
Audience Focus Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"You are not the main character of your story; the reader is the main character. The moment you realize that, you realize that you are in the business of serving."
"Your niche is not about you; your niche is about your reader or your viewer or your listener."
"You have to make content that brings value to them, isn't a sales pitch for you."
"Focus setting is telling the audience where to look in relationship to the story."
"The most important person in our business is the audience."
"A presentation is not about you; it is about the audience completely."
"By now you know the best way to grow on YouTube is by simply focusing on your audience."
"Write for humans, not for search engine bots."
"I don't want people to leave here talking about me I want them to leave here talking about you."
"You paid for the whole seat but you're only going to use the edge." - DJ Egas
"Lucian wrote stories that would be appealing to his main readership, namely the educated upper class of Greece."
"Our founding fathers wanted us to be happy, and they wanted everyone to want each other to be happy. Your problem should be my problem, and my problem should be yours."
"It's so easy to get caught up in, I want 100,000 subscribers or I want a million views, it doesn't matter if you're not focusing on the people who were there with you from day one."
"If nothing is done for the fans that's sad because it's all about the fans."
"The main thing that you need to focus on is providing value to your audience."
"Give the fans what they want. That's why, you know, in a live stream a couple of weeks ago I said this needs to be the year of the fan."
"Replace 'algorithm' with 'audience'. Focus on satisfying your audience, and you'll grow your channel."
"Tucker is not team Trump, and Tucker is not team DeSantis. Tucker is team audience."
"People are always going to unsubscribe and subscribe. I always try to focus on people subscribing and enjoying my content more than people who aren't enjoying my content."
"This show will always be my show with 100% of my focus on you."
"Art isn't made for the artist, it's made for the viewer."
"Our goal is to make sure that there's a pathway for creators and that the audience is always the number one. The only person that we have to perform for, that's the audience."
"I'm not here to help companies get richer, I'm here to entertain you guys."
"Don't start for the fun of it and then only care about subscribers and views."
"Music is a great way to keep your audience engaged."
"Real movie fans don't give a shit which studio a movie comes from, all they care about is the movie you're putting in front of me."
"Remember everything is in service of the audience and I actually have the misfortune of working on three genes, all of which have names that end in two and none of which are memorable by anyone who doesn't work on them."
"Ignore it, forget about them. Think about why you started this channel in the first place and think about the audience that you have."
"Armor doesn't have to be perfect to be non-distracting to the vast majority of your audience."
"The most important thing for us as filmmakers is the audience."
"I suppose the extended phenotype, which is the title of my second book, it's the only book that I wrote with a professional audience in mind."
"We're here for the announcements. We don't care about the awards at this."
"Experience a news organization that only answers to you."
"Aim for one audience... Make the thing for that person."
"I perform for audience of one and that's God."
"The audience comes first. Your audience needs to have the best viewing experience possible."
"He takes it very seriously, puts a lot of time into this, and really cares about putting out something that you want to hear."
"We want to provide as much value in every video as possible."
"They're making this now for me a little bit."
"The biggest thing is write for the audience of yourself first and then worry about other people."
"I make these videos for you at the end of the day."
"You're the hero, you're the one that everyone's here to watch."
"Your most valuable asset is the attention of your audience."
"Your channel needs to still always remember: I'm making this channel for a specific viewer every single time."
"Focus on your audience, write good content that focuses on them."
"As soon as that curtain comes down, all that should be in an actor's mind is getting yourself ready for the next audience who are paying for a good show."
"Instead of focusing on a topic, focus on the audience that you want to be talking to."
"I just focus on making videos for people, not algorithms."
"If people are looking at your slides, they're not looking at you."
"And I imagine putting events on and then selling out just like that. And it's not about me. It's about the audience. What an amazing time to be alive. I just love it. I love it. I'm excited."
"We do the long-format videos because we know you guys demand them, and nobody else is really doing the long-format videos. YouTube hates it, but we know you guys love it, so we do it for you."
"Hyundai is doing an excellent job focusing on what their audience wants."
"Create the content for the people."
"...I would suggest is that really start thinking about who you want to make these videos for."
"I'm a man of the people. I want to give the viewers what they want."
"You'll get more views when you put the viewer first."
"What am I going to create? Now, different ball game. Now it's exciting. Well, I've got two hours. What can I create with my two hours for my audience? I'm putting my audience first. What I love to create? What can I do well?"
"Our job as communicators is to be audience-centric."
"Draw the audience to what you want them to see so they don't see what's really happening."
"You've discovered the importance of creating data vis that cater to your audience while keeping focus on the objective."
"We got to keep improving for you guys."
"At the end of the day, we are creating content for people, not algorithms."
"Focus your time and energy on engaging with your audience and providing value to them."
"If you're treating it like a business, your focus needs to shift from yourself and needs to shift towards the audience."
"Set yourself up for success by focusing on the audience, the messaging, and then make sure you're getting the most out of the work that you've done."
"As long as we're prioritizing the audience first, everyone's happy."
"I care about what the audience gets more than my struggle doing it."
"Where do I want the audience to look and how do I want the audience to feel?"
"If we kept zooming in and in and in, they would just lose any kind of attachment to that original big picture."
"I do love upgrading stuff for the audience themselves."
"What you lead with is what's in it for the audience."
"Make your channel about your target audience."
"The content that you make is not for you; it's for the people."
"We're interested in what's happening on the audience."
"Remember, this show is all about you."
"The way forward is focusing on the audience and building and looking after the audience, not focusing on the music industry."
"It's the listener that counts, Carl, not us. We may be feeling bad, but you the listener count, you come first."
"You really want to be mindful of where the audience is looking while at the same time helping to sort of immerse them into the world of the story."
"We don't make them for ourselves, we make the films for the audiences."
"It's all about giving the viewers what they want, not about all that extra industry [stuff]."
"Welcome to the last session of Google Cloud Next; this is for you."
"Perfect movie-going experience, everybody shut up and pay attention."
"It's not about the critics, it's about the people."
"It's not about you, it's about the audience."
"It was part of the beauty of The Wiggles that it was just free and at the essence of it though was the core values of the audience was what mattered most."
"My job as a content creator is to entertain people and entertain people alone."
"I believe in serving you guys, my audience, over the manufacturer."
"I mostly care about you guys and how you guys are enjoying the content."
"What's incredible though about those crowd is everyone is so hyper-focused."
"The focus is on the emotional response evoked in the audience."
"You only get nervous because of a fear of rejection, and you only have a fear of rejection if you think it's about you. It's not about you; it's about the audience."
"Write for humans who are actually the ones who are going to be subscribing to your show."
"It's impossible to try to be mainstream... What we have to do with every one of our decisions is how do we serve the audience better."
"It's about them, it's not about anybody else, it's not being cool to the other people in the back of the room, it's to them."
"Don't focus too much on clickbait or on production value or on the latest fads; just focus on the people."
"It's being true to the audience, helping them find what they want."
"The hardest part is the squishy part, the human part of really understanding who is this for."
"At the end of the day, this content is for you."
"For dark background, it is relaxing to the eyes of your audience and it will help your audience to focus on the content."
"Don't make them for yourself, make them for your audience."
"Right at the beginning, you should tell them something that forces them to pay attention."
"Content design is a way of thinking. It's about using data and evidence to give the audience what they need, at the time they need it, and in a way they expect."
"Keep your topics highly relevant to your audience and focus on providing solutions to their problems."
"At the end of the day, it's not about me, it's about you guys, what you guys want."
"I'm not making my videos for them. I'm making my videos for the people that like me."