
Goal Attainment Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"The more action you take, the easier it becomes to attain those goals."
"Rationality is more or less a synonym of reason... I define it as the use of knowledge to attain a goal."
"If you want something, you've got to be relentless."
"Sacrifice is tied into all things. Once innocence is lost, what are you willing to let go of in order to achieve your goals?"
"It's always worth it to do your best and to believe in something and to work towards the attainment of the goal."
"Until his plan is completely fulfilled, he will train to increase his power."
"I've become that person who pretty much gets the things they want in life."
"Your light is shining brightly. You're about to reach your destination."
"Even if it's two and a half years of pure sacrifice with that number, that's a good thing. That should be celebrated."
"Always remember that there's always more than one way home, all you have to do is get there. So get there, people, get there."
"You achievers you know what you're great at doing you're great at getting what you want."
"That's a step closer to becoming a Premier League champion."
"Almost there, don't let them talk you out of it."
"It's not about the attainment of the thing, it's about whom you become in the process."
"We're kept from our goal not by obstacles but by clear paths to lesser goals."
"Don't give up, you're close to the exit from the maze now."
"Stay the course if your definite chief aim is based on a burning desire."
"You're very close to achieving your goal and your hard work is paying off."
"Seven million gp my boys so nothing is going to stop us."
"You have to believe that you can get there at some point."
"We're finally getting results on the things that we desire."
"You are going to have success, you are going to have achievement."
"A result that matched the performance finally goals."
"When our goals stop seeming as though they are down the street or around the corner or in the other opposite end of the world or the galaxy when they seem attainable that is when we know."
"You've been asking for this level of success... it's unquestionably a reading of success."
"No matter how scary or far away your goal seems, you'll never get there if you don't keep moving forward."
"You have to match the energy of what you want to get it."
"If it goes unchecked and it damages what you're seeking, then it is self-sabotage."
"Yes, for a little while, I'm not going to be able to go out or have fun or do other things, but I'm going to feel so much better when I reach this goal."
"So if you do that, it's a win, it's a victory."
"If it doesn't go somewhere by itself, I'm taking it there."
"You're succeeding at something, achieving your goals."
"But in order to get it, you may have to not resist some other things."
"The path to attaining them usually tends to be fairly linear. You work harder than everybody else, bust your ass, utilize those skills to build yourself up and conquer your dreams. It's A to B."
"You should do it now because taking these steps gets you closer to what you're visualizing."
"You finished Level 5, you hit the target I recommended, you are crushing it."
"In life, sometimes we have to play the waiting game by being infinitely patient when it comes to love, successful negotiations, and getting what we want."
"They managed to reach the ground level sooner."
"I've already achieved more than I thought I could."
"They take the most pleasure in doing the work that will help them achieve their goal."
"He didn't win, but he did what he set out to do."
"It just means that we're going to our house finally."
"That means that we'll probably surpass our goal."
"Competition definitely increases motivation it make attaining the goal more valuable."
"What's going to make that goal happen is the daily habits you form to get there."
"For a while our goal has been to get to 7,000 and over and this week we did it."
"When I set a goal, I was not stopping until I got it."
"And lo and behold, I had finally acquired Snake Eyes."
"Having the right partner can help you achieve your goals, no matter how impossible they may seem."
"You don't get what you don't ask for."
"You must plan and program a strategy that will get you to your goal."
"I can't believe it, I just can't believe it, like it's done, I've reached the goal."
"Once you have obtained that goal, then that's a victory."
"I've got what I went out to try get, and man, it was an amazing feeling."
"The goal is achieved by living out the link's realization process in both thought and action."
"Success is the achievement of an objective."
"No days off, man. Even on the weekends, make sure you're doing something to achieve that goal every single day."
"If you really want it, you got to get it."
"Karma yoga... clears the path to whatever you want to attain."
"The objective of 5,000 kilowatts electrical is attained."
"He's got his eyes on the prize and he finally reached his goal."
"How much are you willing to hurt, how much are you willing to suffer, to achieve whatever it is that you really want to achieve?"
"Happiness comes from the attainment of a goal, the forward movement, the production of new assets to buy new assets."
"It's amazing and worked all my amateur career and all last year for this, and we finally got it."
"As long as there is the commitment, and I believe there is that commitment, there is nothing that will stop us from achieving our objectives."
"Hundredfold means maximum results."
"The good part of being obsessive is that goal attainment almost always happens."
"Any goal is achievable if given enough time."
"Type-A people love control, and sometimes when you're on your way to goal attainment, there's gonna be an aspect of it that you can't control."
"The secret key to unlocking attainment of your goal, whatever goal you have, is not being difficult, it's not being harsh, but it's being gentle."
"I've done it, I've got one close, finally."
"You get what you want by working extremely hard."
"The harder you strive to attain your goal, the greater will be the confirmation of Baha'u'llah."
"Equity acknowledges that people don't begin life in the same places, and that circumstances can make it more difficult for some people to achieve the same goals."
"It doesn't take a lifetime, it's very attainable, and you need obsession."
"We got the job done when we needed to."
"When you choose a cause to play for, you actually have to learn teamwork, you actually have to learn about how it is that attain goals, to help one another, to make a difference."
"You have to make sacrifices for the things you want in life."
"If there's anything you want, you got to be willing to work for it."
"You're a few moments away from achieving the results that were talked about in your sales messages."
"We nailed exactly the time we were going for."
"Goal attainment allocates goals through a political subsystem."
"There's stability, security. I feel like you've achieved a goal here, so you're celebrating."
"Goldstone is ambition, it assists in attaining goals, it's a symbol of ingenuity, ambition, and drive, and also of power."
"You're realizing you've made it to the top of a mountain, you've already reached some type of goal in your life."
"Keep pushing towards the end, you will be successful."
"Just stick with that thought, that will help you to get there."