh, always try something new and don't forget to test and double down on what's working."
"I'm currently in the process of literally re-strategizing my content."
"One of the most important things you can do as a content creator is getting your content in front of a new audience."
"It's important to hook your viewers in immediately."
"Content is king but distribution is emperor."
"It's not just about adding in links and keywords. It's about doing what's also best for the user."
"Ultimately, they're removing content that gets people into the game."
"Follow the 80/20 rule: provide value 80% of the time and promote your brand only 20% of the time."
"Short form content is simply an addition to long-form content."
"Over time, as you add more and more high-quality blog posts, Google will become more and more impressed."
"Search-based content is the bridge from starting to where I am today."
"Have the courage to tweak the content... analyze what's truly working."
"Strategically, it was just hitting the algorithm better at that point than Ian and Anthony sketches."
"Don't think about this too much, but really think about one video a week that you can use to serve your audience."
"Size of platform isn't the thing, size of platform can be a part of the thing."
"More formats equals more hooks equals more watch time."
"Good ads explain the unique selling proposition, educate or entertain, have a great offer and urgency, and are not boring."
"Wouldn't it be great if Blizzard tries to diversify content rather than developing a game on a playbook made 15 years ago?"
"I really hope that the WoW team tries to diversify content rather than developing a game on a playbook made 15 years ago."
"Thank you for listening folks, and I look forward to seeing how these formats and more refined directions work out over the next few months."
"And then the more like, uh, commentary based thing being promoted heavily within the like YouTube algorithm itself."
"That's what it is and then they realize this guy's hot I gotta stick around for this I gotta ring that MF and bell."
"Cater content towards your viewers and slightly over that a bit."
"Know your top ten, okay, know what videos are most successful for you in terms of the views."
"I'm vigilant on how user interaction is going to go throughout the video and I'm really cognizant of like are people going to continue watching."
"Just a few tweaks here or there, like getting a blog post to go viral, immediately raises up your income."
"Crafting articles targeting multiple search queries for broader reach."
"There is a very dedicated market for this type of content."
"One month YouTube is like, 'Hey, upload a video that's less than a minute long'...the other month it's like, 'Upload a [__] hour-long video.'"
"That's step number one, fill the holes, because when you're first starting, it's really hard to compete with all of the other videos that are out there."
"Plans for 2020: More crafted content, collaborations, live streams."
"Your success as a creator on YouTube will almost inevitably depend on how you respond to dislikes."
"We must leave the comfort zone of only being on YouTube."
"A way to differentiate yourself is by going medium content."
"Smash the like button when you get an opportunity. Really big for the algorithm and the channel in general."
"I personally would never do a same day, two uploads in a day."
"I come out typically with three data-driven videos per week and I will be doing a series now of housing market deep dives in 2022."
"Why should you do this? I hear you ask. Put simply, it makes you and your content much harder to replicate."
"Consistency is king; tap into a kid audience, make the same video every goddamn day on a trend that will never die, and your channel will do great."
"I launched new videos every single week on how to generate more leads, make more money, and grow your business."
"YouTube analytics are key. They determine what direction your channel is gonna go in."
"The best chance that you have to go viral, it is by far the best chance that you have to get a lot of views."
"The easiest way to do this is to go and look at what things people are searching for within your niche."
"If you feel like getting no views, do some research, figure out a way to get some views."
"As we stare into these sorts of problems, we want to think of a different way of distributing content that can be more player-friendly."
"Give the viewer what they want and then give them what they need."
"All it needed was good content and time in between those two."
"Netflix has overvalued a lot of their content overpaying to lure top talent and green lighting projects often the pet projects have said top talent that no other studio would touch."
"With the initial start of the climb on TikTok last year, we started around August-September, putting out the initial videos and it saw some rapid growth."
"We need to add emergent gameplay to our content pipeline. Focus on the immersion and sandbox style play."
"I want people to cry during scenes. I don't want it to just be a bunch of dick jokes."
"It's obscenely profitable... That's what react content is at this point. You're kind of stupid not to have a React channel from a business standpoint."
"Nope, not me, I know about his little challenges so I'm gonna skip his little challenge and we're gonna get right to it, fine."
"It's literally just if you make content that people will watch for, you can make up to a minute content if you have an average of a minute of people watching."
"Now, strategic positioning is the work that I do on my own content on my own channel that helps position me as the perfect partner for that company."
"It's better to have one video get a hundred thousand views than have three videos get thirty thousand views."
"No more 45-minute videos on the main channel, back to 10 to 15 minutes."
"We're not gonna take the approach of taking three months without any actual expansion content."
"Your lead is the section of your page that comes right after your headline."
"Give people something to look forward to every week."
"We're gonna try to keep this content model for free for as long as we can."
"I believe this organization should be putting out somewhere in the ballpark of two to 5,000 pieces of content across seven to 10 channels on the internet a day."
"Step number seven is... decide how to help your audience further."
"Consistency is key. Doing more with content, putting out a YouTube video a week minimum."
"The purpose of your post is not just to get views but also to get people to click on it, like it, comment on it, and even share it with others."
"To get more views by the morning, you need to understand who your target audience is and what they are really interested in."
"It has changed it entirely. Today, 95% or more of my time is spent on our content strategy."
"Your content's job is two-fold: Get as much relevant traffic as possible, and Convert or prepare your visitors to become paying customers."
"The reason why we did KFC and Subway before is because we know with the money that we got from you guys, we were able to buy a lot."
"Content's job is to lead people towards a profitable action."
"Marking your post not safe for work will probably make more people read it."
"Every new set of eyes is an opportunity to help a video get a bigger boost in the algorithm."
"I think LTT may end up collapsing under its own weight and our future may be many smaller channels that only need to get a hundred thousand or 150,000 views average."
"Uploading regularly is really, really important."
"Consistency is key; let your followers know when to expect your posts."
"Pinterest is heavily women, great for mothers and home-and-garden."
"The underlying situation isn't changing and that means their audience may eventually walk away."
"The game plan is feedback and adaptation... trying to educate and think what the audience would want."
"So if you want to outdo this page and many similar pages that are getting thousands of visitors every single month, you need to: a) build trust with your visitors fast, and b) provide deep and clear guidance for a beginner level audience."
"This is the kind of content that people want to share and link to despite the fact that there's commercial value for the creator."
"If you have a video that kind of takes off, do more of those videos."
"You don't need to show everything in your workshop. Think in terms of storytelling."
"I still keep that in mind every week when I choose my projects and how to present them."
"Stacking those original elements is going to help separate you from all these channels that are suddenly going to crop up."
"Increasing your post frequency doubled my subscriber rate."
"The ones that do well, the ones that get abnormally large amounts of views and engagement, are the ones you need to do more of."
"Use analytics to tell you what works and what doesn't. Experiment and adjust your strategy accordingly."
"Bob Iger reportedly wants the platform to remain focused on family content."
"Quality over quantity - focus on building a tight-knit audience."
"Taking people on your journey and doing personal experiments and like measuring the results I think would be a great way to position him."
"It's just a good example of a gaming channel putting a lot of thought into how they're going to appeal to an audience."
"Timing is everything when it comes to blogging, YouTube, PPC, Pinterest, influencer marketing."
"Stop complicating your thumbnails, I should be able to scroll and immediately tell what your video is about off your thumbnail."
"Stay true to who you are as a person but also be prepared to listen to your audience and adapt your channel."
"Consistency is key in your content schedule."
"I don't know what you're doing but like I said if you guys want the shooting playmaking and defensive badge method updated all you gotta do is get this video to a thousand likes."
"Once a week, high-quality content is a pretty good upload schedule."
"One thing that everyone tends to overlook when they first start a streaming service is that you need a steady flow of content to make it work, to keep people hooked on the platform."
"This distinction is important to make... because it's going to help you make decisions about your content strategy."
"Make sure your thumbnail is different from the competition."
"Engage with your viewers by replying to every comment."
"Be consistent with uploading, at least twice a week."
"Thankfully it does seem like there are many Avenues to rectify this more steady content for Fallout 76 is an easy and simple one."
"YouTube suggests videos based on two main factors."
"Watch time can help your videos get more visibility across the entire platform, including search."
"You should probably balance doing content that you think is scalable with it also having to personally satisfy you and be something that you care about and that you're passionate about."
"If something's not good and they click on it, then they're less likely to click on future videos, so you can only grow viewership."
"Try and give yourself a kickstart by looking at where the community likes to absorb its content."
"I think the two months that I took prior to starting my channel was the reason that it was able to grow relatively quickly."
"Fourteen meaningful updates to this game from a Content perspective over the course of three years."
"Now, the most important next step that I think Grace should take within her videos, and this applies to you watching very much so, is invite interaction."
"Know more about your own channel and discover what works for your audience, and it's pretty simple, do more of it."
"Reply to all your comments with videos – it's literally a cheat code."
"This can reveal key insights into content that was created months, even years ago, that's still popular with the YouTube audience today."
"If several creators are using the same keywords, it's more evidence that you really need to dig into the keyword research that surrounds it."
"YouTube flipped a switch then like late 2015 or even let's say early 2016 and things haven't been the same since."
"I'm getting ready to talk about that in just a second: the reason for my YouTube growth."
"It's better to look at a video and think, 'How can this video grow over time?' instead of 'How many views can this video get in 48 hours?'"
"If you want to stand out, if you want to grow, you need to keep viewers watching."
"Content comes first, players come first, it is a misstep from the jump."
"All you're doing in this scenario is you're creating the environment for people to come in on one video and then find other content on your channel easily that they also are likely to enjoy."
"Identify the videos that are driving the most subscribers, and then start trying to figure out why you think that they're driving the most subscribers."
"The hook is the thing that separates the winners from the losers."
"Most people struggle on YouTube because they don't plan their videos."
"When you know at least a general idea of who it is that you're trying to reach with your content, it helps you come up with better video topics."
"What matters for growth and what matters for audience sake but I also want to make sure that I do the content I want to do irrespective of what kind of audience it generates"
"Understanding and cracking the YouTube algorithm should be one of, if not your number one priority when trying to grow your channel."
"Do a week of no reaction content and see how many views you get."
"Session time is the total amount of time that someone spends on YouTube after they start watching your video."
"Utilize Pinterest to drive traffic to your review posts."
"For the purposes of this video I don't really want to discuss the morality of spoiling versus not spoiling and it's not just because I can potentially be accused of it but it's because it's entirely irrelevant to the marketing aspect."
"You want to create engaging content, ask questions on your posts."
"Of all the audiences, a large percentage doesn't care about anything but you. Mobilizing matters more than the actual content."
"Experiment with content being a little bit longer."
"If viewers are returning to your channel regularly to watch more, they're more likely to be recommended more of your videos in the future."
"Subscriber growth really occurs as a result of consistently posting over time."
"With so much high performing content on those lower competition search queries, we're able to naturally gain that authority which Google is able to measure just as easily as they do backlinks."
"You might be chill if you were somewhere else, but on No Jumper, you're gonna get way more people watching and giving a [__]."
"Make things easy for your audience to keep watching your stuff."
"Give your audience something to engage with."
"Your Yoast settings are at full optimal settings so at this point all you need to do is just work on your content."
"Set pins to go live up to a month in advance to avoid looking spammy."
"This might be worth considering doing this in phases, I think it's a good recipe to give everyone a healthy amount of content at a time."
"One of the rules with pivoting your content from one format to another is that you don't replace, you add."
"I think you should post juicy parts of your videos as YouTube shorts."
"Give the viewer what they want in the title and thumbnail and then deliver what they need in the content."
"As a creator, it's deciding on those few things. Who is your content for and how is your content serving that audience?"
"Content pillars are basically the three main areas that you want to focus on with your social media or your content strategy."
"Upload every three to four days because the algorithm loves this and so do people."
"Posting engaging niche-related content compels people to like, share, and comment."
"Optimize your posts for Facebook with catchy titles and eye-catching thumbnails."
"It helps me out a ton, the algorithm. We're shooting for 1k likes in the first 24 hours."
"You guys need to be reposting your best pieces of content."
"Start modeling your content off of the trends or modeling off of what is successful in your niche."
"Off-grid living is definitely not a lie, but the title was a little clickbaity."
"Your goal instead should be to get your videos recommended and suggested because that's where the bulk of the views actually come from."
"The finance page is not doing as well compared to the boxing and the cat pages."
"One of the greatest levers you have for YouTube success is actually choosing the right niche."
"If you want to master YouTube search, you need to discover your audience's problems and ambitions and really understand your viewer."
"To the degree with which you understand your viewer and you can discover the audience's problems and ambitions at greater levels, you will experience more success on YouTube."
"Do you never want to miss a video? Then hit the subscribe button, click the bell, check the box, save, and leave a like if you enjoy. Oh, Gumby doing my situps."
"You can't just put up videos and expect them to do well."
"Brands have to step forward and say what their values are you need to be able to see the person create content around who you are as a company what you stand for all of that."
"Disney is never willing to go to uncomfortable."
"Should I show cleavage on the next Spawn Cast? Yeah yeah, that's not even a question, do it."
"YouTube's algorithm is constantly closing the door and opening a different door. You just have to figure out where that other door is."
"Ray's understanding of YouTube's viral nature fueled his success."
"Rather than getting less F1 manager videos throughout the weeks, the plan is to have more longer F1 manager videos."
"The aging business model of spamming ads all over the content is dying."